The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, May 08, 1948, Image 1

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case Involves Question of Engineers
National Labor Relations*
Board hearing in the case be
tween the Communications
Workers of America, North
western Division No. 45 and
the Northwestern Bell Tele
phone Company were comple
ted before Hearing Officer, C.
A. Meter of the Eighteenth Re
gional Office of the NLRB at
Minneapolis, Minnesota, in the
Douglas County Court House
at Omaha, Nebraska on April
, 14th, 1948. The hearing start
ed on Monday, April 12, 1948.
The case involves the impor
tant question as whether the
Engineers now employed by
the Company in the five North
western States are “profession
al” and Management employ
ees with-in the meaning of the
Taft-Hartley Law and there
fore. ineligible to membership
in the Union.
The Company is also claim
ing that its PBX Instructors
who are members of the Union
should be excluded, as Man
agement employees.
Although the case affects on
ly a little over two hundred
workers of this Company, it is
important because of its effect
on the status of thousands of
other telephone workers in the
Bell System throughout the
The Union called several
witnesses from the various st
ates it covers to support its con
tention that all of these work
ers properly'belong to the Un
Company officials were cal
led to support the Companv’s
claim that Engineers and PBX
Instructors should be elimin
ated from the bargaining unit
represented by the Union.
The Union was represented
General Council for CWA Nor I
thwestern Division No. 45 and
its Division President, R. L.
Mayer, of the New York City,
at the hearing by Mr. Henry
Rogers of Des Moines, Iowa.
The Company was represent
ed by its General Counsel and
Vice-President, Tracy J. Pey
cke and Associate Counsel H.
G. Burke as well as its Person
nel! Vice-President, J. H. Kre
Have You Ever Benn the Vic
tim of Bait Advertising?
Bait advertising is an allur
ing and insincere offer to sell
something. Its principal pur
pose is to get the customer into
the store. Bait offers include
merchandise the advertiser do
es not intend to sell, the knock
in gof advertising mechandise
, by sales people for the purpose
of switching the customer to
an item which is more advant
ageous for the merchant to sell
and several other methods are
used to switch from the adver
tised merchandise.
The legitimate merchant
dots not perpetrate such prac
tices upon the consuming pub
lic for he realizes that, in order
to get the besl return for his a
ddvertising dollar, he must sell
his story truthfully and fact
ually. and he does not indulge
in these practices because he
realizes also that they are un
ethical and destroy public con
ifdence in business.
However, there are others,
such as the merchant who mi -
ght advertise rebuilt vacuum
cleaners as good as new, but
then in return when people
write phone, or come into the
store for the advertised mach
ine to the prospect but contin
ually run it down claiming it
has poor suction, a bad motor,
or point out some other defect.
The machine might ever have
the suction blocked, carbon
brushes filed down to a point
so that it doesn’t have any po
wer, or it might have parts re
moved. The idea of course is to
get the customer into the store
or for the agent to get into the
home in order to sell a new
machine. If the customer in
sists on buying one of the re
built machines, he is told that
that particular machine is only
a demonstrator and that they
have other people to show it
to, or that all the rebuilt mach
ines have just been sold. In
any case, the customer never
geta the machine that has been
Yes, these practices are act
ually being perpetrated upon
the buying public and any such
practices should immediately
brought to the attention of the
Bureau as these methods des
troy confidence in advertising
and business.
An appliance store advertis
ed “New Records—29 cents.”
They also listed the records
as being made by the well'
known manufacturers. Invest
igation by the Bureau disclos
ed that some of the records
were used and those that were
not used were up to 20 vears
After a discussion with the
owner of the store, the ad was
changed to disclose the true
facts, that the records were
used and of the outmoded var
Failure To Disclose True Mat
erial Content Brings $64,500
The Bureau sends out sev
eral letters a day requesting
advertisers to disclose the true
material content of their mer
Some terms, such as balbrig
gan, broadcloth, damask, gab
ardine, poplin, velour, etc., in
dicate fabrics having a certain
weave, construction, or finish.
Some of these fabrics may be
made in any one of several ma
terials or combinations of ma
terials. In such instances it is
desirable to have the fabric
term accompanied by words
which accurately specify the
material content, such as cot
ton velour,. Etc.
The failure to do this on the
part of a New York manufact
urer proved very costly when
the New York Supreme Court
recently (awarded $64,500 to
the parents of a deceased boy
tor whom they had purchased
a cowboy suit.
The suit contained a rayon
which burst into flames and
burned the boy to death when
he got too near the fire. In this
case the judgement was again
st the manufacturer and not
the retailer. Judgement also
included the maker of the fab
ric and the sales agent repre
ss e n t i n g the manufacturer.
They were adjudged guiltv of
negligence in failing to warn
puchasers of the combustible
nature of the garment.
This firmly proves that fail
ureto disclose can sometimes
be very costly. Avoid trouble
and misunderstnding by giv
ing all the true facts in the co
py of your ads.
Used Merchandise Must Be
Advertised As Used
Recently there has been a
general laxness on the part of
certain war surplus stores in
goods by not disclosing the
tact that it is used.
This is not only violating
the “Truthful Advertising
Law” but it is also a direct or
dinance No. 15161, which for
bids the advertising for sale,
the offering for sale, the dis
playing for sale, and the sale
of goods, wares, or merchan
dise which consists wholl" or
partly of second hand material
or “seconds,” without stating
the fact and labeling each art
icle or unit as such.
This ordinance provides pen
alties for its violation.
l ne coordinating committee
of the Tuskegee NAACP chap
ter met in Dorothy hall recen
tly to discuss plans for the re
gional conference at Tuskegee
Saturday and Sunday, March
20-21. The conference will in
clude the states of Alabama,
Mississippi, JNorth Carolina,
South Carolina, Georgia, Flo
rida and Tennessee.
Seated left to right, are: Mrs
Betty Hodge, W. Hermon,
Mrs. Milton Love, C. G. Gom
illion, Mrs. William T. Peter
son, Dr. Joseph Berry, pres
j ident ot the local chapter, YV.
! T. Mitchell, chairman of the
! coordinating committee, Mrs.
Willie Miller. Daniel Boasley,
Mns. Hattie Flennoy, R. E.
Guinn and S. E. Walker.
The aoove photo shows a
group of pledgees to Zeta cha
pter. Philadelphia, of Phi Del
ta Kappa sorority.
From left to right :Evange
line Moore, Ruby G. Smith,
Elaine Thomas, Ethel Hibbert
and Jessue Coverdale.
Mrs. Hibbert is the first
white teacher to become'a ple
dgee of Zeta chapter.
Harold W . Alexander was
awarded the master of arts de
gree by Iowa university on
Januaryl and has passed the
qualifying examinations for
further studies leading to the
degree of doctor of philosophy.
Mr. Alexander was graduated
from Fort Valley State college
June, 1942. He served as act
ing registrar of Fort Valley
from Januaryl,1946 to Jan. 1,
Rise in Cancer
During the past 25 years, cancer
has climbed from seventh to sec
ond place as a direct caMse of death. j
It is now second to heart trouble as
a cause of death. About 175,000 !
Americans will die of cancer this
year and of the total population of
140 million now living, some 17 mil
lion will die of cancer.
Is Not Inherited
Tuberculosis is not inherited. It is
a disease which well people catch
from people who have active tuber
culosis. While it is a serious disease
it can be cured and its spread can
be prevented.
±o remove racial mis-under
standing and improve relation
between the races, the Niger
ian Institute of Race relations
has bee nset up in Nigeria,
British West Africa. Founder
is a young Nigerian farmer,
A. N. Obi. The institute, whi
ch hopes to establish branches
all over Nigeria, now has a
membership representing eve
munitv in the country and ev
ery shade of political opinion.
The picture shows Preside
nt and officers of the institute:
Sitting, from left to right, fou
nder and president. A. N. Obi;
the Rev. M. O. Dada, D. A.
Becher, author of ‘best-seller
“My Africa”; Mazi Mbonu 0
jike:Greek consul J. Mondilas,
the institutes president; Sir A
deyerno Alakija; Mitchael El
ias (Lebonesc) ; C. P. Ojukwa,
F. J. Nabhan (Syrian), leader
of the Nigerian Youth move
ment; Dr. A. Maja, and Niger
ian Chief Scout Commissioner
Arthur Brown. Standing: In
stitute secretary.Gen Mr. A.
A.. Kotun; and Liaison Secert
afy JJ. Q. Kusaau,
Dr. Dwight H. Wilson, in
ternational archivist who as
sumed office as the first Arch
ivist for Fisk University on
April 1. He worked for a num
ber of years with the National
Archives in Washington, D.C.,
and served in Rome. Italy, as
Archival Consultant, Allied
Commission Archives; and
Deputy Director, Allied Force
Administration Archives.
(Photo F. P. Roberts’ Studio)
Value of Milk
A quart of milk—four glasses—
supplies approximately these per
centages of the daily nutritive re
quirements of an average man: Cal
cium, 100 per cent plus; riboflavin
(vitamin G), 82 per cent; phos
phorus, 67 per cent; protein, 49 per
cent; vitamin A, 30 per cent; thia
min, 22 per cent; calories, 22 pier
cent; vitamin C, 19 per cent; niacin,
6 per cent, and iron, 3 per cent.
Large Erosion Acreage
It Is estimated that in the United
States at least half the acreage
needed this year for intertilled and
etosejfrowtafi crops is subject tv
Although they’ve just open
ed a brand new, spic and span,
modern food store, members of
the Wise Buyers Mart, Inc.,
new co-op in Kansas City, Mo.,
aren’t stopping to rest. They
re out urging their friends and
neighbors to join them in the
new business enterprise.
These folks know the value
of working together. Some yrs.
ago they formed the Kansas
City Council of Negro Emplo
lyees, a mutual benefit organi
' zation to help the Kansas City
members solv their financial
problems, the council sponsor
ed organiation of the Negro
Employees Credit Union, wh
ich during the past 13 years,
has grown into a successful in
stitution with assets of more
than $65,000.
The grocery store didn't
“just hanpen” For some time
interested groups with enthus
iastic leaders, met at intervals
to study cooperative principles
then went out to secure more
members, met at intervals to
study cooperative principles,'
then went out to secure more
members. “It Can Be Done"
was their motto.
Some people would sav it
couldn’t be done. But on Thu
rsday night, January 29th, the
Wise Buyers had a member
shipship of more than 400, had |
raised capital of $11,000 in cash r
and were opening an up to date
store at 2t>6l Prospect Street,
ct currier iuca.uuii.
More than a thousand guests I
thronged the store the night of
the “open house" and inspected
the neat rows of canned goods,'
the refrigerated self-service,
storage for dairy products, the
meat department, and the
modern display of fresh fruits
and vegetables.
W. N. Rasberry, acted as the
master of ceremonies. By
means of a public address sys
tem visitors were told the his
tory of the organization, its
aims, and services to be ren
dered. Highlight was a talk by
Reverand D. A. Holmes, pas
tor of the Pasea Baptist Chur
ch and president of the Kan
sas City Ministerial Alliance,
who urged all those present j
to give full support to the en-1
tterprise, thereby improving
their economic status.
An immediate hit with the
crowd was an original ditty
sung by Mr. Raspberry’s
daughter, Villa:
“When I was a girl, her
Grandma sai
My mama's chile ate shorten
ing bread.
But your diet’s balanced, Ana
then what’s more,
Your food comes trom 1 he
Co-op Store!” |
Refreshments of co-op cof
fee, fruit juices, and ice cream
were served in the meeting
hall upstairs.
One of the “spark plugs” of
Wise Buyers Mart is Fred W.
Williams, president of the
board of directors. W. A. Mc
Donald, member of the store
board and president of the Ne
gro Employes Credit Union,
was one of the first to become
actively interested in co-op?
years ago.
Manager of the new store is
Amos R. Johnson, Jr., who
served for 10 years as man
ager-treasurer of the credit
union. Johnson attended Kan
sas State Teachers College and
is a veteran of World War IE
Recently he received addition
al training in co-op manage
ment at the Commonwealth
Co-operative, Gary, Indiana.
Barbara Vaughan is vice
president of the board and V .
B. Willoughby is secretary.
Other directors include W. A.
McDonald. Robert P. Lyons,
Editha Russell, Bennie L. Bry
ant, Robetra Coffee and W. N.
Raspberry. Ann H. Joshua
acts as treasurer.
Pigeons Travel Far
Messages have been carried as far '
as 800 miles by homing pigeons. j
Peter Abrahams, author of
“Path of Thunuer." a novel
which deals with the love of
wo people, of different races
n Sooth ' fr-j— The book is
heralded by reviewers as being
“completely convincing an«,l
approaching the quality of un
iversality that good writing
shouldhave.” Abrahams was
born in Johannesburg, South
Africa, less than 30 years ago,
but is described as a writer
with ‘rare talent.”
.■ —" _ I
fl...™BBK#x6aB5BSBaxas*. ■ >.
Dr. Preston Yalien. profes
sor of Sociology, has been ap
pointed head of the department
of sociology and director of
research at Fisk University.
He is succeeding Dr. Chas. S.
Johnson, who became presi
dent of the institution in 1947.
(Photo F. P. Roberts’ Studio)
“Seeds of Destiny”, a doc
umentary film about the Dis
placed Persons (DP’S), will
be made available for Omahans
next week.
This 21 minute picture, tak
en in European D.P. camps,
will be given private showings
on both Tuesday and Wednes
day at 10:30 A.M. and 2:00
P.M. These will be in Room
703 (south end of hall) in the
Federal building, 15th and
Dodge streets.
The film has been brought
to the City under the sponsor
ship of the American Brother
hood (National Conference of
Christians and Jews). Co-op
eration has been given for this
by the Office of the Nebraska
State Senior Instructor, O. R
Civic groups interested in
their own showings of the pic
ture are asked to contact the
American Brotherhood, 1504
Dodge St. (AT 8555).
Said Earle Conover, Region
al Director, “We appreciate
the privilege of being able to
present this powerful picture
about the D. P. s. If one pic
ture is still worth ten thous
and words interesting people
will grasp this opportunity.”
r—.- 1 ■ ..—
Save Little Fat Too
Many women think of saving
used kitchen fat only when they
have lots of it, frying bacon, for (
instance. But all meats have
some fat, and bones and table '
scraps will yield a surprising
amount when they are heated,
and every drop is scraped into
your fat salvage container.
Warm Water for Plants
Tepid water instead of cold water
should be used for watering house
plants. Cold water may shock the
plants, damage the roots and retard
The above photo was taken
at the Veterans hospital, Tusk
egee, and shows rom left to
right, standing, Dr. T. T. Til
don, manager; seated, Dr.
Richard Lyman, professor of
neuropsychiatry, Duke univer
sity,doaitedto^theVA' for efghT
months, now stationed at
Tuskegee; standing, Dr. Bing
! ham Dai, psyschanalyst on the
I faculty of Duke university
Medical school. Dr. Dai was
visiting lecturer at Tuskegee
[during the first week in Febr
uary. (ANP).
Democratic National Com.
A major milestone in Amer
ica foreign policy was passed
last week when the President
signed the foreign aid bill—the
European Recovery Program
bill and appropriations to aid
Greece, Turkey and China.
The bill was signed at a sim
ple ceremony in the Presidents
office attended l>y Cabinet
members and Congressional
leaders., The President describ
the signing of the act as “a
momentous occasion in the
world’s quest for enduring pe
ace” and commended the Con
gress for its co-operation in
the prompt passage o f the
The President added:
“Its passage is a striking man
ifestation of the fact that a
bi-partisan foreign policy can
lead to effective action. It is
even more striking in its proof
that swift and vigerous action
for peace is not incompatible
with Those who are skeptical
of the sffectiveness of a demo
cratic system should ponder
the lesson of the enactment of
this measure. . . .
“The foreign assistance act is
the best* answer that this coun
try can make in reply to the
vicious and distorted misrep
resentations of our efforts for
peace which have been spread
abroad by those who do not
wish our efforts to succeed.
The measure is America’s an
swer to the challenge facing
the free world.”
The President followed this
stern warning, which was pla
the peace. He Said:
“It (the bill he signed) is a
measure for reconstruction,
stability and peace. Its pur
inly addressed to Russia and
its program of Communist ag
ression, with a statement of
his own faith that we can win
pose is to assist in the preser
vation of conditions' under
which free institutions can
survive in the world.
“I believe that the determin
ation of the American people
to work for conditions of end
uring peace throughout the
this act, will encourage free
men and women everywhere
and will give renewed hope to
all mankind that there will one
day be peace on earth, good
will among men.”
But even as this bill was
being signed the Russians we
re creating as incident in Ber
lin to seek to divert attention
from, the American move to
ward peace. Russian activities
made it plain that national
prudence required the Ameri
can nation to keep its defens
es strong while it sought to
help rebuild the free nations of
Before the Congress was the
President’s March 17 proposal
for universal training and tem
porary selective service. The
Congress showed no dispos
ition to give the President the
defense program he asked for.
Isolationist Republicians who
had sought to delay and whit
tle down the Euopean Recov
ery Program bitterly attacked
the Presidents proposals. They
were joined by the Wallace
third party and the Commun
ist newspaper, the Daily Wor
But administration leaders
took the facts to the Capital
hill and patiently worked for
bi-partisan support to put thr
ough the Presiedtn’s requests.
Neither universal training nor
selective service are regarded
as good proposals politically in
| an election year and many Re
publicans lacked the courage
to face up to international real
ities as did the President on
| March 17.
Many GOP polotices sought
some easier way out by seek
ing to temporize with the crit
! ical situation abroad and by
pretending that manpower is
not an essenial part of the nat
ional defense.
There was also another ser
ious bit of evidence that the
Republician Party was far
from united in its support of
the bi-partism foreign policy.
Chairman John Taber (R.,
X. Y.) of the powerful House
Appropriations C o m m i t tee
said that he would be in no
hurry to bring out appropiat
ions to implement the Europ
ean Recovery Program. He
wanted to study “needs” of ev
ery participating nation.
It is the habit of Mr. Taber
to display his power “by de
laying action on appropiation»
(Continued to Page 3) #