The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, June 12, 1948, Image 1

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Revolutionary 1949 Ford Sedan
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The revolutionary new Ford four-door sedan for 1949 is lower, wider, roomier and provides
nearly 25 per cent more visibility.
The 1949 Ford, which re
veals a radical departure from
traditional Ford styling and
engineering, was made public
today by the Ford Mottor Co.
“New standards of beauty,
comfort, economy and perform
ance in the ^949 Ford passeng
er cars advance them far ahead
of others in the low priced
field,” J. R. Davis, vice-presi
dent and director of sales and
advertising, said. “Styling of
the new Ford definitely estab
lishes it as the car of the year.”
To develop and produce the
1949 Ford passenger cars, Ford
Motor Co. has expended more
than 377 million four hundred
thousand dollars in tools, dies,
jigs and fixtures.
Styling—The modern design
has been molded along func
tional lines,resulting in a long,
low, sweeping silhouette. The
grille is distinctive, the hood
massive but shorter and the
"body so wide the rear fende 3
have been eliminated. There
are clean, unbriken lines from
front to rear.
Comfort—Comfort has been
one of the primary objectives
in the new Ford. There is more
room in the “lounge car” in
teriors than in many cars with
much larger over-all dimen
sions. Front seat widths have
been increased six inches and
the rear seat nearly eight inch
es. The body has been moved
five inches forward with the
seats cardled between the ex
les or a much smoother ride.
A new type of suspension
system—“hydra-coil” springs
—replaces the traditional
transverse springs and the
front exle. The system is cen
tered around airplane type
shock absorbers mounted with
in low frequency coil springs,
in the rear, extra long long!
tudinal springs are comple
mented by airplane type shock
The drive shaft tunnel has
been decreased by adoption of
the Hotchkiss drive and the
hypoid rear axle. These engin
eering changes also minimized
the transmission o road nois ;
into the car.
Engine vibration has been
reduced by literally floating
the power plant on rubber
A new heating system avail
able in the new Fords brings
year around comort to driver
and passengers. Fresh air is
scooped into the car through
large intakes just behind the
The system, which has an
automatic temperature control,
can be used as a fresh air ven
tilator, a fresh air heater or as
a recirculating heater. Fresh
air plus the pressure effect ob
tained by the car’s forward
motion reduces fogging and
Economy—Economy of op
eration has been increased up
to 10 percent improvement in
gasoline mileage for the new
six-cylinder engine and the ex
tensively redesigned V-8. Both
are offered as power plants in
all Ford models. Other engin
eering features result in better
performance and longer engine
A new intake manifold ac
hieves better fuel distribution.
It is attached to the engine so
that it is horizontal to the
ground, reducing the tendency
of raw gasoline to flow toward
the rear cylinders and smooth
ing engine operation.
The new “equa-flow” cool-,
ing system contributed to good
performance under extreme
conditions by improving gen
eral operating efficiency. Wat
er flows in volume the full
length of the block. Temper
atures in “hot spots” in the six
and eight cylinder engines
have been decreased by as
much as 12 degrees. There are
larger water pumps in the V-8.
Improvements in the igni
tion system also have contrib
uted to increased economy and
As much as 25 percent im
provement in gasoline econ
omy may be achieved by tak
ing advantage of the overdrive
which is available as factory
installed optional equipment.
Safety—New standards of
safety have been set in the
rugged construction of the
chassis and body. The box-type
frame is of all-welded con
struction. Although the frame
is lighter, there is 59 percent
more digidity when combined
with the body.
Lowering the over-all height I
by four inches and placing the
seats between the axles re
sults in a lower center of grav
ity, and aid in safe driving.
The windshield has been in-1
creased in height and width
and width and the rear window
now provides ‘“picture wind
ow" visibility or driver and
passengers. The rear window
is larger than the ordinary
windshield. There is as much
as 20 square feet of windows
in the new cars.
Inside handles push up instead
of down to open the door. Both
features combine to preclude
accidental opening o the doors.
Performance — Incr eased
performance values are one of
the highlights of the new cars.
Steering has been greatly
improved. The new Ford may
be guided by a minimum of
effort even under severe wind
conditions. Road shocks have
been minimized. This is the
result of a newly designed link
age in which the pivot point
of the tie rods is on the same
center line as the wheels.
Engineering changes in the
engines, some of them already
mentioned, contributed to
smoothness o operation. These
include the new cooling sys
tem, intake maniold, redesign
ed combustion chambers and
improved crankcase ventilation
system as well as other feat
The 114-inch wheelbase, con
venient for parking and in
moving through heavy traffic,
has been retained.
The new six developes 95
horsepower, providing bettter
acceleration in passing and
heavy traffic. The V-8 devel
ops/ 100 horsepower.
Other Features — Interior
styling is colorful and practic
al. Traditional neutral-toned
automobile fabrics have been
discarded for new tweeds,
broadcloths and mohairs which
retain the ability to absorb
hard family usage.
Hardware is massive and at
tractive. Door handles and
other hardware are much eas
ier to operate. The doors have
new type locks which elimin
ate possibility of persons being
locked out of the car withh the
keys inside.
The flight panel dash pro
vides centralized grouping of
instruments for quick, easy ref
erence in line with the driver’s
view of the road. Fuel level, oil
pressure, water temperature
and battery charge indicators
Convertible and station wagon
models are obtained only in
the Custom line and the three
passenger coupe only in the
Ford line.
There are eight durable new
exterior colors—Bayview Blue
Metallic, Birch Gray, Sea Mist
Green, Arabian Green, Colony
Blue, Gun Metal Gray Metal
lic, Midland Maroon Metallic
and Black.
Two additional colors—Fez
Red and Miami Cream—are
available in the convertable |
are placed outside the rim of
the speedometer. The glove
compartment on the jight hand
side has been enlarged.
Chrome trim, both inside anu
out, has been reduced.
There are two lines of cars,
the Ford and the Ford Custom.
Body sttyles in both lines in
clude the four door sedan, two.
door sedan and club coupe, f
Clarence Shi\ers, Lincoln I tion at the annual art exhibit
University (Mo.) posed be- now in progress at Atlanta
tween two of his works of art. University. A freshman stud
His oil painting, ‘The House ent from St. Louis, Shivers
by the Side of the Road has plans to pursue art as a career
been awarded honorable men-' -_
The Omaha Chamber of
Commerce has received the'
assurance of the Kansas State I
Soil Conservation Service th n'
Kansas will have several en
tries in the National Plow Ter
race Contest, to be held neai
Harlan, Iowa, August 24.
Assistant Conservationist H.
G. Bobst of Salina, Kansas, has
notified Cecil \\ . Means, Ag
ricultural Commissioner of the
Omaha Chamber, that there
will be some entries from Kan
sas, although de does not
know how many.
Mrs. Bobst said that Kansas
will have a State Plow Terrac
ing Contest near Seneca, Kan
sas, August 4. It will “be pat
terned after the National Con
Pot of Spain, Trindad: Dom
Basil Mathews, Negro Priest
member of Trindad's inter
racial Benedictine Abbey and
founder of the Institute of
Social Research at the Ab'by,
is one of 40 international auth
orities on specific fields listed
in the latest supplemetn of the
“International Who's Who”,
This brochure gives biograph
ical sketches of 425 persons,
but only 40 (of whom Dom
Basil is one) are earmarked
ennial volume of “Who’s
for publication in the next bi
Who.” He is given as an
authority on anthropology
(culture patters i the Cnarib
bean) and on Gregorian music.
Doc Basil studied at Lou
vain University and later at
Fordham, where he took both
bachelor’s and mastetr’s de
grees. He was for a year as
sistant professor of religion at
Manhattanville College, N. Y.
and in 1942 he was awarded
a fellowship by the Rockefeller
Foundation for research 1.1
social science in the Caribbean
He wrote a thesis base on
this research for his doc ‘rate
of philosophy at Fordham.
Ye Corner Cuboard on 26th
and Patrick wish to announce
it is now open \Ye specialize
in fresh vegetables meats and
notions— Our aim is to satis
fy you.
Mrs. V. Anderson,
Real live cows are going to
pasture on the Douglas Coun
ty Court House lawn Satur
day, June 12th. Governor Val
Peterson of Nebraska has pro
claimed June as Dairy Month
in the Cornhusker state, and
Omaha’s Junior Chamber of
Commerce Agriculture Com
mittee is launching a full
month’s program to promote
the dairy industry.
Saturday, June 12th will be
the big day. There will be a
milk bar; ice cream eating and
milk drinking contests; four
Douglas county 4-H members
will exhibit prize dairy calves
in downtown Omaha, and in
addition there will be a ‘paper’
cow, demonstrating the use of
the milking machine.
The Douglas County 4-H
band will parade up Farnam
from 13th street to the Court
House where the youngsters
will play for a full hour con
The Omaha Junior Chamber
of Commerce Agriculture
Committee," in cooperation with
the Dairy Council, dairy farm
ers and allied groups, is seek
ing to call attention to the
wholesomeness and high quab
ity of milk and milk products
during the month of June,
when milk production is high.
Last ye5r the activities in Om
aha, under the direction of the
Junior Chamber won the Na
tional Dairy Month Award.
Director of the June Dairy
month activities is Vaughn L.
Ashenbrenner. Tom Marshall
is chairman of the Junior
Chamber of Commerce Agri
culture Committee.
New York City (CNS) Cla
rence Arthur Henry, 15 year
old Bronx resident, has pleal
ejd guilty in the second degree
to the rape and slaying of 27
year old Dorothy Thomas, a
dancer. Actual sentencing has
been set for June 15th by the
Judge James Barrett. Clarence
Faces a possible 20 years to a
life sentence for the crime whi
ch was committed last Novem
ber 8th.
Corsponsors of the National
Contest are the Chambers of
Commerce of Omaha and Har
lan, Iowa, the Omaha World
Herald and the Omaha Farm
Equipment Club.
Doatrspar * Craps
Bail atoms daatroy mors tana
crops is America than Inroads—.
Mr. C. C. Galloway, Editor
Omaha Guide,
Omaha, Nebraska.
Dear Mr. Galloway:
At a recent metting of the
Executive Committee of the
Booker T. \\ ashington Birth
place Memorial, it was unan
imously decided that your
paper be awarded a Certificate
of Superior Service. This rec
ognition is being made based
on the contribution your or
ganization has made in public
izing the establishment of a
“Service Memorial” at Book
er Washington Birthplace, in
Franklin Coutyn, Virginia.
In addition to the contribu
tion which your paper has
made to the establishment of
this Memorial, this gesture is
being made in keeping with
the comment Booker T. Wash
ington paid to the services
which newspapers give in in
forming the public of local,
state and national happenings.
This fact was brought out in
his book entitled, “My Larger
Education,” in the chapter on
Yours truly,
Booker T. Washington
Birthplace Memorial.
S. J. rhillips, President.
"From Slave Cabin to Hall
of Fame”
^ Lovely Lena Horne, the na
tion’s top glamour girl, poses
with new look short bon chif
fure, an idea the little lady
brought back from Paris. She’s
on the coast now preparing
for her new MGM musical and
joining in many civic protests
on the treatment of the Negro.
The star is expected in fcew
York this summer for her an
nual Capitol Theatre engage
ment on Broadway.
Omaha will have a June
Dairy Month Queen. She will
be crowned on the Douglas
County Court House Lawn on
June 12 th in connection with
the dairy month activities spo
nsored by the Junior Chamber
of Commerce Agriculture Com
The director of the event,
Vaughn L. Ashenbrenner, ac
counted today that dairy pro
cessing plants cooperating
with the Omaha Dairy Council
are conducting individual con
tests to select candidates for
the honor of being Omaha’s
dairy queen. The final contest
will be held in conjunction
with other dairy month activit
ies such as the ice cream eat
ing and milk drinking contests
the exhibit of prize 4-H dairy
calves, the milk bar and band
concert by the Douglas Coun
ty 4-H band.
Talks for Cancer
Ellington, bond loader and composer,
who bas recently farad disk jockey
over Station WMCA, makes a record
ing to be played on radio stations
throughout the annual drive of the
American Cancer Society. The Duke
lends his talents, with those of other
famous artists, to urge support of
fbe campaign so that the progress
in fighting this most dreaded disease
can cdntinue. "Your pennies and your
dollars are needed to prolong the
lives of your loved ones," says the
Reginald Beane makes a
memorable appearance in
William Saroyan’s Publitzer
Prize winner “Time Of Your
Life.” The film will be re
leased by United Artists
shortly. Reginald plays "Wes
ley”, a boogie goowi*st of no
mean ability. He comes up to
Joe (Jimmy Cagney) to ask
for a job as dishwasher. He
faints from hunger. Later, he
sits down and plays—and
proves a Negro boy has many
Lincoln—Strictest possible
enforcement of beer and lig
uor control laws and ordin
ances must be the goal of Ne
braska, said Gov. Val Peter
son here Thursday when he
addressed the tenth anniver
sary meeting of the Nebraska
Committee U. S. Brewers
Foundation. Constant im
provement can and must be
had through 100 per cent co
operation between state and
local licensing officials and in
'been dustrty itself, declared
the chief executive.
“We cannot refct until all
chiselers and cheaters in the
industry and on its frenges
have been enliminated,” said
the governor. He commended
the beer industry for its “en
lightened approach to the pro
bleem” through a program of
Ten years of progress with
the program came up for re
view at the Thursday luncheon
meeting of the Nebraska Com
mittee membership. More than
120 beer wholesalers and ship
ping and resident brewers re
turned to the site of the first
organization meeting, Hotel
Cornhusker, to commemorate
the event.
Self-regulation was adopted
by the brewing industry, ten
years ago, to help insure the
handling of the industry’s pro
duct in conformity with the
public interest. It has since
then proved so successful it
was adopted in at least 16
other states.
After heading the Nebraska
Committee since its inception
a decade ago, State Director
Charles E. Sandall told the an
niversary meeting that these
are the major factors of “strong
and satisfactory” control:
1. Strict enforcement and ob
servance of a “good control
law, such as Nebraska’s,”- and
supplemental regulations as
needs arise. .
(I.N.D.)—Will commodity
prices go up? Go down? Stay
where they are?
Newsweek recently asked
50 leading economists, con
nected with business, labor,
governmental, statistical and
educational institutions to
forecast the pricee trend for
the balance of the year. Twen
ty-sex thought prices would
continue upward; 14 said they
will remain about the same,
and the remaining ten believe
they will be lower by the
year’s end.
Averaging the answers, the
concensus is that prices won't
change substantially one way
or the other. That may be a
disappointment to the consum
er, who has watched his dollar
shrink like wool in water, but
itt is completely understand
able. Spending—by govern
ment business, and the in
dividuals—goes to higher and
higher peaks. The vast sums
being spent for foreign aaid
and military purposes will fur
ther strain the supply-demand
balance. And millions of Am
ericans have a higher standard
of living than they ever had
So, when you go shopping,
don’t expect to find a lot of
bargains soon. What you will
find, how-ever, are merchants
who sell you what you want
at a far lower profit margin
than most people realize. That
is true whether you patronize
the chains, the independents,
the specialty shops, or any
thing else. The profits per
sale are so small, generally
speaking, that if they didn’t
exist at all it would make lit
tle difference in your purchas
ing pow-er. Retail trade,
whether wre realize it or not,
deserves much of the credit
for the abundance that exists
in this nation.
2. Election of local licensing
officials “who will fearlessly
and impartially” enforce stat
utes and ordinances, “and will
not flinch from their duties
even under difficult circum
3. Appointment by the gov
ernor of “the strongest possible
personnel” on the liquor con
trol commission.
4. “An alert and intelligent
citizenry which makes its in
fluence felt.”
5. ‘A beer industry which is
definitely and wholeheartedly
committed to a program of
self-regulation designed to
serve the public interest.
Other speakers were Chair
man R. E. Brega of the state
liquor control commission, and
the Foundation’s national dir
ector of self-regulation, Don
ald G. Glascoff of New York
City. Executive Board Chair
man Arthur S. Storz presided.
Elected as new board chair
man was L. M. Kalin, Lincoln
beer distributor. Three other
beer distributor members nam
ed on the board were Wm, F.
Busch, Pender, Carl Wademan
Nebraska City and Fred W.
Sieman, North Platte. Brewer
members are: Arthur C. Storz,
Walter J. Singer and Charles
B. Schmidbauer, all of Omaha,
and Jere Newton, St. Louis.
Designed as a program of
action rather than pledges and
resilutions, self-regulation has
worked out well in practice.
Retail outleets are checked by
industry observers, and, when
violations are found, operators
are warned. If a firm and
friendly request for correction
goes unheeded, the retailer’s
case is submitted to licensing
authorities for their consider
ation and possible action.
Posters in Nebraska taverns
prepared and distributed by
the committee ask the coopera
tion of patrons and others on
such rules as: Serving no min
ors, serving no intoxicated per
sons, making no sales after
hours, maintaining good order.
Good results come from
regional retailers’ meetings,
bulletins and other educational
activities. The great majority
of law-abiding operators help
wield pressure against the few
offenders. They, more than
anyone, are anxious for steady
improvement in all handling
of beer.
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