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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1947)
$ Sensational New l PHILCO ' Radio-Phonograph Now at PEOPLES Utmost Enjoyment of Radio and Recorded Music— • 1 Brings You ixclusivs Nsw PHILCO ELECTRONIC SCRATCH ELIMINATOR Eliminates surface noise >—yet preserves brilliant "highs" and overtones. Keeps noise out elec tronically. Music comes through against back ground of utter silence. . ..L__ " Yours in* a Superb Chippendale Cabinet Yes, here’s every luxury you could desire! Powerful radio brings you purest FM tone ever achieved . .. also Standard and Short Wave Broadcasts! DeLuxe Record Changer with Dynamic Reproducer, Featherweight Tone Arm ! For a new thrill in listening . . . hear the Philco 1270 today! Easy Terms • Blonde Mahogany Slightly Higher $369.50 _ ✓ People's Department Store 5121West Broadway Telephone 4051 Council Bluffs, Iowa. MODERN Appliance * INVITES YOU TO COME IN AND HEAR lens . *ul°*tut cn#* oCftf&f o. . cvi 01 x? * Gt>*U"* ^ . „ 10 ”?&*** V95 • ^°ne <S t0&C As cOtge°A iccot®- -• i ©di° cab'sss®1, k YUS©** AMAZING PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH Just slide in a record and it plays! PHILCO 1200. Just the thing for young folks, patties, dancing! Just slide a record in and it plays, automatically! No needles to change. Wonderful torv\ r Easy to carry any where. Luggage- a 1.0 Or type case. SMART STREAMLINED BEAUTY with amazing sensitivity PHILCO 460. Stunningly styled table radio of superb tone and performance, in an ultra smart brown plastic cabinet. Stream lined Radial Dial. Amazing sensitivity, range. Powerful speaker. Built-in aerial. Here’s the kind of quality that's made Philco famous the world over ... yours at a price you can easily afford. $o-*.VD COME IN! SEE-HEAR THEM TODAY! MODERN APPLIANCE CO 24th & ‘N* Streets Telephone MArket 6969 South Omaha, Nebraska A Real Xmas Gesture The General Appliance Company, located at 1001 Farnam Shows the Real Xmas Spirit. “A REAL XMAS GESTURE’’ General Appliance Cb. wholesalers for Philco Radio’s and appliance, do nated a truck load of new toys to be distributed by the American Legion No. 30, 2404 Parker Street, to the col ored childrenof our city for Christmas. This is ouly one of the many instance* where Mr. Levy, general manager of General Appliances, has shown us that he is for us 100 per cent; his cooper ation with the Negro Press is to be commended. Santa is at the throttle and good fellowship has the right of way. Full speed ahead for the Merriest Christmas of them all! WORKMAN’S CLUB ENTERTAIN MID-CITY SEPIA QUEEN AND GUEST Miss Christine Basset receives the engraved trophy on behalf of her spon sor, the Workmen’s Club of South Omaha. The trophy is presented year ly through the courtesy of Brain’s Sporting Goods Store of Omaha to the Annual Winner of i the Mid-City Sepia Queen Contest. The Mid-City Queen Contest, spon sored by the Omaha Guide, is the only authorized contest of its kind in the city. Mason M. Devereaux Jr., General Manager—Acting Editor of the Om aha Guide, is Making the presenta tion. Mr. George H. McDavis was Pro motional Director of the Mid-City Sepia Queen Conttest. The Workman’s Club its President Mrs. L-Bush, officers, and members «*n ! 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3, 3 3 g With all the A- joys of the season g a to you! 3 | GOOD HEALTH, | GOOD CHEER, i a and a 3 & MERRV | | CHRISTMAS 3 I 3 |Swanson Furniture! Company 3 g " ^3 ^SS^3S5Sa5S5S5555g?JSset3SS55K55!gE: ^ gave a dancing party honoring their contestant Miss Christine Basset win ner in the Omaha Guide Sephia Queen contest November 11, 1947 at their sumptous clubrooms at 5219 So. 29th Street Sunday afternoon December 14, 1947. Mr. George McDavis Promotion Dir ector of the Omaha Guide was in charge of the 2nd Annual Sepia Queen Contest. Miss Christine Basset on the re ceipt of the engraved trophy from Mas on Devereaux, General Manager—Act ing Editor of the Omaha Guide thrill ed her gracious audience with her warm words of sincere thanks for the part they played in helpinng her to be crowned. Miss Mid-City Sepia Queen of 1947 with special thanks going to the officers and members of the Workman’s Clubb her sponsor. I I I SAILING I 1 • i I Have yea been waiting foi I g that “ship” to come in? | | It’s coming in now, $ g jj # loaded to the gunwales | $ with good wishes 8 ^ Vrt from all of us t for your health and g | happiness for 1948. | | Archer Electric | I a Company H5 1708 HOWARD HA. 6631 » t: " .....• I MILLMflNS FURNITURE » WONDERFUL NEW KIND OF RADIO-PHONOGRAPH CONSOLE! I PHILCO 1260. Yes, it’s new for 1948 .; . an amazing radio-phonograph value in a stunning Mahogany console of classic design! Plays records with that famous Philco quick, easy-to-operate mechanism. Powerful, sensitive radio reception. Rich, full tone on both radio or records. A truly outstanding value at the price. See it—try it now! _ SENSATIONAL VALUE AT $129.95 AMAZING NEW PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH slide in a record and it Plays PHILCO 1200. New, sensational. perfect fo* young folks, parties, dancing 1 Just slide a record in..; and it plays 1 Wonderful tone. Easy to carry Alligator grain leatherette luggage-type case. Automatic lock, sturdy $49. 95 handle. Comecarry onehome 1 NEW MODERN BEAUTY , t PHILCO 200. Here’s utmost quality at its price 1 Powerful AC-DC superheterodyne circuit, permanent magnet speaker, built-in aerial. Smart brown plastic with glowing Easy-View Dial. Underwriter- $19.95 ' approved. An amazing buy 1 Millman Furniture Co. Telephone—JAckson 0740 2610-12 Leavenworth St. JOE HORNSTEIN, MGR. FAMOUS PHILCO "1201” Here it is . . . the sensation that swept the nation ... so simple, you can play it blindfolded! Ends fussing with tone arms, needles, lids, controls. Just slide in a record . . . and it plays! It’s a pow erful radio, too... in graceful hardwood cabinet. Try it today! k CONSOLE "AUTOMATIC" / PH I LCO "1262”. Beauty and performance fat beyond its modest price! Velvet-Smooth Philco Automatic Record Changer plays 10 twelve-inch or 12 ten-inch records quietly, gently. Feather weight Tone Arm... no needles to change ! Power ful radio. Permanent magnet dynamic speaker ,for gorgeous tone on radio and records. Smart, streamlined Walnut Tilt-Front Cabinet. Great value 1 See it now j j ; while supply lasts! *15995 l\r^CY TER»»^1I Come In % See our Display of 1948 Philcosj STATE FURNITURE co. 14th & DODGE STREETS