The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, January 10, 1948, Image 1

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Time To Be Happy!
Christmastide is the one time in
the year when we should all be as
happy as a boy with a bright new
sled. So let’s light up our faces
and our hearts when we light up
our trees, and here’s wishing for
you and your family the happiest
Christmas you’ve ever had.
By Dr. Wesley Jones
Urban League Health Committee
Already a number of physicians
were called to treat abdominal pain
and stress during Thanksgiving. Ob
viously we anticipate many more cases
during the holidays because of the
generally highly seasoned and fatty
content of the numerous kinds of
foods which will be eaten. However,
they are so succulent and palatable
that one can easily over do.
I saw in Rome the spacious dining
halls m which the Epicureans had
their feasts. While for the most part
these are the1 ruins of Rome you can
still see the huge basins the Romans
used to empty their already gorged
stomachs so that they might eat more.
You remember the philosophy of Epi
The normal capacity of the average
stomach is about three pints. My
brother (my drinking brother) can
within a short time, imbibe that much
liquid refreshments. When more than
this is consumed digestion is upset,
cures “Eat, Drink and Be Merry, for
Tomorrow We Die.” My friend Law
rence Lewis told me about the starv
ing thousands of India. Sometimes I
think it is just as bad to be over nour
ished as it is to be undernourished.
However, this pouch, the stomach,
can be distended due to its ability to
It is still true that an ounce of pre
vention is worth more than a pound
of cure. The amounts, kinds and mix
tures of foods and drinks taken in by
the body plays an important part in
digestion. Excessive amounts of alco
holic beverages interfere with normal
behavior of the stomach by modify
ing or destroying the gastrical juices.
It would be better to refrain entirely
from such a drinking pattern if one is
to maintain good health and a feeling
of well being.
By H. W. Smith, Ha. 0800
U. S. Senator Vandenberg says
“Loaning our what your needed is not
a good policy.
U. S. Senator Taft any country
badly displaces it credit in helping
another country.
Walter Winchell paid a fine tribute
to the late and great Dr. Washington
Carver on December 28th on his
coast to coast broadcasts.
United Cabs are out in front with
phones in all cabs.
Trabs are trying to keep the Jewish
people out of Palestine.
President Truman made two visits
to hospitals on Christmas day.
By H. W. Smith, Ha. 0800
All hotels and clubs reported em
ployes rendering good service on the
Christmas and the New Year. Orchids
to you waiters that gave such fine
service on these two days.
The Omaha Chamber of Commerce
sponsored a very lovely Christmas
dinner for the dining and kitchen em
ployes on Wednesday, December 24.
It was a very delightful fellowship
group. The music king and head
waiter, Simon Harold and the chef
cook Dick Bortholem were showered
with gifts.
Omaha Athletic Club waiters top
ping the service at this club.
Paxton hotel waiters on the front
line on service.
Fontenelle hotel, Blackstone hotel,
and Omaha club waiters going good
on splendid service to the guest.
Miss Asiline Dotson of Kansas City,
Kansas and Miss Wilbur Chew are
visiting relatives here in Omaha. Miss
Chew now resides in Washington,
D. C.
Civil Service Examination Announced
for Laborer Positions in the Post
Office Custodial Service
Miss Rena B. Smith, Director,
Eighth U. S. Civil Service Region, an
nounced today that applications for
probational (career) appointments to
the position of Laborer (Custodial
Service) at the Omaha, Nebraska Post
Office would be accepted until the
close of business January 22, 1948.
Custodial positions are restricted by
law to persons entitled to veteran
preference. In the event that prefer
ence eligibles are not available, ap
pointments may be made of non
The entrance salary is $1,700 a
year with periodic increases of $100 a
year until the maximum salary of
$2,300 a year is reached. No written
examination is required. In order to
meet minimum qualifications appli
cants must have had at least 6 months’
experience in manual work above the
grade of mere common or unskilled
labor, or janitorial or cleaning duties.
Full information and application
forms are available from the Civil
Service Secretary at the Omaha, Ne
braska Post Office.
The state-wide kick-off meeting of
the Nebraska March of Dimes cam
paign will be held next Friday night,
January 9, at the Joslyn Memorial
when Chancellor R. G. Custavson of
the University of Nebraska at Lincoln
and state chairman of the March of
Dimes, will be the principal speaker.
Doctor Gustavson, internationally
known also because of his atomic
work, will speak on the research that
is being done in the infantile paralysis
The meeting, which will be open to
the public, is being sponsored jointly
by the Douglas County Chapter of
the National Foundation for Infantile
Paralysis and the March of Dimes
campaign committee.
The March of Dimes this year will
run from January 15 to Jaruary 30.
“The cost of fighting polio has sky
rocketed,” Tracy J. Peycke, chairman
of this year’s Douglas County drive
said this week, in pointing out that
rising prices and mounting polio inci
dence have placed a tremendous bur
den on the resources of the National
“A big share of the cost goes- to
ward the research work that is being
done in trying to isolate the germ that
is responsible for the dreaded infan
tile paralysis,” Mr. Peycke added.
“Chancellor Gustavson is well in
formed on this phase of the work and
will present a highly interesting re
Mr. Owen J. Boyles, Assistant Di
rector of the Motor Vehicle Division
advises all motorists that 1943 li
cense plates will be on sale, January
2, and such plates are required to be
purchased and displayed on vehicles
before February 1, 1948, otherwise
the operator is subject to arrest for
being improperly registered.
He also advises that farm tractors
and trailers operated over the high
ways of this state must both be prop
erly licensed.
Illustrations and Cartoonists
Draft Appeals for March of Dimes
Major illustrators and cartoonists
for racial weeklies have assured the
National Foundation for Infantile!
Paralysis through Jay Jackson, Chi-1
cjgo artist, that their pens and
brushes again will join the fight
against infantile paralysis, the great
crippling disease.
In past years this group of men and
women have dramatized the appeal of I
the March of Dimes, annual fund- (
raising effort of the National Founda-1
tion. This year the March of Dimes;
Campaign will be held January 15-30'
in observance of the tenth anniversary.
of the National Foundation’s appeal. ]
Visits Brother on One '
Hundred Birthday
Mrs. Lunda Davis of 2530 Grant
Street is visiting her brother Rev. G.
R. Wheeler in Toledo, Ohio. Rev.
Wheeler celebrated his one hundred1
birthday Christmas Day.
Away From Home During
Christmas Holiday
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lilliard, 2923
Erskine St. returned Tuesday morn
ing, December 30, 1947 from a
Christmas holiday in Kansas City, Mo.
They spent Christmas Day at a family
gathering of thirty-six at the home of
On the 26th they spent the day in
Higginsville, Mo. Sunday, December
28th they were the house guests of
Mrs. G. Carter, their hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. Plummer Woods at Lex
ington, Mo. worshipping at the First
Baptist church. In the afternoon they
drove over to Henerreta, Mo., driving
over the new bridge that crosses over
to this city.
Held Golden Wedding Anniversary
Sunday, December 28
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Battles, Oma
ha residents since 1911, celebrated
the 50th year of their marriage on
Sunday, December 28, 1947 at the
Northside Branch Y. W. C. A. The
couple tyfis hobo red at a reception
given by their children, Miss Evelyn
Battles of Omaha, Mr. Fortune Bat
tles of 2624 Blondo, and Mrs. Louis
Doby who came from Washington,
D. C. to be with her mother and
father on this memorable occasion.
Seventy-five guests greeted the
happy couple. A marriage ceremony
to renew the vows, taken by Mr. and
Mrs. Battles in 1897, was conducted
by Rev. E. B. Childress of St. Johns
A. M. E. Church.
Decorations for the reception con
. sisted of yellow and white chrysanthe
i mums. The table was covered with a
1 lace banquet cloth. A three-tiered
wedding cake was the main attraction.
Gold-trimmed chrystal candlebra and
a beautiful centerpiece of chrysanthe
mums completed the table appoint
Many useful and beautiful gifts
were received by Mr. and Mrs. Bat
tles; these were on display at the re
Assisting at the affair were Mrs.
Joseph Taylor, Mrs. Lynwood Hall,
Mrs. Ceiler Beard, Mrs. Celesta Wig
gins, Mrs. Doreene Holliday, and Mrs.
Mae B. Taylor.
The Inter-Denominational Pastors
Wives Council held its Annual Xmas
Dinner Party December 17, at the
beautiful home of Rev. and Mrs. John
The tables were beautifully decor
ated by Mrs. Anna Lee Williams with
fruits and candles and Xmas tree
Following the dinner, the 1948'
officers Were installed by the Rev.
C. C. Reynolds. The officers: Mrs.
Mary Reynolds, president; Mrs. Man
illa Copeland, Vice-president; Mrs.
Kathryn Steele, secretary; Mrs. Gol
den Brooks, Asst, secretary; Mrs. Har
riet Blestson, treasurer; Mrs. Hazel
Reynolds, parliamentarian; Mrs. Clara
Williams, reporter; Mrs. Marguerite
Bryant, critic; Mrs. Mamie Johnson,
The council presented a gift to
Mrs. Hazel Reynolds, retiring presi
dent, after which gifts were exchanged
and Christmas carols were sung by
the group.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert P. Davis^rom
Detroit, Michigan spent last Wednes
day here in Omaha. They had at
tended the funeral of Mr. Davis’
father, H. Gomez Davis Sr.
Their small son, John Phillip Da
vis, satyed with his grandmother, Mrs.
Vera Johnson ir\ Adrian, Michigan.
Mr. Davis is a former member of
the Omaha Guide staff.
Mrs. Hazel Green of San Francisco,
California is spending her Christmas
vacation in Omaha with her mother,
Mrs. Gertrude Robbins, 2819 N. 28
Ave. Mrs. Green is the former Hazel
Jackson. Her stay in Omaha is in
definite. She has been enjoying her
self tremendously.
) NEW YORK, JAN. .5—Dr. Reuben
|G. Gustavson, chancellor of the Uni
[ versity of Nebraska, and Dr. Rowland
; Haynes, president of the University of
, Omaha, have joined the presidents of i
1172 leading colleges who have issued
i a call for Negro students to apply for
ten thousand scholarships. These pres
idents comprise the Board o fthe Col
lege Scholarship Fund for Negro Stu
The Fund helps Negro students toi
'finance their education at 968 inter
racial, non-segregated institutions. Ac
cording to Fund officials, few Negro
j students realize that thousands of
scholarships are available to them.
Students are urged to send their
names and addresses to the College
Scholarship Fund for Negro Students,
Room 462, 360 West 122nd Street,
New York 27, N.Y. The Fund is sup
ported b voluntary contributions and
therefore offers its services free of
Mr. Peter Watkins, 77 years, 1315 j
Pacific Street, expired January 2nd at!
a local hospital. Mr. Watkins hadi
been a resident of Omaha twelve i
years and was a member of St. John s
Baptist Church. He is survived by
two sons, Mr. James Watkins, Mr. Jo
seph Watkins, two daughters, Mrs.
I Millie Carter, Mrs. Fannie Beckwith,
lone sister, Mrs. Lucy Walker, all of
Omaha. Funeral services were held
Wednesday afternoon from St. John
Baptist Church with Rev. E. D. John-1
son officiating. Burial was at Pros-!
pect Hill Cemetery with arrangements
by Thomas Mortuary.
Mr. Thomas A. Buster, 47 years,
2210 Seward Plaza, died Saturday
January 3rd at a local hospital. Mr.
Buster had been a resident of Omaha
twenty-seven years. He is survived by
his wife, Mrs. Lillie Buster, two
daughters, Miss Thelma Lee Buster,
Miss Maxine Buster, two sons, Mr.
Curtiss Buster, Thomas Buster, Jr.,
two step daughters, Miss Ernestine
Williams, Miss Catherine Williams,
all of Omaha, sister, Mrs. Martha
Brown, brother, Mr. Edmond Buster,
of Chicago, Illinois. Funeral services
were held Tuesday afternoon from
I Thomas Mortuary with Rev. E. D.
Johnson officiating with burial at
Prospect Hill Cemetery.
The Rev. F. C. Williams of the
Zion Baptist church and his choir
open the 1948 Union Service at the
St. John’s A. M. E. Church, 22nd
Willis Ave. on Sunday January 4,
1948. The Rev. Williams’ subject of
hi ssermon for this occasion was “Give
Me Wings” and his text was from the
6th verse and 55th Psalms. In the
course of his inspiring message he
brought out the fact that it is a bless
ing that we are able to go to God to
get assistance in solving our many
problems. Accession Mrs. G. Wade
too St. John’s A. M. E. Church.
Churches this year in the Union
Services are as follows: Hillside Pres
byterian church, Rev. Charles E. Ty
ler, Zion Baptist Church, Rev. F. C.
Williams, Cleaves Temple C. M. E.
Church, Rev. Raines, St. John’s A. M.
E. church, Rev. E. B. Childress, Clair
Chapel Methodist church, Rev. C. C.
Reynolds, and Bethel A. M. E. church,
Rev. H. W. Bletson.
Other ministers assisting: Rev. F.
S. Goodlett, Rev. Cooley, and Rev.
Visiting minister. Rev. J. J. Johnson
Jr., Supervisor of the District cover
ing Cleaves Temple of Omaha.
The Union Services for Sunday
January 11, 1948 will be at the Zion
Baptist church with the Rev. H. W.
Bletson delivering the message and
his choir furnishing the spiritual mu
sic for the evening.
C. W. Mead, President of the Oma
ha YMCA Board of Directors and
Charles F. Davis, Chairman of Com
mittee of Management, Near North
Side Branch YMCA, have anuounced
January 10 as the moving date for the
Near North Side Branch “Y” to the
Omaha Urban League Building.
The Board of Directors of the
Omaha Urban League in seeking l
quarters for their work agreed to lease
the Omaha Urban League Building,
on a temporary basis to the Board of
Directors of the Omaha YMCA for
use by the Near North Side Branch
The Near North Side Branch YMCA
has been operating for the past year
in a small store room located at 2307
North 24th Street, and using the fa
cilities of the other agencies in the
The Urban League Building in
cludes a small gymnasium, craft room,
two offices, auditorium, kitchen, li
brary, and two club meeting rooms.
These facilities will enable the “Y” to
be of more service to the community
as well as develop an all round Young
l Men’s Christian Association Program.
Ry Eugene Skinner
Principal Long School
Member, Urban League Educational
Intelligent citizens have the strong
est of motives for working to improve
community life—the affection which
they bear for children and the hope
that children of today may be privi
leged to live in a more enlightened
and humane world than we have ever
known. Parents, teachers, and other
interested persons have the power to
build that world if they are willing to
act as a single-minded, united body
for the attainment of well-chosen
Let us briefly examine the aims of
| the P.T.A. and the four point pro
Igram which they have set up to real
; ize these aims. First the PTA aims “to
! promote the welfare of children and
i youth in home, school, church and
community.” Secondly it strives “to
secure adequate laws for the care and
protection of children and youth.”
Third it aims “to bring into closer re
lation the home and the school that
parents and teachers may cooperate
intelligently in the training of the
child. Fourth it would aim “to de
velop between educators and the gen
eral public such united efforts as will
secure for every child the highest ad
vantages in physical, mental, social
and spiritual education.”
The home in which the child finds
security and wise direction and where
the parents find satisfaction is the
home which is not likely to be faced
wfith the problem of juvenile delin
quency. Especially is there a need for
strengthening ties between church and
home if we are to inculcate in tomor
row s citizens the high ideals so neces
sary for the preservation of our de
The objectives enumerated above
are not abstract, or visionary but very
! obtainable goals which can be real
ized by earnest, well-planned, and in
tegrated activity. That they may re
ceive impetus, it is the privilege and
duty of every interested citizen to
affiliate with his neighborhood PTA
and, after joining, become intelligent
with the necessary legislation which
will make for the best possible schools
for our boys and girls.
The Omegas held their Annual
Christmas Party Friday evening, De
cember 19, 1947 at the Northside Y.
W. C. A., 22nd and Grant St. from
8 to 12 p. m.
The ballroom was beautifully dec
orated with gay Christmas colors in
keeping with the holiday season and
the festive mood of those in attend
An evening of dancing and part
taking of a delicious repast occupied
pleasure of those in attendance. Ev
eryone present seemed to be enjoying
himself and herself thoroughly.
, Mr. and Mrs. M. Devereaux Jr.,
2209 No. 25 St. had as their Pre
holiday guest Mrs. Lilly Davenport
and her daughter, Mrs. Agnes Wil
liams from Chicago, Illinois. These
two ladies stopped at the Devereaux’s
home on their way back to their home
in Chicago after spending about six
weeks on the West Coast.
Sunday they were taken on a tour
of our city and out to Boys Town
after which they were served a deli
cious dinner by their host and hostess.
Both ladies expressed to their host
and hostess their appreciation of the
warm hospitality extended them while
in Omaha.
If it were possible for me to say
just three words to every youngster
growing up in the United States
today, those words would be: “Get
an education.”
* * • i
A friend of mine has a magic way
to cure a black mood—one of those
deep feelings of depression exper-\
ienced by all of us at one time or[
another. He does some one thing
—however slight—that will bring
happiness to someone else. J
« « ft.
Fred, the old letter carrier in our
neighborhood, stopped the other
morning to have his say about the
country-wide Eat Less campaign.
“Some folks are too fat. They can
eat less. Others are too thin, but
they can eat less too ’cause no mat- i I
ter what they eat it doesn’t seem to
make much difference, usually. The
rest of us don’t need any reason to
eat less except that other folks are
going hungry."
* * *
It’s never too soon to repeat
this old familiar advice: “Drive
your car as if your life depend*]
ed upon it. It does.”
Mentally 111 in America
Approximately seven million per
sons in the United States are men
tally ill and their care costs the
public more than 175 million dollars
a year.
< ,
j|_Endorse March of Dimesj
National leaders urge support of the tenth annual March of Dimes, January 15-30. (Left to right, top
row): Mrs. Thomasina Johnson, Minority Groups Section, United States Employment Service, Wash
ington, D C.; Dr. J. A. C Lattimore, president. National Medical Association, Louisville, Ky.: Mrs.
Robert Williams, regional director, National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa, Birmingham, Ala.; (bot
tom row) Joseph F. Albright, Special Assistant to Administrator, Veterans Administration, Wash
ington. D. C.; Mrs. Jessie Vann, Treasurer, Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Dr. J. H. Brodhead.
'•»* ’•—-ricnn Trs**, ®r« Association, Philadelphia, Pa. 0
| jl__ Fellowship Winners|
March of Dimes funds enable the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis to provide fellowships
i for training medical social workers, health educators, orthopedic nurses, and physical therapists.
Shown above are representatives of these four fields in which twelve Negro students hold Na
tional Foundation fellowships. Left to right: Gilbert Rivers, studying physical therapy at New York
University; Mrs. Pauline F. Norville, medical social work at Howard University; Mrs. Mildred
r Catchings, orthopedic nursing at Northwestern University; and Thomas E. Roberson, health /
v cation at North Carolina State College, Durham, N. C. >
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Extend Gravy
Canned mushrooms and their
juice not only add to the flavor of
gravies, but also extend the gravy.
Chinese Rice Poor
Because of poor milling, shipping
and cooking practices, Chinese rice
is of inferior quality.
Vitamin Stockpile
Vitamin A for winter health it
supplied in large quantities
through eating fall greens.
Strengthen Pockets
Strengthen pockets at the corners
with a few stitches to keep from
Dimes Provide Care and Training
Patients at Knickerbocker Hospital, New York City, learning ti
mold clay. While recuperating from infantile paralysis, patients
indulge in rehabilitative training. The March of Dimes, January
15-30, provides funds for care and training without regard to age
race, creed, or color.
I WRAPPED-IN blue and
GROCER-AD\. 5 , ///ij.i/il