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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1947)
FAMOUS PHILCO "1201” Here it is . . . the sensation that swept the nation ... so simple, you can play it blindfolded! Ends fussing with tone arms, needles, lids, controls. Just slide in a record . . . and it plays! It’s a pow erful radio, too... in graceful hardwood cabinet. Try it today! CONSOU AUTOMATIC" PH I LCO "1262”. Beauty and performance far beyond its modest price! Velvet-Smooth Philco Automatic Record Changer plays 10 twelve-inch or 12 ten-inch records quietly, gently. Feather weight Tone Arm... no needles to change ! Power ful radio. Permanent magnet dynamic speaker f for gorgeous tone on radio and records. Smart, streamlined Walnut Tilt-Front Cabinet. Great value! See it now . ; . while supply lasts! Come In • «. See our Display of 1948 Philcos j PHILIPS Department Store 24th & O’ Streets _ Telephone—MArket 2600 STATE FURNITURE WONDERFUL NEW KIND OF RADIO-PHONOGRAPH CONSOLE! PHILCO 1260. Yes, it’s new for 1948 . : . an amazing radio-phonograph value in a stunning Mahogany console of classic design! Plays records with that famous Philco quick, easy-to-operate mechanism. Powerful, sensitive radio reception. Rich, full tone on both radio or records. A truly outstanding value at the price. See it—try it now! SENSATIONAL VALUE AT $129.95 AMAZING NEW PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH B slide in a record and it p'0*5* _ PHILCO 1200. New, sensationalperfect fot young folks, parties, dancing! Just slide a record in..;' and it plays! Wonderful tone. Easy to carry Alligator grminleatherette luggage-type " case. Automatic lock, sturdy $49. 95 handle. Come carry onehome I : NEW MODERN BEAUTY , PHILCO 200. Here’s utmost quality at its price! Powerful AC-DC superheterodyne circuit, permanent magnet speaker, built-in aerial. Smart brown plastic with glowing Easy-View Dial. Underwriter. tP 1Q Q ^ •approved. An amazing buy I yly CT«TC FURNITURE CO. “ U m 14th & DODGE STREETS CLASSIF1DED ADS Get Results Launderers and Cleaners EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th St. WE 6055 LYCAN & RANKIN guarantee all of <heir furnace repairs. Call ATlantic j 5029. MARY’S CHICKEN HUT, 2722 North 30th Street., JA 8946. Our Chicken Dinners are something to crow about Robert Jones, prop. NEW AND USED FURNITURE IDEAL FURNITURE MART 2511-13 North 24th — 24th & Lake St. WEbster 2224 REAL ESTATE LOANS F. E. WATTERS 234 Brandies Theater Bldg PHONE JA 3393 FOR SALE: 40 Dresses. All Kinds. Sizes from 40 to 50 Many Beautiful dresser scarfs. 10 to 15 pairs of ladiics style shoes size 7. Call at 2435 Blondo St. I ARMY SURPLUSH Waltham Bulova Wrist Watches $215° Waterproof! Shockproof! Sweep Second Hand Radium Black Dial 16-Jewel ■ MAIL ORDERS FILLED i i MARCUS COMPANY I . 320 N. 16th AT 8840 | Omaha Z, Nebraska GROSS JEWELRY & LOAN CO. . PHON5 JA 4635 formerly at— 24th and Erskine NEW LOCATION 516 North 10th l~ “/« Pays To Look WelP’ MAYO’S BARBER SHOT Ladies and Children's Work A Specialty 2422 Lake Street 5SSt5=^SagE5!SEJ5gE5K!3ag53Sg53Sg53B^JSgC3a; CMt NEW YEAR THULL PHARMAIY 2402 CUMINS ST. AT-’160 PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery Duffy Pharmacy -WE-0609— 24tli & Lake Sts. I—' ■ " LAKE SHOE SERVICE Now Is The Time To Get Your Shoes RebuiltI Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work 2407 Lake Street Men, Women! Old at 40,50,60! Get Pep EfelYeareYoungcr, Full of Vim gg^as«&.,s8S3?ipSS&sas Ostrex has done. Contains tonlo many need at 40 tv. °ld eolely because low in iron! uwS*”™*^1** Kxlay Be delighted with new pey. younger XeeUng — or your money ^3ag55!K!5S!38a3!5*Ra3!WWg5SSAJ!»»: ft ft | Seasons Greetings | jjf J. G. GARAGE g | 2104 North 24th Street fi | JA. 1850 | K£££S3£SSJKSSSK£SS!&£382i's>S8£5KSlg5£l&£. essacaisa^ESKSsKsassKssKsassK^ai ft R 1 I l s | Best wishes to all. | | Livestock National Bank g ?! 4840 South 24th Street ?E ! MA 4840 I S * 1 8 I \ ^~V“r^ • ” . ,•. ’ * ;• jl r«# ton enjoy - ?\ AUTOMATIC SLEEPING COMFORT! I ' I _ . I i i Automatic Blanket — gives blissful, nightlong warmth, every night. Bedside Control keeps sleeping temperature "just right — automatically! No more guessing as to how many blankets to put on before retiring. Priced at only s $39.95 ( Now you can have sweet, undisturbed sleep every night, all night — and keep the windows wide open in cold weather! The G-E Automatic Blanket adjusts automatically to weather changes, and you know how it does change in the winter. (All you do is set the Bedside Control, once a season.) Gives the warmth of three blankets with the downy-light weight of only one. Pre warms your bed, too. Average operating cost, only a few penjiies a night. 72x86 inches. Fits any bed. Lush shades—blue, rose, green, cedar. Lux urious satin bindings. Select yours, now. (Two-control Automatic Blankets also available at §00.00.) Launders beautifully. Carefully made j to rigid General Electric safety stand- I ards, and approved by Underwriter*’j Laboratories, Inc, ___,.Ji 1 Glide through your cleaning with this new LIGHTWEIGHT A, - . . ' f CLEANER ,6X93 r —>w *s. EASY TO USFI The powerful beating and sweeping action coaxes out dirt and grit— Quickly, easily, and fhor oughty. Exclusive toe-tip nozzle regulator adjusts the cleaner to any rug thickness, with the tip of your toe. EASY ON YOU! Made of handsome aluminum. It’s lightwei ght — streamlined — easy to guide around. Accor dion-top bag is dustproof— ?. easy to empty. A EASILY YOUR BEST BUYI Everything you want for cleaning convenience— perfected by years of G-E research 1 and experience! EASY TO SEEI Stop in today and try this new G-E Cleaner. Ccpnpajje be fore you buy!/ — --et-Y _ -l 0 L ★ Genuine Armstrong FM , A 6 Band Radio ★ Sure-action Record Changer ★ Storage *» 1W records ★ 12" Dyenyeeer Speaks' I 549.50 You’ll be proud to own this superb instrument with its glorious natural color tone from both radio and records, its lovely French Provincial styled mahogany; cabinet and sensationally beautiful record reproduction. SELF-CHARGING PORTABLE RADIO Renews its power over and over again Of course it’s more fun to play this sensational new portable. With this set you don’t have the trouble and expense of regular battery replacements. Its compact leak-proof airplane type storage battery renews its power whenever you plug it in to AC house current. Then it recharges even while it plays. Stores up power for more hours of use—anywhere. And the battery has an 18 month guarantee. You’ve never heard such tone in a _ 2*0 portable before. Or such clean-cut tuning. All the programs you (£OQ usually get on a big set at home. M*'*S^****J^S ' And it’s yours for only . . . r WERNER Paint & Wallpaper ^_ TELEPHONE at. 4744