The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 07, 1948, Image 4
Westinghouse ^7^ Comforter with the Automatic Watchman Control Why? Because they’re snugly covered with a lush, soft, lightweight Westinghouse Electric Comforter j: : the bedcovering for warmth without weight; This one Comforter is all that’s ever needed even on the coldest night. Once the Automatic Watch# man Control has been set it maintains the selected warmth the whole night through regardless of changes in room temperature. Top is of quilted rayon satin, in Rose, Blue or Green with matching underside of nonslip spun rayon faille that anchors Comforter to the bed; Outer cover dry-cleans beautifully::: Inner warm ing sheet of preshrunk muslin is easily removable for washing: Approved by Underwriters’ Labora tories, Inc. 72'i x 86- allows for Ample tuekioi Mothproof, tool _____ , »idfflfcrriU _ ' $49.85 Dainty “powder box" controT automatically compensates for changes in room temperaturel Won't slip off the bed. The underside of spun rayon fr*Ue clings to the sheet. Make* bed making easy . , , feet) Only one bedcoveringl No ipread la ever needed. a* j ^ i 4 * • t SOUTH OMAHA ELECTRIC SHOP 5021 SO. 24th MA.3600 ■ \ Furniture Fashions GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN—Here is an interesting illustra* i tion of the blending of pattern and solid color with modem oak for the new look in modern furniture. Made by the Wolverine Upholstery Co., Grand Rapids, the skillful craftsmanship and color ingenuity ap parent in the Sectional Sofa and matching Lamp Table illustrated, speaks for itself of the outstanding workmanship, the dexterous handling of superb woods and fabrics, and the particular attention to detail which are world recognized trademarks of all Grand Rapids made furniture. Pumping Oil Fields in Reverse, 3 GAS ■ A H WATER jj£ -4 PITTSBURGH, PA.—By pumping water and natural gas into the depths of the < il fields, modern science is bring 10 to 50 per cent more oil to the su»- ice. This typical cross section shows one way it’s done. Here g. J pumped in above the oil pool, and water underneath it. These artificial pressures, from above and below, force the oil to flow thru the sand or rock in which it is imbedded and up the well shaft. 1 Sketch is based on an explanation by Gulf Oil. “NEWS” Mr. Alfred Axelrod, manager and owner of the South I Omaha Electric Shop, located at 5021 South 24th Street, hag been ih business 14 years and numbers many colored cus tomers as his friends. He is very appreciative of the color ed trade and in his many years in business has always CO' operated 100% in all church donations and worthwhile Neg ro charities. When you patronize the fine modern appli ance and houseware store, you can be assured of courteous attention. In addition to the modem appliances, which feat ure named brands, he has added a radio repair shop. You can have your old radio fixed upas good as new at a nom inal cost. Pick-up and delivery service six days a week. Mr. and Mrs. Axelrod write you to drop in and purchase your Electrical Appliance, Radios, Records, and Houseware. Your trade is greatly appreciated. Clerical Garb Unlawful It is unlawful to wear clerical garb on the streets of Mexico and - Turkey. JIM ■'STEELE By MELVIN TAPLEY BEARINGTHAtI THEYMIGHT PD I [RUNNINGINTDA4 TEAR JIM CALbS| i OUTtON'AGA. I H&A6B;H»UD| coa\eoutophid! | ING60 THEY CAN 1 ! JIM4HOOrS «J ! AGAIN AND- 1 IfcSOME, N'ACrA /SPEAK Up/j I YOU ARE A AVAN AND NOTl ! A JACKAL—WHY TURN ^ AOOWARPANP RUN AWAY ?J ftejv W/liOLD IT, JIAA/il HERE GOMES Ij ' POD'' WE CAN'T REFUSE AN INVITATION LIKE THAT tfAGA/' INTRODUCE ME fcTOYOUR FRIENP9/C ER-GREETINGS/Ui THIS ISMOSS & RIVERS/WE HAD Sc PLANNEDA DIFFERENT MEETING- BUT-WELL, WHAT WOULD YOU i SAY IF WE ASKED i YOU TO JOIN FORCEE IXWITH US AGAINST ('JOINFORC1 i A6AIM9T ^WHOM? PIGGY BANKERS My dog is bigger and stronger than yours. He may be bigger and stronger, but ~ —* He isn't so smart, 'cause.., Jiggs can take Mom's used fat to our meat dealer. yV'KNOW WHAT, &REEZY?M I'M smarten mv Biejm i i i KYEP/ THIS 0L-' HISTORY 4 feoo ►WELL- IT EN05 WIThTM THE £E6<NNIN<5- OF^rtW'/ nVCMDWAR %0-1 KNOWXOW. IT BEGAN AMD; 'TENDED//. I \_\<g>Mttww TAPurr I*** / PLASski Lk.octYlBLE A plastic ensemble that gives her a modern, up-to-the-minute look. The hat, shoes, handbag and i umbrella are all of patented plastic high-gloss sheeting. The hat is made of black lace laminated be tween two thicknesses of plastic flexible sheeting, according to Na tional Patent Council. Altogether, the picture is pleasing. Daylight Saving Time Daylight saving time Is a menace to the health of school children ‘according to Dr. John P. Turner! Philadelphia board of education He stated that school children are get ting only six or seven hours’ sleep and many are suffering from nerv ous reaction because of fast time. BUMMSSMN U6HTE8 asVOvSktp BED Palmer's WHITENER Skin too dark, unsightly? Try Dr. FRED Palmer’s Skin Whitener tonight. Caution: use as directed. Lightens skin, acts on externally caused pimples and blemishes. 25c and 50c at drug stores. Satisfactory results or money back. FREE TRIAL Scad 10c for pottage, handling to Dr. FRED Pdmer’s, Dept. E, Bex 264. Atlanta. Ga. HAVE SEVERAL BUYERS FOR 6 OR 7 ROOM MODERN HOME Call WE-1049 OR JA-1155 S. L. CANIGILIA. % AMAZING VALUE MASSIVE MAN’S RING Looks Like $500.00! W atch them gasp when they spy you in this massive beauty! We defy you to tell it apart from rings costing many times as much. Flashy simulated diamond, rich yellow or white gold color effect. What value for only 97c! SEND NO MONEY. Pay postman 97c plus postage. Money back guarantee in IO days. Order NOW! MELROSE CO. Dept. 55, Box 126, G.P.O. Brooklyn 1, New York. Prune Coffee Cake ■ Trm iMiiwmTuiiiiiii ■■ inn iw ■! i ■ For an energy pick-up, quick and nutritious, serve this excellent prunp cake with mugs of milk. Hot breads are an appetizing invitation to "come and get It"; especially when winter storms are blowing outside. This year’s, goo a supplies of dried fruits make them a good item to team with enriched flour’s thrifty protein, iron and B-vitamins for nourishing, flavorful coffee cakes. A versatile bread, indeed, is this prune coffee cake with its attrac* tive crumble topping. Serve it for breakfast, of course — but also for luncheon with a Lenten salad plate of diced fruits and cheese, and when friends drop in for “a snack”. ! If you dip your scissors in water before cutting the prunes, the fruit will be less likely to stick to the blades. You will also find it a good idea to “dust” the chopped fruit with part of the sifted dry ingredients to keep the fruit from sticking together. J PRUNE COFFEE CAKE 2 packages yeast. compressed l cup chopped cooked prunes or dry granular JVa cups sifted enriched flour 1 cup lukewarm wafer TOPPING JCi cup melted shortening V, cup brown sugar Va cup sugar ^ f, cup granulated sugar 2Vi teaspoons salt Va cup enriched flour 1 teaspoon cinnamon «/, cup margarine or butter 2 eggs, beaten K, teaspoon salt Soften yeast in *4 cup lukewarm water. To remaining water add shortening, sugar, salt, and cinna mon. Cool to lukewarm. Add two cups flour. Mix well. Add eggs and softened yeast Beat thor oughly. Add prunes and mix well. Add remaining flour. Mix well. Pour into greased bowl, cover and let rise in warm place (80 degrees | to 85 decrees F.) until light and i - puffy (about two hours). Stir’ down and pour into greased pans nine inches in diameter. Sprinkle with topping mixture made by mixing sugars, salt, and flour and cutting in margarine or butter. Let rise until doubled (about two hours). Bake in moderate even (350 degrees F.) about 30 minutes. Yield: Two coffee cakes, nine inches in diameter. HOME HOURS WILL BE HAPPY HOURS WITH A WONDERFUL Wjstinghouse Radio-Phonograph THE MAGIC OF FINE MUSIC IS YOURS WITH THE 169 Has Plenti-power, Rainbow Tone FM, two short j wave bands, the amazing Electronic Feather, the | Automix Record Changer which plays 10 and 12-inch records intermixed, Signal Light ControlJ twin record compartments, two speakers . “ exquisite bow-front cabinet in matched w. „*w ^ veneers — a magnificent possession! §600.00 MORE THAN YOU DREAMED POSSIBLE AT SUCH LOW COST ... THE 166 .You’ll marvel at true-to-life PI end-power reception ... . Rainbow Tone FM, the quietest, most sensiuve FM ever made for home use . . . the amazing Electronic Feather tone arm which eliminates needle scratch without loss of musical highs . . . the new Automix Changer olava. I 10 andl2-inch records intermixed. £379 95 * CJC.” THE PERrECT EXTRA RADIO .. THE 125 THE CONSOLE RADIO IN CAPSULE FORM Only 9*4" x 6" x 6"—ideal for crowded table top* . .. power and tone you’ll have to hear to believe. ' $36.95 Completely enclosed on all sides . . . retractable, disappearing handle that makes it easy to carry from room to room. Ivory and gold, green and gold. * • • • *ASK ABOUT OUR EASY TERMSBi* 1 SOUTH OMAHA ELECTRIC SHOP * MARK EXT 3600 5021 so.' 24TH.