The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 24, 1948, Page 3, Image 3

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    This Black Magic Chocolate Cake &
Is Made by Do uble Boiler Method
HERE'S the most beautiful choco
late cake, a real dream of a
cake. It’s easy to make and deli
cious, with a fine, tender grain
assured by the use of cake flour.
It is economical, too. What more
could anybody want?
Do you ever make notes on your
recipes? Note number one for this
Black Magic Chocolate Cake should
be this: Notice that the recipe says
melted chocolate and shortening
should be cool before sugar is add
ed: that means really cool. Choco
late and shortening are melted in
a bowl over hot* water to begin
with; and the cake is mixed in the
Bame bowl.
Second, the recipe say3 add 1
cup milk, then it says add 2 cups
cake flour. Add all the milk at
once if you want to, but add the
delicate cake flour about a third
at a time, as you usually do.
The third thing to note is this:
you will find that this cake, right
out of the cake tin. fresh as a daisy,
is light as down. This means that
the frosting used should be a deli
cate light one. But after the first
day, don't think this cake isn’t still
perfection. A little time to ripen
and mellow and it’s moist and rich,
quite the best chocolate cake you've
lever baked.
You won’t have any frosting wor
ries if you use a new instant frost
ing that needs to be mixed only
with hot tap water. One 4-1/2 ounce
package makes enough for top and
sides of a layer.
Black Magic Chocolate Cake
2 cups sifted cake fVcnrr
3/4 teaspoon salt
4 squares unsweetened cboaotate
4 tablespoons butter or other
2 cups sugar
2 egg yolks, unbeaten - - -'-Jr
1-3/4 cups mill* v
1 teaspoon vanilla . .
1 teaspoon soda
Sift flour once, measure into sift
er. add salt, and set sifter aside.
Melt chocolate and shortening
over hot water. Turn into mixing
bowl or electric mixer* bowl. Cool
to room temperature. (This is im
portant.) Then add sngar and mix
well. Mix together egg yolks and
1 cup of the milk; add to chocolate
mixture and blend. Sift in flour, mix
until all flour is dampened, then
beat 1 minute at low speed of elec
tric mixer or about 150 strokes by
hand. Add vanilla and 1/2 cup more
of the milk; stir until smooth. Dis
solve soda in the remaining 1/4 cup
milk. Stir into the batter quickly
and thoroughly. (Batter Will be
Turn into two 9-inch layer pans
which have been lined on bottoms
with paper, then greased. Bake in
moderate oven (350°F.) 30 minutes,
or until done. Or bake In 13x9x2
inch pan 45 minutes, or until done.
Frost as desired.
Note: This cake may be mixed
completely in a 2-quart double boil
er. Melt the chocolate and shorten
ing in double boiler and cool to
room temperature. Proceed with
mixing as directed above, using
double boiler instead q( , & bowL
Bake as directed above.
Many Red Cross Workers Overseas... |
Red Cross men and women are with troops on fifty-three conti
nental and insular battlefronts, and have gone into the theatres in many
i instances right along with the invasion forces, or else have followed
loon after. Above is Miss Barbara Sweetland, American Red Cross
worker, chatting with a small native boy, “somewhere in India.”
American Red Cross for the Office of War Information.
. ' g —
k -
That's why 60,000 Omaha
Women Prefer GAS
■> * j-.
Many a young bridegroom \
is looking for an apartment [
large enough to keep the bride [
from going home to mother— (
and small enough to keep j
mother from coming to visit. I
Gerthram Eoodhue, archi
building, was also responsible
for the Les Ongeles public li
brary, which, to a person fam
iliar with both, is similar to
the Lincoln buiildni .g
Rise Stevens, Opera Star, Gives |
Favorite Recipe For Ring Cookies;
i -
Rise Stevens, famous “Carmen" of the Metropolitan Opera, s8y#
her career keeps her terribly busy, but she does not let it interfere
with her duties as a mother and homemaker. She spends many botfly
| In her kitchen making her favorite delight, Norwegian Ring Cookl&t
which she prepares like this: s-3***- | j
Rise Stevens
Norwegian Ring Cookie*
% cup of shortening 1 egg I
2 cups of sifted flour 6 tablespoons of su^pr :
% cup of chopped almonds 1 teaspoonful Of vanillS
(makes 3% dozen rings)
’ Cut shortening into flour until mixture reaembte
coarse meal. Then stir in almonds. Beat eggs until j
; light in separate bowl. Gradually beat in sugar
; add vanilla. Stir in flour mixture a little at a tlpsa.
| Chill. Roll out batter. Cut in three inch strips. Join
ends to make rings. Bake in ungreased cookie sheet
in moderate oven—375 degrees. Bake 8 to 10 minutl*.'
“My housekeeping chores are not finished until I see to it that every
ounce of used fats is saved,” says Rise. ‘‘Our government asks us to
save every pound and it’s good kitchen economy to sell your used fats
to meat dealers.”
Constance Joannes, Model, Is “Old
mj Fashioned” Girl; Cooks, Too
"No girl,” say's Constance Joannes, John Robert Powers model, “Is
really a glampur girl unless she shines in the kitchen as well as on
the cover of a magazine. I spend a good deal of time in my kitchen
making my favorite dish, which is American Lobster.”
American Lobster
13 lobsters 3 onions
olive oil 2 cans of whole tomatoes
('or six people)
I “Here’s how I make it:’’ Cut three lobsters in half, |
leaving shells on. Fry in olive oil with cut-up
onions. Add two cans of whole tomatoes. (A glass
of white wine may be added for flavor if desired.) ;
MMHBk " ■ Like all good cooks. Miss Joannes saves every
drop of used fats. “The world is terribly short of
Constance Joannes v^ai fats ancj oils,” says Connie, “our government t
needs every drop that is not eaten, and it’s real kitchen thrift to sell 1
every pound to your meat dealer.” j
The Omaha Citizens Com
mittee on Displaced Persons
met April 6th, to review de
velopments on the Wylie Bill,
S.2242, which is now on the
floor of the Senate for debate
and action.
It was reported that Senat
ors Ferguson, Cooper, Morse,
Saltonstall, Smith and Mc
Grath had introduced a num
ber of amendments. Five of
these amendments are gener
ally in line with the suggest
ions made by religious, civic,
welfare and other organiza
tions supporting adequate
Displaced Persons legislation.
The local committee is urg
ing our senators to support the
following five amendments
and state that others interest
ed in this matter should im
mediately wire to urge their
1. To increase the number
of Displaced Persons to be
admitted to 200,000.
2. To change terminal date
at which a person could be
considered a D.P. from De
cember 22, 1945, to April 21,
3. To eliminate provision
that 50 percent of D.P.s should
be those whose place of or
igin or country of nationality
has been annexed by a foreign
4. To eliminate agricultur
ist preference entirely.
5. To give the commission
established by the bill broader
authority to administer and
coordinate selection, transpor
tation and settlement in the
United States of the D. P.s to
be admitted. These are powers
essential to carry out the pro
President Warren Harding,
the nation’s first “business
man” President, left an estate
of $930,444.54.
When the famous Czech
leader, Jan Masaryck, applied
for admission to the United
States, officials found he had
written “Human” after the
space marked “Race.”
By Hazel Green
Mrs. George Fitzgerald
was wearing a beautiful silk
brown print dress with light
green tiny( bows. A brown
straw hat with a light green
veil and large pink roses. She
was carrying a brown alliga
tor bag, and brown gloves.
She wore brown shoes.
Edna Blair Moses wore a
white wool three quarter
length coat, a narrow white
chiffon scarf was across her
head, tied and hanging down
the side. A beautiful new long
length black crepe dress with
fulness at the side, black leath
er shoes and bag. She wore
white gloves.
Bm Reason for It
prevent its stored water from
•vfparatiirg. tfte Ceylon cotton tree
drops tts loaves in dry weather.
Thousands upon thousands
of women do and thousands
upon thousands of women
have and are learning what a
lovely and tentalizing dickey
can do for their appearance.
Men admire women who have
that fresh frilly look around
the neck. You must become
increasingly aware of this as
you would be at the success
you have in mind being. Can’t
you just see how well this
lovely white rayon dickey
would wear with your new
spring “new look’’ suit? You
can make it at home in only
a few hours. Down the front
there are four circular tabs j
that are daintly edged with a
raffle and lace. We know you
are interested so either send a
letter immediately to the Sew
ing Information Department
of this newspaper or go to
your nearest five and ten cent
store and purchase a booklet 1
on Belts and Accessories fori
a dime. 1
The Student Council of the
Omaha Technical High Sch
ool presented Meritorius A
wards and Praemium Gratiae
Awards during an all school
Assembly on March 30th.
Praemium Gratiae Politae
Awards were given to 44 girls
and 14 boys. These citizenship
honors are given as a degree of
merit to students who receive
all E's in citizenship during
the fall semester of 1947. The
Meritorious Awards were also
presented to students who re
ceived all l's in scholarship. Of
this group. 18. were girls and
7 were boys.
Guest Speaker at the assem
bly was Mr. Lloyd W. Ashby,
principal, encouraged the stu
dents to work and attain high
cholarship and citizenship re
Many of the students of the
Omaha Technical High Sch
ool have been very busy recent
ly writing their entry to the
composition contest sponsored
by the schools’ Pan American
“The Importance of Friend
ship Among the Americas’’ is
the subject to be discussed in
the one thousand word essays.
The deadline was April 8, and
the winners will be announced
April 14, Pan American Day.
The purpose of this contest
is to create an awaremess of
the good will among the Amer
It is sponsored as a special
event during Pan American
Week., April 14- 21.
The students with the high
est scholastic standing in the
June 1948 graduating class of
Omaha Technical High
School were recently announc
ed by Miss Leora Jane Wash
burn, sponsor of the senior
Nancy Jones, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ira O. Jones,
4455 Franklin street, holds
first place. During her four
years at Tech., she has had
grades mostly of excellent
Marilyn Nelson and Jessie
Weil tie for second place.
Third place is held by Bernice
Polacek; four by John Hotz:
fifth by George Goodrich,
sixth by Shirley Knight,
sevetn by Lorraine Hein,
eighth by Virginia Pappas
and William Patterson, ninth
iy Tern Wharten and tenth
iy Amy Shelton.
while it CLEARSexternally caused BLEMISHIS
Wash First With
Dr. FRED Palmer’s
Truly a skin beauty
soap. 25c at drug stores.
It's amazing how easy skin may be bleached lighter and
brighter while externally caused pimples and rough, harsh
skin are smoothed away! Just spread on DR. FRED
PALMER’S SKIN WHITENER Ointment . . . leave cn
all night... let it work while you sleep. Full directions with
package . . . Caution—use only as directed. See results in
7 days’ trial (sometimes overnight) or return what’s left
for money back. 25c or 50c sizes at drug stores.
FREE TRIAL, tend 10c hr packing, postage to
Dr. FRED Palmer’s, Box 264, Dept W, Atlanta, Ga.
DOES SAFETY PAY? True—it costs money
to put telephone employees through First Aid,
such as the “how to apply a splint” course
shown above. It costs money to train our
people in safe wprking practices. It costs
money to keep tools and equipment in proper
working order—hazard free. But the time and
money we gladly spend for safety are returned
in many ways—in reduced chance of personal
suffering and disability ... in the healthier
morale of an accident-free atmosphere ... in
the better, more economical telephone service
we can provide when everybody is on the job,
every day.
NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY ro„, »ei.p*o«. **«, *. baym,
Ttnrlop lawa. ftllnnticilu. tiULj"!^ North Dakota and South Dakota moro and batter atrnica awry day.
Fred Shinrock has been pro
moted to assistant physicial
director of the YMCA, and will
now be responsible for boys
physical education, acquatics,
church athletics, boxing and
wrestling, and skill classes such
as weight lifting. Judo, appar
atus and tumbling.
Some of Fred's plans for the
future include a boys athletic
achievement program, the in
auguration of sports skills
classes for boys aged 9 to 15 in
trampoline, boxing, Judo and
wrestling, a senior life-saving
course, and the supervision of
two YMCA church softball
Shinrock is not new to the
physical department, said Gen
eral Secretary W. H. Mead in
making the announcement,
“having served there during'
the war period and more re
cently as building superinten
dent and residence director.’’ ]
Harold Prugh continues as
head of the department and is
responsible for the entire adult
program of physical education.
The MWA Club dance gave
a beautiful formal affair Fri
day night, April 16. at the
Dreamland Hall. It was .beau
tifully decorated with balooi’j
of all shapes and sizes hanging
from the ceiling with all kinds
of flowers around the hall. In
the center was a miniature
boxing ring which was quite
unique with two small figures
of fighters in the ring. This
was their first annual affair.
The music was supplied by
Basie Givens and his orchestra.
Franklin D. Roosevelt en
joyed stamp-collecting and
had more than 20.000 varieties
in his collection.
Washington a n d Lincoln
were both surveyors at one
time in their lives.
The first piece of stream
lined railequipment ever ’built j
in this country is kept on pub
lic view at the Smithsonian In- j
stitute in Washington, D. C. I
A pointed-nose car construct- [
ed in the 1890’s, it attained a
speed on test runs of more
than 100 miles per hour.
By H. W. Smith
There was a very destructive
fire in downtown Omaha early
Sunday morning, April 18.
Gov. V al Peterson was nom
inated for a second term in
Nebraska primaries on April
Omaha’s cleanup work is go
ing very good, and many im
provements on disposing of
rubbish, cans and ashes.
President Truman made
mention of a reduction on high
prices as living expenses con
sume all the wage earner
Omaha fire department made
a display test of the new life
saving chute on April 17. It
was a great success.
By H. W. Smith
R. Boys are serving on
wheels t 'ith a smile.
Waiters at the Legion club
are on the up and go on ser
vice to all.
Fontenelle Hotel waiters are
in the front line on quick ser
Omaha Club waiters with
Capt. Earl Jones are very much
on the job on service.
Regis Hotel and White
Horse Inn waiters are quick
stepping on.service.
\\ aiters at the Hill Hotel
and Highland Club are topping
the service at all times.
has changed f»
METZ be(au$e
"METZ has
grand flavor’*
*2938 N 38th. Lincoln. Nehr
..1 iiU&i
Astounding! All-wool, all-fine Parker
Wilder wool topper, sensational fashion
news at $10.98! High fashion for your
head-start on Spring. New dart neckline.
Smart soutache braid at the shoulders.
F-u-l-l flaring back. Gleaming metal
buttons. Big patch pockets. Wear it
everywhere, over everything.
Sizes: 9-11-13-15-17,10-12-14-16-18-21
| BROADWAY FASHIONS DEPT. 108-18 599 Broadway New York ll NV
I will pay postman
$10.98 plus postage
and C.O.D. charges.
I may return topper
In 10 days for refund.
If prepaid,Broadway
Fashions pays post
ago. In NewYorkGty
odd 2% solos tax.