The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 24, 1948, Page 2, Image 2

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    Chtuch of tho Living Got
2316 North 26th St.
Elder Steele, PuU»
Ann Oliver, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. Be
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Iff, o Baptist Church
3211 Pinkney St.
Rev J. P. Mosley, Pastor
Christine Phillips, Reporter
Sunday School 9: 30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BTU. 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Sr. Mission Tuesday 8 p. m.
Prayer Service Wed. 8 p. m.
Salem Baptist Church
28th and Decatur Sts.
Rev. J. C. Wade, Pastor
L. A. Henderson, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BTU. 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
president Mr. A. R. Good let* e
He urges all club members please
The Watchmen will meet on
Friday Sept. 19 at 8 p. m. at the
Hillside Presbyteerian Church
30th and Ohio Sts.
Rev. Charles E. Tyler, Pastor
Mrs. T. Newte, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Service 11a. m.
Visitors are always welcom^
Church of God
2025 North 24th St.
Elder S. S. Spaght, Pastor
Alice Britt, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Evening Service 8 p. m.
Christ Temple Church
of Christ (Holiness)
2124 North 26th St.
Res. 2122 North 26th St.
Rev. O. A. Askerneese, Pastor
Velma Shearron, Clark
26th and Hamilton Sts.
Rev. Dan Thomas, Pastor
Mrs. Pinkie Oliver, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Service 11 a. m.
YPVW 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 7:45 p. m.
Zion Baptist Church
2215 Grant Street
Rev. F. C. Williams, Pasta?
Sunday School 9:30 a. m,
Jnster Churth lf:^f a n
Morning Worship 11 04 a. m
BTU. 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 7:45 p. ro.
Union Memorial—The
Methodist Church
3223 U Street, South Omaha
Rev. A. L. Hook, Pastor
Sunday School, 9:3$ a. m.
BTU, 6 p. m.
Evening Worship, 8 p. m.
Tellotcship Baptist Church
1839 North 24th St.
Rev D. A. Campbell, Pastor
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m
BTU. 6:20 p. m.
Church of God in Christ
2318 North 26th Street
Elder V. M.Barker, Pastor
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BTU. 6:20 p. m.
Church of the Livin'? God
Evening Worship, 7:45 p. m.
2412 Parker St.
Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor
Rose Oliver, Reporter
Sunday School 9:45 a. m.
Morning Service 11: 30 a. m.
BYPU. 5 p. m.
Evening Worship 7:30 p. m.
YPWW, 6 p. m.
Church of God in Christ
Elder G. P. Benson, Pastor
1710 North 25th Street
Sunday School, 10 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Church News
Ml. Calvary Community
Gnat at 3Mb Street
Rev. R. W. Johnson, Paata.
Miss Hatter, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
St. John AWE Church
22nd and WElis Avenue
“The Friendly Church”
Rev. E. B. Childress, Pastor
Mason Devereaux, Jr, Reporter
WmtSW Schoold 9 Ad a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Union 6:30 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
David Spiritual Temple in
Council Bluffs, Iowa
1720 Avenue A
Circle Meeting Eevery Monday
Evening 8:30 p. m.
Prophecy and Healing
Seven Day Adventist Church
2760 Lake Street
Elder P. W. McDaniels, Pastor
Sabbath School Saturday
9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. fn.
Vesper Service Friday even,
ing 7:45 p. m.
Wednesday Prayer meeting
7:30 p. m.
Church of God in Christ
1207 South 13th St.
Elder D. M. Watson, Pastor
Iodell Watson, Reporter
YPWVV. 6 p. m.
Evening Worship 7:45 p. in.
Calvary Baptist Church of
Red Oak, loica
603 Grimes St.
Julia Keene, Reporter
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Sunday School 10 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
BYPU. 6:30 p. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
24th and Ohio Sts.
Rev. David St. Clair, Pastor
F. Burroughs, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Service 11 a. m.
Rev. Goldsmith, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Evening Worship 8 p. m.
Independence Community
KM Tfttlfe tlQi Arm-*
Rev. 12. F. R1 Bey, l’ascur
Bethel Baptist Church
30th and S Street
South Omaha
Rev. M. C. Williams, Pastor
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
St. Benedict Catholic Church
2423 Grant St.
Father Moylan, Pastor
Low Mass 7 a. m.
Children’s Mass 8:30 a. m.
High Mass 10 a. m.
Clair Chapel Methodist
22nd and Miami Sts.
Rev. C. C. Reynolds, Pastor
Mrs. Viola Buford, Reporter
Allen Chapel AME Church
25th and R Streets South Omaha
Rev. Fant, Pastor
Mt. Olive Baptist Church
3010 R Street, South Omaha
Rev. W. M. Clayton, Pastor
Mrs. Jeannette Thompson, Rep.
Sunday School, 9:3$ a. m.
Morning Worship 11 a. m.
Evening Worship, 8 p. m.
BTU, 6 p. m.
Bethel AME Church
2430 Franklin Street
Rev. Herbert W. Bletson,
Telephone JA ckson-3561
V t
That we have the nicest NURSERY that we have ever handled and that (
) NOW is the ideal time for Planting. jj
Large 6 to 8 ft. Apple Trees $1.15 ea. Peach Trees 6 to 8 ft. $l.2j ea. £
i Pears, Plums, Cherries, Hansen’s Bush Cherry, Grapes, Berrys, Asparagus and ;>
J Rhubarb Roots. Beautiful Shrubs, Roses and Hedging, Ornamental Trees,
) Scopes, Virginia Juniper, Fitters, Arbor Vitae and many1 others. Shade Trees. ^
That the standard weight of Blue Grass is 1+ lbs. bushel measure full, that }
: our Blue Grass is Extra Heavy and weighs 28 lbs. to the bushel measure and is *5
) 99 per cent pure seed and that our Lawn Mis is mixed with nothing but the ij
| Best Heavy Seed. Do you know that we have the cheapest price in town on ^
I this qualitv seed and that the Idea! Planting time is now.
Do you know that it pays to plant No. I certified BLUE TAG POTATOES
and that planting time is now. That we have CERTIFIED IRISH COBLERS,
That the best grade of Chicks you can buy is the cheapest. That we handle
STRAIN LEGHORNS. Do you know that with the present high prices of
meat it still pays to raise chickens.
<029 SOUTH 24th STREET MARKET 6340
Church of God in Christ
2712 R Street, South Omaha
Elder A. E. Johnson, Pastor
Sunday School, 10 a. m.
YPWW, 6:30 p. m.
Prayer Band, Tuesday night
Bible Band, Wednesday night
Sewing Circle, Thursday alter
noon at 2 p. m.
New Hope Baptist Church
26th and Seward ts.
Rev. L. R. Bragg, Pastor
Mrs. Ada J. Fields, Reporter
Sunday School 9:30 a. m.
Morining Worship 11 a. m.
B. T. U. 6. p, m,
BTU 6 p. m.
Evening Worship • p. m.
Prayer Meeting V -<»•
8 p. m.
Junior Church 8 ] c.
Visitors are alwayi elcorcc
First Mission ot the Ged
Sent Light
Prophet Hess, Officiator
Ora Robinson. Reporter
Services Sundays, Tuesdays
and Thursday nights at 8 p.m.
Private Reading Daily at
2010 North 23rd Street.
Pleasant Green Baptist
27th and Franklin Sts.
Rev. J. H. Reynolds, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship 11 a.m.
BTU 5 :30 p.m.
Evening Worship 7 :30 p.m.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday
night 7 :30 p. m.
St. Philips Episcopal Church
1119 North 21st St.
Rev. S. G. Sachez, Pastor
Mass 7:30—9:00 a.m.
Church School 9:45 a.m.
Hope Lutheran Church
30th and Corby Sts.
H. H. Schauland, Pastor
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Morning Service 11:00 a.m.
Apolostic Church of Christ
2518 Cuming St.
Elder Milton T. Wilson,
Sunday Morning Worship
11:00 a.m.
Sunday Evening Worship at
,3 p.m.
Prayer and Preaching Tues
| day evening 8:00 p.m.
Bible Class, Friday evening
at 8 :00 p.m.
All are welcome.
First Baptist Church
South Sioux City, Iowa
500 West 10th Street
Rev. D. A. Campbell, Pastor
| Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship 11 a.m.
BTU 6:00 p.m.
Evening- Worship 7 :45 p.m.
Church of Gdd In Christ
2230 Ohio Street
Rev. J. C. Crawford, Pastor
Worship 3 p.m. each Sun
dav, Tues., Thurs. nights
Pilgrim Baptist Church
25th and Hamiltn St.
Rev. Charles Favrs, Pastor
Msr. Ed. Dortch, Reporter
Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship 10:45 a.m.
BTU 6:00 p.m.
Evening Worship 7:45 p.m.
j’ Allen Christian Endeavor
League 6:30 p.m.
Cleaves Temple CME Church
25th and Decatur Sts.
Rev. Raines, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship 11 a.m.
Epvvorth League 6:00 p.m.
Evening Service 8:00 p.m.
i'Allen Chapel AME Church
5233 So. 25th St., So. Omaha
' Rev. Y. B. Brooks, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship 11 a.m.
Morning Star Baptist Church
20th and Burdette St.
Rev. Z. W. Williams, Pastor
Sunday School 9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship 11 a.m.
BTU 6:00 p.m.
Evening Worship 7:30 p.m.
Interdenomnational Church
1710 North 27th St.
Rev. W. S. Farmer, Pastor
Sunday School, 10:30* a.m.
Morning Worship 11:30a.m.
Prayer Sendee Thurs. 8 p.m.
The Methodist Men of Cliair
Chapel held a very interesting
meeting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. H. D. Wiley, 2011
Miami street, on Tuesday ev
ening, April 13th. After the
business session, Mr. and Mrs.
Wiley served a very elaborate
lunch, which was enjoyed. £)r
chids to the Wiley familyt
- i
Arabic Tile Makers
The knowledge of tile production I
was taken into North Africa when i
the Arabic conquerors landed. '
Tabernacle Church of Christ
(Holiness) U.S.A.
2608 Franklin St.
Omaha, Nebraska
Rev. Joseph H. Jones, Pastor
9:45 A. M. Sunday School,
Mrs. Elayne Green, Supt.
11:00 A. M. Morning Wor
6:30 P. M. H.Y.P.U., Mme.
Perfect Peace, Pres.
7:45 Evening Worship.
3:45 P. M. Monday, Child
Evanglist Class at the
8:00 P. M. Tuesday, Senior
Choir Rehearsal, Mrs. M.
Hogans, Pres.
7:45 P. M. Wednesday, Bible
Lesson and Group Report
6:30 P. M. Thursday, Junior
Choir Rehersal, Miss M.
Dixon, Pres.
7:45 P. M. Friday, Prayer &
Praise Service.
Greetins to our readers, frie
nds. and well-wishers. We are
happy to express our gratitude
to our friends who make up
our congregation each Sunday.
It is our desire to keep you
well posted as to the activities
of the Church and its Auxiliar
ies; Our Sunday school is
progressing fine through our
competent superintendent,
services Sunday was well at
tended, our pastor preached
Sunday morning from Philip
ians, 0:13.14 ‘T count not my
self to have apprehended: but
this one thing I do, forgetting
those things which are behind
I press towards the mark for
the prize of the high calling of
God in Jesus Christ”. The Rev.
J. C. Cooper, delivered the ev
ening message. Included with
our visitors are names of per
sons who worshiped with us
last Sunday their first time:
Mrs. W. L. and Zola Bennett,
2518 Patrick Ave., Mrs. Char
lotte McKinney, 2226 Ohio St.,
Emma Hall, 2117 Grant St..
Mme. Bertha Hawkins, 2210
Ohio St.. Rev. and Mrs. J. C.
Cooper, 2802 Seward St. Miss
Willie Mae Marion, 1716 Xo.
27th St., Mr. George Mills, 917
Xo. 20th St., Mme. Emma We
sley, 1924 No. 36th St., Mrs.
Mae Hart, 1204 Xo. 25th St.,
Miss Willie Mary Bridgeman,
2102 Xo. 27th Ave. We enjoy
greeting our friends who help
to make our services apprec
iative. We are thankful for De
con Hogan and King.j who
shares the full responcibilities
to the office of Deacon ;and the
Deaconess Bertha Shearron,
Perfect Peace, Alver King and
Anna Colquitt, who supports
and strengthens our services.
Our young people are very ac
t i v e. Tabernacle church of
Christ will worship with Tab
ernacle Baptist Council Bluff,
Iowa. Thursdav, April 29th, at
8:00 P. M. Rev. J. S. Favors
Pastor of theZion Baptist, of
Lincoln Nebraska, will be our
guest speaker Wednesday,
Mav 5th. at 7 :45 P. M.
We bow with humble sub- ;
mission, as we announce the
passing of our dear beloved
friend and sister, Mrs. Minnie I
.Washington, Kansas City, Ka
nsas. Mrs. Washington, was
a member of Christ Temple
Church of Christ, Kansas City
Ivansas, President of the Chris
tian Women Willing Workers
Convention of the Mid-West
ern District, of the Western
Diocese of Church of Christ
(Holiness) U.S.A. and a very
active member, of her church, j
to which the Rev. T. T. McWil i
Hams* Pastor., we shall morn 1
her passing; but our loss is!
Heaven’s gain: Peace to her
ashes. |
Our financial report for last
General Offering..$20.2;
Bldg. Fund Total._ $63.08
Record Offering, 3-7-48,_$39.6 3
Attendance Record
Last Sunday_74
Record Attendance_ 102
You are cordially invited an
welcome to all cervices at the
People’s Mission Church
The Interdenomenational
People’s Missoin Church of the
Divinity, 1710 No. 26th street,
elected their trustee board'
Sunday. Henry Hayes, chair
man; Theodore Brown, Eliza
beth Anderson, Texanna
Brown; Clerk G. Gray. The
pastor Rev. Wm. L. Farmer,
who succeeded the late Rev.
R. Wagner, the founder of the
Church, reports also the re
pairing of the church building.
Sewer and water has been
put in and the building is now
in the process of being plaster
ed. The foundation has been
reinforced and the building
roofed since he assumed the
pastorate of the church.
Rev. Farmer has served the
church three years without
salary, putting all money raais
ed on the building. The mem
bership has increased. Every
body is welcome to our ser
The New Era Baptist Statte
Laymen Brotherhood are spon
soring their 2nd annual Men
day program, Sunday, May
2nd, at Zion Baptist Church
at 3:00 p.m. Rev. M. C. Will
iams, principale speaker. The
state men chorus of seventy
five vpices, will sing the pro
gram. Come out. Hear them.
W. W. Smith, Secretary
P. H. Jenkins, President
St. John’s AME Church ..
Delivering one of the more
powerful Christian sermons of
this conference year our Pas
tor presented the following th
oughts for the day “A Man or
Woman today becomes just
like the God he or she serves,
the people that curse a man or
woman today will bless that
man or woman tomorrow, and
the people that 'bless a man or
woman today may curse he or
she tomorrow, and wherever
a man or woman goes, he or
she takes his or her concious
with him or her on Sunday
morning April 18, at 11 a. m.
His subject for his interesting
and through-proking sermon
was the P’ure- Christian.
Convert: Katherine Hobson
Acessions: Beverly Davis,
Velma Jackson, Charles Zine,
Florence Bridge. Phyllus Ben
ning, H. H. Verierable.
Visitors: Mrs. O. Johnson.
1310 A St., Lincoln; P. Eman
nel, 1915 E. 22nd Ave., Den
ver, Colo.; Mrs. John Johnson
f Mrs. M. A. Willis, Cedar Rap~
ids. Ia.; Miss Velma McKae,
2o24 Decatur St.. City; Mrs.
Mary Young, City; Mrs. L. C.
Conley, 2717 Xo. 24th St.,
City; Mr. Calvin Worthy,
Denver, Colo., and Mrs. D.
Let us pray for the sick
throughout the week whoever
they maybe, wherever they
Orchids to Mr. Johnson our
senior choir, its president Mr.
I. S. McPherson and your
directress Mrs. Pearl Gibson
for the presentation on Sun
[ day, April 18th, at 5 p.m. of
Mr. George Johnson in an
organ recital. Your contribu
tion to the music-loving mem
bers and friends of St. John’s
was an overwhelming success
and warmly appreciated by all
in attendance. It was one of
those rare music treats
brought to St. John’s as only
you could bring. We thank
The usher board is to be
congratulated for its very
timely contribution to the
Building fung, on our first'an
niversary in our main auditor
ium of worship on Sunday,
April 11.
May 9th, which is Mothers
Day will the Twenthieth Cen
tury club of our church pre
senting the Youth Talent Re
vue at 3:30 p.m.
This worthy project deserves
the support of the entire mem
bership of St. John’s and its
many friends. Help these
young ladies to help St, John's
our church by jlanning to at
tend this affair.
The Cedar Chest contest
sponsored 'by the Progressive
24 is well under way to suc
cess, and if given the support
of all of the members and
friends of St. John’s. There is
no reason what-so-ever that
it won’t be a hugh successc.
Mr. Richard Taylor is the pre
sident of this progressive aux
iliary of our church.
Mrs. Greta Wade, general
chairman of the Evening In
Paris and Royal Teat sponsor
ed by the Ever Ready club of
St. John’s, its president Mrs.
Vera Price, officers, members
sincerely thank the many
members and friends of St.
John’s for the generous sup
port given them on their pre
sentation on Monday evening,
April 19th. Your presence
more than showed your inter
est in St. John’s and its Christ
ian program.
Young people don’t forget
to attend your Allen Christian
Endeavor each Sunday even
ing at-6:00 p.m.
The need for addition Sun
day School teachers in our
ever-growing Sunday School
is still acute. We need you.
Mothers send or bring your
children to Sunday School ev
ery Sunday morning at 9:30
a.m. Attend our 11:00 a.m. ser
vices, our 7:30 p.m. services.
Visitors and friends are always
Welcome at St. John’s the
friendly church at 22nd and
Willis Ave. Come and worship
with us, won’t you?
We wish to express our sincere
gratitude to our many, many friends
for their kindness in our time of
sorrow. And we are deeply apprec
iative of the beautiful service of
the Brother Elks.
Brothers and Sisters of
Local Churches Observe Na
tional Health Nursing Week
The Pilgrim Baptist Church
BTU and the Paradise Bap
tist Church, under the auspic
es of the Federation of Color
ed Womens Clubs observed
National Health Nursing
Week' last Sunday 'by having
I speakers and a film on the sub
! ject of health education. Miss
Mary Ellen O'Neal and Miss
Lois Turner members of the
staff at the Douglas County !
Visiiting Nurse Association
were guest speakers. Mr. John
Butler, Executive Secretary of
the Xorthside YMCA provid
ed the films.
Organizations and clubs
wishing speakers on health or
healtth films during the next
two weeks may call Mr. But
ler, Northside YMCA or The
Omaha Usban League for this
service. This service is being
furnished free by the Health
Committee of the Omaha Ur
ban League. Mr. Butler is
chairman of the Visual Edu
cation Division.
Sorry to have missed two
reporting because of my ab
sence from the club, however,
here I am back on the job.
First the club wishes to thank
the parents, their children, and
the three judges who took part
in our amateur show to help
make it successful. All of the
i children were more than good,
i Oh, yes, and we really don’t
i want to forget the lovely chpir
j for their time and esrvice they j
J gave to us so freely. Those i
! that didn’t get to see the show
: missed a treat. Also thanking
i Mrs. Helen Brown for making
| such wonderful M.C. and the
members for their part. April
17.. The club met at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rone.
3021 North 30th street. Our
president, Mr. John Davis,
opening the meeting with the
club verse. After the meeting,
games were played. Our hos
tess, Mrs. Rone, served a love
ly repast. \\ e had with us four
visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Young are recovering nicely.
Mrs. Young is still at the
Clarkson hospital. Come on
friends and members, get those
visits and cards rolling to
cheer her up. Next meeting
will be May 1st, at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Roy M.
Y\ hite, 1708 North 27th street.
(Be satisfied with yourself.
Then you will see good in
John Devis, President
Beatrice White, Rep.
Dawn De Letters Club
The Mid West Athletic
Club boys formal dance turn
ed out with a bang! Everyone
enjoyed themselves to the ut
most. A cocktail party in their
honor was given by the
Dawn De Letters Club at the
home of Mrs. Juanita Mosley.
Basie Givens and his band
really gave them a number of
enchant songs. While speak
ing of songs, Charline Daily,
a member of the Dawn De Let
ters. gave a lovely solo, “Fool
That I Am." We congratulate
the boys on their first anni
versary affair. Compliments
from the Dawn De Letters
J3y Russel Coppock
(Continued from Page 1)
when we work to better the
are not being just idealistic
conditions of the other fellow,
to preserve his rights. We are
being most practical. The poll
tax, legalized lynching, and
all those things which force
one group into a position in
ferior to that of another, these
things hurt all common people
regardless of religion, race,
nationality, or politics. These
are the bars which prevent pro
gress for the country. Only the
privileged classes, the invest
ors and industrialists, benefit.
And that at the expense of all
the rest of us.
The hour is a dengerously
late one. The people can no
longer afford to be blinded by
the lying propaganda of super
iority. The Test of a congress
man is his position on these
measures. The people must
perform their duty by exercis
ing their right to vote such
men out of office, and replace
them by men who stand with
the people, regardless of pol
itical party.
Millions of people are decid
ing that it is not only the
Southern poll-taxers who per
petuatte these conditions iut':
also the Northern politicians,
of both old-line parties. In the
past w.hen such a condition
existed, the people proceeded
to form a new party. That was
how slavery was exterminated.
The poeple can be counted on
to repeat that preformance, if
necessary. It is proving to be
President Grover Cleveland
as sheriff of Buffalo, Erie
county, New York, once hang
ed a murderer rather than as
sign the unpleasant task to a
What to do for womans oldest
problem, functional monthly pain?
Many a girl and woman has found
the answer in Cjurdui’s 2-way help.
You see, Cakdui may make things
lots easier for you in either of two
ways: (1) started 3 days before
“your time” and taken as directed
on the label, it should help relieve
functional periodic pain; (2) taken
throughout the ihonth like a tonic,
It should improve your appetite, aid
digestion, and thus help build up
resistance for the trying days to
come. Cardui Is scientifically pre
pared and scientifically tested. If
you suffer "at those certain times”,
get Cardui today.
fo Cc<m yoccr 6e4tf"
ON AL MN--OFF AGAIN Hotr Do's—to meet all occasions I
$3.00 BRAID
{ $4.50
you CAN ttA VC YCiia ft At*
Latest Creations
Easily Attached
Human Hair—
chignon All Shades
Juer mnd sample of your hair
OR state the color
Pay Pootmon Full Amount on Do! Ivory
507 Firm AVE. (Roc-3 905) NEW YORK 17, N. V.. Dept. A
Wait Stop Look Listen
The Dawn De Letters Club
w’ould like to invite all their
friends and their friends to
their first anniversary party.
Sunday, April 25th, at 2426
Parker street, from 3 to 7.
Doris McGill, Reporter
1 »*■—w w mmr* n— ■ nr nr
FOR RENT: Room for young
working woman. HA 7784
FOR RENT: Floor Sanders,
Waxers, Wallpaper Steamers
Guaranteed Repair Service
on all appliances.
All Makes Elect. .& Hardware
4040 Hamilton WA. 4668
2 ROOM APT. living room,
bedroom, cooking priveleges.
All bids paid. AT 8898 Em
ployed couple.
FOR RENT: Rooms. Call PL
2055 before 8 A.M. after 7 P.M
Launderers and Cleaners
2401 North 24th St. WE 6055
234 Brandies Theater Bldg
WANTED: Burnt, wrecked,
dilapidated cars and trucks.
Call Consolidated Auto Parts,
AT 5656 or call at 2501 Cum
ing St.
1827 No. 27th St.
Improve your appearance with at- I
tachments. Page Boys $2.95. Cor- ™
J onet Braids $4.00. Chignons §3 9v 5l
I Give your child a Beautiful Color- u
9 ed Doll 21 inch, $6.95; large doll M
I $7.98. If C.O.D. postage extra.. J
* Please Write. C
j 2J4 West 13 5 St.
| New York 30, N. Y. J
for the price of
15c m OF I
the remarJsnbta
k eeetum deodartuit bp
- - «T’ -
with each jar yon buy!
Stock op for the summer while this amazing
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