The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 29, 1948, Page 3, Image 3

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1 liree million heard these
stars Monday night, Ma-" 10th,
over the ABC network, from
10:30 to 11 :00 P. M., when the
stars and the network donated
a half hour to the United Neg
ro Fund, now in its fifth ann
ual campaign to raise more
than a million dollars for its 32
accredited Negro colleges, lop
photo shows the Deep River
Boys listening in admiration to
W. C. Handy, that trumpet
man ; next shot has Handy, La
nny Ross and Tiny Ruffner
(who exceeded the program),
smiling at each other; insert .
Kenneth Spencer, baritone of
both radio and stage; botto...
shot is a dubious quintet doing
•the vocals on “Down By the
Old Mill Stream”. There we
have left to right; William E.
Cotter, chairman of the Fund’s
1948 campaign, Jack Pearl, La
nny Ross, Handy, and Cliff
Hall —(Ransom photo)
: ■ Wallace Party Candidates j
Magistrate'Joseph Ht Rainey of' Philadelphia (ieft)7Dr7john E. T. Camper of Baltimore, Maryland
(center), and Dr. Ulysses Campbell of New Jersey (right) are three candidates for Congress on Henry
Wallace's New Party ticket. Magistrate Rainey, president of the Philadelphia NAACP, is a grandson of
one of the first Negro Congressmen in the United States (Joseph H. Rainey of Sojith Carolina). He is
running in Philadelphia’s 4th C.D. Dr. Camper, a co-chairman of the Progressive Party of Maryland, is a
graduate of Howard University Medical School and a practicing physician in Baltimore where he is cam
paigning in the 4th C.D. Dr. Campbell, New Party candidate in New Jersey’s t1th C.D., is also a gradu
ate of Howard University, a veteran of four years army service and a practicing dentist. Margaret Bush
Wilson is the New Party Congressional candidate in Missouri’s 11th C.D. She_is the first Negro Woman
Congressional candidate in the history of the state. >
*oC°°k? - *«boU«* . .cian?
* o medico' technic*" • * * V**®'*1
^ a consuociion
* iSSSf . ooloroo,w.
If you handled one of these jobs
in the Army. Air Force, Navy,
Marines, or Coast Guard for six
months or more; and if you were
actual^- classified as a specialist,
you can enlist in a non-commis
sioned officer grade. This grade
will depend, of course, upon the
extent of your training and ex
perience, as covered in W.D.
pamphlet 12-16. You enlist for
three years or more.
You are given this opportunity
because your skill in one of these
fields is valuable to the Army.
It's a good deal. The food and
peacetime conveniences of Army
life are better than ever before.
Get more details at your nearest
tl. S. Army and TJ. S. Air Force
Recruiting Station.
Pacific Coast Crab
The most common maioid crab of
the Pacific coast is the kelp crab.
It is squarish in shape with two dis
tinct teeth on each side.
Moon Televised •*
photo) — The Man in the Moon
wasn't around when this close-up
of the*moon appeared on the tele
vision screens in the first regularly
scheduled public telecast, j * '
^ \ V
P*?’"-'1, Negro troops in Army camps and stations throughout the nation recently participated in the annual observance of ARMY DAY. Shown above are troop demonstration*
in Kentucky, North Carolina, Washington and California. 'Upper left, the 367th Armored Infantry Battalion passes in review during the ARMY DAY celebration at Brooks
Field, Fort Knox, Kentucky. Upper right, at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, members of the “crack drill team” of the 3rd Battalion, 505th Airborne Infantry Regiment, 82nd Air
borne Division, execute “eyes right” at the command of First Lieutenant Preston N. Daniels of New York City. Lower left, members of the 2nd Battalion, Provisional Regi
ment, Fort Lawton, Washington, parade in the business section of Seattle. Lower right, members of the 39th Transportation Corps Truck Company are shown displaying their
‘equipment for field inspection in a bivouac area, Camp Stoneman, California.
By Dick Lebbs
How many of you hoss-rac
ing fans think the naming of a
nag is as simple as naming a
son or a daughter? Don’t be
fact, only one in about 30 pro
posed labels are accepted by
the Jockey Club, the high cou
rt of the naming phase of the
racing game.
Restrictions are gomewhat
more rugged than is common
ly believed. Names are held to
14 letters and three words. The
spaces and punctuation count
as letters. Names prohibited
are those of famous horses,
famous or infamous persons,
names used or advertising pur
posees, and vulgar, sacrilegi
ous obscene names. Lastly, and
worst of all,'no name that has
been used during the previous
15'years can be repeated. This
restriction is the one that is re
sponsible for many tags being
tossed into the wastebasket.
quarter of a million labels
are on file with tthe Jockey cl
ub. Nearly all are an accumul
ation of the last decade and a
half. So, you see, the chance of
a repeat tag is nil.
Two of the nation’s top sta
ble owners, the Whitneys and
Vanderbilts, are especially ad
epept at picking clever names
for their thoroghbreds. Some of
the best are Hash, by Quest
ionaire out of Delicacy; Kitch
en Police, by Discovery out of
Galley Slave; Song and Dance,
from the Baird and Heel and
Toe; and By Jove, the get of
Rhodes Scholar Explosion.
Some very apt names are de
rived from one parent instead
of a combination of two. Exam
ples in this category include
Seven Hearts by Grand Slam
Gesapo, by Third Degree;
Shut Out, from Goose-Egg;
Easy Living, out of Summer
Time; and Next, from Now
What .
Although several stories
have arisen from the naming
game, the best is told by Art
hur Daley, New York Times
and Atlanta Journal writer. It
concerns two Irishmen who
where bitter enemies for most
of their lives. Finally they rea
ched a point where they made
peace—at least one of them
thought so anyway. The other
and more vindictive fellow
made what seemed the true re
conciliatory gesture.
‘ Pat, he said, “to show
what Oi really think of ye, Oi
would like your permission to
name me finest stallion after
ye.” Pat though this was a
great idea so he quickly agreed
Consequently the breeder of
fered free service o his stallion
Pat O’Toole, to anyone who
would let him name the get of
the mating. Thereupon the
Stud book suddenly blossomed
out with such lines as “A Th
ief, by Pat O'Toole;” A Drun
kard, by Pat O’Toole”; A Sc
oundrel, by Pat O’Toole” and
more equally obnoxious labels.
Loren Fry
Are you qualified to drive?
This may seem a silly quest
ion to ask, but it ins't if one
considers it from the view
point of time spent in learn
When you entered' high
school and decided that you
wanted to learn how to type,
you were told that it would
take at least a year to become
Upon deciding to become
an expeft golf player, you
were told by your instructor
that it would take a lot of
long had work. He also said
that if you were lucky, you
might be able to shoot a par
game within the next ten
But statistics prove that the
average person learned to
drive after* about one hour’s
instruction by a person who
learned the same way.
There is a widespread pop
ular delusion that it takes less
training to drive a 2,500 pound
120-horsepower vehhicle than
it does to handling of one of
man’s most widely used and
most dangerous instruments
is practically nil. There are
far more golf pros and typing
teachers than there are auto
driving teachers.
There has been a number of
pedestrains killed or injdred
in Nebraska since the first of
the year. Possibly some of the
persons struck by cars were
partially at fault, but motor
ists cannot escape a measure
o moral responsibility. For,
in the final analysis, a mere
pedestrain hasn’t much chance
in an argument with an auto
It will be interesting to note
the decided change in womens
fashions in the brief space of
one year. To those who might
have attended the fashion re
view of the Beauticians one yr.
ago, you will note the drastic
change in all fashions, and the
appearance of the “New Look”
which it seems has come to st
ay'. Fashions are undoubtedly
ultra feminine and most wom
en have welcomed the change
even though it did mean pract
ically a new wardrobe. All wo
men have clothes. It is tradit
ional so the change gave the
excuse which has always been
a by word in every house liv
ed, I have nothing to wear. A
chance to really mean just that
dresses are colorful, prints ve
ry and as I go on to narrate, let
start with the beautifully dres
sed women. Mrs. Margaret De
an wore a beautiful black coc
ktail drape dress. Modies Plum
mer wore a sports dress and a
suit. Hortense Chambers a big
hounds tooth check suit made
by herself. Four stone Martins
around the neck. Blach Wright
nwore a three piece tan suit.
Alma Simms wore a green coat
self styled. Pauline Williams
wore a negligee, long full back
green coat. Hazel Green, wore
a light blue satin negligee with
ecru lace colored cuffs, a black
taffeta, afternoon and dinner
gown on edge around the bod
ice top, which was a straples
top. A powder blue frensh cre
pe reversible satin formal strap
r. . . . GOOD BALL PLAYERS ^ *
^ COME IN ALL RACES — 7]*/ jUL**
/•- - COLORS
' CREEDS v— S' :
Cwritw hdlMi fw Amtrltaa P—ncftr, V.
[less top with draped bodice on
the skirt was nine yards of mat
erial, very full skirt. Also she
modeled a hair. Pauline Mur
rel, wore a black suit, with a
royal blue on one side of the
jacket a pink negligee, A house
dress and a Hand made apron
by Mrs. Winston. A beautiful
dark brown satin formal with
black lace bodice and black
lace gloves.
It is anticipated by railroad
officials that the wider use of
the rail-auto travel plan for
vacationers, which introduced
last year, will be even more
popular among the Nation’s
tourists this summer. Hugh W.
Siddall, industry spokesman,
who heads a Passenger-Inter
territorial Committee has pre
dicted that many car owners
will leave their own vehicles at
] home this year and take ad
vantage of this new program.
Under the new procedure,
the travelers can reserve a new
car at the time they purchase
their railroad tickets, and upon
arrival at their destination, fi
nd it waiting for them. The ar
rangements have been made
possible through the coopera
tion of a nationally known car
rental service with outlets in
355 cities throughout the Unit
ed States, Canada, and Hawaii.
Ties Now Live Longer
Buck In 1915, railroad ties had t*>
be replaced after five years of
grinding and pounding under th*
wheels of heavy trains. The 194T
model crossties, however, hardened
and preserved with creosote by iro*|
proved methods, are good for <3
years. Stretching the life of a tW
sixfold saves considerable as ft
costs more than a dollar, not count*!
lug labor, to renew each tie. Ther*
ara are nearly 1,300,000,000 tie*
constantly wearing out on all tb*
viHrnaH liriAa In th* TTnit*H Rtfltta>L
By May B.
You are to me the heady fragrance of spring, \
The spell-binding awe of some unearthly thing,
The rapturuous beauty that comes at eventide, „j
The wonder of the world when your’e by my ide.
You are to me a gay and lilting melody, l
The hush of the night that forever haunts me.
The thrill of knowing that your love is true, t j
But most of all, because your’e you!
Furniture Fashions Ainsworth f
^ GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN—Just one beautiful chair—like 4
'colorful bouquet — can be the highlight piece of any room settinm
Equally at home with traditional or modern designs of furniture, thm
occasional chair by Mueller illustrates how the blending of really fin*
details in woodworking with luxurious fabric in vibrant colors can
make one chair the focal point of interest in a room.