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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1948)
/JUSTICE/EQUALITY HEW TO THE UNE\ EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PHONE HA.0800' __,__tjKANT ST_ VOL. XXI—No. 14._THE OMAHA GUIDE OMAHA, NEBR. Saturday, May 1st, 1948 ONLY TEN CENTS PER COPY U. S. SHOULD MAKE CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE UNNECESSARY—WHITE New York, N. Y. April 15th— Disavowing “civil (lisobedien- i ce as an eiiective technique for solving the race problem,” Wa lter \\ hite secretary of the Na tional Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People, expressed the hope in a letter to senator Wayne Morse “that sufficient courage can be mus tered by the government to do the simple thing which will make unnecessary' and unthin kable any campaign of civil dis obedience. Tljat simple act is to wipe out segregation forth with.” Mr. White's letter of April 14 was in responce to a wire from Senator Morse deploring what he deemed NAAUP “en couragement” of the proposal made by A. Philip Randolph, for complete non-participation in any selective service or un iversal military training pro gram which does not specific ally prohibit racial segregation. Meanwhile on the floor of the Senate, April 12, Mr. Mor se, a member of the NAACP board of directors, demanded to know “how far Mr. White would go, as secretary of that association, in supporting Mr. Randolph’s position, because if he or the other officials of that association are going to support to any degree what so ever Mr. Randolph’s civil dis obedience program, I serve notice now that I shall dissoc iatemyself from the board of directors of that association”. Asserting that “we have not counseled Negroes to refuse to serve their country,” Mr. W hi te'concluded: “We would be less than honest and grosslv derelict to the membership of the NAACP and to America it self if we did not say blutly that the Negro is totally fed up with segregation in the armed services and will oppose in ev ery legitimate and legal fash ion such segregation.” He cited the'“galling injust ices” and discriminations en dured by Negro troops in the last war and charged that “the i unnecessary and dangerous em j phasis on racial segregation I broadens the chasm of antagon j ism between Negro and White Americans because the Army j and Navy lack the courage to ' abolish segregation. This pra ctice has caused the United States to be ridiculed throug out the world, particularly a mong the two-thirds of thhe people of the earth who are col ored.” Not only has Congress fail ed to take effective steps to wards eliminating segregation in the armed services, Mr. White maintained, but has also engaged in “the cheapest of politics” with regard to a minimum civil rights program. “It is openly reported,” he said, that the Republicans are de bating how little they can do on the civil rights program and still attract Negro support. They are reported to favor an emasculated anti-lynching bill, overlooking the demand for ab olition of the poll tax and free dom to secure jobs on merit through a federal fair employ ment practice law, believing that the Negro vote can be pur chased by passage of one em asculated bill. . . On the other side on the aisle there is little difference of attitude.” ATTENTION The Guadeamus Club. Inter racial study group is inviting the 14 successful candidates for the City Commission to a me eting on May 4th at the Cent ral \ MCA at 17th and St. Mary’s The purpose of this meeting is to learn the plat form of these candidates and to get acquainted. The public is cordially invited. Time 7: p.m. EQUALIZATION REQUIRED Richmond, Va., April 15— Educational equalization was required by a decision handed down on April 7 by U. S. Dis trict Judge Sterling Hutche son who ruled that facilities afford Negro pupils in Ches terfield, King George and Glo ucester countries were inferior to those for white children. De claratory judgements and in junctions will be emerged in each case. Spottswood W. Ro binson, regional NAACP coun sels handled the case. RECKLESS DRIVING Foster Goodlett, Jr., 2726 Binney Street, was charged with reckless driving. No pros ecution. URGES SENATORS TO BAN REGIONAL COL LEGE PLAN New York, N. Y„ April 15— Continuing the fight against congressional approval of the southern plan for segregation regional educational institut ions, Walter White, secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, today dispatched com munications to 75 members of the Senate urging them “to op pose this measure if and when it reaches the floor of the sen ate.” o Action of the Senate Judici ary sub-committee last week favoring the Jim Crow plan was condemned by the NAAC P board of directors as “compl icity in the plot of the south ern governors to circumvent the Supreme Court decisions in the Gaines and Sipuel cases.’" The committee approved the plan by a 6 to 2 vote. Voting for were Senators E. H. Moore, Oklahoma, Pat McCarran, Nev J. Wm. Fulbright, Ark., For rest C. Donnell, Mo., James O. Eastland, Miss., and Alexander Wiley, Wise. Senators Honher Ferguson, Mich., and William Langer, N. D. voted against ap proval. Senator J. Howard Me Grath, R. I., abstained from voting. In his letter which went to all Senators except those from the deep South. Air. White ex pressed “shock” that the com mittee has approved the plan “in the face of the unanimous opposition to the measure by all responsible Negro educat ional, church, professional bus iness and civic organizations.” He asked the Senators to with hold approval of the plan be cause it was designed to extend segrated education to the reg ional level and because it con travened the Supreme Court decisions-“which require states to furnish to Negro students educational opportunities equ al to that furnished white stu dents within the state bound aries.” • < TO RELEASE ARMY PRISONER New York, X. Y., April 15— Release on home parole for Army prisoner Eugene H. Ho rd of Baltimore has been ap proved and will become effect ive on or about May 27, accor ding to information from the U. S. Department of the Army received here this week by Fr anklin H. Williams, assistant special counsel for the Nation al Association for the Advan cement of Colored People. Hord, tried by a general court martial sitting at Koku ra, Japan on January 27, 1947, was charge with having com mitted armed assult upon an other soldier and a Japanese civilian. Convicted of the char ge, he was sentenced to ten years confinement at hard la bor. Investigation by the NA ACP lawyer revealed extenua ting circumstances on the bas is of which a plea for clemency was filed with the Department of the Army. Ida Rahn, student of Cent-t ral High School, winner of the! Elks Oratorical Contest. \ ictor Wilburn of Central High School won secand place. Each contestant was award ed a token of appreciation. The winner awarded transportat ion and expenses to the Reg ional Contest, the contestants there will be the winners from the several states of our Dist-1 rict. The winners will *be award ed a $1,000 scholarship. NEARLY $16,000 COLLECT ED FOR DEFENSE OF MRS. INGRAM New York, N. Y„ April 15— The National Association for the advancement of Colored People today annouced receipt of a total of $15,853.50 for the defense of Mrs. Rosa Lee In gram and her two teenage sons convicted of a self-defense slay ing by an all-white jury in Am ericus, Georgia. The sum represents the total amount received by the nation- ■ al office and does not include funds sent to the Americus, Ga. branch. The bulk of the mon ey came from 117 NAACP bra nches which contributed $13, 094.25 Thirty-two organization civic, social, labor, religious & political —contributed $1,083. 78. From churches all over the country came 800.18. The re maining $875.29 was contribut ed by individuals. Although the death senten ces first imposed on the Ingr ams have been vacated, they still face life imprisonment. Edward R. Dudley, assistant special counsel for the NAAC P., left rfhis week to consult with Austin T. Walden and o ther Georgia attorneys in pre paration for an appeal to the State Supreme Court for a new trial. The NAACP is prepared to carry the case to the United States Supreme Court if neces sary to gain the freedom of Mrs Ingram and her sons. STOP — LOOK — AND SAVE Stop Look and Save at Sam mys’. Have you met Sammy? Xo! if not you will. He is to be our new business man. Just gc in and say. Hello, Sammy. He will specialize in all types of meat, that you want, at the lowest prices. Don't forget Thrifty Market. Go in and see Sammy. COME TO 2nd SERIES OF RALLIES AGAINST DIS CRIMINATION Come to Clair Memorial Methodist church at 22nd and Miami Streets, May 4, Tues day evening, at 8:00 p. m., to hear these people who are wil ling to help break down the dis criminatory practices in our community and the whole of Omaha. Our first meeting was a great success. Please come and bring a friend, as your support is greatly needed. Eve ryone, please, come. NEGRO REPRESENTA TION ON RENT BOARD ASKED Washington, DC., April 15— Negro representation on local rent advisory boards set up un der the recently passed Rent Control Act was urged by Les lie S. Perry of the Washington bureau of the National Assoc iation for the Advancement of Colored People. In a letter addressed to Tig he Woods, Federal Housing Expediter. Mr. Perry pointed out that the law provided for the appointment of “citizens o' the area who, as a group, are .epresentative of the affected nterested in the area.” Appoint ments are made upon recom mendation of the state govern TS. “It is our sincere hope, ’ Mr. Perry said, “that you will re ect all new nominations, or nembers of existing boards", w hose appointments would not be consistent with board area represetation.” In a mem orandum to all NAACP bran ches, the Washington repre sentative suggested that name of qualified persons be agreer upon and submitten to the go vernor with a recommendation for appointment. i - Additional Dial Switching Equipment Additional dial switching equipment is now being instal led in the new PLeasant office telephone building at 4608 No. 30th Street to serve about 1, 800 telephone customers now served by other central offices, it is announced by C. D. Giet zen, district manager for the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company. The new equipment will be ready for service i n September, Mr. Gietzen said. The territory to be transfer red includes some from the northeast part of the WAlnut Glendale area, some form the southwest part of the Kenwo r od area, and some(trom tne no I rth part of the ATlantic Jack son HArney Webster area. All telephone customers in the ter ritory to be transferred now have dial service except those in the KEnwood area of which there are about 300. Work of converting their telephone in struments for dial service has been started, Mr. Gietzen said. This transfer of telephones is being made to lessen the load on other offices and is an other step toward providing more and better service for the people of Omaha, Mr. Dietzen explained Aaron Douglas Aaron Douglas, one of Am erica’s foremost contemporary artists, adjusts one of his por traits at his exhibit last week at Fisk University where he heads the art department. Mr. Douglas’ exhibit was accepted and later cancelled by two of Nashville's leading cultural centers but finally displayed at Fisk University was impartia lly acclaimed by critics. Ruth Campbell of the Nashville Ten nessean (daily) declared that it had been “some time since art lovers in Nashville had been treated to a show as out standing as Douglas’ ” and la mented the fact that because oft" transportation difficulties many citizens would be denied an impressive showing of the paintings that merit unprejud iced recognition.” 31 a King waierproor uiue Waterproof glue having good ad hesive qualities can be made by soaking ordinary glue in water un til it swells, then draining. Put the glue in a glue pot and add an equal amount of linseed oil, cook this mixture slowly until the mix ture is a jellylike mass. It will Spread easily if heated before be- j ina used. I Rise in Cancer During the past 25 years, cancer has climbed from seventh to sec ond place as a direct cainse of death. It is now second to heart trouble as a cause of death. About 175,000 Americans will die of cancer this year and of the total population of 140 million now living, some 17 mil lion will die of cancer. War On Weeds Omahans will be made con scious of the importance of cleaning up weeds during a “war on weeds” week, accord ing to Val Kuska, chairman of the Omaha WVr on Weeds Committee. The War on Weeds program in Omaha is part of the overall state-wide War on Weeds wh ich is being conducted by Gov. Val Peterson and a state Ex ecutice Committee. During the week of April 25 to May 1, will be climaxed by a weed meeting at the Cham ber of Commerce dining room. Dr. E. L. Mac Quiddv, As sociate Professor of Medicine, University of Nebraska, will show- slides illustrating how allergy weeds affect human he alth. A motion picture will be shown on the control of weeds and John D. Furrer, Extens ion Weed Specialist, Univer sity of Nebraska, will discuss control of weeds on lawns, fen ce rows, and vacant lots. Paul" Steward, Chairman of the Ag ricultural Committee, Omaha Chamber of Commerce, will conduct a question and answer period. “We w-ant to improve the health of Omaha people and change the looks of the city by making them conscious of the problem that weeds have be come,” declared Mr. Kuska. Edward Matthews Edward Matthews, brilliant young baritone who will ap pear at Tisk University’s 19t'n annual Festival of Music and Art on April 29th. The former Fisk Jubilee Singe will pre sent a program of folk music from many countries, selection fro “Porgy and Bess.” and Am erican Xegro work songs, spir ituals and compositions. John Wesley Work John Wesley Work, profes sor of music theory at Fisk Un , iversity, who will appear on a ! seminar ‘Folk Music” during i the 19th annual Festival of ; Music and Art on May 1. Par . ticipating in the discussion I with \\ ork will be Charles Se eger, chief of music division, Pan-American Union, and G. M allace \\ oodworth, director of arvard University Glee Club. FIRST RED CROSS STAN DARD COURSE A first aid Class is being ! started at the Near Northside I } V CA., 22nd and Willis, at j 7 :00 p. m. Tuesday, May 4. It is being set up for the Purple Cross Visiting Nurses. Anyone who is interested in the class, nlease contact Cleo Edwards, HArney 1299, William O’He arn is Red Cross Director. LAD HIT BY BULLET C. R. Willis, 2025 Ohio St. reported to Police late Sunday that he had fired a shot at two prowlers who appeared at his home. A little later Charles Watkins 16, of 2006 Ohio St., told persons at 24th and Grant Street he had been struck by a stray bullet as he was walking along 24th. He suffered a wo und in the neck. Police took him to county Hospital. Det ectives questioned John Paull ing. 15, of 966 North 24th St. who was with him and he told the same thing. Pauelling said he and Watkins merely intend ed to peak into the house. Mr. M illis said someone had tried to enter his home, twice in the past. He waited Sunday night with a gun for them to return. FISK ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF MUSIC & ART Nashville Tennessee—Folk music will be heard and discus sed at Fisk University’s 19th annual Festival of Music and Art, April 29th, 30th, and May 1 in concerts ’by Edward Mat thews and the 100-voice Uni versity Choir and a seminar on “Folk Music" featuring three national authorities, G. Wallac Woodworth, Charle^ Seeger, and John W. Work. Edward Matthews, brilliant baritone, who is generally con | sidered one of the most versa ! tile artists in America today, will appear with the University Choir on April 29th. The sem inar on “Folk Music” takes place, May 1 with Charles Se eger, chief of music division, Pan-American Urn ion, and John Work, professor of music theory, Fisk University as the speakers. G. Wallace Wood worth, 'director of the Har vard University Glee Club, will be a concert by the Uni verstiy Choir on the evening df May 1. Highlights of the even ing will be the third public , performance of Paul Hende 1 mith’s “Apparebit Repentina Dies” for a mixed chorus and brass instruments. The choir is under the direction of John F. Ohl with Authur Croley at the console. •Musical artists and scholars I at the Festival will share the spotlight with Pearl Primus, famous Interpreter of African dances; Marjorie Kinnan Raw lings, author of The Yearling; Robert Redfield, professor of anthropology, University of Chicago; and John Hope Fra nklin, author of From Slavery to Freedom, all of whom will be appearing during the three days. Matthew’s concert will fea ture folk songs of various co untries', compositions by Neg ro composers, and selections from “Porgt and Bess,” the folk-inspired opear in which he starred. In his concluding num |bers featuring Negro work so ngs as arranged by J. W. Wo rk and a group of spirituals, the baritone will take lead and will be joined in the chorus by the University Choir. A graduate of Fisk Univer sity, Matthews toured Europe and America as a member of the famous Fisk Jubilee sing ers. He resigned his position as director of jubilee music at Fi sk to take advantage of Broad way, radio and concert offers. Fisk University is widely recognized as having produc ed the leading authorities in Such an authority is John Wes the field of Negro folk music, ley Work, one of the country’s leading composers who will ap pear ont he seminar “Folk Mu sic”, May 1st. His book, Am erican Negro Songs is rated a mong the best in this phase, of American folk music. The com poser is also a graduate of the Fisk University and both of his parents were Fisk Jubilee Singers. Sweeter Than Sugar A flew^chemical compound which is said to be 4,000 times as sweet as cane has been discovered by Nether land scientists. This new compound is a benzene derivative, to which the chemical name l'-n-propoxy-2 amino-4-nftrobenzene has been given. A pair put a box under his window and he called to them and they ran. He then fired when they didn’t stop. GOV. DUFF TO RECEIVE FIRST EMBLEM CLUB A WARD | Philadelphia— Christian St. Branch of the International i Etrfblem Club has announced that its first annual “ Distin guished Service Award” will 'be presented to Governor Jas. H. Duff on Thursday evening. April 29 at the Branch. The event, which will be the (high-lighht of the Annual Ac itivities Week program that is scheduled yearly at the Branch, will mark the first .presentation of an annual award which is to be made under the auspices of the Em blem Club unit. It was reveal ed that the basis for the award will be the “contribution of an individual to the expension of the principles of human rights and the preservation of individual dignity in the de velopment of our democratic philosophy.” The selection of Gov. Duff as an initial recipient, was re vealed to be based on his vig orous and forthright action in “re-opening a vista of hope tb ‘ all youth in the Common wealth and renewing the faith that they reach their goals if they are prepared, regardless of race 5'r creed.” Gov. Duff was nominated for the honor by the Past Pres idents Council of the organi zation, and his selection was unanimously endorsed at a re cent meeting of the body at the Branch. It was revealed that the Governor’s precedent making appointment of Mun icipal Court Judge Herbert E. Millen, as well as his vigorous stand on matters of world-wide significance are in consonance efforts to obtain a state FEPC law, weighed heavily in the decision. It was also noted that the Chief Executive's with the ideals of the inter national organization of which this unit is an integral part. Although the bulk of the tickets of admission will be re • served to the members of th<* Branch, it is expected that a group of Negro and white civ ic leaders will be in attendance at the dinner-meeting. Gov. 1 Duff will make a major ad dress, it is 'believed, and it is expected that he will discuss the stake of youth in world affairs. < In commenting on the selec tion of Gov. Duff, Milton H. Washingt o n, Executive Sec. retary at the Branch, stated , that “Theje is a crying need tor action by persons promin ent in both public and private j affairs which would give youth some hope and renewed con fidence in rewards for honest achievement. One of the major problems now being faced by those of us who work with young people is that of trying to answer the' sometimes unasked question as to why they should keep hope in the.future. This is es= pecially true of minority ^outh who often see before them only barriers rooted in philosophies and practices foreign to Chris tian concepts. Gov. Duff has made a signal contribution to ward the revival of this hope among the Commonwealth’s ■minority young people at a time when the whole world need that kind of example,” Mr. Washington advised. The institution of the award marks another milestone in the annuals of the Christian Street unit, which is consider ed to be one of the most out standing segments of the world-wide organization. Membership is based on participation in the annual membership campaigns, and the Christian Street Branch has been notable for its ob taining of worthy boy mem berships in behalf of those youngsters who might not otherwise be afforded the fac-, ilities of the YMCA. . I The local chapter is present ly headed by E. Rudolphus Clemons, prominent business school head, and there are; more than 200 members, whose efforts at the Branch have warranted their selection. The 1 Past Presidents Council is headed by Mrs. Elanor Shieds long active in Christian Street affairs and a dynamic woman civic leader in the community. Many other activities are being planned for the annual observance of Activities Week at the Branch, including a “Gym” carnival, a Boy’s Day program, exhibits, lectures and many other features that make up the yearly celebration. The week will officially begin on April 25th with a reception ' and tea by the Ladies Auxil iary at the Branch, and will continue throughout the en tire week. Attack^ Sugar Beets Five virus diseases are known to attaci? sugar beets in the United States. Curly top is the most serious. | OUR Guest Column BATTLE-AX AND BREAD By Lester B. Graner It is impossible to comment adequately on A. Philip Ran dolph’s statement before the Senate Armed Services Com mittee in one weekly column of less than 700 words. But it is also impossible to pass ov er without comment what has become “the controversy of the month” in racial relations. Thus I shall have to be con tent With pointing out some of the inner complexities of the question posed by Mr. Rando lph, and hope for a chance to follow up more thoroughly in ’ a later column. One must start by recogniz-* ing that, regardless of differ ences of opinion regarding the wisdom of the Randolph sta tement, there was complete moral justification for the in dignation that prompted .it. For too long, official Wash ington leadership has played wdth, or ignored, a vital issue of supreme importance to ev ery young American, white or Negro. From Secretary Stim son, to Patterson to Royall to the General Council, and back again,-the buck has been pas sed for seven long years of war and “peace”vand still the Army remained stubbornly wedded to the basic policy of racial segregation. There was need for shocking the Ameri can people into realization of the seriousness of this issue— for1 boldly challenging smug indifference and blind stupid ity alike. But the shock method, in treating social as well as phy sical ills, must be applied care fully and with full knowledge of expected results. Other wise the patient is as apt to be killed as cured. And from the newspaper reports of the hear ing it is doubted that Mr. Ran dolph spoke with advance cal culation of the primary or secondary effects of the induc ed shock. z \\ hat are some of those re sults? Many Negroes enjoy ed an exaltant thrill over the fact that somebody “got those white folks told!” Many whi tes and Negroes, opposed for political or ethical reasons to any universal military training program, take encouragement from this new accretion of strength to their cause. Ene mies of the Negro’s progress in any and all fields will use the Randolph statement as proof final of their claims that “Negroes are not really good 100 per cent Americans”, and are not to be relied upon in time of crisis. White liberals in support of the Negro’s de mocratic aspirations will, many of them, be left bewil Negro’s efforts and a belief that the nation’s interest must be defended by all in time of peril. WJiat are some of the log ical implications of the Ran dolph position? One is that those who refuse, because of a moral commitment, to bear citizenship responsibilities that race labelled ‘for Negroes only’ must, to be consistant, disdain to accept any benefits or privil eges similarly labelled. For the same commitment that makes a man defy a jim-crow milit ary service experience must bar him from joining a jim crow union local, eating in a jim-crow restaurant, attending attending a jim-crow show, ri ding a jim-crow bus, or other wise conforming to the dicta of a racist system of living. Now, all of this may seem to be splitting hairs, but it is not. Sooner or later we Negro es must arrive at a planned, consistent and morally defen sible scheme of racial action that will win united support because it makes commonsen se. We cannot, for instance, insist upon a fair employment practice because “our racial interest is the common nation al interest,” and then in the same breath declare that the. national defense is none of our business until and unless it is carried out in democratic fash ion. There is no doubting that the Randolph advice will carry a powerful sympathetic ap-” peal to thousands of frustra ted and resntful young Negro es. ut that adice does not go far enough. Our youth must also be advised on the other demands upon their courage and honesty that implicit in fefusal to bear arms. Thejr I (Cqntinued on Page 3) j,