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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1948)
ONCE REPRESENTED RACE IN HALLS OF CONGRESS THE WAITERS COLUMN By H. W. Smith Capt. Earl Jones of the Omaha Club and the wide awake crew of waiters are on the up and go fine service at all times. Mr. Glover Scott of the OAC was on 20th and Lake Street Friday morn ing to get a downtown street car. Mr. Scoggins is very much im proved after some days of illness. Mr. Millard Carr is asking that ev eryone renew their membership in the Urban League. Mr. H. L. Mix of Oakland, Califor nia, formerly of Omaha, sent regards to all friends. Mr. Frank Buford is improving from a long illness. Read the Omaha Guide. Paxton Hotel waiters are topping the service with a smile. Blaekstone Hotel waiters are in the front line on service at all times. Fontenelle Hotel waiters are very much on the up and go on quick service. Waiters at the Hill Hotel and High land Club are improving at all times. Regis Hotel and White Horse Inn waiters are going good at all times. I R. R. boys are serving on wheels , with a quick step to the traveling 1 public. Bells That Sing Out Have you ever gone tovthe wrong entrance when the door chime, bell or knocker sounded? A new electric door chime has been developed to eliminate these unnecessary steps. I It features three different musical | signals — a continuous harmony ( chord that sounds as long as the I caller presses the button; two sym I phonic notes in sequence, and a sin ' gle resonant note. One signal is used for the front door, one for the back and the third for a side entrance, or to code-page members of the family for phone calls. Read the Omaha Guide for all the news. THE WEEK By H. W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Harold Donahoe of Buffalo, Wyoming second baby will have the same operation as the first at the Methodist Hospital in Om^ha. The baby has a stomach ailment. President Truman raps reactionar ies at the Jackson Day Dinner Ban quet in Washington on Thursday night and told all about what the great Democrat party had. Champion Joe Louis and his wife sailed on the oceanliner Thursday, j February 19. Mr. Louis and his group i carried a supply of choice foods. Dr. Wesly Jones was at his very best as master of ceremonies at the birthday party for Rev. Reynolds of Clair Chapel on Wednesday evening, February 18. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. J. E. Wade used their best efforts to make the party a good success. Or chids to the members. Introduced Racing ,'torse Thothmes ip, greatest of Egyp tian kings, in 1450 B. C. left a papy rus record of his conquest of Meso potamia, priding himself upon ob taining the racing horse and intro ducing him into Egypt. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RENT: Room for rent at 2509 Maple St. REAL ESTATE LOANS F. E. WATTERS 234 Brandies Theater Bldg PHONE JA 3393 Launderers and Cleaners EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th St. WE 6055 Value of Milk A quart of milk—four glasses— supplies approximately these per centages of the daily nutritive re quirements of an average man: Cal cium, 100 per cent plus; riboflavin (vitamin G), 82 per cent; phos phorus, 67 per cent; protein, 49 per cent; vitamin A, 30 per cent; thia min, 22 per cent; calories, 22 per cent; vitamin C, 19 per cent; niacin, 6 per cent, and iron, 3 per cent. -1 New Soybean Strain Hawkeye, a new high-yielding soy bean, is being released in several Midwestern states. It has as high an oil content as Lincoln, resists lodging as well* as Richland and , better than Lincoln, and falls be I tween its Richland and Mukden par ents in height. Infra-Red Ray for Cotton. The newest wrinkle in cotton gin ning is the use of infra-red rays to dry moist cotton. The idea is to keep a constant heat all through the ginning process. The cotton is heat ed while going through the extractor and stands. A battery of 32 infra-red lights is set up on each unit. By the time the cotton passes through the press there is little moisture left. Heart of Asparagus Asparagus is grown in nearly all sections of the United States, but large industrial production is limit ed to a few localities. In 1945, in the nation, 126,258 acres were used for commercial growing of asparagus. About half of this acreage was lo cated in California. Principal areas of production in that state are Sac ramento, San Joaquin, San Fernan do and Imperial valleys. May Become Short Fertilizers may be difficult to get when they are needed next year. So it’s a good idea to see your dealer now and make arrangements for 1948 fertilizer, say county agricul tural workers. The safest plan is to get delivery of fertilizer at the ear liest opportunity. i miracle ■L tone arm K ... the greatest improvement § in RECORD PLAYING since the K invention oj the phonograph... « Any record, old or new, sounds if better when heard through K Admiral’s Miracle Tone Arm. B Bass tones are richer, fuller. Treble tones delight your ear ■ with their vivid brilliance. No R*" annoying needle scratch, "talk R back,” and other surface noise. R This remarkable new electronic R invention uses no coil, crystal, A filament, or special tubes. Hear the Miracle Tone Arm, today. > • New, improved changer plays up to 12 records ... " Automatically changes records in 3 Vi seconds. • New pull-out panel for easy record loading. • 7-tube, ' static-free FM-AM Superhet radio. • Continuously variable tone control. • Powerful Alnico dynamic ^ speaker. • Beautiful indirectly lighted Lucite dial. • Walnut veneer cabinet; also mahogany or blonde at slightly higher prices. ] MODERN APPLIANCE 24 Ch.atN. SO. OMAHA i / Why Not HURRY TO 2229 Lake Street for good eats; such as Beef Stew, Chili, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, etc. Our Fooda Are Real Gone HURRY B ACK C AFE j 2229 Lake St JA: 9195 Mrs. Ella Ma? Tucker, Supervisor J. Mason and EL Washington, Props. We Are Once More LAUDERING CURTAINS SEND 03 B3IN3 THEV! IN Edholm & Sherman LAUNDERERS & DRY | 2401 North 24TH. Street) Phone WE. 6055 I ■ „ ... I Contractor .. . See Bailey First SPECIAL /ING IN PATCH WORK, PLASTfeRING • BRICKLAN ING CHIMNEYS AND CONCRETE I NG£ • RETAINING WALLS f / OFFICE-2209 NO. 22ND S —Phone-PLeasent 19 7 5 — Andrew^ Quick Service Cleaner Dry Cleaning Hats work PICK-UP — DELIVERY CASH— CARRY , Everyday 0n eDay Servlce PRESSING DONE 10 While You Wait 2 Hour Service 1837 North 24th Street Telephone JAckson4117 iJSaJSajagtJagESSt 3253 555 55353 ^PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery Duffy Pharmacv —IF E-0609— 24th & Lake Sts. *' III.. II I — LAKE SHOE SERVICE Note la The Time To Get Your Shoea Rebuilt I Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work 2407 Lake Street /— 1 “It Poya To Look WeH” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 Lake Street GROSS JEWELRY & LOAN CO. . PHONE JA 4635 formerly at— * 24th and Erskine NEW LOCATION 516 North 16th