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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1948)
«*5*aW3538StJS«tSS!W53aSl3BS3J3Ea5aas PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery Duffy Pharmacy —WE-06O9— 24-th & Lake Sts. —WWwatiminimaimuiiMiHinr.iiiimiiiiiHiinuMiniinMiiiHimwmiiiHiiiiiiimvwiw *—m— LAKE SHOE SERVICE Note la The Time To Get Your Shoea Rebuilt! Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work 2407 Lake Street $ Seasons Greetings i $ J. G. GARAGE | JS 2104 North 24th Street W | JA. 1850 | TGmi. YxiX 2>*3. 3S>*0. PAINT AND DECORATE It Pays Phone JA 0725 _ Let me do your work. All work guaranteed. E. CRUTER 2631 Grant Street KS3BB£5«s«i«iK!s:t»:KSi2a£»«iKSiesa: “OW at40,50,60?” — Man, You’re Crazy Forget your age! Thousands are peppy at 70. Try pepping up” with Ottrex. Contains tonic for weak, rundown feeling due solely to body's lack of iron which many men and women call “old." Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for pep. younger feeling, this very day. New “get acquainted” size only 50c. At all drug stores — in Omaha, at Walgreen’s and Smith Stores. ' ult Pay» To Look WeW’ MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 Lake Street FOR SALE: 40 Dresses. All Kinds. Sizes from 40 to 50 Many Beautiful dresser scarfs. 10 to 15 pairs of ladiics style shoes size 7. Call at 2435 Blondo St. CLASSIFIED ADS Furnished rooms or apartment foi rent. PL-2055. Steam heated room for rent. Gentleman preferred. 939 North 26th St. Phont JA-7646. FOR REM A room for rent. Men only. PL9160 Launderers and Cleaners EDHOLM. & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th St. WE 6055 LYCAN & RANKIN guarantee all of their furnace repairs. Call ATlantic 5029. MARY’S CHICKEN HUT, 2722 North 30th Street., JA 8946. Our Chicken Dinners are something to crow about. Robert Jones, prop. NEW AND USED FURNITURE IDEAL FURNITURE MART 2511-13 North 24th — 24th & Lake St. WEbster 2224 REAL ESTATE LOANS F. E. WATTERS 234 Brandies Theater Bldg PHONE JA 3393 GROSS JEWELRY & LOAN CO. . PHONE JA 4635 formerly at— 24th and Erskine NEW LOCATION 516 North 16th '*}& tenant t» (antiyoun foot!" tvttA. NATURAL HAIR ATTACHMENTS ON AGA!NmmOFF AGAIN Hair Do’s—to moot all occasions PAGE NATURAL $3.00 BRAID V , 1you CAN HAVE YOUR HAIR [ PERFECTLY MATCHED Latest Creations | Easily Attached Human Hair— ■ chignon All Shades $5.50 SEND NO MONEY JUST SEND SAMPLE OF YOUR HAIR OR STATE THE COLOR Pay Postman Full Amount on Dollwy JESSIE KARE BEAUTY PRODUCTS 507 FIFTH AVL (Room 905) NEW YORK 17. N. Y., Dept. A ---- I ED EC CURLING^ riEE IRON. ^ WITH * ORDER I fiaar V-ROLL $3.50 CHIGNON $3.50 war PAGE BOY $3.50 CLUSTER $4.00 Why pay more lor soft lovely looking fine quality human hair that glamour izes your hair-do and yet is so nat ural looking and so easily attached? State color or send sample of your hair 1SEND NO MONEY—Fay postman on delivery plus charges. | H. K. COMPANY, DepY. 1 - Box 2163, Richmond, Virginia \ ''YES” “BUT IF WE GO OUTSIDE, THEN ONLY ONE OF US CAN SKIP ROPE/" Don't overload your electric circuits. When you build or modernize provide ADEC ATE WIRING. NEBRASKA-IOWA ELECTRICAL COUNCIL Railway Electric Signal Thomas Edison invented the bat tery cell which powered the first electric semaphore signal ever used on an American railroad. He worked 10 years on what is some times called his greatest invention —a battery designed especially for railroad purposes, the prototype of modem batteries whose use by rail roads ranges all the way from air conditioning to the propulsion of locomotives. I tig New Style Beak FREE I WIGS Wa are ana of tha oldast distributors of Colored Worn on's hair, dsalina direct for over a ftare with thou sands of satlsfiod customars. ETSlITTHINw IN HAIR GOODS PAGE SOYS • CHIGNONS • SWITCHES TRANSFORMATIONS • MARCEL IRONS STRAIGHTENING COMIS • PINCERS •EAUTY AIDS • COSMETICS LOWEST PRICES Writ* for FREE Hair Stylo look HUMANIA HAIR CO. Dopf. "ir 303 Fourth Avo. • Now York 10. N. Y. *" *4000 yearly as a I PRACTICAL NURSE The desperate shortage of nurses means Opportunity for YOU! Earn the Lincoln Certificate in 12 WEEKS SPARE TIME AT HOME and make high earnings year after year! Age, education not important. Endorsed by physicians. Earn while learning. ! 25-Leuon Lincoln conns ~M M Q available in eaay install- Jp I a O ments. Begin nowl H (Self-Graded Couree Only M c . Write for Sres lB-f f 19.80 Save 50%) Booklet TODAY! THE LINCOLN INSTITUTE of Practical Nursing, Dept. 4737 Broadway, Chicago 40, 111. Send postpaid booklet **Careers in Nursing** NAME .. ; (print) ADDRESS . CITY. STATE. mmmm Forestry in Europe The Zurich municipal forest, the Sihlwald, has been producing wood crops for nearly a thousand years, and in 1422 the city council decided that the cut of that forest should not exceed 20,000 pieces of timber per year. This order constituted the first recorded forest regulation that is known. Led by Germany, Swe den and France, all the principal European countries now have gov ernment forest agencies in many cases have laws to regulate the cut ting of timber on private lauds. Pick Right Knife Whether a knife is sharp and stays sharp depends on the quality of the steel blade, the grinding of the blade and the way it is tem pered. The finest blades are forged and thus are strong, flexible and easy to grind. ; RULE BOOK FOR CIVILIZATION By GEORGE S. BENSON President oi Harding College Searcy. Arkansas B , ~ .IKE THOUSANDS of other Americans in 1941 I bought a new car. I got an Oldsmobile. I am still using the car and get ting good service out of it, and I believe I know why. A book of instructions came with it, and because I believed the people who made the car could tell me a great deal about how to run it, I studied that book carefully. I got excellent service from the automobile throughout the entire war, and am still using it. I believe that happened be cause I followed the instructions of those who made the Oldsmo bile. Doing that, I could expect to get good service. The whole idea seemed like good logic to me. May I submit an application for this home-made parable? If this principle works with auto mobiles, it should have some mer it when applied to things largei and more important. Will you follow me in this application? Handbook THE BIBLE is the For Mortals book of instruc tions from the Cre ator who made the world and the fullness thereof. It is the book containing the laws, rules, and advice that we mortals should read and study in order that we may know how to proceed. It is the instruction book on how to operate that part of the Creator’s handiwork with which we are in volved. Careful study of this in struction book will bring great dividends. I am glad to live in a land where a National Bible Week finds enthusiastic support. This year October 20 to 26 has been so designated. Did you know that twelve of the thirteen little colonies *vir*ed along the Atlan ta -'■"Vi''-, were founded by people who came to America seeking religious freedom? Thei> lives were guided and dominated by the Bible. But perhaps even they did not visualize the kind of America to come — the America to come because of what the; did. Bill Of LATER, when our Freedoms Constitution was framed, the men who wrote it were men who believed the Bible and who looked upon it as God's "instruction book." These men desired to maintain for their descendants and for pos terity, the kind of Individual free dom which they believed the Creator had decreed for every in dividual. To them, that was ore of the instruction rules out of the book. That Constitution, when adopt ed and amended in 1789, carried with it the greatest bill of indi vidual freedoms that any nation has ever enjoyed. Under thes. freedoms, America developed the j greatest measure of well-being1 and prosperity that any segment of mankind has ever developed 0:11 this earth. It may be said, with-: out any doubt, that the freedoms j and liberties which brought our ' prosperity grew directly from the religious foundation laid by our forefathers. I am glad to feel that we Americans are bo dedicated to the basic concepts of law and practice j as they are found in the Bible. If J. we will look to God’s instruction J book for guidance at all times in 5 the future, making it our source •, book for living, then our future j is secure. Only in that way may | America preserve liberty and? freedom — and even civilization, j through the coming decades and centuries. “Blue Monday” Brightened by the New Packaged Spaghetti Dinners IF a hard day’s washing, ironing, ' or cleaning cuts into the time you j lave for meal preparation, there's . good news for you in the new pack-1 aged spaghetti dinners. In one handy package, you’ll find quick-; cooking spaghetti, a bottle of tong-' simmered chef's sauce and a tin of 1 grated \cheese. And another cause | lo hurrah is your grocer’s price— , less than 50f for enough to serve three or four people. i After a hard Monday, take half ^ an hour for letter-writing, or read through your favorite magazine be fore you start supper preparations. You’ll find it takes but 15 minutes to cook the spaghetti, heat the sauce and combine both in a huge centei bowl for yout* family’s serv ice Then add a special trailer of your own to this spaghetti express —cut up rich black olives and sprinkle over the top Here are some typical time-sav > :g, money-stretching menus that •• anfli'V wAiir imagination : CHEF’S SUGGESTION I Spaghetti Dinner in a package with 'Chefs Sauce and Grated Cheese Grated Carrot and Raisin Salad Oven-warmed Rolls Baked Winter Pears ' Coffee or Milk CHEF’S SUGGESTION II Spaghetti Dinner in a package with Chefs Sauce and Grated Cheese Green Pepper and Pickled Beet Salad Italian Bread Sticks Orange and Coconut Ambrosia Coffee or Milk If your busy-day-of-the-week hap pens on Friday, there’s a special Meatless Friday dinner in a pack age, too, with a mushroom-flavored spaghetti sauce. Hint for hostesses —it’s mighty handy to keep a pack age on your emergency “party” shplf YOUR HONOR NIGRA SCHOOL^ TEACHERS-WERE CAUGHT TRYING A TO BOARD THE FREEDOM TRAIN ' WITH A CROWD OF NIGRA CHILDREN! \ v • .. .• ^5 ARRESTED IN FREEDOM.S NAME Breathes there the bride with soul so dead who never to herself has said, some day we’ll build our own home! It wasn’t long after we were settled in our compact little apart ment that I began dreaming of a winding stair case, large, gra cious rooms and acres of closet space. All for “some day” I clipped floor plans, collected decorating tips and selected lovely color schemes. I hen one cozy wintry evening I an nounced to the Man of the House that my dream home was ready— on paper—from doorknobs to book alcoves. Naturally, I agreed mag nanimously, plans were subject to extensive alterations to suit his pleasure. Well. The cad took a quick look and guffawed! i It appears you can’t have run ning water where you want it with out pipes. But, you can have water where you don't want it unless you have such unromantic-sounding things as gutters, downspouts and flashings. The first two “things”, my spouse informed me, conduct water from the roof while flashings prevent leakage at joints such as where the roof meets the chimney. To top off my chagrin, the Ever Wise produced booklets, pamphlets and the summary of a talk he had had with an architect friend, all concerning safeguarding the home with copper and brass. < Patiently he explained that cop per tube and red brass pipe are] sturdy, rust-free and resistant to corrosion. “So?” I asked, still a little hurt. “Look”, says he, “good brass and copper plumbing willi deliver rust-free water for more years than you can think about) Furthermore, when about 50 tons of water fall on the average roof every year, the gutters and down spouts have to be good. The best is none too good for the Stuarts, and that means copper." I was pleased as wedding punch to know he had carefully planned for our future home—and told him so. But no matter what anyone says, leave it to a man to have the last word. I was just drifting off to sweet dreams when he brought forth the clincher. “And another thing—copper piping that brought water to Egyptian Pharoahs more than 5,500 years ago can still con vey water!" CLIP CURLING IRON with spring J12» in handle. CompletW-fuH price ■ ■UinHUfmmiimimfflrllHBi "Curaka" Typa $ ■ 7If BRASS COMB—straight teeth ■ BRASS tUMB- J ■ .»W Curved Teeth. Wood or wire handle ■ MARCEL IKUfl- | Plain or Rolling $ I 75 | Handles. Price_ m FREE a I PRESSING compound teyi&jy With Order SEND NO MONEY Pay Postman Full Amount on Delivery H. K. COMPANY BOX S163 DEPT. 97 RICHMOND, VA, OIL STOVE burns kerosene $2 22 Ad No. B-48-2 in. x 35 line* fCOOPBYEPARK 5KINJ [HELLO] \ucht\ \ SKIN/J Dr. FRED Palmer’s SKIN WHITENER Say "goodbye” to tanned, darkened, weather beaten skin. Beautify minor blemishes and rough skin externally caused. NEW trial offer should begin to produce results and lighten your complexion in 7 days or your money back. Get 25c or 50c "Dr. FRED Palmer's Skin Whitener," at your druggists. Use as directed. If not satisfied, your money back. For FREE TRIAL send 10c to cover postage, handling to Galenol Co.. Dept. B, Box 264, Atlanta, Ga. Shoes of Tomorrow Air conditioned shoes are now available for industrial footwear for workers who have athlete’s feet or blisters. The insole is made of fine plastic meshlike material. Every step pumps air into the shoes. An Austrian shoemaker has announced electrically warmed shoes. A small battery fits into a cavity in the heel and keeps the shoe constantly warm. Eighty-five per cent of all the 20 million cattle hides consumed annually in the United States aro used in the manufacture of shoes. Injection Without Needle* Using the principle of oil cylinder ■prays, which inject a needlelike spray, University of Maryland school of medicine has found it is possible to inject fluids into the body without use of needles of any kind. Medicinal preparations, by this new method, inject the dose in deeper than the conventional needle method, and it hurts less, special ists claim. Alcohol From Banana* Alcoholic beverages have been made from bananas. Some years ago banana whisky experiments were conducted in Guatemala. Ba nana wine from fully ripe fruit al lowed to ferment in water was known in the West Indian island of Barbados as early as 1657. Dena tured alcohol from bananas is an age-old possibility. Origin of Softball Softball is an outgrowth of the games of indoor baseball, play ! ground ball, kitten ball and dia mond ball. Since 1909 it became so popular that by 1935 a world series was played in Chicago. — MARY’S —. CHICKEN HUT BARBECUED RIBS and SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN “OUR Chicken Dinners Are Something Crow About.” I ROBERT JONES, Proprietor JAckson 8946 2722 North 30th St. I THRIFTY LIQUOR STORE .• WINES, BEER, LIQUORS “We Appreciate Your Trade” *4th & LAKE AT. 4248 We Are Once More laddering curtains SEND OR BRING THEM IN Edholm & Sherman LAUNDERERS & DRY CLEANERS ETAOHRBGKLA 2401 Norfh 24TH. Street! Phone WE. 6055 Contractor .. | See Bailey First ! SPECIALIZING IN PATCH WORK, PLASTERING ) [ # BRICKLAYING CHIMNEYS AND CONCRETEING® < • RETAINING WALLS • j l OFFICE—2209 NO. 22ND S. ) i —Phone PLeasent 19 7 5 — | — A home of charmir\~ traditional atmosphere, such as shown in' the above picture, is achieved only by carefully selecting each item. For instance, the two end tables have a built-in section for plants and the lamps are made from old apothecary jars. The walls have been painted a deep green while the ceiling is crisp white to reflect the light I In the room. The draperies repeat the deep, rich green tones of the walls and the lighter green of the couch. The window shades art pur® [ white to match the ceiling and bring attention to the draperies. With Grain of Salt Not so many years ago salt was used in payment of a fine in central Africa. When a murder was com mitted, according to custom, the community in which the murderer lived was responsible for paying the blood-money. The chief of the vil lage went around on an appointed day and collected from each of his subjects two cupped handfuls of salt. This was pooled to form pay ment for the life taken. Women Live Longer The average length of life for white women in the United States has reached the remarkably high figure of 69.5 years, according to statisticians of the Metropolitan Life Insurance company. For men the average length of life is 64.5 years, and for the American people as a whole, 66 years. The increase in expectation of life at birth since the beginning of the century results from a better control of infections •n the you1'" Flan Children 7s Aid I REPRESENTATIVES of foremost national organizations hear plans for American Overseas Aid-United Nations Appeal for Children at “Mobilization of Leadership for World Needs” conference at Hotel McAlpin, New York. From left are: Mrs. H. Gordon Freeman, Chairman, International Relations Committee, American Women’s Voluntary Serv ices; Mrs. Eunice H. Carter (guest speaker), Chairman, National Council of Negro Women—Board of Trustees; Mrs. Alfred Bachrach, Cirl Scouts.