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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1948)
NEIL SCOTT. ASSOCIATE PUBLIC RELATIONS AND PUBLICITY HOLLYWOOD SITS UP & TAKES NOTICE OF CHIN ESE BEAUTY Chinamay be having its in ternal troubles but, Maylia beautiful Detroit Chinese girl is riding up the read to fame and fortune. She is taking Hol lywaad literlv by storm. Her oriental beauty is a big part of a Cinderella legend that is rap idly building up around her. The young lady, who is barely out of her teens garnered the third lead of Columbia’s To the Ends of the Earth,” with > oat having any previous acting experience. First and second billing in the picture goes to Dick Powell and the ever pop ular Signe Hasso. Maylia, wh ose real name is Gloria Chin Fong, 5s the daughter of a Chinese merchant in Detroit . She went to Hollywood for a short vacation before contin uing her college studies. She was seen in a fashionable rest-* aurant by the Mrs. Sidney Bu chman, whose husband produc ed "TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH,” and had been look ing 1x>th in San Francisco and New York for a Chinese girl fitting Maylia’s description. A ■ !!■■■■ Ill 1 •••- ■ IJiiliHfli not was sent to her asking it she should like to be tested for a role in a motion picture and, of course, she answered it in the affirmative. Her test was iescribed by Jay Richard Ken ,nedy, who acted as associate Rev. Richard V. Moore who last Thursday was inagurated as the third President of Be- j producer on the picture as“ter rific.” Since it was Kennedy whw'ho gathered all the mater ial from U. S. Treasury Depar tment files for this story and insisted from the beginning that all details be accurate, Maylia’s chance in the picture was thenceforth assured. Love follows success they say The beautiful young women fell in love, with almost equl suddeness in a matter of a few weeks. Miss Chin met and she thune-Cookman College at Daytona Beach, Florida. He was formerly agent for Negro married Benson Fong, young Chinese actor who had ’been playing the role of the son in the “Charlie Chan’’ series. Another highlight of the pi cture in the caracter role. Vla dimir Sekoloff. He plays the role of the all-wise Chinese sup er detective who knows the ways of the Orient. He gives Dick Powell a real lesson in the history of the world. The picture should be one that ev eryone go to see if for no more high schools for the Florida State Office of Education. than to enjoy the refreshing beauty of Maylia and the sag acity and sleuth Vladimir Se koloff. Where Oxygen Goes Three million tons of oxygen are used each day by the human race in breathing operations. Mushrooms for Dentists Mushrooms were used to stupefy patients by dentists of the Zapotec Indians of Mexico. NOW AS LIT 5=rr BUYS A BRILLIANT AV“"ONOU“"r - J ■ packed with exclusive postwar “FIRSTS” J Here’s more dramatic proof that Bendix Radio is^j first with the finest again in 1948—leading the wray with such exciting advancements as Aviation Quality ... the Phantom Grille ... the Phantom Dial... Bendix Ratio-Detector FM... Sw ing-A-Door... Hush-O-Matic and many more—all new, all news, and all yours only with a Bendix Radio. This year get all three new richness from records, new brilliance from broadcasts, new beauty for your home. Buy a Bendix Radio—in every way America’s choicest instrument for 19— The Most Radio You’ve Ever Seen At This Low Frke f Replace ordinary table sets with this brilliant bargain. Not a miniature but a full-sized table model with the special Bendix molded-in handle for easy carrying and all-enclosed plastic case. Brite Lite’’ dial and Aviation Quality chassis assure sharper 5^ Q95 tuning, finer tone, longer range. Ask for Model 110—only £ C'.i A 0 Brilliant Rcd.o 1 Phonos-- ph r * OFF A Smart Sheraton Step-Table i i Look , if. at the latest in cabinet styling— the exclusive Phantom Grille! * Model 1531 Vi —i | America’s Most Distinctive Radio - Phonogrcr i Prewar Value Comes Ba:.’; With This Brilliant New ConsoljjHft ' /There’s do hint of B radio until you turn a drawer pull. Now everyone can afford a ful. ' —d, decorator-styled oonsole radio* j® Then, like magic, the Phantom Dial glows through the ^ phonograph. New Phantom Grille j, . es fine furniture beauty, odds t* ■ piabogany-grained panel. Sliding top conceals an automatic listening pleasure. Swing-out top doors reveal fully automatic ■ phonograph playing 12 records. A brilliant 159.95 record player and standard and shortwave controls. 12" speaker, 179.95 W beauty — and a brilliant bargain at this low ) tone control, Aviation Quality—all at this amazing prewar price, i I price . • \ EASY TERMS AND IMf'tDIATE DELIVERY AT BETTER DEALE uj EVERYWHERE! Philips Department Store WX 24th and “O” Street v. . , . -___SOUTH OMAHA First Class Citizenship—How It Feels” A F L Longshoreman, Mr. Charles Harrison, 2503 Delach aise, says it just makes a man feel different when he has met the requirements for registra tion. Here, Mr. Harrison is be ing instructed by A F L Long shore Registration Director, Mrs. Lou Eve Turner and ex actly 47 minutes is walking out o the Registor’s office, a full-fledged citizen, with the right to vote. FATSO f — // n vsl/r ( THIS IS FOQ WHISTLING AT ME ' BUT thanks FOG OGIVINO me to THE MEAT DEAL ESS SOX CAN TUON IN MV LiSSO PAT / I EASY WAY4 LIGHTENS CLEARS SMOOTHS dark rough blemished skin made ugly by external causes It’s amazing how easy skin may be bleached light er and brighter while externally caused pimples and rough, harsh skin aresmoothed away! Just spread on DR. FRED PALMER'S SKIN WHITENER Oint ment . .. leave on all night... let it work while you sleep. Full directions with pack age . . . Caution—use only as directed. See results in 7 days’ trial (sometimes overnight) or return what's left for money back. 25c and 50c sizes at drug stores 25co.u"-«.50e I-Dr.FHED \sttiw WHITENER I FREE TRIAL. Send 10c for packing, posfagn t Dr. FRED Palmer s, Dept. R. Box 264, Atlanta, Ca > First step to a > lovelier complexion ' > DR.FRED PALMER'S «|e* > SKIW DELIGHT SO*** The Law Places Selection of Beer Retailers in YOUR Hands With relicensing time here, let’s review what the law says about selection of beer retailers. Nebraska’s liquor control law forbids the brewers or whole salers from having any finan cial interest in the selection of licensees. It places the selection in the hands of public licensing officials. These officials have the right to examine, under oath, any applicant for a retail license or renewal. The board may authorize its agent or attorney to act in obtaining any desired information. Further, the law provides that the local governing body must consider every signed com plaint from any citizen of a violation of the law or any ob jectionable conduct on the part of an applicant. A new license may be denied or a renewal re fused if there is cause. This Committee urges you to cooperate by bringing law vio lations to the attention of li censing bodies. NEBRASKA COMMITTEE □United States Brewers Foundation Charles E. Santfadl, State Director 710 Pint Mall Buk Bldf., Llocoic Why Not IILRRY TO 2229 Lake Street for good eats; such as Beef Stew, Chili, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, etc. Our Foods Are Real Gone HURRY R ACK CAFF 2229 Lake St JA: 9195 Airs. Elia Alas Tucker, Supervisor J. Alason and E. Washington, Props. We Are Once More LAUDERING CURTAINS SEND OR BRING THEM IN Edholm & Sherman LAUNDERERS & DRY 2401 Norfh 24TII. Street! Phone WE. 6055 Contractor See Bailey First SPECIALIZING IN PATCH WORK, PLASTERING • BRICKLAS ING CHIMNEYS AND CONCRETEING# • RETAINING WALLS 0 OFFICE—2209 NO. 22ND S, —Phone-PLeasent 197 5 — Andrews Quick Service Cleaner Dry Cleaning Hat works PICK-UP — DELIVERY CASH— CARRY Everyday On eDay Service PRESSING DONE 10 While You Wait 2 Hour Service 183< North 24th Street Telephone JAckeon4117 ..- * PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery Duffy Pharmacv -WE-0609— 24 th & Lake Sts. LAKE SHOE SERVICE Note la The Time To Get Your Shoes Rebuilt! Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work 2407 Lake Street “/t Pays To look Weir MAYO'S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 Lake Street FISK UNIVERSITY CAGES WIN Nashville, Tenn.—Fisk cap ers closed their season recently with their fourth straight win, defeating Lounisville Munic ipal College, 40-32 on the loc al campus. The team’s record for the season shows 11 losses and 8 wins, including the 9 losses an 5 wins within the Southern Intercollegiate Atheletic Con ference. Getting off to a bad start this year, the Blue and Gold whipped up into winning stride shortly before the close of the season and revenged a num ber of their earlier defeats. The addition of Jesse Thompson and James Harvey, both nat ives of Nashville, to the squad in early February, greatly sha rpened the Bulldog’s attack. Bearing the brunt through the recent Fisk victories were Thompson and Harvey, Henry Jones, Los Angeles, Calif.; Herbert Gollier, Nashville Tenn.; and Jesse Henderson, Amsterdam, New York. The Louisville game closed the col lege career for the squad’s sole senior, Inman Moon, Oklaho ma City, who is a veteran of two seasons. trainers Won’t Ten Popular supposition has it that the number of rattles borne by a snake indicates its age in years. A new rattle is required each time that a snake sheds its skin and sev eral fatties may be added annually, (he California Fish and Game com mission reports. The studies indi cate that young snakes in their year <jt growth gain, besides the original batten, two to four rattles. Medium gtyd snakes, during their second at third peak, often gain two rattles CasuePy, Adults njasi frequently •14 aoly rattle a year, but •laeGmes gain two. GROSS JEWELRY & LOAN CO. . PHONE JA 4635 formerly at— 21 tli and Erskine SEW LOCATION 516 North 16th j Dee; Year Hair Need Societies Special ? Modulo No. ’ A V 'o Medalo No. 1-A Write Now \ Try Medalo No. 1-A Treatment, if your hair is dry, brittle, cracks arid ' breaks off. If your scalp is itchy, dandruffy, then try Medalo No. 1-A with directions: Medalo Scalp Formula, Medalo Pine Tar Sham- I poo, Medalo Hair Hot Oil, Medalo Red Pressing Oil Compound (6 month treatment size). Every thing only £L35, not a penny more. Mail'no money. Only send name and address. Pay on delivery of all jyour goods and free sample of per fume and face powder Write now I •Say “Treatment No. 1-A.” GM.0 MEDAL BAIR PRODUCTS, IMG. 337 Kings Bigfcway, Brooklyn 23, New Tort D<0t. AD-1 Mote: Too also get (ell directions and a written guarantee with everything. Women Live Longer The average length of life tor white women tn the United States has reached the remarkably high figure of 69.5 years, according to statisticians of the Metropolitan Life Insurance company. For men the average length of life is 64.5 yerfrs, and for the American people as a whole, 68 years. The increase In expectation of life at birth since the beginning at the century results from a better control of infectidb# in the you" Child Health Services The National Foundation for In fantile Paralysis has given more than a quarter of a million dollars to the American Academy of Pe diatrics ft* study of child heaCb *«lVtcea in the United States.