The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, June 05, 1948, Page 2, Image 2

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Church News
Chursts of the Living feat*
2316 North 25th St.
Elder Steele, Pastor
Ann Oliver, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
ML Ksko Baptist Church
3211 Pinkney St.
Rev J. P. Mosley, Pastor
Christine Phillips, Reporter
Sunday School 9: SO a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BTU. 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Sr. Mission Tuesday 8 p. m.
Prayer Service Wed. 8 p. m.
Salem Baptist Church
28th and Decatur Sts.
Rev. J. C. Wade, Pastor
L. A. Henderson, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BTU. 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
president Mr. A. R. Goodlette
He urges all club members please
The Watchmen will meet on
Friday Sept, 19 at 8 p. m. at the
Hillside Presbyteerian Church
30th and Ohio Sts.
Rev. Charles E. Tyler, Pastor
Mrs. T. Newte, Reporter
Suiiday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Service 11a. m.
Visitors are always welcome
Church of God
2025 North 24th St.
Elder S. S. Spaght, Pastor
Alice Britt, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Evening Service 8 p. m.
Christ Temple Church
of Christ (Holiness)
2124 North 26th St.
Res. 2122 North 26th St
Rev. O. A. Askerneese, Pastor
Velma Shearron, Clark
26th and Hamilton Sts.
Rev. Dan Thomas, Pastor
Mrs. Pinkie Oliver, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Service 11 a. m.
YPVW 6 p.m.
Evening Worship 7:45 p. m.
Zion Baptist Church
2215 Grant Street
Rev. F. C. Williams, Pasto*
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Jntsr Chunk a u.
Momiig WoraLtp 11 N a, k
BTU. 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 7:45 p. m.
Union Memorial—The
Methodist Church
3223 U Street, South Omaha
Rev. A. L. Hook, Pastor
Sunday School, 9:3$ a. m.
BTU, 6 p. m.
Evening Worship, 8 p. m.
fellowship Baptist Church
1839 North 24th St.
Rev D. A. Campbell, Pastor
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m,
BTU. 6:20 p. m.
Church of God in Christ
2318 North 26th Street »
Elder V. M.Barker, Pastor
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BTU. 6:20 p. m.
Church of the Living God
Evening Worship, 7:45 p. m.
2412 Parker St,
Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor
Rose Oliver, Reporter
Sunday School 9>*45 a. m.
Morning Service 11: 30 a, m.
BYPU. 5 p. m.
Evening Worship 7 JO p. m.
YPWW, 6 p.m.
Church of God in Christ
Elder O. P. Benson, Pastor
1710 North 25th Street
Sunday School, 10 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m,
iff. Cahxzry Community
• Gnat at Mth Street
Sew. R. W. Johns'*, PmCe*
Miss Hatter, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a, m.
Morning Worship 11 a. in.
Evening Wbrshlp 8 p. m,
SL John 'AME Church
ygnd and Willis Avenaa
‘ “The Friendly CTcrmtf*
' Rev. EL B. Chaateet, Paster
’ Mason DeveresttS, A, fhgartei
[ SSg Wbnhip U £ m. "
Union 5:30 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m, £
David Spiritual Temple in
Council Bluffs, Iowa
1720 Avenue A
Circle Meeting Eevery Monday
Evening 8:30 p. m.
Prophecy and Healing
Seven Day Adventist Church
2760 Lake Street
Elder P. W. McDaniels, Pastor
Sabbath School Saturday
9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Vesper Service Friday even,
ing 7:45 p. m.
Wednesday Prayer meeting
7:30 p. m.
Church of God in Christ
1207 South 13th St.
Elder D. M. Watson, Pastor
Iodell Watson, Reporter
YPWW. 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 7 A5 p. m.
Calvary Baptist Church of
Red Oak, Iotca
603 Grimes St.
Julia Keene, Reporter
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BYPU. 6:30 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
24th and Ohio Sts.
Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor
F. Burroughs, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Se^rvlce 11 a. m.
Rev. Goldsmith, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a. in.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m,
independence Community
an Next* Mtt trmam
Rev. E. «*. Ri Bey, l'astor
Bethel Baptist Church
30th and S Street
South Omaha
Rev. M. C. Williams, Pastor
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
St. Benedict Catholic Church
2423 Grant St.
Father Moylan, Pastor
Low Mass 7 a. m.
Children’s Mass 8:30 a. m.
High Mass 10 a. m.
Clair Chapel Methodist
22nd and Miami Sts.
Rev. C. C. Reynolds, Pastor
Mrs. Viola Buford, Reporter
Allen Chapel AME Church
25th and R Streets South Omaha
Rev. Fant, Pastor
Ml. Olivo Baptist Church
3010 R Street, South Omaha
Rev. W. M. Clayton, Pastor
Mrs. Jeannette Thompson, Rep.
Sunday School, 9:3$ a. m
Morning Worship 11 a. m
Evening Worship, 8 p. m.
BTU, 6 p. m.
Bethel AME Church
2430 Franklin Street
Rev. Herbert W. Bletson,
Telephone JA cksoo-3561
Church of God in Christ
2712 R Street, South Omaha
Elder A. E. Johnson, Pastor
Sunday School, 10 a.m.
YPWW, 6:30 p. m.
Prayer Band, Tuesday night
Bible Band, Wednesday night
Sewing Circle, Thursday after
noon at 2 p. m.
New Hope Baptist Church
26th and Seward ts.
Rev. L. R. Bragg, Pastor
Mrs. Ada J. Fields, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morining Worship 11 a. m.
B. T. U. 6. p, m,
BTU 6 p. m.
Evening Worship ) p. m.
Prayer Meeting V Jnesday a'
8 p. m.
Junior Church 8 | n.
Visitors are always elcoma,
First Mission of the Ged
Sent Light
Prophet Hess, Officiate*
Ora Robinson, Reporter
Services Sundays, Tuesdays
and Thursday nights at 8 p.m.
Private Reading Daily at
2010 North 23rd Street.
Pleasant Green Baptist
27th and Franklin Sts.
Rev. J. H. Reynolds, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship 11 a.m.
BTU 5:30 p.m.
Evening Worship 7 t30 p.m.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday
night 7:3Q p. m.
St Philips Episcopal Church
1119 North 21st St —
Rev. S. G. Sachet, P&sttw
Mass 7:30—9 :00 a.m.
Church School 9:45 a.m,
• i
Hope Lutheran Church
30th and Corby Sts.
H. H. Schauland, Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Morning Service 11:00 a.m.
Apolostic Church of Christ
2518 Cuming St.
Elder Milton T. Wilson,
Sunday Morning Worship
11 :00 a.m.
Sunday Evening Worship at
3 p.m.
Prayer and Preaching Tues
day evening 8:00 p.m.
Bible Class, Friday evening
at 8:00 p.m.
All are welcome.
First Baptist Church
South Sioux City, Iowa
500 West 10th Street
Rev. D. A. Campbell, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship 11 afn.
BTU 6:00 p.m. r
Evening Worship 7:45 p.m.
Church of God In Christ
2230 Ohio Street
Rev. J. C. Crawford, Pastor
Worship 3 p.m. each Sun
day, Tues., Thurs. nights
Pilgrim Baptist Church
25th and Hamiltn St.
Rev. Charles Favrs, Pastor
Msr. Ed. Dortch, Reporter
Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship 10:45 a.m.
BTU 6:00 p.m.
Evening Worship 7:45 p.m.
Allen Christian Endeavor
League 6:30 p.m.
Cleaves Temple CME Church
25th and Decatur Sts.
Rev. Raines, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship 11 a.m.
Epworth League 6:00 p.m.
Evening Service 8:00 p.m.
Allen Chapel AME Church
5233 So. 25th St.. So. Omaha
Rev. Y. B. Brooks, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship 11 a.m.
Morning Star Baptist Church
20th and Burdette St.
Rev. Z. W. Williams, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship 11 a.m.
BTU 6:00 p.m.
Evening Worship 7:30 p.m.
Interdenomnational Church
1710 North 27th St.
Rev. W. S. Farmer, Pastor
Sunday School, 10:30 a.m.
Morning Worship 11:30a.m.
Prayer Service Thurs. 8 p.m.
Clair Memorial Methodist
22nd and Miami St.
Rev. W. D. Lester, Minister
Rev. C. E. Hayes, Pastor
Sunday School—9:30 A.M.
Morning Service—11:00 A.M.
Evening Service—7<30 P.M.
Extends a friendly welcome to
Tabernacle Church of Christ
(Holiness) U.S.A.
2608 Franklin St.
Omaha, Nebraska
Rev. Joseph H. Jones, Pastor
9:45 A. M. Sunday School,
Mrs. Elayne Green, Supt.
.11.00 A. M. Morning Wor
6:30 P. M. H.Y.P.U., Mme.
Perfect Peace, Pres.
7:45 Evening Worship.
3:45 P. M. Monday, Child
Evanglist Class at the
8:00 P. M. Tuesday, Senior
Choir Rehearsal, Mrs. M.
Hogans, Pres.
7:45 P, M. Wednesday, Bible
Lesson and Group Report
6:30 P. M. Thursday, Junior
Choir Rehersal, Miss M.
Dixon, Pres.
7:45 P. M. Friday, Prayer &
Praise Service.
30th and Corby St.
H. H. Schauland, Pastor
Sunday School ... 10:00 A-M.
Sunday Worship . .11 KM) A.M.
St. John’s A. M. E. Church
22nd Willis Ave.
Rev. E. B. Childress
Mason M. Devedeaux Jr.
Taking] his inspirational ser
mon Sunday May 30th, at 11
a. m. from Acts 3rd chapter b
verse our minister delivered a
straight-trom-the shoulder ser
mon subject A Cripple Man.
His thoughts for meditation
were as follows: I a man or a
woman associates with people
with noble ideals, he or she
will take on some a those nob
le ideals and nobility, if a man
or women associates with low
ly ideals that man or woman
falls victim of lowly and lewd
ideals, when the hand of God
is laved on an individual then
that individual craves the fel
and before a man passes judge
lowship of the children of God,
ment on his fellowman, that
man first ought to search his
own heart and before he tries
to sweep the trash from his
fellowman’s door, that man
ought to first sweep the trash
from his own door.
The Junior Choir under the
direction of Mrs. Childress can
be justly proud of themselves
for they did splendid service
in the presentation of the Ch
ristian songs for the next mor
ning services. We o St. John’s
are pleased with the work you
young people are doing.
Visitors: Mr. W. F. Senter,
3544 Cook Avenue, St. Louis
13, Mo., Mrs. Rachel Fields Ed
wards, 2024 St. Lincoln Nebr.
Mr. and Mrs. LaForest Dent,
3330 Raytouen Road, Kansas
City Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Wm
Henderson, Kansas City, Kan
sas, Mr. H. B. Phillips, Chica
go, Illinois,.
Accessions: S. E. Collins of
New Mexico.
Let us pray for the sick thro
ughout the week they maybe,
wherever they maybe.
Support the Progressive 24
Hope Chest contest now in pro
gress. Serve your church by
boosting this auxiliary of our
church {hat is working with
and for St. John’s. Appreciat
ion for the past contributions
of this club warrants the 100
per cent cooperation of mem
bers in this Christing effort.
Mr. Richard Taylor is the pre
sident of the Progressive 24.
The Minute Men and Aux
iliary wTill hold their regular
monthly meeting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Howell,
2627 Binney Street Sunday on
June 6th, at 4:30 p. m. Mr. A.
R. Goodlet president urges all
the members to come out on
this day or their will be much
to do.
We bid our pastor Reverand
E. B. Childress welcome home
after spending part of the past
week at the Commencement
Exercises in Kansas City.
Sunday June 6, at 11.00 a. m
services we will hold our reg
ular monthly Communion: our
Senior Choir under the dir
ection of Mrs. Pearl Gibson,
Directoress, will furnish the
music and Christiam songs.
1 Mrs. Ruth Dowing will be
at the Hammon Organ, Mrs.
Otis Jamerson at the Grand
Piano, and thq church orchest
ra will be in its place.
Mothers your Sunday school
and its Superintendent is plea
ding for your children on Sat
urday at 1:00 p. m. Send or do
bring them to the Children’s
Day rehersalS. Don’t deprive
your children mothers and fa
thers, of such Christian oppor
tunities such as this to serve
their church and their God.
The Watchmens are hold
in a regular business meeting
on Friday June 4th, at 8:00 p.
m. at the church. All men are
urged to come out.
Statistical Report on the
Third- Quarterly Conference
held at St. John’s on Monday,
May 24th. The Rev. Adams, Sr
Presiding elder in charge.
Baptism 16, Deaths 6, Conver
sions 18, Accessions 50, Total
membership 873. Monies in
treasuries of the church bet
ter than $3,487.57. Only cur
rent debts outstanding. The
pastor being complimented by
the Presiding Elder for his
business-like Christian Admin
istration at St. John’s in Om
aha. Come visit St. John’s the
friendly church when in our
city won't you? Mothers send
or bring your children to Sun
day School every Sunday
morning at 9:30 a.m. Morning
services at 11 a.m. Evening
I services at 7:30 p.m. Make St.
i John’s your church when in
our city.
Long Hibernation
The boary marmot of the north
ern Rockies spends the longest time
In hibernation. He Is the first to go
into hibernation in the fall and the
last to coma out in the spring in a
region where, the winters are long
—-- -• • r . - - • S
Red Cross Nutrition Director
By Mrs. Evelyn Halm,
Milk Cheeze and Ice cream
are three popular foods on
which nutritionists are direct
ing the spotlight in June. They
are all-year round leaders a
mang nutritions foods, and es
pecially during the summer
months when cooling, filling,
nourishing foods are needed
for simple menus. Compared
with other food groups this
trio is economical. No other
one food gives us so much for
the money in good essentials
as does milk. Every family
member —including Grandma
and Grandpa need from a pint
to a quart each day. “But I can
't aford that much milk,”—is
the cry of homemakers with
modest food budgets. This is
a very real problem in nutrition
and I wish I could help all
families figure out a way to
get enough milk or everyone.
The Milk Budget
The best method of stretch
ing money for milk is to bin
milk in less expensive forms.
For a family of five, as much
as much as $5.00 a month can
be saved on the milk bill with
out decreasing the amount we
need to use. Fresh whole milk
or buttermilk is recommended
for drinking, —but evaporat
ed, skimmed, or nonfat dry
milk can be used for all cook
ing purposes. To have more
money for milk—it’s a good
plan to check over food expen
diturers regularly for “budget
leaks.” It’s surprising the num
ber of small day by day expen
ditures that are made on non
beverages which give limited
or no food value should go for
milk when 'incomes are low.
Like milk, cheese and ice
cream, are valuable foods. This
amous trio should be used gen
erously in summer menus.
Eats Dp Coal
Lighting the average home for a
year eats up 600 pounds of coal at j
the powerhouse.
9 fly TbuqhJbgU \
By Biu. Paulson
“Blamin’ business let high prices !
reminds me of the tramp steepin’ •
in a corn-crib and complainin’ of i
one draft under the door!” >
The spectacular new song by
Eden Ahbez “Nature Boy” has
caused comment about actual
spelling. In some places they
have made it Nature’s Boy.
The correct title is Nature Boy
without the S. This song is
now being outstandingly per
formed by Nat Cole of the
King Kole Trio. Nat was fea
tured last month on We The
People, along with Eden Ah
bez, composer of Nature Boy.
Eden went east from Los An
geles for the broadcast, while
Nat? made the trip from a cert
ain location he was playing in
the middle west.
Nellie Lutcher—that won
derful gal—again makes New
York! Demand was so great
following her appearence there
last year, that Nellie is now
boked back into Cafe Society
Downtown for a solid ten wks
starting Septmeber 7th. Miss
Lutcher will decoate the Wes;
Coast this spring and summer.
Mr. Albert* Harrison
Mr. Albert Harrison, age 63
of 3028 Burdette street, died
Wednesday, May 26th at a
local hospital. A native of Kan-"
sas, Mr. Harrison later resided
in Oklahoma, but for the past
few years had made his home
in Omaha. He was a member
of Zion Baptist Church and in
his more able days was active
in religious and civic work. He
is survived by a wife, Mrs.
Louanna Harrison, Omaha;
two daughters, Mrs. Ethel Kil
lingsworth, Omahha, and Miss
Helen Louise Harrison, Los
Angeles, Calif.; six sons t°uis
of New York City, Clyde of
Los Angeles, Calif., Dr. Wm.
Henry, Lansing, Mich., Albert
Jr., Joe Lester and John Irv
ing, all o Omaha; and five
grandchildren. Funeral service
was held Saturday afternoon,
May 29th, at Zion Baptist
Church, Rev. F. C. Williams
officiated, assisted by Rev. J.
H. Reynolds and Rev. H. W.
Bletson. Active pallbearers
were Wm. H. Young, Cornel
ius Glover, James Temple,
Mathew Johnson, Pamie Gil
bert and Delroy Moore. Bur
ial was in Forest Lawn Cem
etery .J Thomas Funeral Home
in charge.
Mrs. Mabel Galbreath
Mrs. Mabel Galbreath, 63,
died suddenly Sunday, May
23rd, in Pasadena, Calif., where
she had eben making her home
breath is originally from Lin
the past few years. Mrs. Gal
coln and is a Past Grand Mat
ron of Amaranthus Grand
Chapter, Order of the Eastern
Star of Nebraska Jurisdiction.
While a resident of Lincoln,
Mrs. Galbreath took an active
partt in the social, fraternal
and religious life of the com
munity and was a member and
former Stewardess of Quinn
Chapel A.M.E. Church. She is
survived by a sister, Mrs. Hal
lie McWilliams, Pasadena, Cal
ifornia, two brothers, Harry
Hill, Denver, Colorado, Julius
Hill, Omahha, other relatives
and a host of friends. Funeral
services were held Wednesday
afternoon, June 2nd, from
Quinn Chapel A.M.E. Church,*
with Rev. R. E. Handy offic
iating, assisted by Rev. T. T.
McWilliams, Jr., with music
by the church choir in under
the direction of Mrs. Izetta
Malone. Amaranthus Grand
Chapter of Nebraska Jurisdic
tion in charge of Eastern Star
Rites with burial in the family
plot at Wyuka Cemetery.
F&eRf*. emuW £MPto?**eNT
-JUTALS 2. 5iU5& AS of
^ =“ 3flW0flRy,l946
! 1*1 msMip/
Jr f
, Vamecocks have
i err anp hatch
17,000,000 I
reef of I
i wine
HAS A shoreline
Launderers and Cleaner*
2401 North 24th St. WE 6055
F.OR RENT: Floor Sanders,
Waxers, Wallpaper Steamers
Guaranteed Repair Service
on all appliances.
All Makes Elect. & Hardware
4040 Hamilton WA. 4668
234 Brandies Theater Bldg
! - __
WANTED: Burnt, wrecked,
dilapidated cars and trucks.
Call Consolidated Auto Parts,
AT 5656 or call at 2501 Cum
ing St.
^Furniture * Fashions ~ Ainsworth |
• . GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN—This luxurious French Provin-li
cial commode is a fashion highlight—probaMy because it is both deco
rative and informal. The rich amber coloring of beautifully selected
walnut contrasts luxuriously with the choice brass fitments and the j
new deep toned wall colors so much in favor this season. Nine drawer
;double commode by Bodart is not only especially convenient, but is an j
'excellent example of fine French Provincial — a style which demon
strates the expert designing, fine woodworking and careful attention
to detail of Grand Rapids craftsmen.
Washable Slack Suit
THIS young gardener can get as
dirty as she likes, because her
attractive slack suit is washable. It’s
in a lovely smooth fabric, made of
80% Avisco spun rayon and 20%
wool As a result of skillful blending
of the yam, the fabric has an mw
usual receptiveness to tailoring . . .
and it can even be sent to the laun
dry. With children, soil and stain
removal is an ever-present problem.
If you would like a handy free leaf
let, “How to Remove Spots and
Stains from Rayons,” just send a
stamped, self-addressed envelope to
the Women’s Editor of this news
The National Beauty Cul
tturist League, Local 101, will
hold its regular meeting Mon
day evenning, June 7, at 7:30
p.m. at the home of Mrs. Crose
Murrell, 2423 Erskine Street.
All Beauticians please be pres
Veisie Bailey, President.
Virginia Murrell, Reporter
Mrs. Susie Grazier Johnson
and Mr. William L. Cooper,
both of Omaha, were united in
Holy Matrimony, Saturday,
May 29, at the home of the
brides mother, Mrs. Agnes
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper are
both active members of Salem
Baptist Church. Mr. Cooper
is well known throughout the
city for his activity in B.T.U.
work, having served as direct
or o both Salem and the City
B.T.U. for many years. Mr.
Cooper has also served as
Deacon for many years, while
Mr. Cooper i active in the Sun
day School, B.T.U. and Young
Matrons groups. Mrs. Cooper
is also a member of te second
An open house wedding re
ception will be held at their
newly acquired home, 2623
Wirt Street Saturday evening,
June 5, during the hours of 8
to 10 p. m.
By H. W. Smith
Waiters Key Club extends
a very friendly welcome to all.
Waiters at the Legion Club
going good on service at all
R. R. boys serving on wheels
with a smile.
Paxton hotel waiters in the
front line on quick service with
a pleasant smile.
Waiters at the Regis hotel
and White Horse Inn toping
. the service at all times.
Waiters at the Hill hotel and
the Highland Club always in
the front line on quick service.
Musician head waiter going
over the top and very much
out in front as he will render
service to President Truman,
at the Paxton hotel and we
should all give him a big hand
and orchids.
A breakfast was given in hon
or o the girl high school grad
uates of Omaha by the Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorority, Mon
day May 31, at 10:00 a. m. in
the home of Dr. and Mrs. W.
W. Solomon. *
A large number w^as in atten
dance. Before breakfast the
group indulged in games and
Mrs. Robbie Davis gave a
brief resume’ on the history of
the sorority. Ater a delightful
breakfast each girl told of the
high school from which she
was graduating from anl the
college she planned to attend.
A gala time was had by all.
This wedding party is as ro
mantic as the music of Lohengrin
with its charming centerpiece ar
rangement of fragrant gardenias
and bouvardia set in tiers on
an inverted pedestal cake plate.
Classic table service for a wedding
breakfast, luncheon or dinner calls
for formal china, a stemmed water
glass and the champagne goblet, so
that guests may toast the bridal
For a wedding reception or anni
versary celebration the traditional
Champagne Wedding Punch is pre
pared according to the following
r > (Serves 30)
J> quart itriwberriei, fresh or faoaen
2 bottles Roma Champagne
1 bottle Roma Sauterne ^
Chill Champagne and Sauterne
thoroughly. Dissolve sugar in
lemon juice. Combine in a punch
bowl with pineapple. Add a square
block of ice. Add chilled Sauterne
and ice water. Just before servings
add strawberries and chilled .Cham*
2-Way Help For Old Problem
What to do for woman's oldest
problem, functional monthly pain?
Many a girl and woman has round
the answer In CabotiS 2-way help.
You see. Cabots may make things
lots easier for you in either of two
ways: (1) started 8 days before
rur time" and taken as directed
the label, it should help relieve
functional periodic pain; (2) taken
throughout the month like a tonio.
it shpuld Improve ypur appetite, alq
digestion, and thus help build up
resistance for the trying days tq
come. Cabdoi Is scientifically prfri
pared and scientifically tested U
you suffer “at those certain times”
get Cabbpi today.