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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1947)
OUT OF THE ADAM HAT *"• REHOR, FORMER DICKINSON COLLEGE 8ACK ( A HE ' COMPLETED «| 30 OUT OF 50 PASSES IN THE V FIRST TWO ^ COLLEGE GAMES HE ’ ever Played in. IN THE 025 NAW-MICHlGAN GAME , FLORA, MICHIGAN end, GRABBED THE BALL OFF A navv punters toe and ran for a touchdown, t- ——- —- ' A\cMillin, INDIANA COACHx DROPKICKED ONLY ONCE WHEN HE PLAYED FOR CENTRE - BUT HIS ACCURATE BOOT BEAT KENTUCKY ‘ 3-0 IN 1917. BETqKE --TOE T/ME OF T«E CHEST, FUND RMSlUG , COSTS TO (flbWIDUAL \> AGENCIES WENT AS _ jC Hf«H AS 2E 7D3QfENTS<^b» : owtme Dollar, iwoer $r]j W ; 7-HF UNIFIED 1>T*0<?RAAA Ml 5 OF THE CHEST TOPAV the total is WJT a /X TRACT/ON OVSR 3 clulY/\ Lthe chest auofir ^COMMITTEE AND ^AGENCY ^OAADS DRUOTG LONG HOURS TO CRUISE UJAVS AMO MEANS OF \PROU10IVG THE T MAXIMUM SERUKE l AT A MlNfMU/A OF COST. i i r? vt iVOUfH'C «crVjcE\ _ @0 - -t_ By CLITARINS ALL EXPENSES TflROUGtH A CENTRAL BUDGET COMM I TTEr, MONEY- SAVJfNCi PRACTICES ART ■SHARED VOITH ALL THE THIRTY MVTMBtR AAXNCfT-S OP; THE OMAHA COmUNlTY C HfST. Contrasting Patterns Achieve Dramatic Effect Contrast in mood as well as color effect is a new and subtle note for modern interiors. In the bedroom pictured above, this treatment Is particularly effective. The use of two contrasting patterns has been introduced to achieve this dramatic effect. ( The avocado green of the leaves in the flowered chintz-like pat. tern of the bedspread and the draperies is picked up in the wide stripfi of the wall paper, in the dust ruffle of the bedspread, the valance over the windows, and the shades of the twin lamps, on either side of the t>ed. The flowers in the bedspread and draperies show a vibrant geranium red, and the whole room is undertoned warmly by the flooi Covering in buckskin beige. . _ .... j. The furniture used in this room is of the type that tradition and good taste have taught us is most lastingly satisfying, both deeo actively and functionally. The flowered fabric has endured as a favo rite since colonial days, and the stripe of the wall paper has long been accepted as a classic. It is the application ar.d clever use of these two traditional patterns that does the trick for this charming bedroom V »re the Dassive beauty of floral design is picked up and boldly af« firaed by tu* positive stripe of the wall paper. THEY’LL NEVER DIE u S(t*« fS COL-WILMER FRANCIS LUCAS WAS BORN A HALF CENTURY AGO IN WASHINGTON, D'C- - HE WAS TAKEN TO NEW YORK CITY AND EDUCATED IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS THERE- AT IS HE ENTERED THE N-Y-UNIV- COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES,WON THE MC DONALD ORATORICAL PRIZE. AND RECEIVED THE B-S-DEGREE «N COMMERCE • HIS M-S-DEGREE IN BUS INESS ADMINISTRATION SOON FOLLOWED - HE THEN PASSED THE C-P-A- EXAMS BECOMING-, IN 1929, THE FIRST COLORED PERSON IN NEW YORK STATE TO RECEIVE THE C-P-A'DEGREE COL- LUCA* QUICKLY FOUNDED THE FIRM OF LUCAS A TUCKER WHICH OPERATES IN NEW YORK CITY/ THE COLONEL'S MILITARY CAREER BEGAN IN 1916-HIS RISE rtL/M A NATIONAL GUARD PRIVATE TO FULL COLONEL IN WORLD WAR a IS WELL KNOWN IN OFFICIAL ARMY CIRCLES-HE IS THE HOLDER OF THE Vr&tON OF MERIT AWARD/ r/ / £. ** N-V. STATES FIRST CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Continent*! IWhiM • CLASSIFIDED ADS Get Results Launderers and Cleaners EDHOLM & SHERMAN 2401 North 24th St. WE 6055 LYCAN & RANKIN guarantee all of their furnace repairs. Call ATlantic 5029. MARY’S CHICKEN HUT, 2722 North 30th Street., JA 8946. Our Chicken Dinners are something to crow about. Robert Jones, prop. NEW AND USED FURNITURE IDEAL FVRNITURE MART 2511-13 North 24th — 24th & Lake St. WEbster 2224 REAL ESTATE LOANS F. E. WATTERS 234 Brandies Theater Bldg PHONE JA 3393 FURNISHED ROOMS IfOR RENT— AT. 1885. ■ LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF j DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA j To: EARLE L RYAN, whose place of | residence is unknown and upon whom persoal service of summons cannot be had, defendant: You are hereby noti fied that o the 24th day of March, 1-47, Lucille L. Ryan, as plaintiff, filed her petition against you in the District Court of Douglas County, Ne braska, Docket 404 Page 185, the ob ject and prayer of which petition is t« obtain an annulment of ureported mar riage to you- on the grounds that the said purported marriage was null and void when entered into and is' of no force and effect. You are required to answer said pet- ! ition on or before the 8th day of Dec ember, 1947 or said petition against >u will beb taken as true. ^ Lucille Ryan Plaintiff By Harold L. Hunt Her Attorney Beg. 10-25-47—End. 11-15-47 POLITENESS Fishing and Hunting Area Sun Valley. Idaho, borders on a hunting and fishing area as large as the entire state of Connecticut. THE WAITERS COLUMN By H. W. SMITH Waiters at the Hill Hotel and the Highland Club on the front line in service at all times. R. R. Boys serving on wheels with a smile at all times. i Regis Hotel and Whitehorse Inn Waiters on the up and go on service. Read The Omaha Guide—your best bet in a weekly edition. Fontenelle Hotel waiters very much out in front on service and going good. Blackstone Hotel waiters taking very good care of the service. Paxton Hotel headwaiter and crew with the new waiter, Mr. S. Scoggens, one of the quickest stepping boys in j the business. Dan John Evans of the American Legion giving excellent service. Musician headwaiter with a fine crew of waiters topping the services at the Chamber of Commerce. Men, Women! Old at 40,50,60! Get Pep Feel Years Younger, Full of Vim Do you blame exhausted, worn-out feeling on age? Thousands amazed at what a little pepping up with Ostrex has done. Contains .tonic many need at 40, BO, 60. for body old solely because low in Iron. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets today Be delighted with oew pep, younger feeling — or your money bade. I Big New Style Book FREE WICS We are one of the oldest distributors of Colored Wom en's hair, dealing direct for over 35 years with thou sands of satisfied customers. EVERYTH INS IN HAIR GOODS PAGE BOYS • CHIGNONS • SWITCHES TRANSFORMATIONS • MARCEL IRONS STRAIGHTENING COMBS • PINCERS BEAUTY AIDS • COSMETICS LOWEST PRICES Writ* for FREE Hair Styla Book HUMANIA HAIR CO. Dapt. "12" 303 Fourth Ave. • New York 10, N. Y, ^ ... 'v/fc&t# 1 The theory that a cold room can be made “warm” without adding heat was put to test recently with surprising results. Originally the room shown here gave an impression of coldness due to its northern exposure and the “coolness” of its blue and white wallpaper. . Taking advantage of color “temperature” — the psychological effect different colors have on the human nervous system—a coat of rose Kem-Tone was applied directly over the wallpaper. Since rose is a “warm” color, related to the warm rays of the sun, it succeeded iu Inking the chill off the room and will help make it appear several jegrees warmer this winter, w Pile of Cement Grand Coulee dam contains enough cement to build three Great Pyramids. Using Rat Skins The skins of rats are used to make pocketbooks and tobacco pouches. First Book Matches John Walker, English pharmacist, I made the first book matches in 1827. Land of .Quarter* Africa la the land of quarters. One quarter of Its area is forest and b'ushland, one quarter is grass land, one quarter is desert and the re gaining quarter is cultivated, World Gook onf'vplnnrriia Hicrlnco# / * LAKE SHOE SERVICE Note Is The Time To Get Your Shoes Rebuilt 1 Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work 2407 Lake Street ^ -1'-— — / iiiiii.iiiHiiaiiiitMiimmimmniMiiiiiimimmnmtimiiimiiiiHiitiiimmnHHnHnnNtNtfli Jl PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery Real Estate Loans. Low Interest DuflV Plia.nTlclCy Rate. Promptly made. ANY J J LOCATION IN OMAHA. Realty —WE-0609— MtglC° ' Br“deis Theater 24th & Lake Sts. F. E. Watters Secretary .. .*********.... f " . —— ■ t — MARY’S —. CHICKEN HUT BARBECUED RIBS and SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN “OUR Chicken Dinners Are Something Crow About.” ROBERT JONES, Proprietor JAckson 8946 2722 North 30th St. CROSSWORD PUZZLE Horizontal 1 Quick to learn 4 Colloquial: mother 6 Sheep’s cry 11 Crucial time 13 Long, heavy coastal wave 15 Toward 16 Exhibiting an omen 18 Artificial language 19 Mixed type 21 Dutch cheese 22 The color beige 24 Latvian 26 To throw off 28 Dawn god dess 29 Pertaining to oil 31 Biblical garden 33 Prefix: again 34 To liquefy 36 Cupid 38 Land measure 40 Underdone 42 Nick 45 To low 47 Blade of an oar 49 Girl’s name 50 Too 52 Sacred bird 54 You and 1 55 Symbol for tantalum 56 Man appoint ed to kill the bull 59 Six 61 Blue dye 63 Wing-footed, as the bat 65 To prevent from action 66 Compass point 67 Crude metal Vertical 1 Division of a play 2 To drive onward 3 Musical syllable Solution in Next Issne. I I I I I I No. 19 4 Buffoon 5 Apart 6 Slang: com monplace statement 7 Gehrig’s nickname 8 If not 9 Mulberry 10 Violent dread 12 Therefore 14 To stir up 17 Epithet 20 Entry 23 Symbol for cerium 24 Seel 25 Row 27 Gull-like bird 30 To applaud 32 Midday 35 One who betrays a trust 37 To pack 38 Famous violin maker 39 Defender of the Chris tians against the Saracens 41 Island of Napoleon’s exile 43 Talented 44 Interjection 46 Bone 48 Greedy kJig 51 To leave out 53 Only 57 To grow old 58 Japanese measure 60 Eurooean food fish 62 Prefix: down 64 River in Italy Answer to Puzzle Number IS |c|a|i|r|o| |o|r|e|a|d| » [Tams on |b|a r n d m] 1 0 s one e D eBBf E I G HBBA c t GIL aBBT HOP tWe R eTd p c tBBe n d w i sli DOR ABBE G I S a|v e rag eBBe c l XTt h eBBn i n t hBBe e r y E R eBBL I N E RBBt a R ant ^BBa~ l o Mr o D A N I B|L » OHAL IlIaItIhibI Is It |a |r It I Series H-47 Black Eagle Herb Medicine For Weak Folks If you suffer with weak back. Kidney, Bladder Gas, Constipation, Indigestion, Billiousness, Rundown Nerves, Cramps, Rheumatism, Less of Womanhood, and Manhood, try this medicine. Send $2.00 for 8 ounce bottle. We also ship C. O. D., postage and money order fee extra. The Spiritual Health Genire 121 N. 11 St. Phila., Pa. “It Pays To Look WelF’ MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 Lake Street V,---' GROSS JEWELRY & LOAN CO. . PHONE IA 4635 formerly at— 24th and Erskine NEW LOCATION 516 North 16th ----I How women and girls may get wanted relief from functional periodic pain Cardul Is a liquid medicine which many women say has brought relief from the cramp like agony and nervous strain of functional periodic distress. Here’s how it may help: 4 m Taken like a tonic, it * should stimulate appe- - tite, aid digestion,* ' -v thus help build resist- - t nnce for the “time” to Z - come. Started 3 days before " “your time”, it should n Took\ help relieve pain due ‘-C-J to purely functional \ R periodic causes. _ ;j Try Cardul If it helpa, you’ll be glad you did. CARDUI I 4 ««■ Andrew s QUICK SERVICE CLEANER Dry Cleaning—Hat Work Well Done CASH — CARRY PICK-UP—DELIVERY One Day Service Everyday or PRESSING DONE 2 Hour Service While You Wait 1837 North 24th Street JAckson 4117 Why Not HURRY TO 2229 Lake Street for good eats; such as Beef Stew, Chili, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, etc. Our Food4 Are Retd Gone HURRY BACK CAFE 2229 Lake St JA: 9195 Mrs. Ella Mae Tucker, Supervisor J. Mason and E. Washington, Props. | v . French Frying Can Be Easy ' Remember the last time you ate some wonderful French fried foods at a restaurant? Didn’t you long to be able to duplicate them at home? You can duplicate them at home by using the same method that many famous hotels and restaurants use, dip &ing foods in a batter made from pancake ready-mix before deep fry lg. A batter dip of pancake ready-mix forms a protective coating 9ver the food which prevents fat from soaking the food during frying. GENERAL BATTER DIP DIRECTIONS For seafoods or vegetables, combine 1 cup pancake ready-mix with % cup milk, 1 beaten egg and a dash of salt and pepper. Stir lightly. Dip seafood or vegetables in the batter and fry in hot deep fat, 370°F. until golden brown. • -• - For a fruit batter, combine 1 cup pancake ready-mix with % cup milk, 1 beaten egg and 1 tablespoon sugar. Stir lightly. Dip fruit In batter and fry in hot deep fat 370°F. until golden brown. French Fried Shrimp Peel raw shrimp; remove black vein, drain and salt well. Dip in tatter and fry in hot deep fat about 2 minutes. French Fried Cauliflower Wash cauliflower and separate into flowers. Boil vigorously for S to 3 minutes in salted water. Drain. Dip each flower into batter. Fry in hot deep fat for 2 to 3 minutes. *,^ French Fried Eggplant Peel eggplant. Cut crosswise in Vi-inch slices. Cut each slice Into pie-shaped wedges. Dip in batter. Fry in hot deep fat for 2 Vi to 3 minutes. French Fried Fruit Dip fruit (pineapple rings, half banana, apricots, peaches or apple slices) in fruit batter and fry in hot deep fat for 1 to 3 minutes. French Fried Onions Peel medium-sized Bermuda onions and slice crosswise In V4-lnch slices. Separate rings. Dip in batter and fry in hot deep fat for . , CHRISTMAS CARDS Select them today at Greeting Card Headquarters OMAHA STATIONERY CO. 307-09 So. 17th Contractor See Bailey First SPECIALIZING IN PATCH WORK, PLASTERING • BRICKLAYING CHIMNEYS AND CONCRETEING0 • RETAINING WALLS f OFFICE—2209 NO. 22ND S. —PHONE—AT1154— We A Once More T V’vnERlNG CURTAINS v O OR BRING THEM IN Edholm Sherman NDERERS & DRY CLEANERS 241 ? North 24th St. Phone WE 6055 THRIFTY LIQUOR STORE .• WINES, BEER, LIQUORS “We Appreciate Your Trade” 24th & LAKE AT. 4248 I1 . ' —1 I » Gmantto tfawi 6e4tf" not NATURAL HAIR ATTACHMENTS ON AGA/N--OFF.AGAIN Hair Do’s—to meet all occasions PAGE BOY $3.00 NATURAL BRAID $4.50 [you CAM HA VC YOUR HAIR PERFECTLY MATCHED Latest Creations Easily Attached Human Hair— CMTONO" All Shades $5-50. SEND NO MONET JUST SEND SAMPLE OF YOUR HAX1 OR STATE THE COLOR Pay Pottman Full Amount on DotWy JESSIE RARE BEAUTY PRODUCTS 507 FIFTH AVL (Room 005) NEW YORK 17, N. Dept k