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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1948)
S5S5JW3»538gJSgt5»3Sa58a5aa3aaSK{35 PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery Duffy Pharmacy —WE-0609 - 24th & Lake Sts. *m ■ ■" — LAKE SHOE SERVICE Note la The Time To Get Your Shoes Rebuilt! Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work 2407 Lake Street g Seasons Greetings g J. G. GARAGE g g 2104 North 24th Street g | JA. 1850 g vex vex vex vex vex vex vex vest vex vex vex PAINT AND DECORATE It Pavs Phone JA 0725 Let me do your work. All work guaranteed. E. CRUTER 2631 Grant Street Men, Women! Old at 40,50,60! Get Pep FeeNfears Younger. Full of Vim “It Pays To Look WeB” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 Lake Street iiiiitiiiiiHiinimwiiitwiinuwiiiiwtWtmiwiMtmiiimiiinmiiiiiiMiiiiniintwiaiiiwnwW(gt FOR SALE: 40 Dresses. All Kinds. Sizes from 40 to 50 Many Beautiful dresser scarfs. 10 to 15 pairs of ladiics style shoes size 7. Call at 2435 Biondo St. Get Results FURNISHED ROOMS - - PH PL 2055 FOR SALE ,,w' FAIRBANKS-MORSE STOKER LIKE NEW$75 , WE,2440 AFTBR 4.PN Launderers and Cleaners EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th St. WE 6055 LYCAN & RANKIN guarantee all of their furnace repairs. Call ATlantic 5029. MARY’S CHICKEN HUT, 2722 North 30th Street., JA 8946. Our Chicken Dinners are something to crow about. Robert Jones, prop. NEW AND USED FURNITURE IDEAL FURNITURE MART 2511-13 North 24th — 24th & Lake St. WEbster 2224 REAL ESTATE LOANS F. E. WATTERS 234 Brandies Theater Bldg PHONE JA 3393 GROSS JEWELRY & LOAN CO. . PHONE JA 4635 formerly at— 24th and Erskine NEW LOCATION 516 North 16th "‘It'a tenant ta fao& (facet Oeatf «m6 natural hair attachments ON AG AIN-OFF AGAIN Hair Do’s—to meet all occasions I PAGfc WY NATURAL $3.00 BRAID k $4.50 1JW CAM NAVE YOUR *M/« I PERFECTLY MATCHED [ latest Creations I Easily Attached i ^ Human Hair— l chignon All Shades $5.50 StND NO MONEY Just send sample of your hair OR STATE THE COLOR Bay Postman Full Amount on DaDtwy JESSIE KARE BEAUTY PRODUCTS 507 FIFTH AVE. (Room 905) NEW YORK 17, N. Y, Dopt A i -:-: -— .—' i CURLING, IRON, WITH ORDER ! V-ROLl ! $3.50 CHIGNON $3.50 PAGIBOY $3.50 :_a. CLUSTER $4.00 Why pay mart tor soft lovely looking tine quality human hair that glamour izes your hair-do and yet Is so nat ural looking and so easily attached? State color or send sample id your hair I SIND NO MONET—Pay postman on delivery plus engrges. | H. K. COMPANY, Dept. 1 - Box 2163, Richmond, Virginia \ "LUCKY YOU TOOK DOWN THE CURTAINS TO WASH, MAMA- - I JUST NOTICED BEASLEY HAS BEEN UP TO HIS OLD TRICK AGAIN/ Don’t overload your electric circuits. When you build or modernize provide ADEQUATE WIRING. NEBRASKA-IOWA ELECTRICAL COUNCIL . ----- ----- i ^ , Physicians receive training through funds made available to the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis by the March of Dimes, January 15-30. Five of the six Negro physicians now studying under National Foundation grants are shown above. They are, left to right: Dr. Alonzo S. Yerby, studying at Howard University; Dr. Thomas Campbell, Jr., at City Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio; Dr. Margaret M. Lawrence, at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons; Dr. Oliver W. Crawford at Children’s Memorial Hospital and Provident Hospital, Chicago, 111.; and Dr. Colbert S. Davis, the University of Iowa. Not shown is Dr. Kobert D. Nesbitt, the University of Illinois. I Big New Style Btok FREE I WIGS | W# art ont of fht k oldttf distributors r of Colortd Worr tn's hair, daalinq i dirtct for o*ar 35 yaars with thou sands of satisflad cuitomars. I t»E(C I I HlN V . JW IN HAIR GOODS PAGE BOYS, • CHIGNONS • SWITCHES MARCEL IRONS STRAIGHTENING COMBS • PINCERS BEAUTY AIDS • COSMETICS LOWEST PRICES Write for FREE Holr Sfylo Book HUMANIA HAIR CO. Dopt. "12" 303 Fourth Avo. « Now York 10, N. Y. i PIGGY BANKERS Pete's made a touch- t can make my own tad f down on an end run, and get paid for , it, too! \ P ’ iHF PIGGY BANKERS —-- -~~ Judy's right, and meat dealers ^ pay for every pound of used fat we turn in. > SOUIRE EDGEGATE’ —The Driver Adds Insult _ . -- -_^BY LOUIS RICHARD ---\ r~ f htc vehtu*t to 1 I (That* tust >t u CA+IT VEh* I -Out I trvAS \ That t rvA*\ I you* *o~v*. pc, r t THAT I ^TC,'r EtCEEOtAGr \ /rOT SrloVIH* ~TH>HH O F~ ,J?ZL7o5t*** h- 5®»w W|s°t VO R>}x OvtR \ YJrf?* t-7 H-OafR^L- Row OVER. AT HI* UWTroRTUsyATL }C/^£,£P"i& -T>TZT— TH RATE OT t- (. <4-/*fe « SjyA»-^ 'S7?\ TwO milE* -- \Jper Na a‘\ p [ SQUlRE^EDGEGATE^youTt Excuse t6c Squire’s Language Under the Grcumstances__BY LOUIS RICH/ ’Ji 'SQuiPE$ FiH/)LLV^\ Cf)±L f'GH't- / CW 5EEM SPEED DEvl.- X ciuc-m 7V/)T ^PE£o\ 1 lr^ 5^9U6«7e<?° To fffS'ST srfppj ' kvELC U* /O FIEND TH0T5, B/A# 1 V«fri#^vWeD »N* -/N6 ON TM 6^' F £ VOU *-50 2-° ^PjL.rpvfr oo« TOW* l K*16^** ) rv.Exos top BE1" ** *IDE OPEN />T I V y Cflit /vie TN „ r. . H,**ZL-Z—S ^~TT--< / p££dDe3/L/J d H£lJ^-y . _ /fTN £?> **' / SQUIRE EDGECATE-And of Course He Va the Author._ Kv im» GRLt'f To HQSE /yyHOO'P-^E THERE VCU / those. <5«<>*£> children >. / f)RE-~ T£x.t_ grhmd j / 6/S.T LJS-TH£y/7£ >9i<*4Dy i P0P KVH^T>9l-t VOUV£ I Th' X.IFE OF TH' /HEiOHBORHeeo V'BEEH I>0//><0 TOD*} y J \^YVITH) -/ > ^ H SQUIRE EDGEGATE -The Constable Was UacwroaiMig. by muis'kichakdI f Timothy- HERE* /)7rf)CHr*E.*'r FOR t)n OFFICE T(jOlt. 7W/JT Al/? SXQOtr* Ff)iLlO TO -Pf)* FOR- HE S /)N f)RTFUU EJODC-E? "But pont xEt him ^quirmi out of J.ETTi*IO you HWZ *7 Tw MONty of? ZETA PHI BETA SORORITY FINER WOMANHOOD CELEBRATION Who willl be the outstanding wo man of the year? The Zeta Phi Beta Sorority prrescnts, each year an award to the outstand ing woman of the year as part of their celebration of Finer Womanhood Week. Beta Psi Zeta and Tau Alpha Chap ters of Omaha are now launchcing their observation of Finer Woman hood Week by presiding the details for selecting Omaha’s Outstanding Wo man of the Year. Requisites: That she be a woman who has con tributed to the upbuilding of the ccommunity through her volunteer ef forts, aside frrom line of duty or who through some hunmanitarian act has furthered the cause of humanity. Also that her religious and moral life is beyond reproach. All churches, clubs, organizations, and individuals are privileged to sub mit their candidates. This they do by filling in the coupon appearing each week from January 16 to February 13 in the Omaha Negro newspapers, and sending their vote or coupon to the Zeta Phi Beta Contest H.Q. 2407 Lake street. Votes must be in by February 15 as the judges will need time for their selection. [ The presentation of the Woman of the Year will take place at Pilgrim Baptist i Church, February 29th, at which time Rey. Chas. E. Tyler, of Hillside Church and a Phi Beta Sigma will deliver the Finer Womanhood sermon at 11 a. m. Later during the first week of March the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority at a festive affair will present the Zeta award to the chosen Out standing Woman of the Year. Get your coupons in early, solicit friends to supPortiyour choise of the Woman of the Year. ZETA PHI BETA SORORITY FINER WOMANHOOD Miss Mrs. is my selection for the Outstanding Woman of the Year. Submitted by Ad No. B-48-2 in. x 35 lines HILL0.1 LIGHT L SK1N/J Dr. FRED Palmer’s SKIN WHITENER Say "goodbye” to tanned, darkened, weather beaten skin. Beautify minor blemishes and rough skin externally caused. NEW trial offer should begin to produce results and lighten your complexion in 7 days or your money back. Get 25c or 50c “Dr. FRED Palmer's Skin Whitener,” at your druggists. Use as directed. If not satisfied, your money back. For FREE TRIAL send 10c to cover postage, handling to Galenol Co., Dept. B, Box 264, Atlanta, Ga. . *.-. _J Electrical Transportation The electric bill for running the nation's subways, street cars and trolley coaches amounted to more than 42 million dollars last year. CLIp CURLING IRON w,th ,pnn« t f 21* in handle. Complct*-full price — brass _ BRASS COMB— $ | 5ft "Sgjjylh. Wood or irire handle MARCEL IRON — Plain or Rolling J I 7.1 _Handl—, Price I FREE 9 ■ m PRESSING COMPOUND With Order SEND NO MONEY Pay Postman Full Amount on Delivery H. K. COMPANY BOX *163 DEPT. 97 RICHMOND, VA. OIL STOVE burns kerosene *2” ♦ . _ -I 11.1 - NOVEL CARD , f PARTY TABLE ) This attractive table setting for your bridge or gin rummy party is as pretty as a picture yet requires no lavish expenditure of either time or money. The table covering is of natural linen to accent the gaily colored square pottery plates, and the miniature playing cards carry out the party motif. The cards are cut and mounted atop the glass straws. Side dishes may hold nuts and raisins or assorted thin-cut sandwiches. To add interest to the refreshment menu. Pineapple Nec-' tar is an ideal beverage. Easy to prepare and serve, it is made ac cording to the following recipe: / " • PINEAPPLE NECTAR ( 1J ij|. 4 cups unsweetened pineapple juice] •S5;. 6 cups Roma Claret t J cj Vz cup lemon juice V ■■ p> ' 2 cups sparkling watef? »< 'Chill the pineapple juice,''wine’‘ and sparkling water. Combine in ai water pitcher or punch bowl. Add-' the lemon juice, and sugar to taste. Garnish with lemon slices. Fill glasses % full. Serves 8 to 12. j