The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, April 17, 1948, Page 4, Image 4
HOUSEHOLD HINTS By Mary Ann Knowit Now' that Easter has pas sed and vve are quite familiar with all o. the Spring fashions our thoughts are now turn ing to the Summer ones. This week, I want to concentrate on the summer’s footwear for it’s very interesting this year and for t ose of .us that go hare legg u. t will he extrem ely excn..«ig. Far the past two years we nave not.ced each They seem.d odd a. li st, but now the &i. s have found that they are ju i n.e things to be won, '..eiuath their long sum men skirts. V\ e must remem ber, however, that to get that attractive ,ook in these’sand al, we mast first remove the ha r from our legs and apply the correct sayle of leg make up. .Another thing we mustn t foigec is that our toe-nails aiUji he caied for as well as our tin emails, and if we use mi; pel : h it should be a shade toac men s wth your costume. The. w n be in the shoe shop i nbeauu.ta .go.d and silver k u, black suetie, and also in floral p infs, i will intorm you now that in the finest sh oe shops the e adorable sand als wdl co t you from seven to fifteen dollars a pair, so I suggest that you make them at home. This sandal of which I wri.e has nairow criss-cros sed straps that begin at the toe and wind very uniquely .up to the ankle. You may make strapes to go with every dress or skirt you have. Your shoemaker will put leather on the bottom if you desire. I have the pattern to i.iese sandais and for complete instructions, wri'e to the Ho me Sewing Bu.eau, 400 Man Avenue. New \ork. N. Y., Suite 4. Ladies, he c is something that most of us are quilty of and I think that it is high time that that we put a stop to it. We not only spol our own'ap pearances, hut we create un favorable impressions to the people who visit our homes. How many times have you come in from church, a party, or club meeting and immed iately change into an old dress that you don’t mind soiling whi e preparing the family’s meal? And how many of us tie our heads up in an old piece of cloth and put on the most tattered- dress in our closet when we are doing our gener al house-cleaning? 1 hen, on how many occasions have we had to apologize for our ap pearances when an unexpect ed guest, a relative or the in surance collector dropped in? They will naturally accept your apOflogy, but they do not forget it. Now, I( say that the common belief that the only way we can save our nicest clothes is by changing them as soon as we get home is ab solutely an unjustifiable one. I suggest that you have aprons for al] occasions. And that you not dash and buy them, but make them yourself right at home. For heavy cleaning jumpers made of creton with all-over cap for the hair will -not only improve your appear ance while doing heavy-clean ing. but will last longer than one of your old dresses. Take youy old dresses and make ap rons to slip over your nicer dresses, u an unexpected per son calls you merely slip off the apron, take a last minute look at your hair and when you open the door you are ut terly charming. We, as women always want to look nice, but we sometimes find * it hard •while doing household tasks. If you will put my suggestion into practice, I guarantee you that you wifi need no apologies and will make a favorable im pression when visitors call. If you need help on how to make all kinds of aprons, write to the Home Sewing Bureau. 400 Manhattan Ave., New York 26, New York, Suite 4, and you will receive a very help ful booklet on how to make aprons for all occasions. World's Oldest City Dating back nearly 8,000 years, the prehistoric village of Mersin in southern Turkey, the most ancient settlement ever discovered, was un earthed recently by Prof. John Gar ’tang, 70. archeologist. Destroyer of Crops Fail storms destroy more farm crops in America than tornadoes. DONOVAN BROS: • Phone ATlantic 3700 Distributors of HEATING Equipment and Supplies 1114 North 24th St. SPRING BONNET Do you waste your even ings? Most of us do. Why do it? At least you can take some of your free evenings, have a lot of fun, improve your looks, and save yourself some money ! because we know that you j have in mind adding this to i your wardrobe. A lovely spring j bonnet like this you would i spend a good deol for it. We I have perfect suggestion for I you. Spend two evenings at j home and make this little i number yourself. This cute lit tle sailor-tyle crocheted of ! Pear Cotton in* single crochet and trimmed with a double ow of gay .plaid ribbon of | ' our own color choice or taste. This is the thing to do if you ack the knowledge of crochet ing. Either write to the Sew ing Int'ormation Department of this newspaper inclosing ten cents and a large sized en velope or go to your nearest five and ten-cent store and buy a booklet with the complete instructions on “How to Cro chet.” THIS IS THE PILL BOX Every woman’s favorite lit tle pill box. You can’t deny that this little hat is glamor pe. sonified. The open crown ,m box shown here is made of pink and black Pear Cotton in easy-to-do single crotchet and trimmed with a black taffeta how. Mary Cunningham made it herself to match with the black taffeta dress she is wear ing. If you like this and would i like to make it yourself. You | can either write to the Sewing Information Department of ! this newspaper enclosing a j large envelope and ten cents or go to your nearest fve and ten-cent store and buy a book let with complete instructions on How to Crochet. This is a smart little trick belt. Burlap and felt are com ; bined here to make this charm ing, attractive, and inexpen I sive belt. They alway create a lot of admiration from your friends and a lot of ease and j fup for you while are makng ' one. For complete information on haw to make this belt eith er write to the Sewing Infor mation Department of this newspaper enclosing a large size envelope and ten cents or go to your nearest five and ten-cent store and buy a book let wth complete instructions on Belts and Accessories. Cleopatra descendant and a worthy one too. is Miss Mary Cunningham and this stun ning. strikng, pure white blouse brings out all of the latent charms of this fair young lady. Here is a crochet ed blouse that is ea^y to make and easy to launder, and is dainty as the flowers of spring. It is made of mercerized crochet, size thirty. It is cro cheted in a lacy shell stitch pattern and has a smple frill around the neck and sleeves. We know you will make this number for yourself. So either write to the Sewing Informa tion Department of ths news paper enclosing a large size envelope and ten cents or go to your nearest five and ten cents store and 'buy a booklet with complete instructons on crocheting. ROOMER HITS LAND LADY Stella Brown of 416 South 16th Street was hospitalized for a few hours after being knocked-unconscious by a big brick hurled at her by J. Will iams. Williams was given a room with the understanding he was not to do any drinking. He came in on a Saurday nite, April 3rd, drunk and demand j ed entrance and his coat, ' which was refused. He left an came back with several bricky hurling one through SteT»' BrBown’s window. She went t o the door to investigate, when she was struck on the head. Williams was given 30 days. XjJtvUU How! FOR CATALOGUE of latest sttles AND MATERIALS. FREE TAPE MEASURE. ENJOY THE BESTf MY PANTS STYLES ARE FAMOUS FROM HOLLYWOOD TO HARLEM j i i 12 61» STREET AND 7 TB AVE. i 4ARLEM 27* HE* YORK WHAT THE WELL DRESSED WOMAN IS WEARING Mrs. Dorothy Bell. 3215 Corby street, looked exquisite in a beautiful hat with a wide brim adorned with two large white roses underneath the brim and covering the brim was a long light biege colored viel. She was wearing a beau tiful black garbadine suit, and a white satin luga necked '.douse trimmed with very nar raw lace. She was cerrying a boxed shaped gray snake sk 1 bag, and wearing a pair o" gray snake skin shoes, and white gloves. Around her neck were furs of mink. With the tailored look was Mrs. Corine McDaniels, who was wearing' a tailored coat of o.'t brown wool, lorge pockets and small gold button on each pocket. Over her shoulder was a large brown square shaped bag with white stitching. A mall chochet hat of yellow • and gold yarn and two long brown feathers. She was wear ing brown bloves and brown leather shoes, with leather bows. Mrs. Versie Bailey was wearing a beautiful gray suit a white blouse with a ruf led j front trimmed with very nar row lace. A black three-quart- j er length coat. She was wear- | ing a small red hat with a large black satin ribbon, form ing a bow in the front. She was carrying Tl large black ag and red gloves and wear ing red sandels high heel shoes. Mrs. Mattie Walker or 2827 Xorth 27th street, was seen wearing a lovely flowered hat of pink roses. A pair of silver fox furs, a beautiful niose green gabardine suit, and pink blouse. She was also wearing a pair of pink jersey gloves and carrying brown alligator bag to match her alligator high heel shoes. Mrs. Helen Williamson was, wearing a light bjue crepe dress, with the new look, and ' a very pretty si^iall black smooth straw bonnet with very fine lace around the edge. She was wearing a gray three quarter length coat and carry ing a black leather bag. Ancient Industry Ice has been used by man since before history began The Romans, in 50 B.C., dug snow from mountain sides and packed it in deep pits covered with straw and tree prun ings* to be cut out later for refrig- I eration purposes. Pennsylvania Farmers Pennsylvania farmers have a total investment of nearly two bil lion dollars in f3rm land, buildings, equipment. machinery, livestock and crops on hard LINCOLN UNIVERSITY ' ~>v ' IRT CHOIR STARTS TOUR jef'e—on City, Mo., March 27. 1948—The Lincoln Univer sity, Mssouri, Concert Choir of 50 voices which, following several off-campus appearanc es, will ’oegin a tour on April 5 including engagements at Indianapolis, Ind., Chicago, 111. Fort Wayne, I n d., Detroit, Detroit, Mich., and the Uni versity of Michigan. Prior to in Junior College auditorium j here. Members represent the s*a‘e=*of Alabama, Arkansas, j California, 1,’linois. Indiana. Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma. Oregon, Tennessee and Texas. Dr. O. Anderson Fuller is the conductor. >i nai about your waistline? Do you have the uncomfort able feeling that you are bulg ing? Do you feel that there are a lot of unnecessary puckers and gathers in the spots where they ought not to be, and at tract too much attention? If so here is the perfect solution to your problem. Make your waistline look smaller by wear ing this belt or emphasize your waist-line if too small. This is a genuine all-purpose number. It is easy to make lac ed belt maid of sailcloth in con tracing colors and trimmed with machine stitches. For in structions either write to the Sewing Information Depart ment of this newspaper enclos ing a large size envelope and ten cents or go to your nearest five and ten cent store and purchase a booklet on belts & accessories for a dime. Best and Bustle Era Fashion dictators are prescribing abundant use of jewelry to comple ment the “bust and bustle” fashions currently in vogue. In keeping with elegance of the new gowns, jewel ers are creating lavish, delicate pieces using the sister metals, pal ladium and platinum I 1 - —-—:-—.-~ d ar Vr*^ Almost One American HoTOfeEvftylwoJ CLIP CURLING IRON with spnnR H 2ft n handle. Comp iete-full price * wmmnmmm -e^.- ttp. 4 ■ 79 BRASS COMB—straight teeth ■ i ' ..11 Vy-i: -U.f11 ; il Ml’tia/ _ _ BRASS COMB- $ I AJ Curved Teeth. Wood or wire ban -le ■ marcel iro:i- j Plain or Rolling J Q 7»1 Handles. Price ■ . --- FREE 8 1 PRESSING t COMPOUND | With Order ' SEND NO MONEY Pay Postman Full Amount on Delivery H. K. COMPANY BOX 5163 DEPT. 91 RICHMOND, VA. OIL STOVE fbura8 keroeens $2» Haven for Sufferers If jet-propelled p Lanas make world travel a matter of hours, sufferers from asthma, bronchitis and other lung troubles will flock to Aden, Arabia. This city has the driest cli mate in the world. Only two inches of rain fall each year. Drinking wa ter is obtained by removing the salt from sea water. Finding Water Supply Illinois geological survey uses an electrical test of earth resistance to locate deposits of sand and gravel. These are the spots most likely to bear water. Technicians claim 92 per cent success in .finding good water supplies for towns and cities in Illinois by this method. Heat Resisting Steels Heat resisting steels containing nickel are used in industrial fur naces, gas turbines and other appli cations where they give strength and long service art high tempera tures. TECH HIGH SCHOOL The Tech News, publication of the Omaha Technical High School, has another foreign correspondent. He is Sam Yer gata, who graduated from Tec „'n 194o, and is now with the Aimy stationed in Seoul, Kor ea. V e r g a t a recently wrote a series of stories on Korea in which he tells of the American activities in that country. Whle attending Tech, Yerg- 1 ata was on the Tech News printing staff as a linotype o perator. Adrinne Milder is another foreign correspondent for the paper. She is writing from Ber lin. Germany. Louise Gillottee will become the papers’ correspondent from Naples. Italy later this month. The Omaha Technical High School Student Council spon sored a four-sport banquet on April 8th in the school cafeter ia. It was to honor basketball, swimming, wrestling, and gym nasties teams for their work throughout the winter. speaker tor the occasion was Coach Harry Good of the Uni versity of Nebraska, who spok on the orgin of basketball and rules for playing. Mr. Ashby, principal, and Mr. Linn, vice principal, encouraged the boys to stay eligible and to work hard and practice faithfully so that Tech will have winning teams in the future. Letters were awarded to all varsity members along with the second and freshman team. Recognitions were also given to those who earned All-State and All-City honors. Basket ball coach is Mr. John DeBoer and the coach for swimming, wrestling and gymnastics is j Mr. Roy Cams. After the banquet movies were shown in the auditorium by Mr. Good. Is Not Inherited Tuberculosis is not inherited. It is a disease which well people catch from people who have active tuber culosis. While it is a serious disease ; it can be cured and its spread can be prevented. A Beer License is Good for Only One Year A license to sell beer in Nebras ka is extended to applicants as a limited privilege—not as a property right. After one year, your elected licensing officials may refuse to grant a renewal of the license i if there is cause. The purpose of this one-year limitation is to provide power ful incentive for the beer re tailer to operate a clean, sani tary' tavern ... in such a tem perate law-abiding manner that all the community' will approve. It is the first purpose of the Ne braska Committee to educate and encourage licensees to be fully worthy of their privilege. You are urged to assist by re porting any violations that have been made, any conditions that should be corrected. Make your complaint to the local governing body and the liquor control commission. Do this important civic duty now. NEBRASKA COMMITTEE United States Brewers . Foundation Charles E. Sandall, State Directoi 710 First Nat’l Bank Bldg., Lincoln DRAMA-PACKED , CONVOY VOYAGE ATLANTIC COAST—PIXPAGE— A sudden blast sank a collier that was under U. S. Navy escort in a convoy on the Atlantic coast. The blast was ascribed to an enemy mine. Here a survivor dries his face with a towel after being near blinded and choked by the oily waters. A quick and efficient job was done by the Navy in rescuing survivors. It so happened that the Navy Department had permitted a photographer and several corre spondents aboard, none of whom bargained for the ensuing incident on such short order. Synthetic Rubber Alloy Alloyed with certain plastics, syn thetic rubber will be used in great quantities in the future. They form a tough, resilient floor tile which is unaffected by oils and grease. \ tffiVWAY j L/GHTENS \ CLEARS m SMOOTHS J Lightens, clears and I RM smooths externally I » caused DimDles and I blotches. Caution... use only as directed. 15c & 50c at drug stores on money back guarantee. Dr.FRED Palmers SKIN WHITENER FREE TRIAL. Send 10c for postage, handling to J)r. FRED Palmer's, Dept. L, Box 264, Atlanta, Ca.^ Why Not HURRY TO 2229 Lake Street for good eats; such as Beef Stew, Chili, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, etc. Our Food* Are Real Gone HURRY *UCKC \FF 2229 Lake St JA: 9195 Mrs. Ella Ma< Tucker, Supervisor J. Mason and E. Washington, Props. We Are Once More LAGDERING CURTAINS SEND OR BRING THEM IN Edholm & Sherman LAUIVDERERS & DRY 2401 Norfh 24TII. Street Phone WE. 6055 * Contractor See Bailey First SPECIAL ^ING IN PATCH WORK, PLASTERING • BRICKLANING CHIMNEYS AND CONCRETEINGe 9 RETAINING WALLS f OFFICE—2209 NO. 22ND S —Phone-PLeasent 19 7 5 — Andrews Quick Service Cleaner Dry Cleaning Hatworks PICK-UP — DELIVERY CASH— CARRY Everyday On eDay Service PRESSING DONE ao While You Wait 2 Hour Service 1837 North 24th Street Telephone JAekson4117* *i ... iii 3 -R PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery Huffy Pharmacv —VTE-0609— 24th & Lake Sts. LAKE SHOE SERVICE Now la The Time To Get Your Shoes Rebuilt! Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work 2407 Lake Street “It Pars To Look WetT’ MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 Lake Street GROSS JEWELRY & LOAN CO. . PHONE JA 4635 formerly at— 24th and Erskine NEW LOCATION 516 North 16th CAN BLACK-DRAUGHT HELP A LOST APPETITE? Yes, Black-Draught may help a lost appetite if the only reason you have lost your appetite is because of con stipation. Black-Draught, the friendly laxative, is usually prompt and thorough when taken as di rected. It costs only a penny or less a dose. That’s why it has been a best-seller with four generations. If you are troubled with such symp toms as loss of appetite, headache, upset stomach, flatulence, physical fatigue, sleeplessness, mental hazi ness, bad breath — and if these symptoms are due only to consti pation — then see what Black Draught may do for you. Get a package today. tho THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, you win find yourseifono of the best-informed persons in your community on world" affairs when you read this world-wide doily newspaper regularly. You will gain fresh, new viewpoints, o fuller, richer understanding of today's vital news—PLUS help from its exclusive features on homemokmg, educa tion, business, theater, music, radio, sports. Subscribe new to , this special "get- I acquainted" offer' —1 month for $1 (U. S. funds) ■ The Christian Science Publishing Society PB-5 One, Norwoy Street, Boston 15, Moss., U. S. A. Enclosed is $1, for which please send me The Christian Science Monitor for one month. Nome..... r.— ..— Street___— City _Zone_State _ _ —i CURLING, rKK IRON . W!Vri ORDER -1 V-ROLL $3.50 CHIGNON | $3.50 PAGEBOT $3.50 CLUSTER $4,00 SEND NO MONEY-Pay postman on delivery plus charges. |H. K. COMPANY, D- Box 2163, Richmord, Vo BRAID ( $4.00 ! Why pay «orii for soft toyefy lookin’ fine quality human hair that glamour izes your hair-do and yet Is so nat ural looking and so easily attached? State color or send sample of your holr ROSTOR WARNS ALL WOMEN! A well known New York physician warns women not to neglect Leukorrhea (the Whites). He says it is one of the most com mon of all complaints among girls and women of all ages To relieve the discomfort* of the "Whites’* in cases not requiring medical attention he recommends douching with Avex -—the clinically tested clearing douche pow der Av«r helps remove temporary discharge during use. relieves itching, soothes ond roofs ir. ritated delicate tissues hides embarrassing odor* Thousands of women use Avex and praise it highly You can trv it vourself wishou* ri»fc.| ing o penny. Order a box of 12 douche pow ders today L’se 3 If not completely satisfied return unused portion of package and you'll get your money back SEND NO MONEY.! i Pay postman $1 plus postage and COD. i charges. (3 boxes for $2 You save $1.) If i you send cash with order we pay all postage.' Order today on money back guarantee. Avex Co., 3560 Broadway, Dept.5 #N.Y.3l,N.y Does Your Hair Need Something Special ? Medalo No. 1-A Mail-No Money Mcdalo No. I-A Write Nov I Try Medalo No. 1-A Treatment, if your hair is dry, brittle, cracks and breaks off. If your scalp is itchy, dandruffy, then try Medalo No. 1-A with directions: Medalo Scalp Formula, Medalo Pine Tar Sham poo, Medalo Hair Hot Oil, Medalo Red Pressing Oil Compound (6 month treatment size). Every thing only $2.35, not a penny more. Mail 'no money. Only send name and address. Pay on delivery of all your goods and free sample of per fume and face powder. Write now I Say “Treatment No. 1-A.” GOLD MEDAL HAIR PRODUCTS, INC. 337 KiBgs Highway, Brooklyn 23, New Yert Dept. AB-1 Note: Yw also get fill directions and a written guarantee with twmt_