The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 24, 1948, Image 1

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    voi: 20—NO. 51 THE OMAHA GUIDE,
_ ... raUbKANI 5T
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority met Sun
day, January 18, 1948, at the home of
Soror Lucyle B. Avant. A very inter
esting meeting was held which includ
ed the election of officers for the year.
The following were elected: Basileus,
Soror Lucyle B. Avant; Anti-Basileus,
Soror Eloise J. Taylor; Grammateris,
Soror Ethel D. Dean; Philacter, Soror
Pearl R. Gibson; Tamias, Soror Beat
rice Jackson; Epistoleus, Soror Edmae
P. Swain.
Plans were completed for the cele
bration of “Finer Womanhood Week,”
■which will be from February 22-Feb
ruary 29. The week will be celebrated
with several affairs befitting the oc
casion. During this week an outstand
’ing Woman of the Year will be named.
Public services will b*e held on the
fifth Sunday in February at the Pil
grim Baptist Church at 11 o’clock.
The Rev. Charles E. Tyler, minister
of the Hillside Presbyterian Church
and a member of our brother Frater
nity, Phi Beta Sigma, will deliver the
We were happy to welcome back
Soror Asilee Dotson, who has been
out of town, and Soror Edgar Camper
who was reinstated.
The next meeting will be February
1, 1948, at the home of Soror Beatrice
Jackson, 2908 No. 26th St.
From Holland
“In Holland, our butter ration ia 5 ounces every two weeks,” says Mrs.
J. C. Bruening, who is greeted by her son Hans, as she arrives in
America for the first time. "Fats are pitifully short in Europe, and fats
are what make other slim rations palatable. We are grateful to Ameri
can women who save used cooking fat, and make greater shipments
) of food fats possible,” she explained.
TpEM years ago discussion of tolerance and civil liberties in
-* general on the airwaves was rare. Today, individual stations
and most networks have grown up. Minority group problems of
daily life are almost a matter for regular programming. Among
the networks jassiduously taking the lead is the COLUMBIA
BROADCASTING SYSTEM. The “CBS School of the Air” (Mon.
thru Fri.—5 PM) forthrightly attempts to show the fallacy of
discrimination. The web’s year-end documentary, “Among Our
selves,” was a real blow at bigotry. NBC’s “Public Affairs” pro
gram (Sat.—2:45 PM) is another which presents frank and open
discussion of community, civic and religious matters. The latest
tolerance slant is the use of one-minute musical jingles. Origi
nated by New York’s independent WNEW, they are being sung
over more than 500 stations; appeal particularly to children. As
a major medium of mass communication—and a relatively young
one—radio is doing an improved and vital job of helping Ameri-1
cans to attain their national ideals of democracy.
Sportcaster Bill Brandt of MUTUAL has
selected his outstanding personalities of ’47 on
his “Inside of Sports” feature (daily, 7:45 PM).
In the group were Brooklyn 1st baseman
Jackie Robinson, U. of Illinois track star Herb
McKinnley, and heavyweight Jersey Joe Wal
cott, who nearly upset champ Joe Louis . . .
In New York WMCA’s “New World A’ Coming”
is in its fourth broadcast-year. “A Young
American," a penetrating analysis of race re
lations and inter-group attitudes, is being of
fered on Jan. 20 . . . Aidine hillbillv Juriv
Dandridge Canova to become adjusted to polite suburban
„ , , society is Ruby Dandridge. An NBC regular
Saturday laugh-getter (9:30 PM), this show is a “must” on your
listening schedule ... An hour-length production of the mem
orable “Green Pastures” will be aired on the Ford Theater show
Sunday. Feb. 1 (NBC—5 PM).
In case you missed the 40-voice choir of
Howard University Sunday morning over CBS
(11:05 AM) they’re repeating this Sunday, Jan.
24, offering spirituals and religious music . . .
Designed to aid individuals and groups com
batting juvenile delinquency, the Lou Costello
Bud Abbott Kid Show every Saturday (11 AM)
over ABC is one of the best on the air. These
two gagsters have gone all out to build better
citizens of teen-agers . . . Of definite interest
to every former GI is the NBC “Veterans
auumai , aevotea to tne interest of vets and mm
their families (Sat.-2:30 PM). There is a one>= rnstelln
minute cut-in each week for affiliated stations
to cover local activities of vets’ groups and news of sectional
Veterans Administration offices.
When Halyard Patterson’s mother first I
bought him a piano in Fresno, Cal., neither
realized that one day he would be a regular
feature attraction on bandleader Horace Heidt’s
[?aulent sh°w- Waving a baton since 1923,
j-ieidt has a nation-wide reputation for giving
breaks to new. musical talent. Airing his show ;
ea?h week (NBC-Sun.- 1
10.30 PM) Heidt tests various local contestants. 1
In Fresno recently Patterson was one of the ]
hopefuls. So promising was his keyboard ar- 1
tist , Heidt promptly signed him as a i
Heidt re ular w. 1 the show. To top it off and to
„ .c,c .ie with Jtate education laws (Halyard is
only 1<) Mrs. Heidt a registered teacher, is tutoring him while
he is with the aggre^ ‘ton.
1-20-48 _ ^ -»(All Time Eastern Standard,
-? —
1 Forgotten Inventor *
ft— -—— -5g?W
i oCajfefv... STUDIED... TAUGHT AT f
? FOR $1,000,000... SAVED PHONE
; USERS $100,000,000
| AywW Af tUtumcU Pattit Council
The exotic and charming Bertha
Davis Jackson has returned to the
music profession after an absence of
four years. Mrs. Jackson rendered a
. piano
Zion Baptist Church, that was an in
spiration to all young musicians. Mrs.
Bertha Davis Jackson is a former
student of the Pinkston School of Mu
sic, where she received her musical
training from the prominent Mrs.
Flora Pinkston. Mrs. Jackson taught
in the Normal Department of the
Pinkston Conservatory of Music. Be
sides being a very fine musician, Mrs.
Jackson is one of the best dramatic
actresses of the city. Mrs. Jackson is
booked for many engagements. She
is the mother of two sons and a promi
nent figure in social and religious ac
Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Mortimer are
back in the city after spending a few
weeks in the Big City. While there
they made the rounds of the famous
Nite Spots, including “Smalls.” They
also saw many former residents of
Omaha. In all they had an enjoyable
time; but said the weather was far
from cooperative.
New York—Predicting that the Ne
gro voters will play a significant and
potentially decisive part in the 1948
election in 17 key states, Walter
White told the 9th annual meeting
of the National Association for the
! Advancement of Colored People, “All
’who love democracy must use their
ballots wisely and unselfishly to the
end that the best candidates are
elected, irrespective of political party.”
Norman, Okla.—The University of
Oklahoma announced Monday it will I
accept the enrollment of Mrs. Ada '
Sipuel Fisher, 2-year-old Negro, in
her fight to gain admission to the in
stitution s law school. The honor grad
uate from Langston University, who
took to the U. S. Supreme Court her
fight for admittance, was to enroll
Monday. The Court orders Oklahoma
to grant her equal and immediate ed
ucation with white students.
Signal honors should go to Attor
neys Amos T. Hall of Tulsa and
Thurgood Marshall of New York City,
and the NAACP. Late News Release
| Monday night read, “University of |
Oklahoma Regents are going to se up
a separate school for Mrs. Ada Sip
Charge Evasion of Supreme
Court Order
Oklahoma City—The legal battle
of a 23-year-old Negro woman to
enroll in the University of Oklahoma
law school Tuesday was headed back
to the United States suprmee court,
which only last week directed the
state to establish equal law school fa
cilities for Negroes and whites.
A Negro school of law established
here in a surprise move Monday by
the Oklahoma state regents for higher
education was branded by Negro
leaders as a “jim crowe law school.”
At a mass meeting here attended
by some 600 Negroes, James E. Stew
art, president of the local chapter of
the National Association for the Ad
vanement of Colored People, said the
assoication’s attorneys will go back
I to the supreme court to contend thal
“some unit of the state government
is in contempt” of the court’s ruling.
Roscoe Dunjee, editor of a Negro
newspaper here and a national direc
tor in the NAACP, said the organiza
tion’s legal staff is to meet Tuesday
in Washington, D. C., to plan future
legal steps.
Mrs. Ada Lois Sipuel Fisher, the
Negro seeking admission to the uni
versity’s law school, will not attempt
to enroll in the newly created law
school but will stand on her applica
tion for enrollment at the state uni
versity, Dunjee said.
Accompanied by Dunjee and
NAACP officials she visited the state
university at Norman Monday mom
\ing and filed application to enroll.
Propose Separate School
A few hours after her application
was accepted the state regents an
nounced at a special meeting the .es
tablishment of a Negro school of law
here as a branch of Langston univer
sity, the state’s only Negro college at
Langston, Olda.
An honor graduate of Langston uni
versity, Mrs. Fisher first sought to en
roll in the state university law school
two years ago. Denied admission be
cause of the state’s laws requiring
separate schools for Negroes, she ap
pealed to the state coutrs and finally
I to the U. S. supreme court.
In establishing the separate law
school, the regents sought to comply
with a state supreme court order is
sued Saturday in line with the federal
supreme court decision.
The state supreme court directed
the regents to provide equal law
school facilities for Negroes as soon
as they are provided for white per
sons, but without violation of the
Oklahoma statutes requiring separate
“I can’t see how the regents can
give us a school next Monday which
is equal in faculty and facilities and
the 40-year-old tradition of the Okla
homa school,” said Dunjee. *
The regents left details of getting
the school under way immediately
and registration of Negro applicants
to a committee of five members. The j
program calls for classroom facilities !
at the state capitol and use of the
state law library there. Dr. W. Page j
Keeton, dean of the University of
Oklahoma law school, is to recom
mend faculty members to be em
- f
Mr. John O. Bradford, 48 years,
2020 No. 22nd St., died Friday at
a local hospital after an extended”ilT
ness. Mr. Bradford had been a resi
dent of Omaha twenty-seven years,
and was a member of Zion Baptist
church. He is survived by his wife,
Mrs. Mattie Bradford, Muskogee,
Okla.; two sisters, Mrs. Lydia Smith,
Oakland, Calif., Mrs. Stella Hogan,
Bryan, Texas; niece, Mrs. Patsy Clay,
Oakland, Calif., and other relatives.
Funeral services were held Tuesday!
afternoon from Thomas Mortuary
with Rev. F. C. Williams officiating
with burial at Forest Lawn Cemetery.
Willis Dean Noland, age two and a
half years, 2623% Charels St., died
Tuesday after a brief illness at a lo
cal hospital. He is survived by his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis D. No
land, Sr.; sister, Norma Jean, of Oma
ha; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Daniels, Mineola, Texas; grandmother,
Mrs. L. C. Noland, Kansas City, Mo.,
and other relatives. The body is at
Thomas Mortuary.
Forest Lawn Cemetery.
Mrs. Thelma Thurston Vor
ham, assistant professor of
journalism at Lincoln, Univer
sity (Mo.) School of Journal
ism is the first Negro woman
elected to Theta Sigma Phi,
national honorary society for
women in journalism, and the
only woman to serve as editor
of an official Army publica
tion. In the various areas of
her preparedness, Mrs. Gor
ham has served with the Bans
as City and St. Louis Calls, the
Crisis, the Sunn (California)
and Ivy Leaf; has done pub
licity for the West Coatt
NAACP and is author of a var
iety of published feature ar
ticles, poetry and fiction
“Aquarina” is a book from
her pen.
Marriey to Richard R. Gor
ham of Berkeley, Cal., she had
taught at Hampton institute
before coming to Lincoln the
current semester. She is an
AKA soror.
From Ireland
Deirdre MeAuliffe, from Dublin, !re
land, says the first thing she he.-.rc
when she got off the ship in Nevi
York was one woman telling anoif.ei
that she h_d to take her used fai
to her meat dealer. “That made m«
feel right at home,” Deirdre ex
plains. “Fats and oils are so scarce
we save every drop at home, an;
I'se them over and over again."
From Norway
'Fats and oils is a desperate need
ill over Europe,” says Merete Klei
►erg, as she arrives from 8tavan
icr, Norway, aboard the SS Amer
ica. Merete, who came to this
Muntry to go to school, hopes that
American women keep up conscien
tious fat salvage, because used cook
ing fat that is turned over to the
neat dealer helps relieve the work
mortage of fata and oils.
Extend Gravy*
Canned mushrooms and their
Juice not only add to the flavor of
gravies, but also extend the gravy.
Chinese Rice Poor
Because of poor milling, shipping
and cooking practices, Chinese rice ;
is of inferior quality.
Vitamin Stockpile
Vitamin A for winter health is
supplied in large quantities
through eating fall greens.
Strengthen Pockets
Strengthen pockets at the corners
with a few stitches to keep from
One of the Sponsors of
Saturday, January 17,\ 1948, was a
red-letter day for the colored citizens
of our locality and marked a mile
stone in endeavor. We wish to take
this opportunity to thank the Metz
Brewing Co. for their part in making
it possible. I am referring to “Main
Stem Derby,” presented by KSWI,
KFMX, featuring Harry Besse, one
of our esteemed colored citizens. Mi.
Besse is well deserving of this oppor
tunity, as he is well liked and re
spected by white and colored. The
Omaha Guide is proud of its small
part in making this a reality. We wish
to take this opportunity to inform our
readers that this program should have
a definite place in the life of our com
munity, and should have the active
support of every Social and Civic or
The Omaha Guide wishes to invite
all other organizations and individuals
to join in making this program a suc
cess ,in order to establish a precedent
for this locality, to which our race
may look forward to for months to
come, and which we hope may en
tourage others.
But this is only half the story. To
assure the permanency of this ven
ture, we must have the active help
and cooperation of the whole com
munity. There are many ways you
can help, mainly by writing the Radio
Station, and by patronizing the mer
chants who make this broadcast pos
sible. To make this broadcast a suc
cess will entail hard work and initia
tive. This venture can be just as suc
cessful as we care to make it, and we
need the publicity and favorable pub
li copinion, and prestige that will
come to our city through it. The ad
vantage, both temporary and perma
nent, to be derived from it, are such
that it should appeal to all of us. So
let’s all get out and pull for Harry
Besse. The Omaha Guide is proud to
be apart of such a worthwhile under
George H. McDavis,
Promotions Director.
Whole Page of Advertisements Spon
sored by Appreciative Merchants
Hats off to the Council Bluffs Mer
chants for donating a whole page to
“Main Stem Derby” and “Harry
Besse.” No greater testimonial could
be given than their gesture..
Washington—The conviction of Al
bert Lee, a Jackson, Miss., Negro
sentenced at 17 to serve 18 years in
prison on charges of assault with at
tempt to rape, Monday was unani
mously set aside by the supreme court.
In another decision the justices
voted six to three to grant a new hear
ing on whether Mrs. Marianna von
Moltke of .Detroit should be released
from serving a four-year prison term
to which she was sentenced for aiding
a nazi spy ring.
Speaking for the court in the Lee
case, Justice Murphy noted that coun
sel for Lee contended an asserted con
fession was improperly introduced as
evidence in his trial because it was
“extorted by duress, fear, threats and
physical violence.”
The Mississippi supreme court,
Murphy said, rejected Lee’s conten
tion that use of this evidence violated
his rights under the fourteenth amend
ment to the constitution which forbids
abridgment of the right of citizens.
Consequently, Murphy said, the
Mississippi court’s action in affirming
Lee’s conviction is reversed and the
case returned so that the state court
“may definitely express its views” on
use of the alleged confession. An in
complete record, Murphy said, “pre
cludes our determination of whether
the petitioner (Lee) did deny in the
trial court that he had confessed the
Lee entered a plea of innocence at
the trial held in November, 1945. He
was convicted by a jury, however.
Mrs. H. J. Pickett, 2118 No. 25th
St., wife of Attorney H. J. Pickett,
died Tuesday morning January 20,
Mrs. Pickett, a long time resident
of the city of Omaha, leaves to moum
her passing, besides her husband, a
sister, Mrs. Mattie E. Williamson of
Chicago, 111.; Fred D. Banks, a neph
ew in Omaha; Mrs. Francis Elliot,
niece of Denver, Colo., and a host of
Funeral services for Mrs. Pickett
was Friday morning at 10 a. m. from
the Myers Funeral Chapel with the
Reverend Charles Tyler officiating.
Interment at the Forest Lawn Ceme
Myers Funeral Home in charge of
burial. ;
Half Have Lights
Fifty-three per cent of the nation’*
farms now have electric *ervic*.
Arthur Sampson, 56 years, died Fri
day at his home, 2802 Binney St., aft
er an extended illness. Mr. Sampson
had been a resident of Omaha thirty
years and was a member of Immanuel
Community Church. He had been em
ployed at a-loeak packing plant twenty
years. He is survived by his wife,
Mrs. Lena Sampson, Omaha; daugh
ter, Miss Mary Sampson, Lincoln, two
brothers, Mr. Walter Sampson, Chi
cago, 111., Mr. Asa Sampson, Law
rence, Kans.; granddaughter, Miss
Louise Perkins, Omaha; cousin, Mrs.
Ametta Sayer, Kansas City, Kans., and
other relatives. Funeral services were
held Wednesday afternoon from Im
manuel Community Church, with Rev.
E. F. Ridley officiating, assisted by
| Rev. Foster Goodlett. Pallbearers, Mr.
I Harrison Brown, Mr. Clifton McKin
ney, Mr. Emmett Mason, Mr. James
White, Mr. Syvester Waite, Mr. Ed
Jackson. Burial was in the family plot
at Prospect Hill Cemetery.
Jewell H. Rose, 3rd, age six years,
2884 Binney St., died Tuesday of an
apparent heart attack, after he had
collapsed during-recess at the Howard
Kennedy School. Efforts of the Fire
Department Squad to revive the lad
were futile. He is survived by his
father, Mr. Jewell H. Rose, Jr., Oma
ha city fireman, mother, Mrs. Celia
Rose; brother, Dennis; grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Meehan. Mr. and
Mrs. Jewell H. Rose, Sr., Mr. Rose,
Sr. is a retired Captain of the Omaha
Fire Department. Funeral services
were held Saturday afternoon from
St. John’s A.M.E. Church, with Rev.
E. B. Childress, officiating, assisted
by Rev. Thomas Rucker, music by the
junior choir with Mrs. Ruth Downing
at the organ. Honorary pallbearers
were the following school mates, Eu
gene Napier, Raymond Gant, Ernest
ine Roland, Adrienne Merriweather,
Maurice Rollerson, active bearers were
Mr. Robert Greene, Mr. Harry Speece,
Mr. Elijah McClinton, Mr. Leon Ray.
Burial was at Forest Lawn Cemetery.
“The Omaha Urban League should
have a membership of at least 1,000
persons,’’ said Mr. J. C. Harris, Jr.,
member of the Urban League Board
of Directors and chairman of the
1948 Membership Drive. Mr. Harris
said the work of the League during
the past yera had done much to im
! prove the welfare of the Negro and
the entire community.
! Some of the League’s accomplish
ments Mr. Harris said, were as fol
lows: Finding employment for over
400 Negroes; persuading firms which
had never employed Negroes to ac
cept them for the first time; bringing
to the attention of responsible officials
the urgent need for housing improve
ments in the near northside area;
working with other health and wel
fare agencies for better health and
recreation facilities, and making many
in the community aware for the first
■ in o. wipmpvt
ditions of the Negro in Omaha.
The Membership Campaign this
yae rwill be from January 26 to March
1. However, the Urban League ac
cepts membership throughout the
year. A regular one year membership
will again be $1.00. A year’s subscrip
tion to Opportunity or Negro Digest
magazine will cost an additional $1.00
and $2.50 respectively.
Mr. Millard Carr of 2684 Burdette
St., is assisting Mr. Harris and the
Board of Directors in this Campaign.
Mail your membership to the Urban
League Office, 506 So. 17th St., or
give it to Mr. Carr or any Board mem
| Military funeral services are being
held in Phoenix, Ariz., Friday (Jan.
23) for T/5 Robert L. Williams of
the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers,
a brother of Mrs. Joseph W. Davis,
2228 Franklin Plaza.
The soldier was killed in an acci
dent in Guam last November 20,
which was his nineteenth birthday.
He was the youngest of 10 children
of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Williams of
Rites will be in charge of the Rev.
Charles F. Favors, pastor of Omaha’s
Pilgrim Baptist church, who was ac
companied on the trip to Phoenix by
Mrs. Davis and her three sons, Joe
Wayne, Charles Winfred and Hayden
Surviving besides Mrs. Davis, whose
husband is custodian at Hink-Dinky
Stores company headquarters in Oma
ha, are three other sisters, Mrs. Kris
Powell and Mrs. Leatha Jones, both
of Phoenix, and Mrs. Hazel Mangrum
of Wichita Falls, Tex., and five broth
ers, Jimmie, D. W., Travis, B. W.
and Bernard, all of Phoenix.
Hope Luthern School, 30th
and Corby streets, organized a
P.T A. recently with Mr*.
Gwendolyn Hadley president.
Mr. Ralph Wagoner: vice*
president; Mr. Walter Hadley,
»ccretary; Mrs. Mary Mason,
treasurer. Meetings are to be
held the first and third Wed
nesday of the month in the
church basement.
.ehfehr.nle bsieFM7 T T T T
Oscar Eugene Jones, Jr., age two
weeks, 2204 Maple St., died Thurs
day at a local hospital. He is survived
by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
E. Jones., Sr.; a sister, Nonna Lee,
of Omaha; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Jones; grandmother, Mrs. Irene
Willis, of Centerville, Iowa. Services
were held Saturday morning from
Thomas Mortuary, with Rev. J. H.
Reynolds officiating with burial at
Mentally m in America
Approximately seven million per
sons in the United States are men
tally ill and their care costs the
public more than 175 million dollars
a year.