The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, December 13, 1947, Image 1

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The Omaha Guide ^ MEWS
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VOL. 20 — N«». 45 OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1947 Offl«DtNehmrtS. OoiteJ '
M/\i r—rn jrAGE .
"Miss Fisk of 1947-48” is Miss
Goldie Gibson of Cincinnati, Ohio, a
pleasing combination of cahrm and
intelligence. Following her gradua
tion in June, Miss Gibson, a sociology
major, plans to study medical social
( work at the University of Pittsburgh,
j A leader in campus activities, she was
| one of the five students who toured*
the country last summer interviewing
employers and employees for a manual
on vocational guidance. She is a mem
ber of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.
Photo shows the beloved radio
evangelist, Elder Lightfoot Solomon
Michaux, world-famous “Happy Am I”
preacher, making phonograph records
of his famous singing sermons for the
first time in his long and celebrated
career. The records reproduce regu
lar Sunday services at his own Chucrh
of God in Washington, D. C., and will
Tune Up That Car
Proper adjustments of fuel, elec
trical and ignition systems that are
a part of a good engine tune-up will
save many dollars and result in
trouble-free driving.
Largest Private Business
United States agriculture is the
largest private business in the
be put on sale to the public shortly in
album form, to release his famous
services to all record fans, Elder Mi
chaux selected Super Disc, Washing
ton, D. C. Recording Company, whose
label is considered one of the most
popular and fastest-growing in the
phonograph record industry. (Super
Discs, November, 1947).
Warm Water for Plants
Tepid water instead of cold water
should be used for watering house
i plants. Cold water may shock the
plants, damage the roots and retard
Clerical Garb Unlawful
It is unlawful to wear clerical
garb on the streets of Mexico and
rhe fresh, new bread in the fresh, new wrapper.
Try the blue-and-white gingham loaf.
on Sunday morning, December 7th,
City came to Omaha Wednesday, No
vember 26, 1947, to spent the Thanks
giving holiday with her. aunt, Mrs.1
Odessa Jackson, 2529 Wirt St., and
her uncle, Buck Johnson, who has been |
ill for sometime in the hospital.
Mrs. Lewis plans to be in the city
for at least two weeks.
Franceis P. Mathews will be the
speaker at a Civil Liberty’s Rally at
the Zion Baptist Church, 22nd and
Grant Sts., at 8 p. m., Monday, De
cember 15, 1947, under the auspices
of the Omaha Branch NAACP.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgal Williams, 2221
Spencer St., who recently purchased
a home at the above address received
a threat to move from the Klu I£lax
The note was attached to an arrow
fired through the screen door on the
afte moon of December 2, 1947.
The letter’s 3 K’s were written the
identifiaction of the Klu Klux Klan,
and the words GET OUT.
Attorney H. J. Pickett turned the
note over to the local F.B.I. office
here in Omaha for further investiga
tion. •
The Long School Parent-Teacher
Association will meet Thursday, De
cember 18, at 3:30 p. m., at Long1
School. The Junior Red Cross pro
gram which was presented at the Jos
lyn Memorial will be given. The pro
gram indues the newly organized
Long School Chorus. Mrs. Thelma
Handcock sponsors the Junior Red
j Cross. The Adult Education Sewing
/Class will also exhibit the garments
which they have made during the first
Miss Rozella Thomas, 2874 Maple
St., daughter of Mrs. H. Thomas, came
home on Wednesday, November 26th,
to spend the Thanksgiving holiday
with her mother.
Sunday Miss Thomas became sud
denly ill and was order to bed by the
family doctor.
Miss Thomas hopes to be up and
around soon in order that she might
return to her nursing studies in New
York City, N. Y.
Because of the great controversy
going on pro and con on the merits of
the Louis and Walcott (title) fight on
Friday evening, December 5, 1947,
your editor has been beseigecl with
requests to make comment on this his
tory making fight, so here it goes
come what may. (smiles).
With all respects to Joe Louis’ fight
ing ability, hitting power, excellent
physical condition, Joe Louis absorbed
a great deal of punishment from a
boxer that had nothing to lose, but
eve rything to gain. A boxer that
knew Joe’s style of boxing, who wasn’t
afraid to wade in their and give and
take, Walcott made Joe bring him the
fight and he (Walcott) capitalized on
every break he saw, bobbing, weaving,
and riding some of Louis best punches.
Don’t think for one moment that
1 this was all in the play for a rematch
later on as some will have one to be
lieve our hero, our ambassador ofj
good-will, and our boy Joe Louis just!
wasn’t there on Friday night against!
Jersey Joe Walcott.
Walcott was ready and raring to go
and he showed it by his action in the
ring Friday. Our Joe in that return
match will just have to step a little
faster if he is to retire as a unde
feated champion. We must all Remem
ber that 10 years makes a great dif
ference especially when Joe has fought
and defended his title so many times;
a fellow does get rusty.
Yes, Louis, we are happy to see you
retain the title, bflt please Mister Joe
Louis a little more footwork.
Contractors College
The first tile contractors course
ever offered by a college or univer
sity is being held at New York’s
City college.
The Omaha Urban League, Depart
ment of Industrial Relations is cur
rently probing new sources for em
ployment opportunities. Mr. M. M.
Taylor, Industrial Secretary, revealed
that he has reasons to expect some re
sults in several directions in the near
fture. Mr. Taylor stated he desires all
persons proficient in various clerical
occupations to register at the Urban
League, if they have not already done
so. Bookkeepers and stenographers
with shorthand should especially get
registered. The Secretary said he was
also interested in locating an e fficient
couple for a first class domestic job as
The Man for chauffeuring juid
The woman for cooking.
Living quarters on the place.
Ample time off.
Must be dependable, steady and
possess good work habits.
SALARY $300.00 a month and all
New York (CNS)—Woodside, Long
Island property owners are protesting
en massee to Mayor O’Dwyer against
a non-discriminatory housing project
for 1400 families about to be built in
their midst. Some 200 residents are
offering the traditional arguments
against “undesirable elements’’ com
ing in the neighborhood at which in
stance they say will quit their homes.
By appealing to the Mayor and the
Board of Estimate for a hearing, the
project will be delayed several months.
Originally scheduled for the swank
Jackson Heights area by the Housing
sjamoo rnoj aip moqgnoriR §uru
project switched to the less wealthy
section of Woodside.
New York (CNS)—Dean Dixon’s
bride of seven months, Vivian Rivkin
(they were married in a surprise cere
mony last June in Milford, Conn.) was
presented in a Town Hall piano recital
December 3rd. Miss Rivkin, who is
white, and an excitable pianist, played
selections from Bach, Haydn, Chopin
and hte inevitable modem Russian
composer, Shostokovitch, of whom she
is a devout fan. Present in the audi
ence of course was Mr. Dixon, the
noted orchestra conductor.
New York (CNS)—Special—The Na
tional Urban League has its fingers
crossed, its plans laid and gone over,
and its prayers said for the resump
tion of its Comic Book, Negro Heroes,
in early part of ’48. But despite the
crossed fingers, prayers and best l$id
plans, the final status of the race’s
first Comic Book will be determined
by the august League Board and
though it is expected to be favorable
it will not be officially announced
until January.
A commendably successful venture,
the comic book which featured the
important doings of the race and its
personalities, was launched the Spring
! of this year at a party at the Hotel
! McAlpin.
Its second issue, due in June, was
j suddenly and quietly abandoned be
cause of more important League busi
ness. “‘Neg ro Heroes,’ which was
| originally set up as an adjunct to the
League s vocational program in ele
i mentary and high schools, was depend
ent on contributions made to the or
ganization,” explained Guichard Par
ris, the League’s professional booking
Director of Public Relations.
‘ As more pressing campaigns came
into being, naturally the comic book,
considered a luxury in the first place,
had to be dropped,” continued Parris.
Atfer all, what’s more important than
housing and jobs for Negroes?”
Yet the League is still happy over
its brainchild, of which 175,000 copies
were run off and distributed through
a national set up. Printed in Detroit j
and Chicago because of the need of
four color presses, Negro Heroes rep
resented an interesting contribution in
magazine producing by Negroes. And
in 48, should all go well, the League
will be back in that competitive field'
East Orange, N. J. (CNS)—Seventy
four-year-old Miss Helen Louise Jew
ett, whose father made a fortune pub
lishing the Harriet Beecher Stowe
best seller, “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” is
facing eviction within 10 days from
her home at 120 Lenox Ave. She has
; been offered shelter in a private con-•
valescent home but she “has denied
an institution of any kind.” Moreover,
Miss Jewett is suffering from arthritis
and needs care as well as a roof over
her head.
New York (CNS)-—Arturo Godoy,
whose chief fistic accomplishment is
tied up in the fact that he overwent
15 rounds with the invincible Joe
Louis, and later managed eight more,
barely won a 10 round decision over
Phil Muscato, a Buffalo heavyweight
this week at St. Nick’s Arena. Scoring
ran as follows: Referee Abe Simon, 4 1
rounds for each two even with 6 points
for Muscato and 7 for Godoy; Judge
Tom yml^fayle, 6 rounds.
Washington, D. C. (CNS)—Repub
lican Senator Albert Hawkes of New
Jersey has authored an anti-lynching
bill and claims to have lined up party
leaders support behind it in order to
get it passed at the next session.
Hawkes’ support is unique in that it
mainly stems from the senate for here-:
tofore anti-lynch bills have made the
House hurdly only to be killed in the
Senate by fillibusters or threats of fil
His bill, if passed, would provide
fines up to $5,000 and 5 years im
prisonme nt to officials who look the
other way while lynchings go on.
-- ,
New York (CNS)—Shutting its big {
red doors off Broadway was the Dia-,
mond Horseshoe, owned by million
aire Billy Rose, this week. This action
caused the discharge of Noble Sisslo’s
band and singer Billy Banks, who had
been with the Horesshoe almost 8
years. Mr. Rose opens a brand new
idea in night-clubs.
Chicago, 111. (CNS)—Surprising an
almost all Jewish audience gathered
for an opening night at the Latin
Quarter nightclub here, one of Chi
cago’s best known, Valaida Snow, a
headliner of a few years back, sang 3
of her numbers in Yiddish. However,
Miss Snow, it was discovered through
backstage secrets, relied on these num
bers to put her over, a point which
stars try their best to avoid. Most de
pend on their talent, which penetrates
in no matter what language they sing
in. Out to welcome Miss Snow to the !
Quarter were-several fabulous movie \
stars of radio and stage distinction. J
Recently at Technical High School,
a Negro election for the Student Coun
cil Representatives was held.
Helen Montgomery, a senior, Willie
White, junior, and Tonnie Harper,
sophomore were elected.
About 260 Negro students attended
the assembly at which Dr. Burke spoke I
stressing the importance of high school
education. Mr. L. Bohanon also spoke.
"bill reported favorably
Senator Hugh Butler (R.-Nebr.)
announced today that his bill to reduce
postage rates on gift packages sent by j
parcel post to foreign countries in need !
of relief had already received a favorbl
recommendation from the Senate Civil
Service Committee. “I am beginning to
be optimistic about the chances of hav
ing this bill passed very shortly,” the
Senator said. The bill is designed to
stimulate the flow of private charity
abroad by reducing postage on such
packages to a rate of only a quarter of
the regular charges.
The original bill introduced by Sen
ator Butler several weeks ago would
have provided for free postage on such
packages. Soon after the original intro
duction, he discovered a great deal of
interest in thd suggestion on the part
of other Senators. As a result, he and
Resisting Disease
(Photo by Underwood & Underwood)
These well-nourished youngsters have the best defense against com
municable tuberculosis—healthy bodies. The tuberculosis prevention and
control programs conducted by tuberculosis associations with Christmai
Beal funds are directed to all groups in the country.
Gives $25,000 to Runyon Cancer Fund j
CHICAGO—Sam Briakin, left, board chairman of the Revere
Camera company, here presents a $25,000 check to Roy Topner. Chi
cago newspaperman, for the Damon Runyon Cancer Fund, at the
j premiere showing of the new 16mm Revere motion picture sound pro
jector. Two of Briskin’s employes and a brother-in-law were stricken
with the dread disease in the last three years, prompting Briskin’s
support to the national search for a cure for cancer. Walter Winchell,
in a nationwide radio broadcast, said Briskin’s gift is the largest single i
individual contribution to the fund. Employes, educators and the;
press attending the showing were told the new Revere sound projector !
t fills a long felt need by schools, clubs and industrial organizations for j
a projector within budget range.
" Coin Machines Big Help to Cancer Fvnd
HOLLYWOOD—' 1 more money for the j
Damon Runyon-Canr American products!"|
This statement was newspaper columnist |
»nd radio comment -e to make a new i
Cancer Fund movi y. representing hun- ■
dreds of thousa-d -u-h as juke boxes, pin
games and ver 1 . has aire.-.-iy raised and
turned over ? ior research on finding the
cure for can'- owners, recognizing the public service
nature of are donating a share of the proceeds of
their ms rse which benefits all humanity. Peanut
vendors scales, and a hundred odd types of very
human achines are fighting cancer in this way.
F lit above are Dave Gottlieb, president of Coin
Mac’ Inc., Winchell, Herb Jones, vice president of
B?1 Ray Maloney, chairman of the Coin Machine
!m to raise funds for the Damon Ru..yon Cancer,
Destroyer of Crops Nickname for Amazon
Hail storms destroy more farm The Amazon river also is known
•rops in America than tornadoes. as the “sweet sea.”
Over Five Hundred Attend
Since the year of 1905; the mem
bers of the Elks Iroquois Lodge No.
92, Omaha, Nebraska, have dressed in
all their finest array on the first or:
second Monday of the month of De
cember to attend a Ball for charity by
the ruling of the constitution of all
Elkdom. It was my privilege to be
present at the Elks Hall, 2420 Lake
Street, Omaha, Nebraska, Monday, De
cember 8, 1947, for this Iroquois’
Forty-second Annual Ball which show
ed the sincerity, and progress toward
the assistance of this Order to the
most unfortunate citizens of this com
munity during the coming Yuletide
season. I am honored to be a member
of one of the organizations that does
so much and is a asset to the com
munity it serves.
Over five hundred persons gathered
at the Elks Hall, and Club Rooms to
attend the Ball, and witness the Elks
most solomn ceremony the “Eleventh
Hour." Under the direction of Bro.
Robert Johnson, the lights were
dimmed, and the members and hosts
I of friends of Iroquois observed a cere
mony for all of the deceased members
of all Elkdom, which includes a reign
I as large as the universe itself. Re
marks were made by Mr. Charles F.
Davis: recently elected to the leading
office of this unit of the Improved and
Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elks of the World; for the twenty
first consecutive term, Exalted Ruler,
who stated the thanks of Iroquois No.
92 to its many hosts of friends who
attended the Ball, and gave their as
sistance; in order that this the Forty
second Annual Ball may be one that
both the Order and the Community
will be proud of in the years to come.
After the Eleventh Hour ceremonies
a grand march was led by the Exalted
Ruler. At the termination of the grand
march hundreds of balloons were re
leased from the ceiling which led to
a gala scramble; concluding three
hours of dancing to music furnished by
Ted Adams and His Rythmaires. Fol
lowing a thirty minute intermission the
orchestra continued music offering to
the attendance, ninety minutes of con
tinuous dancing for the balance of the
Iroquois No. 92 wishes to take this
time to show their appreciation to the
committee who are as follows: James
H. Calloway, Chairman; Ellsworth G.
Devereaux, Secretary; Mrs. Amette
Erwin, Assistant Secretary; P. L. Ad
kins, Shelton Harold, William (Son)
Harris, Curtis Jones, William Mitchell,
Walter Murrell, Ernest Williams,
Thomas Wilson, Charlie Sims, Her
bert Mayberry, who are due all the
credit for making Iroquois Lodge No.
92 42nd Annual Charity Ball a suc
five other Senators joined in sponsor
ing a slightly revised version provid
ing for the 25 percent rate.
It is this bill which has now secured
approval of the committee, usually con
sidered the greatest obstacle to over
come in securing enactment of legisla
tion. The 25 percent rate was suggested
by the Post Office Department and was
accepted by the Senate sponsors of the
measure in order* to avoid opposition
and secure quick action.
“This bill is a concrete expression
of my belief that the American people
individually wilk do a far more effec
tive job of providing charity where it
is most needed abroad than the govern
ment can do,” the Senator said. “We
may have to continue with government
charity to meet actual starvation con
ditions in certain countries for a while
longer, but I hope this bill will hasten
the day when private charity can fill
the whole bill.” *
The Senator pointed out that the
bill as drafted would not cost the Fed
eral Government a single penny, since
any loss of revenue to the Post Office
Department would be reimbursed out
of relief appropriations already granted.
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