The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 29, 1948, Image 1

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    t » . .....
Philadelphia—Joseph Rain
ey, Philadelphia magistrate
and candidate for Congress on
the Wallace new party ticket,
charged this week that he
“saw Fascism in action in Am
erica” when he went to Birm
ingham, Alabama, to make the
keynote address at the South
ern Negro Youth Conference.
Charging “Gestapo methods
of terrorization,” Rainey, who
is president of thhe Philadel
phia branch of the NAACP,
said that “hundreds of Negroes
and white delegates who were
in the city to attend the con
ference had to slip through
the police net to fly to another
nearby city for afety.”
“So desperate was the situ
ation that on reaching Birm
ingham, I was immediately
whisked to a secret place of
hiding by those who met me
and told that it was dangerous
for me even to make a phone
Rainey charged that min
ister after minister was terror
ized by police when they of
fered their churches for the
meeting, and that “people
were knocked to the ground
as police scoured the streets
practically ripping peple’s
coats off as they snatched but
tons of the NAACP from their
lhe executive secretary ot
the Conference, after being
taken into custody by the pol
ice was told, not only would
the police arret all of the speak
ers and officers, “but that the
police would bring in the Klu
Kluz Klan to attack them.’
The secretary had been jailed
for vagrancy although he had
$40.00 in his pocket at the
time and was regularly em
ployed, Rainey declared.
The Conference, which was
scheduled to begin Friday
morning, did not get under
way until Saturday afternoon
because of the police threats.
Rainey, who had agreed to
speak, nevertheless, had barely
left the meeting hall for the
airport before the police
charged in to break up the
“All of this,” declared Rain
ey. “with the fact that five or
six Negroes had been killed
in the last thirty days by
Birmingham police,,has placed
the Negroes in a state of in
timidation and fear.”
Speaking at the annual bac
calaureate services as a part
of the 82nd annual commence
ment exercises at Lincoln Un
iversity (Mo.) wll be the Rev.
P. H. Hill (above), pastor of
Shiloh Baptist Church, of
Topeka, Kansas. A native Ohi
oan. Rev. Hill is a graduate
of the C. N. I. department of
Vilberforce University and
Payne Theological seminary
with a B.D. degree. Hiss prev
ious experience include that of
teacher in Ohio and Indiana;
pastorates in Ohio and Kan
sas. Presently he is Vice Pres
ident at Large of the Mission
ary State Convention of Kan
sas. First Vice President of
Topeka Council of Churches,
treasurer of Kaw Valley Bap
tist District Association.
The Methhodist men of Clair
Chapel Memorial Church were
very highly entertained by Mr.
and Mrs. John Coleman at
their lovely home. 2808 Miami
street, .on May 10. and will
sponsor a program at the
Church on Sunday afternoon,
May 30th. Everyone is invited
to attend._
Be sure to READ the U.
S. Army and U. S. Air
Force’s Advertisment on
PAGE 3._
Ak'SaivBen Will Be Center Of
President's Address
John \\ . Mitchell, held ag
ent, U. S. Department of Agri
culture. is shown on -the camp
us of the A. and T. College at
Greensboro, N. C., after addres
sing the student body in the fin
als of the school s Light Ann
ual Dairy Show recently. Sho
wn in the photo with Mitchell
are Arthur P. Bell, from Reid
sville, N. C. senior who heads
the AgricuUnreal Association
at A. and T.; Mr. Mitchell Les
ter Moore of Rocky Maunt, N.
C. grand champion winner of
the Dairy Show; Miss Savan
nah Lesurer, Madison, N. C.,
1948 campus milking champ
colored V oters League hear
Speaker Martin at its Frater
nal Day celebration recently at
Salisbury, Md. The meeting
was widely attended by hun
dreds of fraternal leaders and
members from Delaware,, the
District of Columbia and Mary
land. Shown above are some
of the leading figures, left to
right: Joseph W. Hayman. of
Maryland, Jeanette Carter. Dis
trict of Columbia; Mrs. Crys
tal Byrd Fossett, Philadelphia
educator and speaker; Rep. Ed
ward T. Miller R-Md ; James F.
Stewart, Maryland, chairman
of the meeting; Isaac Crippen,
Maryland, and Perry Howard,
Republician National Commit
teeman from Mississippi, also
a speaker at the meeting.
,„n*eweslLnd oneiof th.c fe'Y Negro Federal Deputy Assistant Attorneys is George E. Cannady (right)
whose appointment in Los Angeles has just been announced. Young Cannady6 is receiving conerat."
An^°i« YT H A,”oward' President of Broadway Federal Savings* and Loan AssocSn of Ki
^lfneS’ 'vho worked aggressively in behalf of the appointment. Inset photos are of Helen Gagha
erali^nd*James Carter Cannady's cS Wh° tecommendcd the aPPoi*tment to the Attorney Gen
ion j and Dr. W. L. Kennedy,
professor of dairy husbandry
at the college.
Douglas County Chapter
Parents were urged this we
ek to keep their children from
swimming in unguarded lakes
and pools. The warning came
from William O’Hearn, Dou
glas County Red Cross Wat
er Safety Director, who said
warn weather is drawing an in
creasing number of young peo
ple to the water.
‘‘Douglas County children
will be among some 80,000,
000 to go swimming this sum
mer. An Estimated 7,000 will
drown, most of them through
carelessness”, he forecast.
Over 36 per cent of all dro
wnings in the United States
are of youngsters of element
ary and secondary school age.
0, Hearn said parents can do
much to safeguard their lives
of their children and their own
by remembering the following
1. Don’t “show off” in the
2. Don’t stay in the water too
3. Be sure the water is deep
enough and free of obstruct
ions before diving.
4. Don't enter the water when
tired or overheated.
5. Don't go swimming alone.
6. Don’t go swimming for 2
hours after eating.
The Water Safety Director
plane for Red Cross summer
swimming classes will be an
nounced shortly.
The fact that only 12 con
gressmen voted to bar Jim
Crow in the WAC’s WAVES
and women marines last week
“is further proff that we need
to elect to Congress candid
ates supported by Henry Wal
ace. declared New York.
“Our women’s program de
mands that the law bar all dis
crimination against women an
all race discrimination,” Mrs.
Gimbel said.
The ban on race restrictions
was removed as an amendment
by Rep. Adam Clayton Pow
ell of New York on April 21
when the; House voted to keep
women in tfie armed forces in
the reserves. It was defeated
on a standing vote of 63 to 12.
35th Division Veterans to Re
Center of many activities for
35th Division veterans attend
ing the Omaha reunion will be
Ak-Sar-Ben Field, gigantic $1,
500.000 activity center for Om
aha's non-profit, civic organ
Top attraction, of course,
will be a nation-wide broad
cast from the field by Presi
dent Truman at 9:30 p. m..
Saturday, June 5th. It is ex
pected the President will sp
eak on national defense in one
of his mhjor non-political ad
dresses of the year.
Also scheduled for Satur
day afternoon is a special Ak
Sar-Ben 35th Division handi- I
cap race with all 25th men at-1
tending as honorary guests.
Top officers of the 35th assoc
iation will act as honorarty,
Ben include a baseball game
Other activities at Ak-Sar
Ben include a baseball game
between the 129th F. A. (of
World War I) and the 134th
Infantry (World War II), and
various sorting events for ali j
free barbecue at the field Sun- j
veterans attending. A huge,
day evening will wind up re
union activities.
Now in its 54th year, Ak-'
Sar-Ben is probably the only
organization of its kind in the
world. It is incorporated un
der the laws of Nebraska as
a non-profit organization wh
ose sole purpose is community
betterment. Any Omaha bus
iness or professional man is
eligible to pay $10 a year for
the privilege of being dubbed
“Sir Knight.”
Ak-Sar-Ben members, this
year expected to total 13,000,
see such activities as a 32-day
racing meet; ice hockey and
ice shows; famous entertain
ers, orchestras and musicians;
the largest exclusive 4-H club
livestock show in the world;
and a horse show which ranks
with the best any where.
Each fall the Ak-Sar-Ben
coliseum becomes the scene of
an exclusive social event. The
arena is converted into the
throne room of the mythical
Kingdom of Quivera', embrac
ing all the Missouri and the
Platte River valleys. Then
the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben
and their ladies gather to wit
ness the coronation of the new
king and queen chosen among
the community’s civic leaders.
Ak-Sar-Ben officials serve
without compensation. One of
their most recent achievement
was in freeing two briflges'
crossing the Missouri between
Iowa and Nebraska after the
years of operation by the toll
The organization’s n a m »*
was derived by spelling Neb
raska backwards.
Money" For Family
JERSEY CITY, N. J. — A man
with a mission, and with money to
give away is Marine Corps veteran
George Marken, of Cheyenne, Wyo
ming. He is searching Jersey City
for some trace of the family of his
buddy, Pfc. William Bair, who died
in action on Iwo Jima. He has $8,
000 and a wrist watch to give to
Barr’s family, if he ever finds
them. The money, watch, and oth
er mementoes were entrusted to
him by his dying buddy, with in
structions to pass them on to his
family. Now that Marken has fin
ished his lengthy "hospital tour’’
he hopes to soon find nis buddy’s
people to pass on the money and
keepsakes.^ . — __
* 'll
The ITS.A. hlonors .;;_
This week we honor the mem
ory of those who died in Ameri
can wars. In time for Memorial
Day, the Post Office Department
has issued a stamp in special
tribute to the four chaplains who
went down in the North Atlantic
in 1943. When a German torpedo
hit the USS Dorchester, four
chaplains on board the troopship
—John P. Washington, Catholic;
Alexander D. Goode, Jewish;
George L. Fox and Clarke V.
Poling, Protestant—all gave up
their life belts to GI’s who
didn’t have them. As the vessel
sank and the waters rushed up
to engulf them, the heroic chap
lains could be seen, with arms
linked, praying in unison.
This was one of the most deep
ly moving episodes of World War
II. By the last act of their lives,
the clergymen who represented
the three major religious faiths
of our country symbolized the
unity of the American people.
The postage stamp honors their
memory. But the four who gave
their lives wanted to tell us not
only how to die for our country,
but also how to live for it.
We in the labor movement
know what they meant. Better
than anybody else, workers un
derstand what it means to get
together for common goals. La
bor’s gains have come directly
from unity—from unions. Amer
ica’s gains—in human rights, in
democratic freedoms, in power,
in prestige—have ccme directly
from the ability of Americans of
every faith, race and ancestry,
to Work together. The ideals we
all believe in wipe out the dif
ferences of creed and back
ground. This is what the four
chaplains died for. This is what,
in their death, they ask us to live
for. Thirteen million union mem
bers can drive their message
home—to the whole nation. Thir
teen million union members must
do it. “These Immortal Chaplains
must not have died in vain!’’
Daisy W hitmeyer smiles a
midst spring foliage on the ca
mpus on the Texas Collage,
Tyler Texas and Robert B. Ja
mes, Morehouse College, Atla
nta, takes things easy. James
was No. 1 winner of last week
’s inter-collegiate competition
to decide the most “outstand
ing”’ student in collegiate ran
ks. The contest was staged by
the Westinghouse Corporat
ion, in the interest of the Unit
ed Negro fund, which is now
in its fifth annual campaign to
raise more than a million dol
lars to aid its 32 accredited
Negro colleges. While the jud
ges decided that James should
get first place. Miss Whomev
er won second place. The story
of the competition and the win
ning contestants will be broad
cast May 20th, ARC network,
Ted Malone and his “Your Ra
dio Story Teller” program, at
11:45 A. M. to 12 noon.
Lincoln University Mo. Com
mencement Speaker.
Dr. Clarence R. Decker, the
president of the University of
Kansas City, Mo. who will
challenge the 88 graduates
from Lincoln University in his
address on the occasion of the
82nd annual commencement
convocation at the Institution
i at ten o’clock the morning of
June 7th.
The doctor of philosophy de
gree was awarded him at the
university of Chicago in 192S
at the age of 23, and he is one
o the youngest university pres
idents in the country. He is a
member of Phi Beta Kappa,
has traveled over mbst of Eur
ope and Asia Minor and stud
ied in Euopean universities,
principally the University of
Berlin. The University of Kan
sas City Review was founded
by him, as well as was the Kan
sas City Chamber Music Soc
iety in 1935, which has contin
ued through the years to bring
outstate music artists to Kan
sas City. Scholarly journals &
literary magazines have carr
ied many of his articles and he
is co-author of a novel pub
lished in 1937 in England and
the United States.
We find ourselves on an
other sacred day, to remember
those that has passed to their
reward, and we all should pay
tribute in a loving way as it is
our duty at all times, in fond
rememberance as some dav
we will join them, and those
that are left will do honor to
us in the same way. So let all
of the living place flowers on
the graves and close our eyes
I and say some words of prayer
for all those we loved, and use
our best efforts to meet them i
someday. Use ing our earnest!
prayers and actions.
Housewives are undoubted
ly stimulated by open display
and effective packaging of co
mmodities. Food shoppers in
1947 spent 28 billion dollars,
according to a national servev
by DeNemours Company. The
coast to coast study shows that
29.9 per cent, or nine in three
one in three items of all purch
ases were made on impulse.
Less than half of the items pur
chased by shoppers were plan
ned ahead of time. It might
be well to plan our buying in
these times of economic stress.