_ 'EMBEK20, 1947 tMERRY CHRISTMAS | AND A HAPPY g NEW YEAR 3 from ] ROYAL | RAKERY & DELICATESSEN WE-6400 1511 NORTH 24th STREET I No matter what the language the spirit of J Christmas is the same j everywhere ... in France > in Holland, in Sweden . . > and the good old U. S. | « A. As you celebrate this f B joyous season in spiritual | R companionship with peo- | I pie of good will all over * the world, lit is our hope I that this Christmas ot I 1947 will be the merriest 1 you have ever enjoyed. REV. IRVING 1 GAINES RODDY i I First Baptist Church \ | 29th Ave. and Harney HA-5463 J I I k wuue oiaiiwortn > | PORTER: Charles Turner 8 3 1 2422 LAKE STREET CHAS. B. MAYO, Proprietor l»SS»S5J5gtKa5as5»gt3af5J8S5JSgt»33as 1 8 | - TtoyvU' | ■_ | | CHRISTMAS ! I IHARLEY‘S ] Furnace Service 1809 Spencer Street 1 j | jaj5Jt»5»5as55SS53as5B55S55SSSS«SS j I ' OMAHA SUGAR LANE j | CANDY COMPANY 1 2929 Q STREET wishes all of their customers a Happy Christinas and New Year May you all enjoy the blessings and prosperity you have reaped. Alcohol From lUnsnii Alcoholic beverages have been; le from bananas. Some years J banana whisky experiments j conducted in Guatemala. Ba- j nana wine from fully ripe fruit al-f 6 lowed to ferment in water was 1 ! known in the West Indian island of! 1 Barbados as early as 1657. Dena-8 | tured alcohol from bananas is an 9 Hi age-old possibility. g L World’s Oldest City § rly 8,000 years,! ige of Mersin in 8 he most ancient | covered, was un- J Prof. John Gar-1 gist | EKSXSSSBSSK 5 .*| 1 AMERRYCHRISTMAS J WE KNOW OF NO BETTER || g TIME THAN CHRISTMAS TO f| | GIVE RECOGNITION TO OUR ll | MANY FRIENDS WHO HAVE || | CONTRIBUTED SO GREATLY || I TO OUR SUCCESS DURING || | THE PAST YEAR. |g | FROM ALL OF US ONCE MORE jj i TO YOU, WHETHER YOU ARE 1 | $ OUR CUSTOMER OF- . . 8 ; _ A MERRY CHRISI 1 HINK Y DINKY; II th ANd jOneS St! Cbmpanv 5 2036 FARNAM HA. 6090 5 «BaBaB8£5S«ssat£atsa£3KS3Ba£sax J R PRESCRIPTIONS S Free Delivery | Duffy Pharmacy I -WE-0609— 24th & Lake Sts. '■ LAKE SHOE SERVICE Note Is The Time To Get Your Shoes Rebuilt/ Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work 2407 Lake Street —1 ' ■ m 1 i I ; Men,Women! Old at! i i t i i i ! | i ' ! [ The stork depositing the young cherub is the tradi- $ tional symbol of the New $ Year. § Just as traditional is our » old-time wish for all our « old-time friends; That good g health, good cheer, good S friends and good fortune $ may be your lot in g 1948! | I . i * \ Nebraska Furniture 1 l " Mart | 1 I e 2205 FARNAM ST AT 3939 $ A « 8 8 I 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 | a Another a | New YeorS I u There's a lift of the spirit, | a wanning of the heart! f. ft There's laughter and youA § ,s • . . sixty joins hands with g; § twenty, and on this day the g old grew young and youth I g throws off the grasp of time. ‘ij | On this happy occasion ^ § wi wish fat you the vmr | X best that life afiardsl § | AK-SARJ N I | City Fuel Company | X mt \lv us lava p«* wi 8 X I X 8“ I l I I I I I ! 1 CLASSIFIDED ADS Get Results Launderers and Qeaners EDHOLM A SHERMAN 2401 North 24th St. WE 6055 LYCAN A RANKIN guarantee all of their furnace repairs. Call ATlantic 5029. MARY'S CHICKEN HUT, 2722 North 30th Street., JA 8946, Our Chicken Dinners are something to crow about. Robert Jones, prop. NEW AND USED FURNITURE IDEAL FURNITURE MART 251113 North 24th — 24th A Lake St. WEbster 2224 REAL ESTATE LOANS F. E. WATTERS 234 Brandies Theater Bldg PHONE JA 3393 FOR SALE: 40 Dresses. All Kinds. Sizes from 40 to 50 Many Beautiful dresser scarfs. 10 to 15 pairs of ladiies style shoes size 7. Call at 2435 Blondo St. Wanted: Man or woman for janitor service. Apply in personjdrsl Cenv ent Stone Co. 3tlst and Spaulding St. Natural Mink coat. Finger-tip length. Size 12.14. Worn very few times. A sac rifice at $275. Call HA. 5746 FOR RENT—One large and one small! room. 2509 Maple Street. GROSS! JEWELRY & 1 LOAN CO. | - PHONE JA 4635 | 2$ formerly at— g 24th and Erskine v! > a NEW LOCATION ! 516 North 16th 1 “It Pays To Look WeW* g MAYO’S BARBER SHOP g Ladies and Children’s Work § A Specialty |( 2422 Lake Street # —■ a BEAUTIFUL. ... § XMAS PLANTS CUT FLOWERS WREATHS Mattie Davis, Mngr. » 2308 N. 16th Street. | F^wFlweros j —Order Early— "■ -■■■- ~ S JANTA