The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 20, 1947, Image 6
8 8 8 8 8 B jl 1 AT CHRISTMAS TIME gi r1 orbes b urniture Si . , Go. g more than at any other season, i x i x • ji u. • XL 5012 s- 24 MA- 5166 g people feel friendly. It s in the g g very air. In this spirit, then, we Si g offer you our best wishes for £ g a very Merry Christmas. | vs 1 1 X X | c^ay I Jtappw2Ai | f>e I " | Year after year we have been wish ing our friends a Merry Christmas, | each year hoping to make our | message a little warmer, a little |more personal. I It is with some snch thought as II this that we now add this “Merry $ Christmas” to the many that have {(gone before, with the hope that it 1^ will find yon abundantly blessed | with everything that the magic »wand of Christmas can bestow. £ £ Major Edwards of Salvation Army 208 South 13th Street WE. 5155 a i 8 8 i I 8 8 8 8 I 8 55 | #/’N3W Ol 11IM 0009 | * '33V3d HIUV3 NO## :aal!|e9 § UBW e4+ t° saspjqd |nj.6uiupaui pq snoipapjdun aqj ui 'sjaqdojd eq{ ^ }0 spjOM a|doiis aqj uj ai| jbab +snuj | uoissajdxa pup 6uiaq sj| *pauj||ij|nj. ^ sji ajnpid saAjpalpp Buiipjpuj ou p 'pJOM pq+ jo 6uiupauj aqj Ajjpo A|njj | UPO saspjqd 6uipnPA 0|q jsPUjpuqQ ———— Neighborhood Grocery 2302 North 27th Streel JA. 9377 | JUST A FRIENDLY WAY 8 | OF EXPRESSING | TO YOU OUR MOST SINCERE GOOD WISHES I FOR A HAPPY CHRISTMAS 8 | AND THAT IT MAY BE | AN ESPECIALLY JOYOUS 8 | ONE FOR YOU. V Petersen Bakeries 2506 North 24th Street PL 1818 8 i $r Holiday Season and Xmas Joys g Be Yours Throughout This New Year. 8 Hillside 8 Presbyterian ■ Church 8 I Rev. Charles Tyler, j f Pastor 8 8 1 8 ! I ! 1 I i . i « NS g Holiday Greetings § g I ROYAL DAIRY g g I 7021 Maple * GL. 0408 | i } ' I \ i 1 TUT, TUT, NEW BUTTER-NUT, j( Yes, even better Butter-Nut Bread. ^ .Look for the gay new blue and white jj gingham wrapper.—Adv. I - In weal or woe, under all condi tions, the cheery Merry Christ ' mas comes to the surface. It’s 1 » natural in mankind. Everyone ap preciates a hearty Yuletide greet i lng—and so, to all our friends, we add our wish for a MERRY CHRISTMAS . T. S. McShane Company 1113 Howard Street JA. 1273 • Now, when Santa Claus is so busy making children happy and dispensing cheer all over the world, we want to extend a warm and friendly greeting to our friends. Accept our very best wishes for a Christmas season of unal loyed joy and happiness. Wagen’s Grocery 2010 North 24th Street WE. 1073 ★ No matter what the language j the spirit of Christmas is the same everywhere ... in France, in Holland, in Sweden . . . and in the good old U. S. A. As you celebrate this joyous season in spiritual companionship with people of good will all over the world, it is our hope that this Christmas of 1947 will be the merriest you have ever enjoyed. Glair Chapel Methodist Church 22nd and Miami Street Rev. C. C. Reynolds, Pastor WE. 1937 r • • • and may the ? SPIRIT OF THIS DAY LINGER ON, % BRINGING CHEER '4? AND COMFORT LONG AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY ITSELF IS GONE. Emerson* Saratoga Laundry & Zoric Dry Gleaners 2324 North 24th Street WE. 1029 1 WJ325552553255 3255 325532553255 32555255 32553255 I l| | l I 2 Merry Xmas | » «“• 1 I 2 ,, Acme Furniture Co. | 1 3863 Leavenworth Street 2 I JA. 5254 1 1 1 1 3SS£Ka^K£«£Ks^a:^a:jsa:3KS5KS^K3^ WS5W5SSS 3255 J2S3325332SS32SiJ255 323 J25532S 2 . * 2 Seasons Greetings | 2 LEE WASHINGTON § 2 2403 Parker St. ? -3253525532553255325532553255325532553255325532: 5a55S^5^3S3E3Sa5as=E35KC5KC? i f 1 i w i Merry Xmas and a | Happy New Year $ $ i M Little Diner Cafe i X S 2 2314 North 24th Street ^ JA. 9243 S Jg I I i I | Seasons Greetings | «■ Ma & Pa Cafe Vi « O. R. Osborn—Prop. 3 g 2908 Cumings 3 » JA. 8810 2 —-, - . ~ ^fv*~*'» 111 j» ■ •i.Twrv '• t >p*'"^« You can enjoy .; ^•fev^iyl AUTOMATIC SLITPIMTCOMFORT! i _ .._. . i □Automatic Blanket gives blissful, nightlong warmth, every night. Bedside Control keeps sleeping temperature “just right’ automatically! No more guessing as to how many blankets to put on before retiring. Priced at only i • - -- a Now you can have sweet, undisturbed sleep every night, all night — and kfcep the windows wide open in cold weather! The G-E Automatic Blanket adjusts automatically to weather changes, and you know how it does change in the winter. (All you do is set the Bedside Control, once a season.) Gives the warmth of three blankets with the downy-light weight of only one. Pre warms your bed, too. Average operating cost, only a few pennies a night. 72x86 inches. Fits any bed. Lush shades—blue, rose, green, cedar. Lux urious satin bindings. Select yours, now. (Two-control Automatic Blankets also available at $00.00.) Launders beautifully. Carefully made to rigid General Electric safety stand ards, and approved by Underwriter!/ Laboratories, Inc. _ ’_-_J | Glide through your cleaning with this LIGHTWEIGHT CLEANER * ONLY $ 64.95 % (MODEL AVF17-i^ Complete set of “above-the-floor” cleaning tools EASY TO USE! The powerful beating and sweeping action coaxes out dirt and grit— quickly, easily, and thor oughly. Exclusive toe-tip nozzle regulator adjusts the cleaner to any rug thickness, with the tip of your toe. EASY ON YOU! Made of handsome aluminum. It’s lightweight — streamlined — easy to guide around. Accor dion-top bag is dustproof— easy to empty. EASILY YCUR BEST BUY! Everything you want for cleaning convenience— perfected by years of G-E research and experience! EASY TO SEE! Stop in today and try this new G-E CLe^ner^ Ccmps/e be fore you buy!/" Here's General Electric’s deluxe radio-phonograph ★ Genuine Armstrong FM . ' . i A 6 Band Radio ★ Sure-action Record Changer ★ Storage for 150 records i! • ■ 4 •k 12" Dynapower <jj Sneaker _ i Sil9 I a SELF-CHARGING PORTABLE RADIO Renews its power over and over again Of course it’s more fun to play this sensational new portable. With this set you don’t have the trouble and expense of regular battery replacements. Its compact leak-proof airplane type storage battery renews its power whenever you plug it in to AC house current. Then it recharges even while it plays. Stores up power for more hours of use—anywhere. And the battery has an 18 month guarantee. iYou’ve never heard such tone in a _ *5® portable before. Or such clean-cut tuning. All the programs you (^99^50 usually get on a big set at home. And it’s yours for only . . . r Sol Lewis refrigeration c 2010 FARNAM ST. Telephone ATI an tic 4405