The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, February 07, 1948, Image 2
Yt PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery Duffy Pharmacv —1VE-0609— 24th & Lake Sts. ■_. _ LAKE SHOE SERVICE [ Note Is The Time To Get Your Shoes Rebuilt1 Quality Material & Guaranteed | Quality Work 2407 Lake Street “It Pays To Look WeBT MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 Lake Street FOR SALE: 40 Dresses. All Kinds. Sizes from 40 to 50 Many Beautiful dresser scarfs. 10 to 15 pairs of ladiics style shoes size 7. Call at 2435 Blondo St. Big New Style Book FREE WIGS We are one of the oldest distributors of Colored Wom en's hair, dealing direct for over 35 years with thou sands of satisfied customers. EVERYTHING IN HAIR GOODS PAGE BOYS • CHIGNONS • SWITCHES TRANSFORMATIONS • MARCEL IRONS STRAIGHTENING COMBS • PINCERS BEAUTY AIDS • COSMETICS LOWEST PRICES Writ# for FREE Hair Style Boole HUMANIA HAIR CO. D#pt. "12" 303 Fourth Ave. • New York 10, N. Y. Largest Attendance The largest football game attend ance was at Soldier fleld, Chicago, November 16, 1929, when 112,912 spectators watched Not:-e Dame de feat Southern California 13 to 12. CLASSIFIDED ADS Launderers and Cleaners EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th St. WE 6055 LYCAN & RANKIN guarantee all of their furnace repairs. Call ATlantic 5029. MARY’S CHICKEN HUT, 2722 North 30th Street., JA 8946. Our Chicken Dinners are something to crow about. Robert Jones, prop. NEW AND "USED FURNITURF IDEAL FURMTURE MART 2511-13 North 24th — 24th & Lake St. WEbster 2224 REAL ESTATE LOANS F. E. WATTERS 234 Brandies Theater Bldg PHONE JA 3393 0 JEWELRY & LOAN CO. . PHONE JA 4635 formerly at— 24th and Erskine NEW LOCATION 516 North 16th_ 11 OAtaoaj oi ainjqsqns B }U3S UOjSuiqSBAV PUB—UMOJllJO^ JB U0}§urqSB/v\ oj Pjoms siq ja ait *®P ^nBuosjad jou pip sii[bmujo3 BJOtlX jotf si[iB«a.iof) "*)to tenant to loo& youn foot!" ^NATURAL HAIR ATTACHMENTS OH AGAIN-OFf AGAIN Hair Do’s—to meet all occasions I PAG* “°T- NATURAL $3.00 BRAID $4.50 r MU CAM HA VE YOtfR HAIR PERFECTLY MATCHED Latest Creations Easily Attached Human Hair— chignon All Shades >5.50 SEND NO MONEY JUST SEND SAMPLE Of YOUR HAIR OR STATE THE COLOR Roy Postman full Amount on Daltvory JESSIE KARE BEAOTY PRODUCTS 507 FIFTH AVL (Room 90$) NEW YORK 17. N. Y„ Dept. A t _ jeocner»~ reT > YAKIMA, WASH.—Jerry Syrcle, 6, shouldn’t have any trouble 'winning favor after polishing this aople for his teacher, Verna East* j man. Of course, big apples from Washington state don’t grow quite as large as the trick camera makes this one appear. It is just symbolic of the Yakima aople country’s bumper crop. And Jerry represents thousands of small boys who will be bringing Washington apples to their teachers all over America. Whether You Want to Get Something Special for Your Sweetheart, Mother, or Sister ... Nothing Could Please More ' I than a Box of Kilpatrick's Famous Bauer Candies. Delicious candy that makes you want more. Tempting fresh chocolates with assortment of fillings . . . that Just melt in your mouth. Come see the Bauer candies in lovely heart-shaped boxes. Range of prices. Also the delicious Russian Mints. PF Kilpatrick's Candy Section—Main Floor PATENTS ISSUED 1926-ms Aefiaked by TtattonaL fbJbuvb CouncH These “mountains” and “valleys” represent a serious trend in America today — a more or less steady loss in patents issued, accord ing to National Patent Council. Some of America’s most important industrial states have seen the annual number of patents decline for the last decade and a half. Only one in this group — Delaware —has indicated patent strength in recent years. That entire state has rela tively few patents, however, with an annual peak of not more than 350. Constant subversive efforts to destroy incentive and thus undermine invention have been an important factor in the decline of patents, the Council reports. TAN TOPICS By CHARLES ALLEN ^ m ) v£pJ:_n I DEPOSITS I - V ■ (OHtlMfNMi rrA-niP^ > — M* ' I Games ard Frosted Cup Cakes Spell Party Fun for Teenagers 1 FTER the strain of mid-year fX exams, the teenagers have real j need for relaxation. It’s easy to ' cater to the juveniles’ longing for a party without straining the bud get. A plateful of frosted cup cakes ind a tray of milk shakes can be counted on to provide a properly festive ending to an evening’s com petition over Monopoly or Tattler’s Quiz. You’ll find it’s good hospitality training to give your daughter full responsibility for preparing refresh 1 meats and cleaning up. Even if daughter is a novice cook, she’ll find it’s easy to win compli ments as a frosting expert. Any beginner can achieve a creamy smooth luscious cake topping on the q-t nowadays. The failure-proof trick is to use a new packaged in stant frosting that just needs the addition of hot tap water and a few 8tirs to produce a toothsome tri umph that literally can’t fail. There are strawberry, vanilla and choco late flavors, so it will be easy for your teenager to frost squares of store cake or cup cakes with glamor toppings with a minimum of mess In the kitchen. One 4% ounce pack age of this new prepared frosting will frost top and sides of one 8 Inch cake layer or twelve large cup i cakes, so it’s a thrifty way to achieve party glamor. , Nuts, 'maraschino cherries or chocolate bits will give a festive air to a cake or frosted cup cakes; or sprinkle on shredded coconut for decorative effect. Chocolate Nut Frosting 1 4M oz. package 2 tablespoons of instant choco- hot tap water late frosting Chopped nuts Empty contents of 4% oz. pack age of instant chocolate frosting into a small mixing bowl. Add one tablespoon hot tap water. Stir with spoon until thoroughly blended. Add another tablespoon of hot water and stir until smooth. Stir in chop ped nut meats. Spread on cake or cup cakes with a knife. Cake or cup cakes must be cool. Pineapple Frosting 1 oz. package 2 tablespoons Instant vanilla crushed pine frosting, apple, drained 2 teaspoons pine- dry apple juice Empty contents of one 4 Vi oz. package of instant vanilla frosting into a small bowl. Add two tea spoons of pineapple juice and 2 tablespoons crushed pineapple. Mix together until light and creamy. Yield—Frosting for top and sides of 8 inch cake layer or 12 large cup cakes. DIAPERS DISAPPEAR Four dozen baby diapers was stolen from the hallway of Mr. John Moore residence, 2619 Hamilton St., on Fri day, Jan. 30th. The diapers had been delivered by the Dundee Diaper Serv ice on the afternoon of the 30th, and left in the hallway when Mr. Moore came home in the evening he discov ered the theft of the diapers. He re ported it to Detective T. Rinn and L. Werde. Railway Electric Signal With Grain of Salt Thomas Edison invented the bat- Not so many years ago salt was tery cel] which powered the first used in payment of a fine in central electric semaphore signal ever used Africa. When a murder was com on an American railroad. He mitted, according to custom, the worked 10 years on what is some- community in which the murderer times called his greatest invention l*ved was responsible for paying the —a battery designed especially for Wood-money. The chief of the vil railroad purposes, the prototype of went around on an appointed modern batteries whose use by rail- and collected from each of his roads ranges all the way from air *W)jects two cupped handfuls of conditioning to the propulsion of This was pooled to form pay locomotives ment for the life taken. work in one of the greenhouses of the School of Agriculture at A. and T. College are these horticulture stu dents. They are seen getting practical training in the principles involved in flower growing. All majors in horticul ture, these young men plan to oper ate their own greenhouses after grad uation. Seen from left to right are: John A. Hollingsworth, Owego, N. Y.; Olyn N. Wilson, Lackawanna, N. Y.; MWarvin A. Sanders, Louisville, Ky.; Jonas E. Johnson, Asheville, N. C.; and Harry Whilsett, Brown’s Summit, N. C. — MARY’S — CHICKEN HUT BARBECUED RIBS and SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN “OUR Chicken Dinners Are Something -Jo Crow About.** ROBERT JONES, Proprietor JAckson 8946 2722 North 30th St. THRIFTY LIQUOR STORE .• WINES, BEER, LIQUORS “We Appreciate Your Trade” 1 **th & LAKE AT. 42411 Why Not HURRY TO 2229 Lake Street for good eats; such as Beef Stew, Chili, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, etc. Our Fooda Are Real Gone HURRY BACK CAFE 2229 Lake St. JA: 9195 Mrs. Ella Mae Tucker, Supervisor J. Mason and E. Washington, Props. We Are Once More laudering curtains SEND OR BRING THEM IN Edholm & Sherman LAUNDERERS & DRY 2401 Norfh 24TH. Street) Phone WE. 6055 Contractor See Bailey First SPECIALIZING IN PATCH WORK, PLASTERING • BRICKLAS ING CHIMNEYS AND CONCRETE ING^ • RETAINING WALLS * OFFICE—2209 NO. 22ND Si —Phone-PLeasent 19 75 — Andrew 5 Quick Service Cleaner Dry Cleaning Hats work PICK-UP — DELIVERY CASH— CARRY Everyday On eDay Service PRESSING DONE i0 While You Wait 2 Hour Service 1837 North 24th Street Telephone JAckson4117 1 To invite 4 Heroic tale 8 Fog 12 Poem 13 Author of the Rubaiyat 14 Scent 15 Mass of untidy hair 16 Excessive frugality 18 Rapture 20 Musical sound 21 101 22 Lair 23 Tempo' y bright slar 27 Likely 29 To exclude 30 To scatter 31 Artificial language 32 To mend 33 Pronoun 34 Symbol for iridium 35 To lift up the spirits of 37 Numeral 38 Some 39 Prefix: half 40 Founder of the Society of Friends 41 Printer’s measure 42 Fore part of a ship 44 To noise abroad 47 Characterized by moderation 51 Card game 52 Egg-shaped 53 Quickened jog 54 Female sheep 55 To apportion 56 Girl’s name 57 Colloquial: small child Vertical 1 Explosive projectile 2 Image 3 To portray 4 Steeps in a liquid 5 Chalice 6 Strap to hold up a stocking Solution in Next lsoue. No. 26 7 Malicious burning 8 Instants 9 Artificial language 10 Offspring 11 Attempt 17 Preposition 19 Spanish for "yes” 22 Simpleton 24 Conjunction 25 Layer of a mineral 26 Crooked 27 God of war 28 Northern European 29 Industrious insect 30 Wickedness 32 To paint with short brush strokes 33 To bewitch (local) 36 Part of “to be” 37 Approaching 33 Ornament worn as a charm 40 One's strong point 41 Comparative ending 43 Note of scale ' 1 Greek letter 45 “Hawkeye” State 46 Driven obliquely, as a nail 47 Male cat 48 First woman 49 Article placed under a dish 50 Weigh Answer to Pnzzle Number !S Series H-47