or&sla . ilj:' *>: AL AND NATIONAL The Omaha wGui«lc ... NJEVW 0$ ' lassifcd Ads Get Results 1 Oc Copy Phone- J v7 HArney 0800 /JUSTICE/ EQUALITY HEWTOTHEUNEX & worth it EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PHONE HA.0800 To .Sell It, ADVERTISE OTflNT ST ___ - ....— —- — ■ " •' ■ ■ - . . .. —__ _ _ _ ~ ~ Entered as 2nd Class matter at Cost* VOL. 20 _ No. 44 OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY# DECEMBER 6, 1947 Office. Omaha, Nebraska, Under Act of A Gift of Warmth and Beauty The loveliest of Christmas pres ets, this beautiful St. Marys blanket will warm the heart of any homemaker. It’s all pure wool and comes in lush colors to fit any decorating scheme. Sty'.ed for last ing beauty, this blanket is a treas ured gift which will bring thanks for many years to come. Sold in better stores everywhere. civUTIfiMT ?'s-ftALLY~ ZION BAPTIST CHURCH 22nd and Grant Streets, at 8 P. M. Monday. Dec. 15. 1947 Address by Hon. Francis P. Matthews Auspices Omaha Branch NAACP The Omaha Branch of the | NAACP will hold a CIVIL LIB ERTY’S RALLY December 15th, 1947 at 8 P. M. in Zion Baptist Church, 22nd and Grant Streets. The meeting Yvill be addressed by Mr. Francis P. Matthews who served on President Truman’s Civil Liberty’s Committee which made a study of Civil Rights of Minorities in the United States. The report of the committee has been widely hailed as a new De claration of Independence. It consists of 124,000 words and is the most heartening pronounce 1 ment ever made in behalf of the liberties of minorities in Amer ica. • Mr. Matthews is widely known for his work in the Knights of Columbus which he headed in the United States and Canada. He won signal success as a law yer and business man. He served as President of the Omaha Cham ber of Commerce several years ago and now heads several large corporations. But above all his legal and business successes he places his work as a Humani tarian. r The Omaha Branch of the NA ACP is fortunate to have such a speaker, representing as it does, the Colored People who will ben efit most from the fine work Mr. Matthews and his associates have done as members of the Presi dent’s Civil Liberty’s Committee. The public is invited and ad mission is free. ) '-oilr Heat Dollar PITTSBURGH—Here’s what be comes of 15% to 35% of the dol lars your heating plant pours into your home. It goes out the leaky “holes” your windows really are The easy, sensible way to cut fuel costs and improve the efficiency ol your heating plant is to equip your home with winter windowa They will pay for themselves ii just a few seasons by keeping th« heat in. Winter windows apply one of the best heat-insulating principles there is. They form a dead air space between themselves and the regular windows. They should be selected for effi> ciency, sturdiness and good ap pearance. Good solid frames with Pennvernon glass panes are im portant factors. Those that are ad-j justable with hinges to permit; opening for proper ventilation atj mght or for ease in cleaning, offer afanvenieueg^sg well. _' URBAN LEAGUE BREAKS ! UTILITY JOB BIAS ! ” New York, Nov. 20, 1947:—The first Negro white-collar workers were hired by the Cleveland Elec tric Illuminating Company this i week, marking the success of long-time negotiations by the Cleveland and the National Ur ban Leagues to break the utility company’s job bias. Announcing the employment policy change, Clifford Minton, Industrial Rela tions Secretary, Cleveland Urban League, said that, the new em ployees would have every oppor tunity for advancement. Although the Cleveland utility company has always employed Negro workers, this is the first break away from the “traditional Negro” job category. It is the second private utility firm in Cleveland to employ Negroes as white collar workers. The Ohio Bell Telephone Company, while not yet hiring switchboard oper ators, has employed Negroes as collectors, commercial represent atives and clerks. White Collar Survey Due Soon A complete survey of Negroes in white-collar jobs around the country will be released to the public by the National Urban League before thd* end of the year. The survey, being made by Leroy Jeffries, Assistant Director, Industrial Relations Department, will show results to date of an intensive campaign begun by the National and Urban Leagues more than two years ago to in tegrate Negroes into the utility and retail merchandising job fields, as well as other non-Negro private concerns such as banks, insuranc? companies, law and manufacturing firms. “Privately-owned businesses,” Mr. Jeffries stated in discussing the survey, “are the hub of the American economy. The best measure of the Negro worker’s participation in the country’s economy is the extent to which he if integrated into these ‘basic’ job fields.” TECH FOOTBALL BANQUET Technical High School’s foot ball team was honored at a Foot ball Banquet Saturday, Nov. 22. This is the first time Tech’s team has been honored in this manner. The Banquet was sponsored by the Student Council. There was a cafeteria style din ner, followed by an entertaining floor show. Frank Stadie sang The Wiffenpoof Song, after which the team gave their version. Jim Pickett, master of cere monies, introduced the guest speaker, Virgil Yelkin, who gave an interesting talk on some of his experiences in football and stressed the need for the boys to go on to college if in any way possible. Awards were given to the fresh men by Coach DeBoer. John Burg gave awards to the second team. Coach Ken Kennedy awarded the letters to the team, saying something about each fellow named. Shirley Hamilton was crowned queen of football, and Jerry Kluza was crowned king of foot ball. Barney Conley was named next year’s team captain. In conclusion movies on past games were shown in the audi torium. i' it' iil' I" f :i‘ - ELECTED EDITOR-IN-CHIEF OF YEAR BOOK Frank Stadie, 17, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Stadie, 1014 So. 20th Street7 has” been elected Ed itor-in-Chief of Tech High’s year book. Nancy Jones, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira O. Jones, 4455 Franklin Street, has the As sistant Editorship. Sponsoring the Senior Class and the year book is Miss Wash burn, Secretarial Instructor in Tech. Chesterfield of Birds The great blue heron is consid ered the Chesterfield of birds. To his middle claw is attached a small comb, with which to preen his feathers. All herons fly with their necks drawn in, and their feet ex tended. About 25 species are found j in the Western hemisphere, 24 in i North America. Young herons are i awkward, staddly birds, comical in | 1 their expressions and attitudes. ... I NEW IMPROVED BUTTER-NUT The fresh, new bread in the fresh, new wrapper. Try the blue-and-white gingham loaf. ✓ A MODERN DANCE CLASS Mrs. Margaret Duggan is in charge of a new class in Technical High School, Ballroom dancing for seniors. Held in the Girl’s Gym every Friday, the class be gins at 8 a. m. This early hour doesn’t seem to affect the attend ance, as there are 133 students enrolled. Techster Ralph Mullenix of 3823 Franklin Street, plays the piano for the dance class, supply ing the music. “All the students seem to like the class and co-operate wonder fully,” said Mrs. Duggan. DINNER A SUCCESS The lovely dinner given by King Borell’s 17 on Sunday after noon November 30, 1947, for the benefit of St. Philips Church at the Northside Y. W. C. A. was a complete success. More than 300 persons were served at this affair. Among the honored guests was the King of Ak-Sar-Ben. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Have Program at Clair Chapel The Alpha Kappa Alpha Soror ity club sponsored a very inter esting program at the Clair Chapel Church on Sunday Eve ning, Nov. 30. Mrs. Bobbie Davis was at her best. The very import ant subject “Civil Rights” that was discussed was well presented. ' Guest At Thanksgiving Dinner Mr. H. W. Smith, Mrs. Marlene White of Kansas City, Mr. Adam Lee, and several others were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glover Scott, 1620 Lake St., on Thanks giving Day. All expressed them selves as having a lovely time to the host and hostess. MUSE DRAMA GUILD The Muse Drama Guild’s forth coming production “Jimmy Be Careful” has already gone into rehearsal. Miss Lottie Wright, director, plans to announce the date of the presentation of the play during the holiday season. SIXTH ANNUAL PEW RALLY The St. John’s Pastors Aid club is giving its Sixth Anual Pew Rally on Sunday afternoon Dec. 7, 1947, at 3 p. m. at the church. Rev. E. Johnson will be the guest speaker. He will bring his Gospel Singer Mrs. ft. Robison and his congregation. Everyone is welcome. Mrs. Lula Washington, Pres. Rev. E. B. Childress, Pastor Perfect Harmony Two Harmons add up to perfect harmony ... as you can plainly see when football star Tom Har mon and his lovely wife Elyse Knox get together during rehear sal of “Play the Game”, football romance to be heard on KDKA’s “Skippy Hollywood Theater”. Couple co-star as a scrappy pail with different ideas about coaching SURPRISE PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Rever T. McCloud were host and hostess at a Sur prise Birthday Luncheon given in honor of Mrs. McCloud’s mother, Mrs. Julia A.' Pharr, at the Me Cloud residence on last Wednes day. Mrs. Pharr was remembered by her husband, Mr. Isaac S. Pharr who was in on the surprise, and by her daughter, Mrs. Nancy Stallworth, who resides in Ala bama, and was remembered by a host of friends. Mrs. Estella Butler won the door prize by holding the lucky number. Mrs.1 PAUL LAURENCE DUNBAR AND HIS SONG, by Virginia Cunningham, just released by Dodd, Mead & Company, was the subject of discussion recently o ver WQXR, The New York Times Radio Station. The program, known as “Other People’s Business,” was conduct ed by Alma Dettinger, feature columnist of the station. Miss Dettinger had as her guest Miss Dorothy Pettiferd, budding young actress, formerly of Springfield, Illinois, now residing in New York City. Miss Pettiferd is also a lecturer, dramatist, and has Herbert Wiggins won first prize for carrying tne most articles in her purse (48); Mrs. A. B. Young won booby prize for carrying the least amount of articles in her purse (6). The guests were as fol lows: Mesdames Estella Butler, Avery Washington, Herbert Wig gins, Mary Browning, Bessie Por ted, Emma Patterson, Vermont Thompson, Pearl Fletcher, Flor ence Moore, A. B. Young, Lille Thomas, Mary Singleton, Mae McCarrol and Annabelle Battles. Everyone stated that they en oyed themselves, and Mrs. Pharr was starry eyed with delight and surprise, and received many love ly gifts. Senator Capper Wants Christ In U.S. Constitution SENATOR CAPPER TOPEKA — Sen. Arthur Capper. IR-Kan.) dean of the United States senate, will rally support of his :olleagues in the coming session of Congress to support his resolution, ntroduced last July, proposing that :he Constitution be amended to * :ecognize “the authority and law I >f Jesus Christ, the Saviour and King of nations.” “I am for this amendment,” Sen- : »tor Capper said here while pre paring to return to Washington for ‘,he special session of Congress. ‘1 believe in it and *rill do what I ;an for it in Congress. It may take some time to get it through, as people are not fully informed re garding it, but I see no reason why it should not be approved.” Rev. A. J McFarland, a leader ■n the Christian Amendment Move* ment which is sponsoring the cam paign, said at the national head quarters in Topeka, that in recent weeks he has been stumping the nation in support of the amend ment and that interest is growing rapidly. “I’ve been talking to church and .ay leaders everywhere,” Reverend McFarland said. “We are getting support of many national leaders and from the masses. By the time it is voted on next spring I am sure we will have covered the field very thoroughly.” Reverend McFarland stressed the point that the amendment would in no way "abridge the present rights A religious freedom, freedom of speech and press, and peaceful as semblage, guaranteed by the First Article of the Amendment.” Largest Private Business United States agriculture is the I largest private business in the .vorld. been identified with Chautanquas. Miss Pettiferd’s scholarly know ledge of Dunbar lore and her reading of two of Dunbar’s best remembefed poems, “When Ma lindy Sings” and “Little Brown Baby,” were the highlights of her appearance on the program. Miss Pettiferd is currently with the Negro Drama Group whose newest production—“Crime with out Punishment”—is headed for an extensive tour of the South. She was most recently seen in the Broadway production of “Clau dia.” Photo by Ricci Byrd ■ _ 4 m . * • . | LONDON, ENGLAND—(Sound photo) — Hugh Dalton, Chancellor of the Exchequer, who resigned from office after admitting that he had given advance information of his budget speech to a London newspaper reporter, is shown as he left Ten Downing street to present the report before the House of Commons. Dalton’s resignation was announced by Premier Atlee fol lowing a feverish behind-the-scenes J cabinet qieeting. Sir Stafford 1 Cripps, Minister of Economic Af- I fairs, was appointed as Dalton’s j successor. | ,"™"' i Urges Civil Rignts Committee , Recommendations Incorporated ] Plans for an Institute and a: Into Congressional Law * At the regular meeting of the Democracy in Action Organiza tion at the Jewish Community Center, Tuesday, Dec. 2, presided over by its President, Mrs. H. Cohen, it was unanimously a greed by those present that the organization take some action on President Truman’s Commit tee’s Report on Civil Rights. The organization voted to send telegrams to President Truman, Nebraska Senators and Repre sentatives, urging them that citi zens of Omaha desire Congress to act on this report during the January session of Congress. Members were urged by the President, Mrs. Cohen, to see the White’s Report to the UN on condensed version of Walter Civil Liberties. Speaker Bureau to focus the pub lic’s attention on the coming of the Freedom Train to Omaha in April and the value and signifi cance of its history-making doc uments. Mr. Hoppie of the University of Omaha spoke to the group a-j bout some of the discrimatory | practices at the University of | Omaha. His main topic was application for admission to the University j campus of the Delta Beta Phi, a National Business Administra tion Fraternity with a clause in their constitution discriminating against race, religion, and creed. It was felt by Mr. Hoppie and those present that such an or ganization should be denied ad mittance to a tax-supported in stitution such as the University of Omaha. The discrimination practice at the 40 Bowl Bowling Alley was also discussed a$d action was or-i dered taken on the two situa tions. Action was taken on Mrs. La Clura’s suggestion of the support of the Democracy In Action on Granting Gold Star Mothers of World War II of the Japanese an American citizenship. There is such a bill now pending in Con gress. A very fine program was ren dered by the Memo Club. NAACP OPPOSES RUMORED JERSEY GUARD BAR New York, Nov. 26—Governor Alfred Driscoll of New Jersey was vigorously urged today to oppose rumored attempts to es tablish segregated National Guard units in Newark and Jersey City. NAACP officials learned from a thoroughly reliable source that such an attempt would be made by'.a powerful group which would later attempt to impose the pol icy of jim crow units throughout the state. In urging the governor’s inter vention it was pointed out that the state’s new constitution, which only recently received nationwide I notice as a model, democratic, state constitution, unmistakably condemns discrimination or seg regation in the militia. While attempts were being made to produce immediate ac tion at the state capitol, Gloster B. Current, NAACP director of branches, instructed all New Jer sey NAACP branches to begin a wire-letter campaign to the gov ernor’s office to express local op position to the proposed jim crow plan. Branch officers and mem bers were also urged to impress other organizations and individ ual Jersey residents with the need for an immediate public protest. Immediately following a pro test from the Elizabeth branch, Governor Driscoll wired Bravell M. Nesbitt, local NAACP official, “NEW JERSEY NATIONAL GUARD PROGRAM FOR COM PLETE INTEGRATION MAK ING EXCELLENT PROGRESS. COMPLYING WITH NEW CON STITUTION.” N. Y. C. BUSINESSMAN TAKES I NAACP LIFE MEMBERSHIP -New York, Nov. 25—Newest $500 Life Membership in the j National Association foe the Ad vancement of Colored People was purchased this week by New York businessman, Sidney Kes sler. In becoming a life member, Mr. Kessler expressed his grati tude to all of the association’s 600,000 members for the “tre mendous job the association has performed in fighting for and j safeguarding the civil rights of [ Americans of all races, creeds j and colors.” , • At the same time it was dis closed that Mr. Kessler’s firm has finally finished plans for a -hotel in the Virgin. Islands which is expected to be the most beauti ful in the Caribbean. Cornerstone of the new hotel will be an un compromising rule that there shall never be any racial or re ligious discrimination. “The only people who shall not be welcome in our hotel,” says Mr. Kessier, I “are those people who would be unhappy in a completely demo i cratic hotel.” NEGRO DOCTORS ALLOWED TO ATTEND MEDICAL MEET Baltimore, Md. (CNS) — The Southern Medical Association, holding its firty-first meeting here this week, literally took down its “for white physicians only” sign* and permitted “any licensed physicians” to sit in on the distinguished gathering. According to Dr. E. I. Hender son, SMA’s president and whose home is in Louisville, Ky., the association made the liberal ges ture after a protest by an inter racial group of Baltimore doc tors. They had taken their protest to the host society, the Baltimore City Medical. The Southern doc tors discussed in the main the newest of techniques for curing hernias. Vegetable Fuel Oils Vegetable oils, abundant in Bra zil, are being used to contribute to the solution of the fuel problem in that country. The idea of using vegetable oil as a substitute for pe troleum is not a recent one. Ever since mineral oil began to get scarce, experiments have been made in different countries with oil of vegetable origin. Congress In Action By GEORGE S BENSON President ol Hording Cqllcqe Searcy Arkansas E3 — SPECTATORS at a recent Con gressional inquiry guffawed. 1 pope that some of them got the point. A movie actor had just remarked, dead-pan: "I’ve heard people saV that we would have a more efficient government without Congress.” A very serious point was contained in that statement, which apparently struck spec tators as a humorous jibe at law makers, present and not present. It is somewhat of an American custom to poke fun at our elect ed officials. Some steam is re leased that way, like the blowing off of a safety valve. That’s all right. But that any sane Ameri can should' suggest doing away with Congress is no laughing matter. You might as well say that we ought to give up our lemocratic way of life, in the in terest of greater efficiency. One would be equivalent to the other. But who wants an efficient ty ranny? Mighty I AM GOING to say Safeguard that I appreciate Congress. I am not ashamed to say it. Moreover, I am concerned that there are those who fail to recognize the essen tial dignity and worth of this branch of our government. Out of the welter of political turmoil in Washington, I think there is still room for a healthy respect for what our Congress A>es. And we must never forget that Congress represents the will of the people, of the majority. Congress is a mighty safeguard. When any Congressional ses sion is over, try looking back over the record. It will usually sur prise you how much was accom plished. Especially so, if you are me Fnncess In Stitches one of those Americans who like to chant: “Why. oh why, doesn’t Congress do something?” When the recent Congress adjourned in late July, final action had been taken on at least 17 major issues. This was an array of achieve ments, when you recall that ihis Congress was the first new Con gress following the war. Sincere ACTION WAS taken on Thanks presidential tenure and succession, labor man. agement relations, portal-to-por tal pay, excise and social security taxes, National Science Founda tion, continuation of the R FC. and the C.C.C., crop insurance, continuation of certain subsidies, Army-Navy unification, cashing of terminal leave bonds, executive reorganization, continuation of first class postal rates, rent con trol, and termination of existing credit regulations. This Congress was also econ omy-minded. It should be credit ed with saving between $2 and $3 billions, for taxpayers, despite widespread "scare” tactics of a powerful and wvll-mobilized bur eaucracy. Considering the fact that the American people already spend more for gova(nment — local, state, and national — than they spend for food, we should be grateful to Congress. Fateful problems will face this same Congress in its special ses. sion and the regular session to follow. Our sincere commenda* tion should go to legislators for their efforts, and for their public service. Their thankless but necessary persistence will remain necessary as long as we wish to maintain this republic. , GLASGOW, SCOTLAND—(Radiophoto)—Princess Elizabeth en loys a hearty laugh with her fiance, Lt. Philip Mountbatten after re viving a wedding gift, from the good people of Clydebank. Tha presentation took place at the Civic Center in Glasgow. ♦ someone Would Like To Be , In Your Shoes MENDOTA, ILL.—“Someone would like to be in your shoes" A the slogan five churches here have used in their effort to collect 1,50< pairs of used but still wearable shoes for relief in Europe. This wal one phase of a city-wide Church Loyalty Campaign. The Rev.Tru man W. Potter, minister of the local Methodist church, and lit tle Miss Kay Jump, a member of the Sunday School primary class, make their contribution to the pile oif footwear. In the current Christian edu cation- emphasis of their Cru sade for Christ. Methodists are endeavoring to bring more peo ple to the Church School where they are taught the attitudes and actions necessary for a Christian world order. This in cludes, of course, a greater sharing of material possessions with the needy of all lands. Sam*>** ^ Sttmem &* *» *•, ***»•#■ ; (Mi|i ms