The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, March 20, 1948, Image 1

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By Morgan Bloke
The group of some 20 white
men, who brutally murdered
four Negroes in Walton coun
ty, will very likely spend the
rest of their days on earth sec
ure from punishment. A feder
al grand jury that for four we
eks investigated the murder ad
mitted the quest futile.
So confident wefe the per
trators of this foul crime that
they would never be brought
to justice they didn’t even
wear masks. The victims were
two men and their wives. One
of the two men had been relea
sed on bond after stabbing a
white man. The other three
were entirely guiltless of any
illegal act.
The murders, ot course, Qiu
not vanish after the crime.
They are still pursing their nor
raal lives in the same locality.
One can assume that most of
them are married and have
children, and celebrated1 the
birthday of the gentle Nazar
ene who proclaimed peace on
Earth, good wall towards men.
Many of them, no doubt, go
to church every Sunday and
join in singing the Christmas
carols and perhaps even pray
to God and thank Him for
their blessings. What horrible
blasphemy is merely the thou
gh of it!
It is increditable that these
murders, or many of them, are
utterly unknown to any of the
law-abiding citizens of their
community. Yet not one brea
th of testimony involving any
of them was presented to the
grand jury at Athens.
If the victims of the crime
had been white people, the
murders long since would have
been discovered and put on
trial. But because of that aw
ful thing called racial prejud
ice even white peoples who are
ordinarily kind and noble and
are rated’ the “the best people"
do not react with righteous in
dignation over the murder of
four memebrs of a racial min
Some apparently have the
attitude that, as nothing can be
said to bring the victims back
to life, and will only tend to
add to the stain against the
state and probably stir up fur
ther racial troubles, the best
thing to do is to forget ail
about it.
I have been informed that
my further mentioning of it
would only lose friends for my
self and not help the general
situation at all. My reply to
that is if niy attitude towards
this murder loses me friends,
niv only regret is that 1 was
ever dishonored by their friend
shin in the1 first place.
As long as this crime'goes
unpunished that terrible stain
in indelible black ikn will for
ever remain o nthe escutcheon
of Georgia.
“Out. damned spot,” cried
MacBeth. But it wouldn't out.
And neither will this spot.
Some people seek to Square
their conscience about the mas
murder of innocent people by
saying, “Don't you read in the
papers about horrible crimes
committed by Negroes? \\ hy
don't you think about that
some time?”
hTe deeds of the criminals
of both the Negro and white
races have no bearing what
ever on such atrocities as com
mitted by those 20 white men
in Walton county. As the whi
tes outnumber the Negroes in
population some tenfold in the
Uinted States, so do the crimes
of white people proportionate
lv outnumber the crimes of the
Negroes. There is no more jus
tice in blaming the Negro race
as a whole for its criminals
than to blame the white race
for its criminals.
Perhaps there may not be
citizens of respectability who
could apprehension of the Wal
ton county murders. But let us
assume that is at least one. I
mean with such information,
who is a member of good stan
ding in the church and com
munity. with a wife who loves
and respects him and little
H i s conscience begins t o
give him a little trouble, and
his prayers are sounding a bit
hollow in his talk to his consc
ience thusly.
“My first allegiance is to my
wife and children. If I give ev
idence in this case I may be
c©l Society
knocked off myself.”
And concience will reply,
“What shall it profit a man to
gain security and lose honor
and self-respect?”
And conscience will recall
the words of Jesus. “Blessed
are they which are persecuted
for righteousness sake; for
theirs is the kingdom of hea
Man proven dead over 60
hours, brought back to life by
Electro-chemical process
In demonstration the effects
of the Galvanic currents and
electrolytes on tissue, combin
ed with the new discovery (el
ctrolyte serum) this work will
be shown to the public for the
I first time.
It is necessary to have in
imind if you are to attend. You
are not going to see experi
ments. Research in this work
began in March 19440 when
the serum was discovered. En
ough progress was made that
enabled life to be restored to
a human body, requiring about
two and a half days of work.
Recorded 1945-1946.
Proposed Program
1. Demonstration on ani
mals, remove life organs, and
maintain life and control acti
2. Revive and control action
of dissected tissue.
3. Revive animals, put to
death for this purpose.
4. Repeat (for the second
time in the history of medical
'science) Revivification of a
I human corpse. (A man restor
' ed to life in 1945 still alive to
j day.)
Permission to demonstrate
this work in the State of Cal
ifornia was asked of Sacram
ento in 1945. With no issuan
ce of objections, such work
jwill be carried out with the
■permission of the Los Angeles
Health Department, and the
Los Angeles Police Commis
Some that have shown interest
I in this discovery:
University of Calif. Hospital
San Francisco, Calif.
Freedman’s Hospital
Washington, D.C.
Putnam Memorial Hospital
Bennington, Utah
Torbett Clinic and Hospital
Marlin, Texas
Hennemann Hospital
Philadelphia, Pa.
! The Brooklyn Hospital
Brooklyn, New York
! Temple University Hospital
Philadelphia, Pa.
San Rosa Hospital
San Antonio, Texas
Laguna Clinic
Laguna Beach, California
, Wayne University
Detroit, Michigan
i Utter McKinley Mortuaries
Los Angeles. California
National Foundation for Infan
tile Paralysis, Incorporated.
New York, New York
Some that are expected to have
representatives present:
Argentina Iceland
Belgium Italy
Bolivia Latvia
Brazil Lithuania
England Luxembourg
Canada Mexico
Chile Netherlands
Colombia Nicaragua
Costa Rica Norway
Cuba Panama
Czecholovakia Paraguay
Denmark Peru
Dominican Rep. Poland
Ecuador Sweden
El Salvador Mexico
Estonia Uraguay
France U. S. S. R.
Honduras Venezuela
Cooperating in this work are
[nearly 500 participants, of
.whom are many technical en
' gineers, doctors of nealv every
branch of science, and many
laymen to fill every important
need. Of these are about 50 lo
cal nurses and about 150 local
The public will be invited to
attend as an audience.
Presentation of this adver
tisement or pass will permit
those that make reservations
to claim such reservations for
the demonstration.
Special Notice
Retain this copy or pass. Ex
act time and place of demon
stration will be mailed to those
that request reservations.
Make reservations now. Send
$330,000 Scholarships
91 Negro Boys and Girls to
Benefit from $330,000 Comp
etition financed by Pepsi Cola
Company as a Public Service:
Largest Scholarship Project in
United States Outside of Gov
ernment Subsidy
In keeping with its purpose
I of presenting opportunities for
higher education to the Negro
youth of the South, the Pepsi
Cola Scholarship Board has an
nounced the names of 17 Neg
ro high school seniors who will
receive scholarships which will
send the mto college with full
tuition, a monthly allowance,
and traveling expences paid
for four years. Seventy four
other outstanding students sel
ected from the finlaalists in the
competition will receive Col
lege Entrance Awards, each of
which will pay $50 when the
winner enters college in the
Announcement of these aw
ards was made by Mordecai W.
Johnson, president of Howard
University and a member of
the Pepsi-Cola Board, stated
that the winers were chosen
from among 1,875 candidates'
representing 652 Negro high
schools in the South which par
ticipated in this forth annual
Pepsi-Cola scholarship- compe
Winnigs top honor in this
search for college material was
16 year-old Sanford Pearl Bra
dby, Jr., of Schofield High
school in Aiken, South Caro
lina, who ranked highest a
mong the 667 Negro boys and
1,208 girls who took part in
this contest. Maureen Delores
Watson, 16. a student at Sum
ner High school in Saint Louis
Missouri, was the highest ran
king girl participant.
A total of 46,112 white and
Negro students from 10,629
high schools throughout the
United States, Alaska, Hawaii,
and Puerto Rico participated in
the 1948 Pepsi-Cola Scholar
ship program, according to the
report sent by John M. Staln
aker, the Board’s director, to
President Johnson. In the Sou
th, scholarship awrads were
set aside specially for Negroes,
but in northern states, white
and Negro students competed
for the same scholarships. Al
together, 72 2 awards were
made this year.
The awards these contest
ants have won, which have a
value of $330,000, are financed
by the Pepsi-Cola Company
upon the recommendation of
its president, Walter S. Mack,
Jr. Designed to discover young
men and women of outstand
ing ability and train them for
leadership within their own fi
elds, the entire program is of
fered as a public service to the
youth of America, Stalnaker
iaid. The administration of the
program has been placed in the
hands of the Pepsi-Cola Scho
larship Board, which is incor
porated seperately fr*om the
company and composed of
some of the nation’s leading
In announcing the 1948 win
ners, Stalnaker said thatja tot
al of 722 awards were granted
to boys and girls throughout
the country this year. One hun
dred and twenty-one were four
Year Scholarships, at least two
[of which were awarded in each
of the 48 states and in the Dist
| of Columbia, and one ea‘ch in
| Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto
Rico. Seventeen of these schol
arships were set aside sepci
ally for the colored in those
states which have seperate ed
ucational systems for the col
ored. Twenty-six additional a
wards, called Honary Sckolar
[ ships, were given to students
who made distinguished recor
| des in the contest but did not
I have financial need.
Seniors who won the Four
Year College Scholarships will
have their full tuition and o
ther required fees paid for 4
years at any accredited college
they wish to attend. In add
ition, they will receive a $25 a
month allowance for four sch
oolyears and traveling expen
ses at the rate of three cents a
mile for one round trip betw
een home and college each yr.
They may select any course of
study which leads to an A. B.
or a B. S. degree and they
need only remain in good stan
ding intheir colleges to main
tain their scholarships, Stal
naker said.
The 575 runner-ups for the
Four Year College Scolarships
were given College Entrance
Awards. Approximately ten of
these granted in every state an
five ineach of the territories.
College Entrance Award win
ners will receive $50. to help
defray initial college expences
if they registar at an accredit- ,
ed actdenlic college for the
1948 and 1949 term.
1 he boys and girls who won
Pepsi-Cola scholarship compet
awards in the fourth annual
ition were first elected by their <
classmates to compete as stu
dents who were “most likely
to make animportant contri
bution to human progress,”
Stalnaker said. These candi
dates then took a special schol
astic aptitude test in their own
schools in Nevember. Fifteen
finalists from each state (eight 1
where only one scholarship
was to be granted) were select
ed on the basis of the scores
made on the test, and these
finalists took the regular sup
ervised college aptitude test of '
the College Entrance Examin
ation Board in'Januarv. Of the
12 contestants in each state (6
ir the case of only one scholar
ship) who ranked highest on
this second test, the two top
scoring students who had fin
ancial need were given the 4
year College scholarships and
the runner-up received the col
lege Entrance Awards.
Described by Director Stal
naker as the largest scholar
ship program project outside
of government subsidy, the Pe
psi-Cola scholarship program
is completely controled and ad
ministered by educaters them
selves. The Pepsi-Cola Scholar
ship Board is composed of 18
members as follows:
Floyd W. Reeves, professor of
administration, University of
Francis L. Bacon, principal,
Evanston Township High
School, Evanston Illinois
Edmund E. Day, president,
Cornell University
Harold W. Dodds, president,
Prinston University
Milton S. Eisenhower, presi
dent, Kansas State College
Paul E. Elicker, executive sec
retary, Natl. Anss. of Second
ary School Principals
Alvin C. Eurich, vice presid
ent, Stanford University
Rev. Robert I. Gannon, S. J.,
president Fordham Univer
Willard E. Goslin, superinten
dent of schools, Minneapolis,
Frank P. Graham, president,
University North Carolina
Rufus C. Harris, president,
Tulane University
Henry T. Heald, president, 111.
Institute of Technology
Mordecai W. Johnson, presid
ent, Howard University
Wilbur K. Jordan, president,
aRcdliffe College
Walter S. Mack, Jr., president
Pepsi-Cola Company
Paul A. Rehmus, superintend
ent of schools, o Nsas- s
Marjorie H. Nicholson, prof
essor of English, Columbia
Paul E. Rehmus, superintend
ent of schools, Portland, Ore.
John M. Stalnaker. professor of
psychology, Stanford Un
Washington, D. C.—Honor
ed or his efforts to eliminate
the poll tax, Rep. George H.
Bender, Ohio at Large, is pre-4
sented atestimonial plaque by
Mrs. Virginia Foster Durr,
(right) vice chairman of the
National Committee to .Abol
ish the Poll Tax. Participat
ing in the ceremony, is Mrs.
Mary McLeob Bethune, pres
ident of the National Council
for Negro Women. The pre- ,
sentation was made at a rec- 1
ent dinner given by the nation
al committee. Bender is the
author of an anti-poll tax mea
sure which will soon be debat
ed on the House floor.
A nationwide contest' is now
under way, running from now
until/April 10, sponsired by the
Bird’s Eye-Snider Division of
General Foods Corporation.
Contestants are asked to fin
ish in twenty-five words or
less, the sentence: “I serve
Birds Eye peaches because. . ”
Prizes will total $10,000, with
first prize of $2,500, a second
prize of $1,000, and a third pr
ize of $500. In addition, there
will be ten $100 prizes and
500 $10 prizes. Each entry
must contain the name of the
contestant’s local Birds Eye
dealer, and include a box top
from a package of Birds Eye
quick frozen peaches.
That quick-frozen peaches
are popular is indicated by the
fact that as Birds Eye points
out,in 1942 13,800.000 pounds
of peaches were frozen, where
as the 1946-47 pack was 103,
600,000 pounds.
N. A. A. C. P.
Regular monthly meeting
will be held Sunday, March 21,
1948. At Bethel Baptist Church
South Omaha 30th and R. Str.
at 3:30 P. M. Mrs. Lucille
Gordon in charge of program,
you are requested to attend
this meeting.
(no money) name and address
There is no charge of admit
tance. Demonstrations spon
sored and financed by discov
Mail to
Mr. Edward R. Stewart
P. O. Box 1710
Los Angeles, 53’ Calif
How Iowa Ranks
Iowa ranks first in the percentage
of farmers owning automobiles and
fourth in paved road mileage.
Those Reptile Migrants
Turtles are the only known rep
tile migrants. At fixed periods-they
move to shore to deposit their eggs.
To Her Who Waits
Women inherit 70 per cent of the
estates left by men and 64 per cent j
of those left by other women.
Douglas County Chapter
Thousands of Nebraskans
have had the occasion to know
and value the services of the
Red Cross during the 1947 and
thousands more will be aided
by the Red Cross this year”,
W. B. Millard, Jr., 1948 Red
Cross_ Fund Campaign chair
nan for Douglas County, said
this ‘week.
“The Red Cross serves every
hour, every dav in countless,
unheralded ways,” he added.
Millard urged volunteer
workers who have been unable
towork because of weather
conditions to make use of good
weather in their solicitation
He thanked those who have
given to their Red Cross and
asked others to give generous
ly when the volunteer workers
com eto call. •
Old Temperature Test
By holding incubator eggs in the
eye, the ancient Egyptians and Asi
atics determined the proper degree
of heat for the eggs.
Army recruiting ad will be
_On Page Five.
Receives Check
Rev. Shirley G. Sanchez, Re
ctor of St. Phillip’s Episcopal
Church receiving check for okl
church property from Edward
Sklenicka, Omaha City Solic
When the City of Omaha
condemned the St. Philip’s
Church property for the Kell
om school Recreation Center,
the amount the city could pay
was far below the replacement
value of the church building.
It was decided however, to ac
cept the amount offered rather
he check or warrant, was
for $18,250 and another war
rant for about $1,000 will be
added when some legal matter
are settled in connection with
the transfer.
St. Philip’s Church has pur
chased ground for a new chu
rch at the southeast corner of
30th and Spenser Streets. A
campaign to raise funds for the
ne wehurch building is now
being conducted by all Epis
copal churches in Nebraska.
Matthew Kennedy
Matthew Kennedy’s piano
recital at Fisk University, Mar
ch 7th, was warmly received
by local music lovers and crit
ics. The Nashville Tennessean
listed amoung its assets a “bril
liant technical equipment’’ and
“a clear conception of interpre
tation.” A graduate of Fisk,
and former piano accompanist
with the Fisk Jubilee Singers,
he is now a member of the
muis faculty of the universitv.
I ---
Frank J. Kobe's'
Omaha -\ebr., March 11—
Frank J. Kobes, 58, bond and
insurance man of Crete, Nebr.
today was named a director of
the Metz Brewing Company.
Philadelphia, March 12th
(NIPS) By a unanimous vote
of the 19 members of the City
Council, a Fair Employment
Practices bill was enacted into
law during a regular session
of that body held yesterday.
Philadelphia this has joined
the ranks of other large metro
politan cities which have ad
opted equable employment op
portunities for minority group.
Considerable interest has
been displayed in the hill since
its introduction by Councilmen
Woodie Armstrong, lone Neg
ro member frfcim the fourth
District; George Maxman, al
so of the 4th District Louis R.
Council head Fredrick Garman
Although the bill had been
approved by a sub-committee
after a hectic preliminary hear
ing during which the oppon
ents and proponents of the bill
had vigorously conducted their
positions, final adoption had
been delay ed at the last regular
session of the body.
liTe final debate was conduc
ted in an orderly fashion, and
the more than 500 gallery sp
ectators who were in attendan
ce broke into spontaneous but
subdued applause when the tal
ly was announced, since unan
imous apporval had not been
As finally passed, the ordin
ance bans discrimination a
gainst employment opportun
ities because of race, color, re
ligion or national origin. A five
member, non-salaried comm
ission is to administer the law,
and investigate all complaints.
Violators may b e punished
with fines up to $100 or jail
terms of 30 days. The measure
is applicable to all employers
vv ohhave 1 or more employees
on their payroll, but does not
include religious, educational,
or charitable organizations.
Mr. Kobes, who has been
Mayor of Crete 24 years, was
elected to the board at the
Metz annual meeting at the
brewery in Omaha.
His election was announced
by Robert A. Drum, Omaha,
president of Metz, who also
announced the re-election of
the other members of the
board, Sam W. Reynolds, Al
lan A. Tukey, John H. Hop
kins, L. B. Long, Walter J.
Singer and Robert A. Drum,
all of Omaha.
Mr. Drum said Mr. Kobes
was elected “because of what
he can add to the Metz Brew
ing Company’s operations in
knowledge,- 'experience and
character and to give outstate
Nebraska representatives a
moung the company’s direct
(Continued on Page 3)
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