The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 24, 1948, Image 1

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By Mrs. Evelyn Halm
Red Cross Nutrition Director
Bitter Treat
Within a very few days now,
dandelions will appear as an
unwelcome weed in many
lawns,—but when displaced,
perhaps the offending dande
lion can give good account of
itself in the salad bowl.
The U.S. Department of Ag
riculture suggests that dande
lion greens are free for the
digging, and they offer a re
freshing bit of bitterness. Even
though nobody likes a bitter
dose, a dash of bitter gives zest
to many a dish—such as a
mixed green salad, or cooked
greens. Chicory, known as
endive in our local markets, is
also prized as a salad green
for its delicate bitterness.
Dig Early
According to U.S.D.A. spec
ialists. the time to dig dande
lion greens is early, when the
largest leaves are no longer
than two or three inches and
before the plant begins to flovV
er. Or a 'better way to avoid
too much bitter is to choose
the young greens which are
only faintly bitter, and then
blend them with other mild
flavorad greens for salads or
cooked greens. For a tossed
salad combine dandelion
greens with lettuce and french
dressing. Or make a fruit-and
green salad by adding grape
fruit or orange segments and
using the juice of these fruits
in the dressing.
Dandelion greens—like other
deep-green leafy vegetables,
are excellent source of vitamin
A and iron.
Between Meal Eating
Many folks have the idea
that eating any kind of food
between one’s regular meals
is to be frowned upon. Moth
ers often tell me that they do
n’t believe in letting their chil
dren “piece" between meals.
According to Nutritionists
of the L\ S. Department of Ag
riculture—eating between the
meals is not always a bad hab
it. It depends on the food, the
time, and the person who does
the eating. Some of us may do
better with 5 or 0 small meals
than with three substantial
meals. Between meal snacks
may be used to supplement re
gular meals and to help provi
de an adequate diet,
de an adequate diet.
Growing children, active
workers, and underweights of
ten need more food than they
can comfortably eat at a meal.
For them a light fill-in at a
mid-point between meals pro
tects against weariness and
getting hungry before meals.
Some people find that they do
better by eating frequently and
lighter rather than by holding
to three square meals daily.
Healthful Snacks
A glass of milk, fruit or tom
ato juice, a hard cooked egg,
fresh fruit, graham crackers,
or even a light sandwich is re
commended to give children
energy for active play without
spoiling the appetite for the
evening meal.
In contrast—candy, cake, an
rich ice cream mixtures and
sweet drinks taken shortly be
fore a meal may spoil the child
appetite for vegetables and
other essential foods at meals.
Eating the right foods at the
right time between meals,—
may be a good health habit for
I some adults and children, but
I haphazard nibbling may spoil
h enjoyment of meals and mean
I overweight and malnutrition.
200 Million Timepieces In One Plant
The 200,000,000th timepiece, believed to be a record for one plant,
has come off the production lines of the Westclox Division, General
Time Instruments Corporation, at LaSalle-Peru, 111. The company
began operation in 1886, when its production was about 50 clocks per
day. Now many thousands of clocks and watches are produced every
working day. Reaching for the 200 millionth—a Big Ben—is Albert
J. Hasselman, general manager, while looking on, left to right, are:
Edward M. Greene, Jr., vice president in charge of sales, General
Time; Henry J. Wagner, Westclox general sales manager, and L. B.
Richards, advertising manager. The clock was not sold; it is to b«
monntpd and nlnppd nn exhibition in tkp fartrirv _
Increased interest on the
part of American Legion or
ganizations in ' the $250,000
campaign 'being conducted by
the Legion in Nebraska to se
cure funds for the erection of'
a Nebraska Youth Memorial
building on the campus of the
College of Agriculture is be
ing shown Tn various places.
Typical of the Legion’s at
titude is a letter from Antelope
Post No. 172 at Neligh. After
stating that the building was
discussed at.length at a reg
ular post meeting, Adjutant C.
L. Gillespie reports, ’‘It was
unanimously agreed that the
post here in Neligh should do
all that it could to forward fi
nancially such a worthy under
taking.” As a preliminary con
tribution from that city, the
post voted to give the sum of
$152.00 on the basis of one
dollar per member. Because
that post has been active in the
youth program, it stated it rec
ognized the great need for
such a building.
Leo Brinda Post No. 90 at
\ alentine is another which has
gotten nicely under way with
the campaign in its town, hav
ing sent in the first contribu
tion of $120.00 toward the
building fund.
Other posts in the state
have indicated a deep interest
in the proposed building. En
tertainments of various kinds
and other methods are being
used to raise funds for 'the
building. In some places, the
Legion organization is just
getting nicely started, and ac
tive solicitation for funds has
not begun.
Another generous contribu
tion to match the larger ones
already given was announced
this week at Lincoln, when the
Lincoln Voiture of the 40 & 8,
Legion honor organization,
voted to give $1,000 to the
building campaign.
The Gamma Beta Chapter
and Relta Epsilon Omega
Chapter of the Alpha Kappa
Alpha Sorority are presenting
thhree of Omaha’s outstanding
hook reviews on Sunday. May
2nd. Miss Margaret Fischer
will review The Great Rehear- i
sal by Carl Van Dorn. Mr.
Leo Bohanon will review the
Mutual History of onsense,
and Mrs. D. Howard Farrell
will review Gus The Great
in costume.
You can’t afford to miss this
unusual and cultural event.
This Book- Review Tea is be
ing given for the benefit of |
our scholarship fund. The
public is cordially invited.
Stop, Look and Save at Sol’s.
Have you met So!? Xo!. it
not Pou will. He is to be our
new business man. Just go hi
and saw hello Sol. He will
specialize in all types of meat,
that you want, at the lowest
New York—The Interna
tional Emblem Club. Thos. E.
Taylor Chapter, of the Young
Men’s Christian Association.
Harlem Branch, will hold their
14th anniversary dinner at the
swank Club Ebony on Broad
way, May 13th, it has been
This unique organization
composed of men from all
walks of life, from Civic Court
Judges and lawyers, physic
ians, business executives, gov
ernment workers, private bus
iness. porters and service
workers, is a composite repre
sentation of the splendid man
power of Harlem and cross sec
tion of American manhood.
The famed Club Ebony
leems itself highly pround to
host such a distinguished fra
ternity of citizens. With the
selection by its program com
mittee, Harry N. Quarles, as
chairman, this is the first time
that a supper club has been;
chosen for the Emblem Club's i
annual dinner.
Wesley J. Marshall, mem
bership secretary of the Har
lem Branch, has been promis
ed by the Club Ebony manag
ment and staff that the Em
blem Club will be shown every
courtesy, and the management
assures them the utmost ser
vice to the extent of the Club’s
facilities in hospitality and
The Emblem Club is com
posed of individuals who
pledge themselves to enrol!
and enlist new members in the
Harlem Branch YMCA. There
are now more than 200 mem
bers of the club and it is pri
marily because of this group
that the present membership
of the Branch numbers ap
proximately 5.000. Any r*»m- ■
ber of the Branch Isecuring
five new members is recogniz
ed by initiation into the Em
blem Club and the members
are identified by ‘'Emblem
Pins" awarded at the monthly
meetings of the club.
The result has been that the
Harlem Branch YMCA, the
largest and finest organization
of its kind in the world for
members of the Xegro race,
is one of the finest contribut
ions to the metropolis of New
Y ork's 450.000 colored citi
zens. Incidentally, though con
sidered a colored 'oranch it
serves all. regardless of race,
color, creed or religion.
The Emblem Club is under
the leadership of Edward S!
Hill, as its president. Other
officers, of the Club are : Walt
er W. Scott, George H. Ed
wards, Leonard B. Wilson,
Sgt. Herbert S. Johnson, Dr.
L. J. Davenport. Rev. L. H.
Bristow, Thomas B. Johnson,
Harry X. Quarles, Wesley J.
Marshall. The program com
mittee. which is responsible
for the Club’s annual dinner is
composed of Harry X. Quar
les, chairman; with Mr. Quar
les are Joseph L. Rogers, Har
ry B. Hollis. Sgt. H. B. John
son. Walter J. Petry, W. H.
Wortham, James S. Bratton,
R. Goodlette.
The Club Ebony dinner will
obviously be a sumptuous
event and perhaps surpass all
previous occasions. It is com
mendable that the Emblem
Club members exercised the
visdom of their community
pirit to dine at Club Ebony,
the first Xegro owned and op
e ated supper club of its kind
n Broadway. And. this writer
takes this means to congratu
late and thank them heartily j
for such a splendid selection. 1
—5-nelson. |
This 1949 Mercury Sport Sedan typifies the low, graceful lines of the all-new Mercury models.
Inside there is room for six passengers.
Theatis Woods, who met
death accidently by a stay bul
let, at Ogden, Utah, April 6.
was standing in the Waiters
and Porters Club, instead of
being in a night club as re
Jack Williams of 1916 North
27th street and not Jack U. A.
\\ illiam at 2426 Parker is
quilty of charges in April 3rd
Come To The Rally f
Against Racial Prejudice
Please come to Mt. Moriah
Church Monday evening, April
26th at 8:00 p.m. at 24th and
Ohio Streets. Hear these peo
ple who have had the courage
to help to break down pre
judice. Your support is vitual
ly needed.
A beautiful, curved grille with massive bumpers and bumper
guards, topped by a winged radiator ornament, lends distinction
to the 1949 Mercury models. The Mercurys are new in style,
chassis, engine and ride.
Long, low lines distui|uish this 1949 Mercury 6-passenger convertible, one of the wide choice of
all-new Mercury body styles just announced*
j COME DOWN TO EARTH! By Mackenzie
Three Nebraska cities, Al
linance, Fairbury and Falls
City, have won places on the
Honor Roll of the National Tr
affic Safety Contest, E. P. Tin
ker, Jr. Executive Director of
the N ebraska State Safety
Council, announced today.
The three towns were honor
ed for going through the en
tire year of 1947 without a tr
affic fatality. The State Safety
Council will present the award
to the mayors of the three
towns in the near future for
the National Safety Council,
which conductod the contest.
Nebraska, for the first time
in the history of the contest,
had 100 percent representa
tion in the Honor Roll Contest
Eight cities reported for Neb
raska in the 5000 to 10,0oo pop
ulation bracket. More than 300
other cities in the United Sta
tes also placed in the division.
Oklahoma had the highest
percent of winners with 16 cit
ies of 22 reporting placing on
the honor roll. Among that
state’s winners was Hobart, in
corporated in 1901, which state
records show has never had a
traffic death since that date.
Campaign Reached Over 2700
In a report given to the Om
aha Urban League BoarcJ of
(Directors last week, Mr. Tay
lor, Industrial Secretary, Om
aha Urban League, said 2680
high school and 105 grade
school students were counsel
ed directly during the Leagues
Vocational Opportunity Cam
paign held the week of March
Other highlights of the cam
paign included the distribution
of 8,105 pieces of counseling
literature, 29 news stories, 4
radio broadcasts, 2 library dis
plays and posters displays in
the high schools, churches and
in participating agencies. A j
special appeal was made to j
veterans thru the_ appearance
of George Holland, special)
ington office of Veterans Ad
ministration. Mr. Holland
spoke to VA officials in Om
aha and Lincoln and before 2
mass meetings of Negro and
white citizens in Omaha. Mr.
M. Leo Bohanon, Executive
Secretary of the Omaha Ur
ban League, said that in his
opinion the recent VOC cam
paign was one of the most in
clusive programs ever spon
sored by a League affiliate. He
pointed out that in keeping the
League's philosophy the cam- ;
paign was completely interrac-!
ial in its approach to the pro
blems of ocational counseling.
Significantly enough, he said,
93 percent 'of all high school
students served were white
students. Organizations and !
groups which cooperated with
the League in promoting the
VOC program were as fol
lows :
Central WVC
Omaha Public Schools
57 Churches, in Omaha and
Council Bluffs, la.
The Near Northside YMCA
The Charles Street Recreat
ion Center
The DePorries Club, Creigh
ton University.
The Omaha Public Library
The Omaha Guidance Council
The Nebraska State Employ
ment Service
The Near Northside YWCA 1
The Woodson Center
Christ Child Society
Five Radio Stations
Roosevelt Post No. 30, Am
erican Legion
The Press
Donald Simmons was arrest
ed for distrubingthe peace, Ap
ril 16th, for moesting his wife.
Those Attending the Homer
G. Philip Hospital in St. Louis
for the next few days are Dr.
Wesley Jones, Dr. W. W. Sol
omon, and Dr. G. B. Lennox
who went to the Third Annual
Medical Clinic, sponsored by
the interns.
The Federation of Colored
Women’s Club and the The
Woodson Center Health Com
mittee arje currently making
a house to house canvas to de
termine what health facilities
are needed and what facilities
are being used to insure better
health for children and fam
ilies living in North and South
Parents are being interview
ed and literature is ’being dis
tributed. The literature lists |
the names and addresses of J
community ageciesn 'where I
services are available and in
addition it givfs simple advice
on how to stay healthy. Mrs.
Ethel Killingsworth, chairman
of the Federation of Colored
Women’s Clubs Health Divis
ion, and Mrs. M. Hogan, co
chairman, are directing the
survey in North Omaha. Mrs.
Audrey Stewart and Mrs.
Clara Prater are in charge of
the survey in South Omaha.
The Child Health Survey is
part of the general health pro
gram sponsored by the Omaha
Urban League Health Com
mittee of which Dr. H. O. Wig
gins is chairman. Other co
operating agencies are, JJoug-J
las County Health Department
Visiting Nurse Association,
Federation of Colored Wo
men’s Clubs, Woodson Center
Health Committee, Health
Division-Community Welfare
Council, and the Northside
American Red Cross
Douglas County Chapters
The Douglas County Chap- j
ter Red Cross budget will take i
a cut of $24,500, W. Leroy j
W i 1 cox, chapter chairman, I
said this week. t
At a Board of Directors
meeting, he announced Mrs.
C. W. Hamilton, Jr., as chair
man of a committee to evalu
ate Red Cross services and to
make recommendations on re
The 1948 Fund Campaign
closed April 15th with $185,
5 5 1. Contributions s t i 11 out
outstanding are expected to
boost this to almost $200,000,
\\ ilcox stated. The goal was
1 he $24,500 cut will become
effective with the new fiscal
year begining June 30th, 1948
Board members passed a res
olution commending the fine
work of volunteers during the
Delayed contributions may
be sent to Red Cross Chapter
House, 208 So. 33 Ft., Omaha.
Mrs. Jessie Cooper, age 65,
of 1716 North 27th Street, was
found dead by Mrs. Lula Mar
ion at 12 noon April 14th, 1948,
and pronounced dead by Dr.
McDermott. Mrs. Marion stat
ed that Mrs. Cooper had com
plained of a pain in the chest
for the past week and had seen
a doctor. Her body wras taken
to Myers’ Mortuary. Death
was due to natural causes.
Russel Coppock
• It has long been of concern
to thinking people to find a
more solid ground on which
to base the relationships be
tween peoples of different
races or nationalities. More
solid, that is, than the moral
ground expressed in the Broth
erhood idea. This is the fact
of self-iriterest. It is not meant
to disparage the ideals of the
Declaration of Independence,
that all men are created equal,
and that all people have cer
tain inalienable rights, and so
forth Too often one group
which is privileged will be tak
en in 'by the fajse doctrine
that to give equal rights to
those discriminated against,
will lower their own standards
or opportunities, and conse
quently fail to implement their
ideals of Brotherhood.
The fact is that when one
group is held back, the rest
of us who falsely assume we
would retrogress with their
progress, are actually retard
ed also. There js abundant
evidence that those who would
hold others in the pit must
stay with them to keep them
It is plaintv evid ent that
if the ten million or so Negro
people in the South had equal
employment rights with the
‘privileged’ people of the North
there would be greatly increas
ed purchasing power in the
country, and consequently
more jobs. Life in the North
ern part of the country would
be more abundant. But what
is not so evident, though none
the less troe, is that the wage
diferential in the South oper
ates to the disadvantage of
more white than Negro work
ers, for there are more of them.
There is also a considerable
wage dmerential between
Southern white workers and
their brothers in the North. In
other words the white woork
er in the South is grossly un
derpaid. The main considera
tion in him tolerating this is
that he knows Negro workers
are paid even less than he him
self ; so he finds it easy to be
believe that he profits from
the Negro's plight. He is blind
ed to the fact that by harbor
ing this belief he is assisting
in his own degradation.
Consider that the Negro
white salary differential for
teachers alone in the South ag
gregated about twenty-five
million dollars in one schohol
year in the '30s. Considering
further that in all occupational
groups,' agriculture, industry,
clerical and other professional
groups, the differential is pres
ent, with the added different
ial between Southern-white
and Northern workers, it is od
vious that hundreds of millions
of dollars are ‘saved’ the em
ployers in the South.
The idea that one race is
superior to anothher exists be
cause of this condition. This
condition gives birth to and
sustains the idea of Raiial Su
pperioritv. The Poll-taxers
reap huge profits from the un
equal conditions of peoples in
the South. Their chief tool to
preserve these conditions is
the Race Superiority idea. If
it is remembered that billions
of dollars are invested in the
South by Northern interests,
it is easily understood why the
Poll-taxers in Congress re
ceive needed support from
Northern congressmen. Were
this not so. the anti-poll tax
and anti-lynch bills, and a Fed
eral F.E.P.C. bill cQuld be
readily passed.
The solid ground on which
we all stand in helping each
other is our qwn interests. We
(Continued on Page 2)