The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, June 05, 1948, Image 1

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"VOL., XXI—No. 19. _THE OMAHA GUIDE OMAHA, NEBR. Saturday, June 5th, 1948 TEN CENTS F£R COPY
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Our Chief Executive and No. 1 Guest in Our City
Let Us All Give Him that Happy
Welcome He So Richly Deserves
I Mrs. Estelle Massey Osborne
Mrs. Estelle Massey Osbor
ne. former president of the Na
tional Association of Colored
Graduate Nurses, has been
named assistant to the cam
paign manager o the National
Wallace for1 President Com
mittee. The appointment was
announced this week by C. B.
Mrs. Osbonhe will devote
special attention to organiza
ing community and to women’s
groups supporting the canda
acy of Henry Wallace for the
President and Glen H. Taylor
for the vice president.
The fact that the New Party
of Henry Wallace is determin
ed to completely eliminate Jim
Crow from American life and
has a detailed program for ach
ieving complete equality for
women in our society is arous
ing widespread support among
Negro womenn, ” Mrs. Osbor
ne said.
“I feel certain that the maj
oritv of them will vote for our
Henry Wallace and Glen Tav
A native of Texas, Mrs. Os
borne took her BS and MA
degrees in nursing education
and socialology at Columbia
University. She has had a long
career as one of the nations
was the first Negro woman to
serve as nursing director of
the Homer G. Phillips Hospit
al in St. Louis.
She was president of the
National Association of Color
ed Graduate Nurses for five
years, vice president of the Na
tional Council for War Service
and as instructor at New York
She is the author of num
erous magazine articles 'and
in 1946 received the Mary Ma
honey Award from the Nation
al Association of Colored Gra
duate Nursesv
Attorney W. G. Morgan, for
merly of Omaha, who recently
was married to Mrs. Gertrude
Lucas dropped dead in Chic
ago. June 3rd
Mrs. Lucas had resigned her
position, and was making pre
parations to leave for Chicago
to join her husband in a few
days. She left June 4th at 12:
noon. Burial arrangements as
yet have not been arranged.
Nothing New Here
In 1904 the Pierce-Arrow had a
gearshift lever on Peering column
and a single level controlled the
Broadway Federal Savings
and Loan Association of Les
Angeles celebrated with a din
ner recetlny its attainment of
a Million Dollars in assets in
15 months of operation. The
Association was the second
such Negro owned and oper
ated institution chartered by
the Federal Home Loan Bank
Board. Shown are (left to
right) Michael Quinlan, exec
utive vice president, First Fed
eral Savings and Loan Ass’n.,
of East Los Angeles; Robert
Gibson, president of Gibson
■ ....F,*:,:' . 'i
Printing Co., Dr. H. Claude
Hudson, vice cairman of the
Board of Broadway Federal;
Frank Noon, manager San
Francisco branch of the Fed
eral Home Loan Bank; arid
H. A. Howard, president and
general manager of Broadway
Federal.—Photo by Hazel.
Communists Defeated In Italy''
ROME, ITALY — (Radiophoto) — A severe blow to Red prestige, the Communist defeat in
Italy is good news to the western democracies. A group of officials are shown looking over the first
ballots to arrive in a Rome polling station. With all the world waiting for the resdlts of this crucial
Italian election. Italian officials announced that in the communist-run city of Genoa thirty thousand bal
lots had been misdirected. They had threatened to call off the election if too great a “fraud” had been
committed bv the communists. •
New York, May 24—Contri
butions and a bequest totaling
$1,700 have been donated to
the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored
People during the last week.
The largest sum, $1,000, was
raised at a meeting at Temple
Israel, Lawrence, L. I., follow
ing an address by Mrs. Frank
lin D. Roosevelt. It was this
^CHICAGO— Dave Gottlieb,
above, president, has announced
that Coin Machine Industries, Inc.,
will sponsor a new fund-raising
campaign for cancer research. As
sociation’s drive last year raised
>250,000 for Damon Runyon Cancer
Fund, topping all other donations.
CMI represents manufacturers,
suppliers and opera tan tf ctio
operated equipment. / _
congregation which recently
purchased a life membership in
the NAACP for its spiritual
leader, Rabbi Judah Cahn, a
member of the NAACP doard
of directors.
The Association has been
notified of a bequest of $500
under terms of the will of the
late Carroll A. Brooks of Was
hington. In response to the N
ACP church program. Rev.
George Sims, pastor of Union
Baptist Church, New York,
presented a check of $150 to
Walter White, NAACP secret
arv, at the regular Sunday ev
ening services on May 23. An
additional sum of $50 has been
received from Howard Lind
say, famous playwright and:
co- author of the Pulitizer pri
ze winning play., “State of the
Omaha, Negr., April 29th—
A 35th Division handicap
race will be featured at Ak-Sar
Ben feild Saturday, June 5th,
as a part of festivities for that
unit’s reunion June 4, 5, and 6.
James P. Lee, chairman of
the Racing Committee, Board
of .Governers of Ak-Sar-Ben,
announced a $2500 purse plus,
a traditional Ak-Sar-Ben blan
ket will be awarded to the haiP
dicap winner.
'l op officers of the 35th Div
ision Association, in Omaha for
the reunion, will act as honor
ary judges. All 35th Division
veterans attending the reun
ion will be honorary guests of
Ak-Sar-Ben that afternoon.
Reunion officials have ann
ounced a festival of fun for the
veterans at Ak-Sar-Ben feild ’
on Sunday, June 6th. Activit
ies will include unit baseball
games, horseshoe pitching con
1 tests and other games.
Winding up the oath Divis
ion Reunion will be a gigantic
barbecue for association mem
bers only at Ak-San-Ben Field.
Allen T. Hupp, of Omaha,
chairman of the Nebraska Ad
virsory Committee to the U. S.
Savings Bonds Division, re
ported today after a tour of the
entire state that 93 County Ad
visory committees are coopera
ting enthusiastically to sell $37
500,000 in E, F and G, US Sav
ings Bonds during the Security
Loan Drive, which started Ap
ril 15th, and will continue un
til June 30th.
“After eight regional meet
ings with County Chairman an
Bond committee leaders of ev
ery couty, I am firmly convinc
ed that Nebraska will make a
good showing in the Security
Loan campaign,” said Hupp.
“To remain a positive force
for peace in the world, Ameri
ca must be strong. We need
stability in our national econy,
not periods of ’boom and bust’..
Every citizen must have a high
degree of security— financial
security. The nation’s financi
al security is the total financ
ial security of its individual cit
“The Security Loan campa
ign was launched to provide a
national medium for urging ea
■ ch and every citizen to provide
financial security for himself
and his family by investing to
the limit in the world’s best in
vestment—United Savings Bo
“Nebraska citizens have al
ways been good bond buyers.
[Nebraska exceeded every War
Loan quota. Nebraska has led
the nation in per capita bond
sales since the war ended. The
Security Loan provides another
opportunity for Nebraskans t.->
demonstrate that the people of
this state are a thrifty people
who through building up their
personal Security know that at
the same time they are helping
to build a financially! sound A
Starting at 17th and Capitol
Avenue, east on Capitol Ave
nue to 16th Street—South on
16th Street to Dodge Street—
East on Dodge Street to 14th
Street—South on 14th Street
to Douglas Street—West on
Douglas Street to 20th Street—
South on 20th Street to Farn
am Street—East on Farnam
Street to 16th Street—South
on 16th Street to Howard St
reet—East on Howard Street
to 14th Street—Dispersal.
It is planned to have the
parade start at 10:30 a. m. and
to have several R. O. T. C. un
its from city high schools of
Omaha and Council Bluffs.
The outlook is that we will
have a very fine parade.
This photograph was sent to
the 35th Division from the
White House, and is Signed “
Best Regards to the 35th Div
ision, Harry Truman.”
One of the high spots of the
Omaha reunion will be impres
sive memorial services for the
35th Division dead at Omaha’s
Memorial Park, and forma,1
dedication of the World War
II shrine by President Tru
man, Sunday afternoon, June
The President, accompan
ied by distinquished guests,
will address reunion veterans
and the public at 1:30 p. m.
from the impressive colonnade
at the park's center, according
to Robert H. Storz, chairman
of the reunion’s Park Dedic
ation committee.
Following dedication cere
monies, President Truman will
termanate his two-day Omaha
visit, leaving by his personal
plane at 3 p. m. for Washing
ton, D. C. The President’s aid
es say the Chief Executive’s
plane will circle the city before
heading for the nation’s capit
' The 65-acre park, located
near the west end of Omaha,
was orginated by public sug
gestion and paid for through
contributions of citizens, sch
ools business firms and other
local organizations.
Storz, president of the World
War II Memorial Park Assoc
iation, said the park will be de
dicated as a living memorial tc
the Douglas County men and
women killed in the armed for
ces during the last war.
The park’s colonnade,
built through a $25,000 contri
bution from Ak-Sar-Ben, the
Omaha civic organization, is a
30 feet high and consists of
seven concrete arches 20 feet
high. It is situated in the cen
tral north section of the pa.k
on the main elevation overlook
ing a wide expanse of beaut
iful landscaping.
Over the face of each arch is
a hand carved stone medallion
portraying a famous battle of
World War II or a symbolic
scene of various military ser
vices. Bronze placques contain
ing names of Douglas coun >
war casualities will be placed
on the colonnade.
Two members of the reunion
executive committee, W. O.
Swanson and Russell J. Hop
ley, are vice presidents of the
park association. This charter
for the memorial was accept
ed by the Omaha city council
in 1944.
New York. May 20— Mrs.
Arthur B. Spingarn, wife of the
president of the National As
sociation for the Advancement
of the Colored People, this wk
became a $500 life member of
the Association. The contrib
ution followed recent celebra
tion of Mr. Spingarn’s 70th
anniversary on which occasion
he was presented with the scu
lptured head of Zulu woman,
the gift of members of the boa
rd, staff and branches.
In addition to the sculptur
ed head, the creation of Rich
mond Barthe, Mr. Spingarn
was presented with a check of
$155 for the purchase of books,
this sum he turned over to the
Howard University for the
purchase of books on Negro
life for the University library.
aD fo o ritsTHE5 SPti sdm
Omaha, Negr., April 29th—
Omaha business and profession
al leaders will be given the
! opportunity to meet President
Truman during the Chief Ex
ecutives two-day visit here
June 5 and 6 for the 35th Div
ision Reunion.
Edward D. M c K i m, co
chairman of the reunion’s ex
ecutive committee, announc
ed that arrangements have
'been made for a reception late
Saturday afternoon, June 5th,
at Hotel Paxton.
Distinguished guests to at
tend the reception with Pres
ident Truman include Admir
al D. Leahy, Chief of Staff of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Gen
eral Omar Bradley, Army Ch
ief of Staff; the Ambassador
of France, Henri Bonnet; and
the Ambassador of Belgium,
Baron Silvercruys.
p. m. June 5th, the President
will make a nation-wjde bro
adcast from Ak-Sar-Ben Field
It is expected that Mr. Tru
man will speak on national
defense and make his talk one
of his major addresses of the
Some 5.000 35th Division
veterans from nearly every
state in the Union are anticip
ating to visit Omaha during
the 3-day annual reunion, be
ginning June 4th. Reunion of
ficials expect some 50,000 visit
ors alone in Omaha during the
two days the President will be
Tentative plans call for Mr.
Truman to leave Washington
at 6:00 a. m. Saturday to ar
rive in Omaha in time for the
gigantic 35th Division parade
to be routed through down
town Omaha. The President
will leave Omaha Sunday af
ter noon following dedication
ceremonies at the city’s new
World War II Memorial Pa
Omaha, April 12—Promin
ent Omaha business and pro
fessional leaders are complete
ing plans and arrangements
for the gigantic reunion of the
35th Division veterans to be
held here June 4, 5, and 6th.
Heading the executive com
mittee are co-chairman Robert
A. Drum, president of the Metz
Brewing Co., and Edward D.
Me Kim, vice president of the
Mutual Benefit Health and
Accident Association. Both
World War I veterans of the
35th Division, Drum served
with the 128th Field Artillery
Battalion, and McKim with
the 129th Field Artillery Bat
talion, President Truman’s old
Completing the executive
committee are: George F. Ash
by, president of Union Pacific
Railroad; Walter E. Christer
son, editor of the Omaha Wor
Id Herald; Russell J. Hopley,
president of Northwestern
Bell Telephone Co. and head
of the nation’s new Civil De
fense Agency; Leonard E. Hu
rtz, president of the Fairmont
Foods Co.; W. O. Swanson,
president of Nebraska Cloth
ing Co.; Lt. Col. Ross Barr,
assigned to the committee
from the War Department;
and Norman Haried manager
of the Omaha Chamber of Com
merce’s Convention Bureau.
Omaha, Nebr., May 10th—
Some 5,OQO ,35th Division vet
erans— including President
Truman —vydll be in Omaha
June 4. 5, and 6th, when for
mer members of the units con
verge from all parts of the
country for their 22nd annual
It was revealed that close to
one thousand men from more
than half the states in the un
ion have already said they will
be in Omaha for the three-day
meet. Reunion officials expect
the total to amount sharply as
veterans complete last- minute
Adopting the slogan, “From
Omaha Beach to Omaha”, the
| reunion will bring together
men who served with the 35th
in both world wars, or with
national guard units between
Accompany 1 n g President
Truman to Omaha, according
to present plans, will be Gen
eral Omar Bradley, Army Chi
ef of Staff, in whose First A
rmy the 35th Division served
in the 1944 breakthrough at St.
Lo, France, Other guests in
cleude Admiral William D. Le
ahy, Chief of Staff to the Joint
Chiefs of Staff; the Ambassad
or of France, Henri Bonnet;
the Ambassador of Belgium,
the Baron Silvercruys; Carl
Gray, Jr., Administrator of
Veteran Affairs; and a host of
former division commanders.
It was announced that the
Belgium ambassador will pre
sent for his government to the
General B.( B, Miltonberger,
wartime commander of the 35
th, the Order of Merit decora
tion. The award is in honor of
the 35th's operations in freeing
Reunion events include a hu
ge parade, in which President
Truman will march, unit reu
ninos and dinners, a memorial
service for. the division’s dead,
a huge barbecue and other fea
tures .
Saturday, June 5th at 9:00
p. m. the President will make
a i*ation-wide radio broadcast
from Ak-Sar-Ben Feild. It is
expected the address will be
one of his major broadcasts of
the year.
Charleston, W. Va., May 20
The NAACP’s motion for a
new trial in the case of Isaac
Woodard y. The Atlantic Gre
yhound Bus Company was den
ied by Judge J. F. Bouchelle
of the Circuit Court of Kana
wha County on May 12.
Isaac WoQclard, a negro vet
blinded by a police chief in Bat
esburg, S. C. ill February, 1946
is attempting- to recover $50,
000 in damages from the Atl
antic Greyhound, Bus Comp
any, operators of the bus from
which Woodard was dragged
a,few minutes before the beat
ing. In November, 1947, a trial
was held in the Circuit Court
and a decision in favor of the
bus company was handed down
NAACP lawyers argued a mo
tion for a new trial last month,
alleging that a jury member
had, during the conduct of the
trial, publicly expressed bais,
by stating in effect that under
no conditions would he vote
to give Woodard damages.
Cigars may soon have wrap
pers of paper-thin all-tobacco
sheets manufactured by a pro
cess recently invented by two
New Jersey men.