The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 20, 1948, Page 4, Image 4

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    Society Section
Well folks, here I am report
ing a little late this time; but
please forgive me. I have been
on the sick list for awhile. Hap
py to say I am almost on my
feet again.
The Jolly Mates Club met at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Davis, 2118 North 29th
Street, March 7th, 1948, 6:00
P. M. The meeting was a day
late because the Club was in
vited by our president to the
Friendly Sixteen Club’s dance.
Those that attended had a good
time. We wish to thank our
President and the members of
the Friendly Sixteen Club for
the invitation. Our meeting
was called to order by our Pre
sident. Mr. John Davis, open
ing with the club’s verse. New
and old* business was discussed
Mr. James Brown gave us a
very interesting talk on the wel
fare of the club and the "bene
fit of our children. We all en
joyed this speech coming from
Mr. Brown. After the closing
of the meeting Mrs. Davis ser
ved a lovely repast Airs. Davis
makes a charming hostess.
Mothers, fathers, and child
ren, don’t forget our amateur
contest to be held at Elk’s Half
April 6th, 1948. Come out ana
support these kiddies.
We are happy to report Mr.
Young is back on the job.
We will meet at Mr. and
Mrs. Gus Murrell, 2418 North
24th Street, March 20th, 1948.
John Davis, President
Beatrice White, reporter
(Happiness can never be built
on the unhappiness of others)
By H. W. Smith
At this writing the Lend
Lease Bill to the Foreign Cou
ntry has not moved up.
Read the Omaha Guide at all
times for all the news.
Howard Kennedy School
By Thelma Hancock
Wdenesday, March 10, 1948,
the Howard Kennedy basket
ball team won the district cha
mpionship 31-19. On March 17,
19, and 20, the}' will play Mon
roe, Jackson, and District 4 cha
mpions. Edward Reed is the
captain of the Howard Ken
nedy team.
hTe Camp Fire Girls are pla
nning a luncheon and a trip to
the skating rink, March 13th.
Apopcorn sale is planned for
March 17 and 19. It is to bene- I
fit the Red Cross.
hThe Eighth Grade is hav
ing an amatuer show April 2.
1948. It is planned for your
amusement. Boxing, Plays, and
piano solos, and readings will
be seen and heard.
The Howard Kennedy Gray
“Y” is made up of eighteen of
our boys in the age group of
10 and 12, at our school. We
have our business meeting af
ter school on Tuesday, when
we discuss whatever is on our
current program—such as the
“Y” building fund or school
activities. We have a basket
ball team that practices at the
Near Northside Y. M. C. A.
We all feel that we are getting
a lot of good out of it.
Many meetings were post- |
poned during the week of Mar- ,
ch 10, as the snow and blizzard
made a delay in transportation, j
A teenage boy was shot by a
policeman, while trying to es
Ex-governer Stassen was in
Nebraska four days on a pol
itical speaking tour.
Governor Dewey of N. Y.
made a good showing in one of
the Eastern primaries.
We wish to extend our deep graditude and apprec
iation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy,
and beautiful floral offerings received from our friends
% £
and neighbors during our recent bereavement in the loss
)f our beloved husband and father.
We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and ap
preciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sym
pathy and beautiful floral offerings received from
aur many friends in Omaha and other cities during
the illness and death of our beloved mother, sister,
aunt ^nd grand mother, Mrs. Roberta Lewis Marn
ier who departed this life Saturday, March 6th.
We especially thank Rev. C. Adams, Rev. J.
C. Wade, Rev. J. W. Rogers and all who endeavor
to lighten our burden in our sad hour.
Mrs. Beatrice Lewis, Daughter
Mr. Herbert Chandler, Mr. Quincy Chandler
Mr. Theodore Chandler, Brothers
Mr. Joseph Stanford, Mr. Lawerence Chandler,
Mr. Kermitt Chandler, Mr. John Chandler, Nephews.
Mrs. Alice Coleman, Neice
i Ralph and Earl Tibbs, Grandson.
Tanka ussies!
An oddity of the Australian cen
sus included the American naval
task force on visit. They were in
cluded in the count, thus offsetting
the numbers of Australians over
seas and in Japan, who were not
included. Twelve thousand census
takers were employed in the house
to-house canvass.
Primitive Origin
The universality of man’s love ol
color was demonstrated early in
antiquity. Each region and sub-re
gion of the globe developed its own
dye sources. It Is estimated that
nearly 1,000 different plants, vines,
shrubs and trees were, at one time
•r another, employed for extract
ing dyes. However ;my « few of
the primitive ayes survived to an
cient and medieval times.
| the meat dealer with our used fVf
Indians Popped Corn
Popcorn was raised by the Indi
ans long before Columbus arrived in
the Western hemisphere. It became
an important commercial crop
about 1880. Formerly it was sup
posed that the popping of corn was
caused by the volatilization of oil
in the grain. The explosion is due
simply to the formation of steam
within the grain when it is heated
—neither air nor volatile oil, experts
say, is concerned in the process
Popcorn with a louder “pop*' has
been developed.
Contractors College
The flrsi tile contractors course
ever offered by a college or univer
sity is being held at New York’s
City college.
FWSO ••• _ ^
henry! DONT waste a drop of
. H. W. Smith
Palm Sunday is one very sac
red Sabbeth day; and we sho
uld, at all times as our beloved
Saviour has, not allowed him- j
self to be tempt 'by Satan and
would not allow himself to be
overthrown as he was on the
Eve of preparedness for the
last Sacrement with the discip
les. It was a time of weeping;
and we should, stop and do our
share of weeping on Palm Sun- i
R. R. boys are serving with a
smile on wheels to the travel
ing public.
Waiters at the Hill Hotel
are very much improved on
service at all times.
Blackstone Hotel waiters are
on the up and go on service at
all times.
Fontenelle Hotel waiters are
going good on service to all
Waiters at the Legion Club
are very much on the job on '
service to members and friends
Paxton Hotel headwaiter an
crew are quick-stepping no ser
rvice to all guests and are us
ing every effort to please.
New York—Tondaleyo, sen
sational sepia danseuse, one of
the thrilling tighlights of Club
Ebony o n Broadway, New
York’s latest and newest all
colored night spot.
Broadway critics rate her as
one of the greatest strip tease
artists in technicolor on the
main stem. Her tantalizing
and exotic fast tempo is filled
with lusty thrills in emotions.
The new show includes be
sides Tondelayo such noted
stars as June Richmond, song
stylist supreme; Billey Daniels
golden voiced tenor ;TheThree
Chocolateers, Jesse and James;
Archie Savage and his sizzling
Ebony dancing gals. Three
shows nightly 8:00, 12 and 2:30
Bells That Sing Out
Have you ever gone to the wrong
entrance when the door chime, bell
or knocker sounded? A new electric
door chime has been developed to
eliminate these unnecessary steps.
It features three different musical
signals — a continuous harmony
chord that sounds as long as the
caller presses the button; two sym
phonic notes in sequence, and a sin
gle resonant note. One signal is used
for the front door, one for the back
and the third for a side entrance, or
to code-page members of the family
for phone calls.
New Milk Carton
A carton for delivery of milk,
provided with a cream chamber and
a valve for controlling an opening j
between the milk and cream cham- }
bers, is the subject of a recent pat- j
ent. 1
Young Go First
Many young birds, including
those of the Red-Wing, migrate
south before their parents, thus dis
proving the old adage that the adults ,
guide the young on their first south
ward flight. In other species the mi
grating young and adults remain in
family groups. Canada geese fol
low this patter, the families com
bining into large flocks but retain
ing their unity. With no calendar or
compass to guide them, birds set
forth along ancestral routes each fall
at much the same time for their
southern wintering grounds and re
turn as punctually each spring.
Move.l Town by Rail
Recently ail the buildings in an
Oregon logging town of 600 popula
tion—houses, offices, stores, post of
fice, et cetera—were loaded on rail
road cars and moved to a new loca
Local 101, National Beauty
Culturists’ League, met Mon
day, March 15th, at the Alt
hause Beauty School. Plans
ure plans in the spring.
All members please be pre
sent at the next meeting on
April 5, at the same place, at J
7:30 P. M.
Versie Bailey, President
Pirginia Merrill, reporter j
Friendly Sixteen Bridge Club
The Friendly Sixteen Brid- j
ge Club held their weekly me- |
eting at the Community Cen- ;
ter, 24th and Charles, Mon- |
day, March 15, 1948. The meet- ;
ing was opened by the Pres
ident, business of imoprtance
was discussed, and three four
handed changes of bridge was
played. Otto Pruitt and Corn
ett Lefall were high server;
Sam Wead won the booby
Meeting was adjourned un
til next Monday night.
mEmett Avant, President ■
Otto Pruitt, Reporter
Industry in Iraq
The climate of Iraq is continental,
with varying degrees of heat and
little rain and moisture, although '
Iraq is In the temperate zone. Iraq
was noted in ancient time for the
manufacture of cotton, wool, linen
and silk textiles, also for tanning,
carpet and blanket weaving. To
day there are many factories, j
among which are textile, shoe,
brick, cigarette, tanneries, distiller
ies. ammunition and railroad shops
The manufacture of copper and
bronze dishes and of gold and silver
articles also ha? become important.
-Furni,^ re -Fashions &E£S
, GRAND RAPIDS. MICHIGAN — Precision designing combined
with superb workmanship make this extension drop leaf table an out*]
standing illustration of fine furniture craftsmanship. Made by the
Extensole Corporation of Sparta, Michigan, the table has a special
patented construction feature which eliminates the usual split in the
center top of the table and provides for a concealed extension at the
top edge of the drop (eaves. Two filler leaves are available with the
table, which is finished in Walnut, Mahogany or bleached Mahogany
Ho blend with any room setting.
i 1 ■ 1 ..■ i
Dessert’s An Easy Prol 'nm When
You Use Quick-Frozen Mixed Fruits
■flTHAT shall we have for dessert?
** The answer's easy. Buy a pack
age of thriftily priced quick-frozen
mixed fruits; thaw and serve just
as they are. They are a taste-tempt
ing combination of big luscious
boysenberries, tender and flavor
some raspberries, golden, orchard
sweet apricots and tender l.ttle
white grapes. They are all ready
to serve just as they come from
the package, as soon as they are
Quick-frozen sliced peaches are
-another easy dessert Lightly sweet
ened, and frozen within four hours
of picking, they can be served as
soon as they are thawed They are
delicious as shortcakes between
cake or biscuit layers or in tarts
And they, as well as the quick
frozen mixed fruits a taste
tempting sauce for vanilla ice
The best way to thaw quick
frozen fruits is slowly, in the re
frigerator where they should stand,
outside the freezing compartment,
for five or six hours Thawing can
be speeded up, of course, by letting
the packages stand at room tem
perature for two or three hours
To Thaw Quick-Frozen
Mixed Fruit
Quick-frozen mixed fruit is at its
‘Man of the Woods’
The arms of tjie orangutan—‘‘man
of the woods”—are so long that this
ape can rest on its bent knuckles
while standing upright.
best when lust thawed Left in the '
carton it will thaw in 5 to 6 hours
in food compartment of refrigera
tor. in about 3-1/2 hours at room
temperature To hasten thawing, re
move hag of fruit from carton and
let stand in sealed bag about 2
hours at room temperature
Peach Ice Cream Tarts
• 1 box (1 p..un<1) quick-frozen sliced
peaches, thawed
* baked ?-1/2 inch tart shells
2 teaspoons lemon Price
I tablespoon flour
S egg whites
ti tablespoons sugar -
1 pint vanilla ic.- cream
Drain peaches, reserving juice;
arrange peaches in bottom of tart
shells and sprinkle with lemon
juice Add peach juice slowly to
flour, stirring until smooth Cook
until thickened stirring constantly.
Cool and pour over peaches. Beat
egg whites until foamy throughout;
add sugar. 2 tablespoons at a time,
beating after each addition until
sugar is blended Then continue
beating until mixture will stand in
peaks Cover peaches with hard ice
cream Pile meringue on top. being
sure ice cream is well covered.
Place under broiler 3 minutes, or
until meringue is browned. Serve
Prevented Scurvy
Potatoes, which contain vitamin
C, prevented sailors from dying of
a curvy in the days of long voyages
on sailing ships.
W Here’s General Electric’s *
^ deluxe radio-phonograph ’
Modal 902
.★ Genuine
Armstrong FM
★ 6 Band Radio
★ Sure-action
Record Changer
★ Storage for 150
★ 1^ Dynapower
You’ll be proud to own this superb instrument with
its glorious natural color tone from both radfe and
records, its lovely French Provincial styled mahogany
cabinet and sensationally beautiful record reproduction.
\ «
Henry W.Miller Electric Company
Kermitt Harvey
(Your Local Representative)
415 SOUTH 18th STREET ' f* ATlantic 6479
' fo tfatci 6eUl’
ON A(t 8INmmOFF AGAIN Hair Do’s—to moot alt occasions
latest Creations
Cosily Attached
Human Hair—
cnionon All Shades
Hair Peatmaa M Amount aa CaB<a|
507 FIFTH AVL (Room 905) NEW YORK 17, N. Y., Dept A
.FOR RENT: Floor Sanders,
Waxers, Wallpaper Steamers
1 Guaranteed Repair Service
ion all appliances.
All Makes Elect. & Hardware
4040 Hamilton WA. 4668
2 ROOM APT. living room,
bedroom, cooking priveleges.
All bills paid. 1116 N. 18.' St.
Employed couple
FOR RENT: Rooms. Call PL
!2055 before 8 A.M. after 7 P.M
William McKinley
5th District
Gold Star War Dad
Contact 1,000 broadminded int.
pefriends all over the world
through Int. Sunshine Corresp.
& Exchange Club. Lit.: 10 c
Home Study Courses offered
in 400 branches, also doctoral
degrees. Particulars: 10 cents.
Agents wanted or sale of Heal
th Magazines. Sample copy: 25
cents. Write: Dr. L. Korstoft,
Randers, Denmark.
Bulbs Need Shades
Bare light bulbs cause glare, and
should not be used without shades !
unless in little-used parts of the
Ban American Comics
Authors, journalists and educators
of New South Wales have asked
their government to ban all comic
strips from the United States and to
impose severe restrictions on impor
tation of short stories and articles. |
A deputation claimed that use of
imported features was a serious
drain on dollars and that newspa
pers were using this materia! in
preference to local items at a time
when Australian journalists were
seriously affected by newsprint cuts i
U /.I'd J
I fci 11B tT< vwum
The A mating New Radio ^'1
That Remembers
This sensational new clock
radio automatically turns on 11 •
the radio program you choose 11 -
to get you out of bed. If you < r \
try to sneak in an extra ■ -1
"forty winks” it will buzz.
buzz-buzz you awake. It
Plenty of power—clear tone j
— and the dependable G-E (
electric clock always tells
the correct time. Td
Model 50 in rose- _
wood brown plas- H- O Q Q C
WANTED: Burnt, wrecked,
dilapidated cars and trucks.
Call Consolidated Auto Parts,
AT 5656 or call at 2501 Cum
ing St._
Get your Easter Breakfast at
St. Philips Episcopal Church
at 21st Paul Streets St. Philips
invites you to their Annual
Easter Breakfast which will
be served from 8. A. M. to 10:
30 A. M. Easter Morning. If
you wish to reserve a table for
you and your guest for this
special Easter Breakfast call
Mrs. T.. P. Mahammitt, WE.
4129. Trice for breakfast $1.00
per plate.
234 Brandies Theater Bldg
Launderers and Cleaners
2401 North 24th St. WE 6055
Swine Parasites
Large roundworms, or ascarids,
are the commonest, largest and
most injurious worm parasites of
Arabic Tile Makers
The knowledge of tile production
was taken into North Africa when
the Arabic conquerors landed.
Modal AVF 26
Complete »et of
cleaning tools
available for just
a little extra.
No other cleaner gives you such
featherweight ease — such clean
ing efficiency — such dependable
service—and such value/
★ Powerful Beater and Sweeper—
loosens deep-down dirt and grit
quickly, gently.
it Exclusive Tee-lip Nozzle Regulator —
adjusts beating and sweeping ac
tion to any rug thickness.
★ Too-lip Till lack —can be locked
into position for balanced tilting
of cleaner at rug edge.
★ Accordion-top Bog—wide top—
dustproof—-easy to empty.
Don’t buy—before you have seen
this thrifty, neve G-E Cleaner
designed by G-E experts. Stop
in today and try it for yourself!