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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1948)
2 O • m 05 * 00 Z*" r g| *50 51 £ w - I EAST side ~ a 49 ST «/> (/> EAST SIOE g|.- 1 t as ST I « EAS7 SIDE ^ ® a o o j c ^ > ^ i r z s; ^ 3x MR. C. C. GALLOWAY HAS I- T—--S'D% ANNOUNCED HIS CANDI- *»3 si DACY FOR THE LEGISIA- EAST5IDE r TURE AND HAS ISSUED THE 4/1«— FOLLOWING PLATFORM. ~ \ l. Make an ALL-OUT effort to win the Peace. _2. Safeguard our theory of individual Liberty. 3C5Tiast$ioi 3. Continue to give labor a square deaL § % 4. Protect, defend and promote Agriculture. ^ |x S. Help Little Business as well as Big Busings. 5 * £ % 6. No new taxes and no Increase in old ones, £ ? 7. Provide ASSISTANCE FOR THE AGEDl 5% 30TMWKTST. . _ 1 I _ 8. Be prepared to meet the problems of the Post <3 §2 War Years. * 2 || A VOTE FOR GALLOWAY IS A VOTE FOR *s YOUR WELFARE. 3> o < ™ n • M1WST. 2 X 11 5I« LEGISLATIVE • DISTRICT INCLUDES isFISTI ■ —>1^2! . BEACHWOOD DIST. "*T ;* LOCUST || ?f PERSHING ■ I" •Tv, ^ > ** 6 o < \A rf\ 13 r>r 4^ m 1 -4!-1 C. C. GALLOWAY SEEKS YOUR SUPPORT The following map herein be low is the 5th Legislative District of the State of Nebraska. Thi~ is for your information on voting for your choice to represent you in the 1919 Legislative at the Sttate Capital. Lincln, Nebr. If you live in the boundaries of said outlined map and if you are a registtered voter, you are elig ible to vote in the primary elec tion on April 13, 1948. I. C. C. Galloway, sinoerel solicit your earnest consideration I at the ballot box on the above said date. I have lived in the 5th i District 45 years. Have been ac tive in ci\ic. political, reli ious, and fraternal matters to make vour district a better community in which o live. If I am nominated and elect ed. I will honestly represent the people of the 5th District. I. here I by. make a solemn pledge to lake [ ihe rep tap>e out of the Old Age | Assistance Act w ithout any in ! create in eRal Estate Taxes.. i If you are interested in help ii i to elect a representative t( j represent you, I am asking yoi | tf stop at my headquarters, 242C G ant street, and regiser in he G llowav for Senator Club. Show the strength and power of vour ballot in the areaa ii which you live. Don't fail to vote ir the Primbary election, on Apri; 13, 1948. —VOTE for— C. C. GALLOWAY for STATE SENATOR Your Legislature Representative of the Fifth District HE WILL TAKE THE RED TAPE OUT OF THE OLD AGE PENSION, WITHOUT ANY INCREASE IN REAL ESTATE TAXES. C. C. GALLOWAY THE PEOPLES CHOICE FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN THE LEGISLATURE FROM THE FIFTH DISTRICT Forum Chairman, Mrs. Fran ces A. Mosley, Department fhairman. Border on Rug The border on an oriental rug has an important relation to the value of the rug. The finer the border of a rug, large or small, the more beau tiful and costly is the rug. Start of Nylons Women’s nylon hosiery were Intro duced to the public in May, 1940. Within a year, nylon yam was established as a major textile fiber in the industry. Toothbrushes with nylon bristles were introduced in 1938. Counting the Stars It is possible to see 9,000 stars in ths sky with the naked eye. America's handsomest and hanifiest table Set. Fully enclosed plastie case with molded-in handle, bronze dial trim. Strikig new styling matched by startling new performance. AC*DC $24.95 ' f / The most radio you’ve ever seen at this low price >’ j MoldeJ-in hnndle mikes it handy as a port _ able. “Brite-Lite” dial and Aviation Quality chassis assure sharper tuning, richer tone. *'-r A full-sized AC-DC radio at a .... "ioian,r* ... $19.95 \ ALL MAKES ELECTRIC & HARDWARE fu'edenfo Cutest foe -IS rf//fdH'C / v. w ■* mmr model 1217D ^’’^i'wli In nil the world no instrument to match it! *®r The most patrician of radio-phonographs—in rich, - hand-rubbed mahogany veneers. Exclusive crystal controlled FM, AM-FM push button tuning. Genuine sapphire stylus—no needle talk. * * t Truly great beauty and performance for $425.00 Packed with postwar "firsts” including Amazing Hush-O-Matic and FM at its finest! Amazing new Hush-O-Matic really removes scratch and surface noise, really restores the original beauty of old records, and ingreases the beauty of new. And Bendix Radio FM is the finest you can buy because it’s built and backed by the foremost name in static-free radio communication. Get the only instrument that gives you both—a brilliant Bendix Radio-phonograph. Here’s everything you’ve wanted in a postwar radio-phonograph! A magnificent value in a genuine luxury instrument. Decorator-styled mahogany cabi net with matched veneer panels is authentic period furniture. Static free FM. Electric push button tuning. Hush-O-Matic, Swing n„ . ■ j| A-Door and other wonderful “firsts.” olua Product, of Bendix Aviation Quality. Thi. treasured Aviation Corporation possession costs only. $329 50 MODEL 1524 SM\LL DOWN PAYMENTS • £ASY TERMS All MakeS Elec and Hardware _ 4040 HAMILTON STREET WA-4668 Earij ice Enterprise An early American enterprise was the shipping of ice from New Eng land to the tropics. The ice was packed in white pine sawdust and Americans promoted its sale by showing the natives how to make ice cream and iced drinks. More Slave Labor Smithsonian institution estimates that it would take 30 times as many hard-working slaves as the present U. S. population to do the jobs elec tricity is doing in this country. Fresh Produce Markets Faneuil HaH market in Boston is 200 years old and the French mar ket in New Orleans is 150 years old. Other markets, handling fresh fruits and vegetables that are more than 100 years old include Pearl street market in Cincinnati, Dock street market and Callowhill street market in Philadelphia, and the Roanoke avenue market at Norfolk. Many others have been operating for more than 50 years. When these markets were built the produce was hauled by horse and wagon, or brought in by water. Most of the produce now arrives by rail. Introduced Racing ;iorse Thothmes III, greatest of Egyp tian kings, in 1450 B. C. left a papy rus record cf his conquest of Meso potamia, priding himself upon ob taining the racing horse and intro ducing him into Egypt. Long Hibernation The hoary marmot of the north ern Rockies spends the longest time in hibernation. He is the first to go into hibernation in the fall and the last to come out in the spring in a region where the winters are long est. Millions of Maps When the United Nations invaded occupied Europe they took with them 125 Ovlllion maps, the result of a “combined operations” job by the corps of engineers, the army air forces and the best brains of mili tary intelligence and thousands of enlisted personnel in the army. Aerial photographs have com pletely taken away the “mystery” of the Pacific islands, and the loca tion of every hut and palm tree. More original maps of France were produced by the Allies in 2 years than by France herself in 2,000 years. ST. JOHN’S AME CHURCH, 22nd and Willis Ave. Reverend E. B. Childress Mason M. Devereaux Jr. “When there is a wrong in the heart; no one but God can heal it and Man should let his future alone, his present is e nough, and his past don’t dis trub it,” two thoughts from our minister inspirational ser mon on; Sunday, March 14, 1948. His subject was Over drawn (numbered, weighted, and divided) and the text of his message was from Daniel 5 chapter. Accessions Mose Hampton fro mKansas City, Mo. and Cal. Sarggs from Dal las Texas. 2105 Miami St. Let us pray for the sick thro ughout the week who ever they may be or where ever they may be. Plan to attend the present ation of the Seven Last Words given by our Senior Choir un der the direction of Mrs. Pearl Gibson on Easter Sunday eve ning, March 28th . Mothers Easter draws nie be sure won't you that your children are at each Easter re- t hersal every Sunday at 1 p.m. until their Easter service ? Your cooperation in this jnat ter is needed and necessary if Mrs. Childress and her able assisted are to prepare your children for their best on this , Easter. The Junior Choir will have a special servce on Good Fri day evening. The members and to come out on this evening to this pre-Easter Holiday Ser vice. Mrs Childress will be direct ing the choir as always. The Watchmen's Club de sires to see more men at their meetings on F r i day nights, Men come out and lend a hand to this Christian Character building organization. Comng Event: Good Friday Service: Junior Choir will sing. Sunday School Easter Service Seven Last Words: Senior Ch oir will sing it. George Johnson at the Ham mond Organ. Evening n Paris. Support the Allen Chfist ain Endeavor League Young People for it is your organiza tion. Give your all today to the service of" this fne Christian character building organiza tion. Mothers send your children, or bring them to Sunday School every Sunday morning, 9:30 A. M. Attend our Morn ing Services at 11 A.M. Union Service at 7:30 P. M. Vistors and friends are always wel come at St. John’s the friendly church at 22nd Willis Avenue Come and worship with us, please do. . * The Department of Legisla tion of the Nebraska Federat ion of Colored Women’s Clubs presents its second in a series of Forums on the Subject. How does Omaha stand on civ il rights for its Minority Groups ? At the Near North Side Y.M. C.A. Sunday, March 14, 1948 at 3:00 P. M. Mrs. Mary E. Smith, Pres ident, Mrs. Jeanne Stevens, fox' N O % ... > ...... ... -y. - : - s^ioUtf..— — I modern appliance |; 2«MT N. SO. OM/»M . $, I -43**n because ^ renews i*s PoVS,e over and oyer - KAY KYSER, professor of the "College of Musical Knowledge" heard each j Wednesday over NBC. ^Model 250 .^CHARGING SABLE RAD IG ■0 ■ - ' '.^(.charging" h ***** ' VES-we over and over agam. ■ • ,1 to battety p -.roues—on boats— Play it aUyou Please^r"/about the trouble grains. Never a «r y replacement. and expense tegindo0IS and P “f ge When y°u^rre®t, the compact b“i^ wh§e AC house « en , ^ poW„_even battery stores F volume. you play tt a . big-set per* Th0Uance^b!g-Sd tonCbig-set KSy ^ LrSity. It'S b^fa scratch resistant iiSrfTu Ju'^an ft I r^^?*99,5 0 able—tomorrow. ^ — -~ ! r f !