The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 22, 1948, Image 1

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Henry Wallace today tele
graphed Governor Clarence W.
Meadows demanding that he
take “immediate and vigorous
action” to halt what Wallace
said was a “campaign of coer
cion, intimidation and violence
being used to keep the Pro
gressive Party of West Vir
ginia off the ballot.
Wallace suporters are now
circulating petitions to place
the Progressive Party’s presi
dential electors on the state’s
general election ballot. The
petition must be be filed this
Wallace said that circulators
had been threatened with ar
rest and violence by local peace
officers, petitions confiscated
and Wallace supporters arrest
“In addition, a number of
meetings of the Pressive Party
have been broken up by vio
lence,” Wallace charged.
Although the facts have been
presented to the governor and
he has assured the Progressive
Party the full protection of the
law, “no steps have been taken
to prosecute the offenders or
even to institute the investiga
tions which would readily es
tablish their guilt,” Wallace
told Governor Meadows.
Wallace urged Governor
Meadows to order an immed
iates investigation “and to in
sist upon the prosecution of
all individuals guilty of in
v. timidation and violence.”
A series of violations of the
state laws by local peace of
ficers and others who have at
tepmted and coerce both pet
ition circulafton-s and signers
has been brought to the gover
nor's attention, Wallace said.
“In one case a constable il
legally confiscated both fthe
petitions and the credentials of
a circulator. In another, local
peace offices attempted to in
duce a circulator to surrender
his credentials by the offer of a
bribe. In one instance five sup
porters of the Progressive Par
tv were arrested on the false
charge of illegally circulating
An Open Letter for ACTION Mr. Reader
Do Your Part - Don’t Leave It to John> For
John Will Leave It to John
May 12, 1948
Dear Friend:
I am writing to you again
about H.R. 29, my bill to
abolish the poll tax in Federal
elections, because the time
has come for action to assure
the assage of the bill in this
session of Congress. All of us
who believe in representative
government which is guaran
teed by otir Constitution—
but which is denied by the
poll tax in seven s\ates—
should make our voices heard
My bill to abolish the poll
tax has been passed overwhel
mingly by the House of Rep
resentatives. It has now been
favorably reorted by the Rules
Committee of the Senate. It is
on the Senate calendar, ready
for consideration at any time.
It has the support of a major
ity of the members of the Sen
ate. It will be passed by the
Senate and enacted into law
when the Senate comes to a
vote on it. 1
To make sure that the Sen
ate does vote on it, two things
are necessary. First, the bill
must be called up for consider
ation and not permitted to be
lost in the last minuate .press
of business before the summer
adjournment. Second, two
thirds, of the Senate must vote
for cloture, the motion to lim
it debate and stop a filibuster,
so that a vote can be taken.
No matter how often you
have communicated with your
Senators on anti-poll tax leg
islation, will you remind them
that NOW is the time for them
to act? Ask them to do every
thing in their power to get
the bill up, to support the bill
and, especially important, to
support cloture. You can also
help by writing to Senators
Robert A. Taft and Alben W.
Barkley asking the to see that
the bill is scheduled. They are
Chaiimen of the Republican
and Democratic Policy Com
mittees in the Senate. All Sen
ators should be addressed at
the Senate Office Building,
Sincerely yours,
George H. Bender,
Congressman at Large, Ohio.
petitions and released onlyl
when the sheriff refused to is
sue a warrent”.
Representatives of the Demo
cratic party in many parts of
the state, as well als peace
officers, have attempted “to
intimidate signers of petitions
into withdrawing their names,
Wallace said.
lo Huberta Nicholson of
New Boston. Texas, goes the
distinction of being the first
Pepsi-Cola scholarship holder
in the United States, Negro or
white, to graduate from col
lege. Miss Nicholson received
a b a c h 1 or of science degree
from Ttiskegee Institute. Ala
bama. last Monday, M-y 10th.
This outstanding student
has ’been attending Tuskegee
on a four year college scholar
ship which she received from
the PepsiCola Scholarship boa
rd in 1945 when she graduated
from New Boston High Sch
ool. At that time, she was cho
sen from among 561 of the
South s most able Npgro stu
dents to win the scholarship
which has for four years paid
her full tuition, all incident
al fees, and a $25 a month al
lowance—a total of $1,515.70.
To date, 488 students, of wh
om have been awarded Pepsi
Cola Four Year College Sch
olarships throughout the Uni
ted States, Alaska, Hawaii, and
Puerto Rico. These boys and
girls are attending 157 Amer
can colleges. Miss Nicholson
is the first of this select group
to complete her college work.
Studying under an acceler-J
ated program, Miss Nicholson'
has completed four years’ work
in three. She has foregone all
summer vacations to wip her
degree with a major in phy
sical education and a minor in
the social sciences. In her sen
ior year just completed she
was elected to the honor holl
at Tuskegee. which marks her
as one of the Institute’s out
standing scholars.
Miss Nicholson, who has
not definitely decided on her
future plans, has returned to
her father’s farm near New
Boston. Texas for the summer
The 18 Negroes winners of
four year college scholarships
in the 1948 Pepsi-Cola schol
arship program, which is fin
anced by the Pepsi-Cola Co.
as a public service are the a
wards which are set aside spec
ifically for Negro students of
the South’s separate school
The successful publication of
the second Negro Heroes is the
result of an unprecedented ges
ture of cooperation on the part
of Delta Sigma Theta, one of
the two oldest national sororit
ies of Negro college women.
The sorority selected the mag
azine to help implement its
national project on Job oppor
“We believe,” stated Doro->
thy I. Height, Delta Sigma
Theta president,” that boys
and girls will 'be thrilled and
inpsired as they read of the
lives of Negro Americans who
have been successful in var
ious fields. We are very glad
to cooperate with the National
Urban League in presenting
Negro Heroes, a significant in
vacation in education and race
relations. We hope to place
many more issues of Negro
Heroes within the reach of
youth, for we know they will
enjoy reading them. More than
that, we hope they will get
some ideas that will help them
make up their minds to show
their teachers, parents and
their friends that they, too, can
be among the heroes in Ameri
can life.
Plans are already in opera
tion for the third issue, slated
for a Fall release, and will be
announced later by Guishard
Parris, National Urban Lea
gue Director of Promotion &
If coies of Negro Heroes are
not available in local commun
ities, they may be secured
from the National Urban Lea
gue offices, 1122 Brohdway,
New York City 10.
Caption for Mat C
Mrs." Cbarlotta A. Bass has
been 1 appointed national co
chairman of Women for al
lace and secretary of the cre
dentials committee for thf
Wallace new party convention
to be held in Philadelphia
July 24-25. She is publisher of
a Los^Angeles.\Calif., ^news
Senator Taylor Greets Populist Leadejt
Vice Presidential cyylidate on the Wallace ticket, Idaho’s'
Senator Glen H. Taylor, was one of the keynote speakers at
the founding convention of the Progressive Party of North
Carolina. He is shown congratulating Richmond B. Gairity, '
old time Populist leader in the state, **ho had just been
^presented with a charter membership in the New Party/
Follovving the action of the
United States Senate in send
ing the Hollard Bill for the
Southern states back to a com
mittee'for further considerat
ion, Senator Kenneth S. Whe
rry of Nebraska who engineer
ed the floor strategy which
returned the Bill to the com
mittee received the following
Advancement of Colored Peo
ple :
“On behalf of the National
Association for the Advance
ment of the Colored People,
please accept our very sincere
thanks and appreciation for
your vigorour, coudageous and
un-compromising opposition
which brought about defeat of
segregated regional college
plan today.”
i (Signed)
Leslie Perry
Legislative Representative
Boys T o w n, Nebr.—Boys
Town was stunned last week
when a cablegram arrived re
orting the death of their be
loved leader and benefactor,
Monsignor Edward J Flanag
an, from a heart attack in Ber
lin, Germany.
Father Flanagan’s death oc
cured at 2 a.m. Saturday (Ber
lin time) while he was resting
from a busy day shortly after
his arrivial in Berlin from Fr
ankfurt, Germany. He had just
completed a mission in connec
tion with the youth program
being developed under the dir
ection of U. S. Army officials
in Austria, and was about To
undertake a simular mission in
Throughout the country
more than 5,500 men and you
t h s, former citizens of this
'‘City of Little Men,” also de
eply grieve the loss of Father
r lanagan. To these thousands
of young Americans who had
here found a home, the privileg
es of an education, and were
given sound moral and siritual
iraining, Father Flanagan re
presented more than a priest;
ne was parent, teacher, counsel
lor, guardian and builder of
their characters as useful God
tearing American citizens.
All of the youthful citizens
of Boys Town, members of the
faculty and the administration
staff attended a solemn requi
em high mass at 7:00 oclock
Saturday morning, celebrating
i hy Monsignor P. A. Flanagan,
I brother ot the deceased Boys
Town founder and director.
He was assisted by the Rev.
Leo Kuhn and the Rev.Johrt
barrald, both former citizens
who are now members of the
Boys Town staff.
A message from Patrick J.
Norton, general manager of
Boys Town, who accompanied
bather Flanagan on his youth
mission to Europe, stated that
the body of Father Flanagan
would be returned to Boys
Town by army air transport.
Arrangements for the funeral
services here await more detail
ed information.
For the Catholic clergy, the
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Nicholas Weg
ner, Chancellor of the Archdio
I cese of Omaha, in the absence
■ of Archbishop Gerald T. Ber
I gan, now in the Orient, paid
tribute to Father Flanagan:
“All the clergy of the Arch
liocese are deeply grieved over
the sudden death of Monsignor
Flanagan, the most beloved
priest in the Archdiocese of
i Omaha,” Chancellor Wegner
! said. “His memory will ever
be a glorious example, not only
| to the present day riests, but
i also to all future priests of the
‘He was a true priest in eve
ry sence of the word, one of
Christ’s own , with Whom he
now enjoys eternal glory. The
work he accomplished for the
homeless and unfortunate boys
will be an everlasting monu
ment to him.”
years old, in the middle of hisi
31st year as the founder and
director of Father Flanagan’s
the Home with five homeless
boys in a house at 25th and
Dadge streets in Omaha on,
December 12, 1917, he had
cared for some 5,500 boys and
was now directing the care)
and education of 450 boys at
Boys Town. The Rev. Edmond
of the Home, is now acting
director of Boys Town.
Born in Leabeg, County Ro
scommon, Ireland, July 13th,
1886, Edward Joseph Flanag
an was educated in the Rosc
ommon public schools and at
Summerhill College, Sligo, Ir
eland, before coming to Amer
ica in 1904. Here he entered
Mount Saint Mary’s College,
1 Emitsburg, Md., in the fall of
1904, was graduated in 1906,
| and entered St. Joseph’s Sem
, inary, Durwoodie, N. Y. that
In the fall of 1907 hhe enter
the Gregorian University in
Rome, Italy. His studies were
| interrupted by ill health in the
| sring of 1908, and he returned?
i'to Omaha, working at a local •
1 packing lant for a year until
his health was restored, when
he entered the Jesuit Univer
sity at Innsbruck, Austria. He
was ordained at Innsbruck on
July 2bth, 1912, and celebrated
his First Solemn Mass at the
Holy Angels Church in Oma
ha, wher-\ his brother, Msgr.
Flanagan was astor, on
August 25th, 1912. He was
assigned as assistant pastor of
(St. Patrick’s church, O'Neill,
| Nebraska, in the fall of 1912,
and a year later he was trans
i ferred to Omaha as the assist
| ant pastor of St. Patrick's Ch- i
The insiration that later led
to his work for homeless boys
came to the young priest dur
ing his assignment at St. Pat
rick’s parish. In 1913 he open
ed a working men’s hotel to J
help “down and out” men in |
the city’s slum district. Three
years of this work proved dis
couraging, for few he ‘befriend
ed were more than temporarily
rehabilitated. He therefore de
cidedo.'sn heling homeless and
unfoiTknate ouths. This led to
the oemng • of his first home
for boys, financed by a $90.00
loan from a friend with three
homeless waifs and two who
were turned over to his care
by the juvinile court.
Enrollment at Father Flana
gan’s Boy’s Home grew rapid
ly and larger quarters were
needed within six months. He
moved it to a larger building
in Omaha, but by Setember,
1919, it was again overcrowded
In the fall of 1921 the homt
was moved to Overlook Farm’
the orginal tract of the now
largely expanded campus and
{arm of Boys Town. The first
ing was completed in Novem
ber, 1922.
Boys Town today comprises
more than 900 acres and 50
buildings, valued at several
building, now the school build
million dollars. It is a home
(Continued on page 2)
Mrs. Charlotta A. Bass, Cal
ifornia newpaper publisher and
prominent in Negro organiza
tions, has been appointed Na
tional Co-Chairman of Women
For Wallace, it was announced
by Mrs. Elinor Gimbel. Na
tional Chairman of the Wall
ace Women’s organization.
Mrs. Bass has also been
named Secretary of the Cre
dentials Committee of the New
Party convention which wHI
meet in Philadelphia, Julv 24
and 25 to adopt a national plat
form and plan the campaign
to elect Henry Wallace, Pres
ident, and Senator Glen H.
Taylor to the Vice-Presidency.
She is believed to be the first
Negro women’s leader in Am
erican history named to such
posts in a major political party.
Mrs. Bass said the party
platform would include de
mands for complete elimina
tion of discrimination and seg
regation from American life,
and end to poll-taxes and I
lynch law, government super- 1
I vision of polling places where
'Negroes are denied the right
to vote, a permanent FEPC
and similar measures.
- “I feel that Henry Wallace,
and. he alone, can inspire tha‘.
faith in the American people
which will lift us out of the
quagmire of depression and
racial bigotry into which we
seem to be sinking," Mrs. Bass
Mrs. Bass, a resident of Lo>
Angeles, California, is a leader
of the Independent Progressive
Party recently formed there
to support Wallace and pro
gressive Congressional candi
dates. She is the publisher of
the California Eagle.
Friday, May 21
7:00 Registration, 50c
7:30 Opening Session
Mrs. A. D. Stevens, Presiding
VVorshop.Rev. Henry J. Goede
Member Christian Educa
tion Committee, The Omaha
Council of Churches and Dir
ector of Christian Education
for the Synod of Nebraska, The
United Lutheran Church in
Address—“How to Set Up
and Promote a Vacation
Church School”— Miss Ruth
Elizabeth Murphy, The In
ternational Council of Relig
ious. Education.
Visual Resources .
.Rev. George Fiske
Saturday, May 22
1:30 Afternoon Session *
Admission by registration
Mrs. Bert Popowski, Presiding
1:30 Worhip.. Miss Murphy
1 :45 Presentation and discus
sion, Miss Murphy. Theme to
grow out of needs arising Fri
day night.
2:15 Departmental confer
Beginners—Mrs. A. D. Stev
ens and Miss Winnie Argan
Primaries — Mrs. P. D.
Juniors—Miss Murphy.
Junior High — Mrs. Joe'
Reeves and Mr. Herman Cro
3:45 Dedication service—
.Mrs. Popowski
The Vacation School Com.:
Mrs. Bert Popowski, Chair
man, Mrs. A. D. Stevens, Miss
Winnie Arganbright, Mr. Will
iam Payne.
* i
Glen H. Taylor hard hitting
senator form Idaho, will be in
Omaha Saturday. As the run
ning mate of. Henry Wallace
on the new Progressive Party
ticket he will hold conferences
with labor, business and youth
groups, and with Negro lead
ers. Then at 8:00 p. m. Satur
day .May 22, 1948 he will ad
dress a mass meeting iit Cent
ral High school Auditorium.
Taylor is the man cheifly
responsible for preventing the
seating of Senator Theodore
Bilbo by the 80th Congress.
All will remember the Senator
s recent challenge to racial
discrimination in Birmingham
Alabama. And only a few days
ago he cancelled his speaking
engagements in Oklahoma be
cause the local authorities
were demanding segregation.
Mr. Taylor was the leading
Senator opposing the Taft-Ha
rtley anti-labor law. He talked
on the senate floor for a solid
8 hours against the measure,
and has sponsored a bill for
its repeal.
On rebruary 23rd, Senator
Taylor told a nationwide rad
io audience “I, no more than
Roosevelt, could remain in the
arty which has betrayed the
principles in which I believe.
Happily in 1948 we have a pla
ce to go where we can activ
ely carry on the fight. I am
going to cast my lot w ith Hen
ry Wallace and his brave and
gallent jjjght for peace. . .Now
1 will be free to fight this bi
partisan coalition and all its
works: Taft-Hartley— Univ
ersal Military Training—this
drive toward war. high rices
and racial discrimination and
suppression of civil liberties.”
Airs. Taylor and their tw'O
boys will accompany the Sen
Tickets ($.25, $.50, $1.00)
are on ale at:
Royal Clothiers, 2410 N st
MArket 9518
Ann’s Cafe, 2729 1/2 Q St.
Johnson Drug Company, at
2306 North 24th St., WEb
ster 0998
Yes, Yes, we are glad to
have Sister Alberta Hall back
from her vacation in the sun
ny south where the green
grass! wa) growing and |he
pure water flowing.
To the people of the citty
and community, we extend you
a hearty welcome to attend our
Sunday School reunion begin
ning May 23rd, conducted by
our state Sunday School sup
erintendent, Elder C. C. Coop
er, from north side service be
ginning at 7:30 p.m. Every
one welcome.
Elder A. E. Johnson, Pastor
A framing institute ior va-,
cation BHJe School workers'
will be heRivby the Omaha
Council of Cmjrches May 21
and 22 at Calvary Baptist
Church, 39th and Cuming St.
Visiting -specialists^Vill be
Miss Ruth Elizabeth MtHj|Y,j
Director of Vacation ReligiotrAj
Education of the International ]
Council of Religious Educa
tion, Chicago, and Mrs. P. O.
Marvel, acting Director of Re
ligious Education for Nebraska
Christian Churches, Giltner,
The Opening session will be
Aeld at 7:30 p.m. Friday, and
the institute will close at 4:0Q
o’clock Saturday.
- —j