The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, October 25, 1947, Page Two, Image 2

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    Til.-- Friendly 0" - Bridge C!'it>
me a: the home of Otto Pruitt 24*'>
t>ra '. Bus ness if importance was idg
«us-ed. Three four hand changes of
Bridge were played. Massie Avant
won h gh scroe.
The meeting adioOu-ned to meet -it
the home of J. Phillips 3036 Emmet
su. a delicious repass was served by
the host.
Emmet Avant President
Pi.v i liutt Reporter
Tbe Cap and Gown Club of Chero
kee ic-uyue i'll). 2id. flello Club
tuernb..- s ooiry! haven't been on the
jo., will be bearing from me
eve.y niu.uu. Tne Cap and Gown club
inbu. .ay October 19th. at the Elk?
t un with a nice attendance. We
liave a ided four new members to our
clu.j, L>.. Cerlu.e bmopshiie, .Nlrs.
Mane Hobinson, Dt. Mable TliOnias,
and Dt. Mu.gret Lambert.
Next c ub meeting will be at the
In..11 o. ilt. Evelyn Dyer. Come out
and in-ive it a big and successful one.
Hies. Dt. Bennetta Cleveland
Sec. Dt. Margeny Clayton
Kept. Dt. Vivian Hall
a • <ll l.t , Nir.r
Modi riitely fat hogs weighing be
tween >10 and 240 pounds alive, pro
duce bams, shoulders and sides of
the most desirable size for curing.
Good Business
Cannot Thrive
on Bad News
In Nebraska there are many
hundreds of good citizens who
» are engaged in the business of
' selling beer at retail. They are 1
citizens who appreciate, and
(have accepted, the responsibil
ity as well as the privilege
which their beer license con
j veys.
j These beer retailers are strir
| ing to conduct places of which
J your community can be proud.
| They know that even one tav
, ern where law and sociaK ,
■ decency are not respected, can
cast a shadow on every beer
, retailer throughout the state.
That is why good beer retail
ers appreciate the work of the
J Nebraska Committee whose
efforts arc directed at helping
: eliminate those few who are
i making “bad news” for the
I • T-'-r*£
(United States
Charles E. Sandal!, State Director
710 First Nat’l Bank Bid*., Lincoln
__ _
The Friendly Sixteen Bridge Club
met at the home of Leffall 2508 Bin
,ie> s.. The meeting was opened bv
tile i resident. There were many newr
uejs brought into the club.
F .u , four hand changes of bridge
etc played. P. Atkins won high score.
The m eting adourned to meet at
le home of J. Phillip 3036 Enamel
s;. A very delicious repast was scr
.e.t by the host.
Emmet Avante Pres.
Otto Pruitt Repr.
Miss Hesse Lee Thornton of Dallas
Tex. is enjoying a very lovely visit
wit hher sister and brother-in-law,
| Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Mitchell hope
! for her a very pleasant stay. Welcome
to our city.
I -_
The-e will be a band rehersal at
the Urban League Sunday October 26
from 1:30 to .3:00 p. m.
All musicans with instruments are
invited to come out and join the band
The band is directed by George
Bryant. Music and instruction is free.
Wanasebe Fletcher Reporter
YMCA Notes
On Saturday last the Annual Lay
men's Conclave of the YMCA wa3
seld at Camp Brewster. Those who
• ere in attendance from the Near
iso.thside Branch YMCA were: Mr
Earl Wheeler, member of the Finance
and Building Committee, Mr. Em- i
mett Avant, member of the Physical ■
Education Committee, Mr. Martin
Thomas, Chairman of the Physical Ed
ucation Committee, Mr. Ennis Martin,
Hi-Y Adviser, Rev. Charles F. Tyler,
member of the Spiritual Emphasis
Committee, Mr. Virgil Lee, teacher of
Ar.s and Crafts, and Mr. John R.
Butler, Executive Secretary of the
The Hi-Y Club of the Near North
side Branch YMCA elected their of
ficers for the ensuing year at their
regular meeting on October 13th.
They are as follows: David Miller,
President, Wilbur Conners, VicePresl
dent, Clifton Gordon, Secretary, Cur
tis Hunigan, Treasurer, Donald Martin
was chosen by the president as news
paper reporter.
Wayne Morris of Warner Bros, is
becoming a tycoon in the business
world. He now owns a substantial In
terest in a North Hollywood sporting
{oods store and he recently organized
a syndicate whiich owns 14 stylish
homes in La Canada, exclusive sub
urb north of Hollywood.
on Summer) (Humorist) Says:
Daylight saving give* you a full
extra hour of daylight for those 90
minutes it takes to persuade the kids
it’s bedtime.
Vacation — A glorious gypsy period
when you are free to go anywhere
your wife chooses.
Fishing and Hunting Aren
Sun Valley. Idarho. borders on a
j hunting and fishing area as large
' as the e- ti-n rv,„»,_..4.-_..*'
i Real Estate Loans. Low Interest
i Rate. Promptly made. ANY
Mtge Co., 234-6 Brandeis Theater
F. E. Watters Secretary
S. HUROK Presents
«' \DAY, OCTOBER 26th — 8:15 P. M.
Tickets, incluuiug tax, $3.60, $3.00, $2.40, $1.80 and $1.20
Local box office opens Monday, Oct. 20, at Ada Hat Store, 1509 Famam, Omaha
t Prince Charming Billy Daniels tries the lost sl'pper on Sheila Guys for sire, as Ruble
Blakey locks on. It's a pstiect f:t...ond so is the lergo 'Rented cast of art's’s in the
all-Negro filrr.usical 'CCTiA C!I.DlKuILA’ produced by Herald Pictures and distributed 1
by Screen Guild Productions.
IThis Week
The Aeronauties Board on Oct. 1"
discontinued flights of airplanes of !
eth American International Airways. j
After the Bermuda Sky Queen eras1,
ed in the Atlantic with 69 person
Britians weekly press lambasted the
U. S. for delays in financing Eu'’
pean relief on October 17. One news
paper said repayment of the 3 billion j
dollars U. S. loan is not Britions
worry but American.
Phillip Murry was reelected the 8th. ,
time president of the C. I. 0. in •
Boston on October 17.
Haile Salasie Emperor of Ethienia
gave $4,000 dollars to the British re
lief and distress fund on Oct. 17.
Julge James S. Forester of the city
of Harlan, Kv., postponed the religi
ous cult snake trial to the Feb. term I
of court as the doeket was so heavy. 1
Two British Columbia oow hands
rode horseback four thousand tv/,
hundred miles to pour water in At
lantic Ocean. The water came from
eth Pacific Ocean. They were sev»~
and a half month on the road.
President Truman appointed Paul
Alkins of Kansas to be second Post
master General on Oct. 17.
It was announced in Washington,
D. C. on Oct. 17. Fracne will get 104
million of Germany gold loot.
By Sid
Life is rosy for William! Since the
national release of Warner Bros.’
“Life With Father,” 17 nationally im
portant critics have nominated
“Father” Powell to receive an Oscar!
Paulette Goddard, away from Cinema
land for seven long months, has re
turned to Paramount for her starring
role iin “Hazard”—Romantic rumors
regarding Lew Ayres and Audrey Tot
ter have been rejuvenated by his
nightly chit-chats with her from Fort
Bragg, Calif., where is on location
with Warner Bros.! “Johnny Belinda’’
company—Surprise acting assignment
of the week: Peter Lorre to protray
a gumshoe (detective) in “Casbah”
for Universal-International. He is to
be on the side of law and order, and
he is not to be horrible at all!—Once
^lABQ 3U3Q ‘SIABQ Ultf j [[B JOJ pUB
new leading man in "Winter Meeting”
iis not (NOT) related to the star—
Joan Crawford’s first date when she
returns from Hawaii will be with
Tony Martin. It was one of her last
before-sailing pledges — The Alan
Hales have celebrated their 33rd wed
ding anniversary.
1. Joan Crawford wandered the
streets of what city in the open
ing scenes of “Possessed”?
2- Who was June Allyson’s step
mother in “The Secret Heart”?
3. Bette Davis killed how many
men in “Deception”?
1. Los Angeles.
2. Claudette Colbert.
3. One. Claude Rains.
CHICAGO,— Mercury Records this
week untied boogie pianist A1 Am
mons, jazz immortal, and his son.
Gene ex Billy Eckstine- tenor star
who has been fronting his own combo
recently, on wax last week when the
twosome, supported by a cast of top
Windy City swing stars, cut a series
of releases. Their first Mercury ' plat
ter, ‘St. Louis Boogie and Shufflin'
The Boogie will be ready for counters
September 15.
1 Personnel on the date included; Ts
1 rael Crosby, bass; A1 (Mouse) Bur
j rows, drums; Ike Perkins and Barry
i Gailbraith, guitars, plus Ammons, dad
! and son. The elder Ammonshas been
j an exclusive Mercury recording art
| ist for the past two years, turning out
j such ton hits as Swanee Boogie, and
| "Deep in the Heart of Texas Boogie”
while his son has just joined the Mdt
cury talent roster.
The youthful tenor-tooting Gene
joined Mercury after creating a furore
in Chicago with his original swinr
specialty, Rep Top, which during tio
past six weeks, has started taking
hold nationally.
To defend his heavyweight crown
in match with Jersey Joe Wilcott at
Madison Square Garden in New York
on Dec. 5.
The Waiters
BY H. W. Sb'.ITH
Regis Hotel and White Horse Inn
waiters going good.
Omaha Club waiters with Capt.
Jones taking very good care of the
Blackstor.e Hotel waiters quick-step
ping on the service at all times.
Waiters at the Hill Hotel in the
frunt line on service.,
fontenelle Hotel waiters on the np
and go service with a smile.
Are You a Member of the N.A.A.C P.?
Paxton Hotel headwaiter and crew
improving on the service at all times.
R. R. Boy serving on wheels with
a smile at all times.
Waiters Key Club a head iines at
all times.
Wo all extend our heartfelt sym
pathy to the relatives of Mr. Chester
Hodges as he was a real good fellow
and always ready to lend a helping
hand to a fellow brother. May God
rest his soul in peace.
TRe Department of Vocational Edu
cation through its Division of Dis
tributive Education will offer four
courses for persons employed in re
tail stores. Competent teachers will
be in charge of the following classes:
Textiles—Oct. 21, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Associated Retailers
Fur Merchandising—Oct. 22, 6:00 to
8:00 p.m. — Associated Re
Junior Executive Training— Oct. 23
6:00 to 8:00 p.m.—Associat
ed Retailers
Home Furnishings—Oct. 22, 8:00 p.m.
—Associated Retailers
(more convenient time and place
will be selected after consultation with
class members)
Registration fee for each course is
For further information consult
Mrs Rae C. Williams, Supervisor of
Disttributive Education, AT 3140.
By Mary Ellen DeWine Ironer In
structor Bendix Home Appliances
1. Use a bottle with perforated
2- Dampen evenly and lightly with
warm water.
3 Smooth out wrinkles and fold.
4. Allow to stand for at least two
5. Linens, embroidery, starched piec
es require more moisture.
6. Always fold silk and rayon fab
rics, after washing, in turkish
towel, as drying and re-dampen
ing tend to spot them.
- N
Now I* The Time To (let
Your Shoes Rebuilt!
Oualitv Material * <i”«ranteed
Quality Work
2407 Lake Street
Free Delivery
Duffy Pharmacy
24th & Lake Sts.
Editor** Mot*:- Subait your piobloaa for publication to ABBE*
WALLACE, 1* carp of thl* newspaper. Civ* your full na*e, ad
dresa and blrthdat*. for a 'private reply* send Abb*'a *to»p*d
envelop* and twtaAy-flv* cent* for on* of hi* new aad Inspiring
■LESSONS row HAPPIER LIVING,* Your letter will b* treated
confidentially. Send 29 cent* In oola, staay* *r aeaay order.
Address your letter to: The v*BE* WALLACE Servloo, la ear* of.
W. P. B.—My boy friend's wife ha«
him fixed so bad until it’s pitiful.
She takes all his money and when he
gets drunk she beats him like he was
a dog with sticks. He has no one to
say a kind word to him when he
drinks and he stays drunk every Sat- ,
urday and Sunday. He wants to get
rid of her but don’t know how.
Ans: He needs to stay sober and he
will be treated with more respect. Lie
ing with a drunk is a miserable exist
j enre and his wife's patience is about
exhausted. If it takes a little rough
treatment to keep him in line, he may
as well expect it as long as he slops
up the rum. Since she has shown she
is handy with the stick, you had bet
ter not crowd her too much. Leave
her man alone. [
Wishful—I love musiic so well and |
guess I always will. I try not to hut |
it seems to stay in my soul. Would it
be well to join a club or forget about (
it if possible?
Ans: Join a music club and your
church choir too and continue ex-'
periencing the satisfaction you aerive
from music. I should think a girl
your age would like to take music
lessons as it will net you a lot of
personal happiness all of your life.
L. C.—I met a guy that's really nice
to go out with and doesn’t mind
spending his money. He has another '
friend whom I know that he goes with
pretty regularly. I am not a jealous
person but I do not intend to be the
table cloth and surely won't be the
dish cloth. Fact is, 1 don't want him
taking me and her out and the next
thing 1 know he'll be married to her.
Ans: That’s a chance all single
J people must take. Surely, you don'i
i expect the fellow to give up all his
girl friends and court you only when
you have known each other for such
a short time. Competition works both
ways — encourage a couple of other
nice boy friends yourself annd do not
let him take you for granted. You'll
never win a man unless you stay in
the battle and fight,
A. M.—I have been going with a man
for nearly a year but now that the
problem of marriage has come up, I
don’t think it would work. He is 37
years old but that doesn’t matter as
I prefer that age. But he never kisses
me, never tell me he love me, -never
seems to have any desire for me. I
do all the kissing. He is nice about
giving me presents but doesn't satisfy '
me, I want love. We are fussing re-1
guiariy now. Am i wrong in thinking
a man should show a woman he loves
her with hugs, kisses and kind words?
' .4ns: Not at all—every girl expects
a lover as well as a husband when
she marries. He cares for you—but
he has been through this phase in
life with his first wife and would feel
embarrassed to ‘ bill and coo’ before
his half grown children. He’s too old
for you as you could never fall into '
his serious routine. Pick husband
nearer your own age.
D. M. P.—I am nearly 20. I didn't
quite finish high school. I wonder if
I should go back and finish up. A
boy asked me to marry hiim but he
isn t here now. Do you think I have
Black Eagle
Herb Medicine
For Weak Folks
If you suffer with weak back, (
Kidney, Bladder Gas, Constipation,
Indigestion, Billiousness, Rundown
Nerves, Cramps, Rheumatism, Less of
Womanhood, and Manhood, try this I
medicine. Send $2.00 for 8 ounce J
bottle. We also ship C. O. D., posiate !
and mon^r order fee extra.
The Spiritual Health
121 N. 11 St. Phila., Pa.
. RHONE JA 4635
formerly at—
24th and Erskiac
| 516 North 16th jj
a better chance in married life or
going back to school life?
Aru: Re-enter school immediately. It
uill be at least a year before the
young man in question is in a posi
tion to marry as he is still over seas.
Meanwhile, finish high school and
take a course of study in some speci
fic field or go to college. Don't fust
sit around waiting to get married.
J. S. N.—There is a man of 25 whom
I like quite a lot and he seems the
same way about me. Here ia my pro
blem. His wife has put in for a div
orce and is telling the people I am
the cause when her husband hadn't
even spoken to me until after she
asked for a divorce. Do you think I
should disregard what people say and
go On with him as he is nice. I want
to keep my reputation.
A ns: W ell—Knock him ofj your list
7s you will lose your reputation b}
continuing this friendship. He is not
divorced and even though yOu did not
know him until he and his wife were
having domestic troubles, your pre
sence has added to her grief and she
hold nothing but bitterness in her
heart for you. There are too many
attractive single fellows who want to
date you for you to be Wasting your
time with a man who is married.
James H. Robinson, Jr„ M.D.
7 *4 y»Ui PubUttlumi
Native of Cincinnati. Ohio. Honoi
Graduate of 60tb Wilberforce Univer*
eity. Wilberforce. Ohio, and Meharry
Medical College. Nashville.Tenn. Mem*
ber of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity,
Sen Mehr Rebk and Kappa Pi Honor*
ary Societies. Veteran of two and a
half years of military service with the
Army of the United States, including
overseas combat service as Battalion
Surgeon with the 777tb Field Artillery
Battalion, with rank of Captain.
Son of James H. Robinson, Sr.,
PhD.. Dean of the College of Liberal
Arts at Wilberforce University, who
is listed in ‘‘Who’s Who in America.’1
Dr. Robinson recently opened
office in Detroit at 1553 W. Gram)
Wife is the former Rose L. Elliot)
of Media. Pa., recently a First Lieutenj
ant in the Army Nursing Corps, wll
served with the famed 335th Sun. ]
Hospital in the Burma-India 1 heai.A
snd later on Okinowa.
A—■■ \
“/I Pays To Look WeW’
Ladle; and Children’s Work (
A Specialty
2422 Lake Street
> -
How women and girls
may get wanted relief
from functional periodic pain
Cardul Is a liquid medicine
which many women say has
brought relief from the cramp
tike agony and nervous" strata
of functional periodic distress.
Here’s how It may help:
1 m Taken like a tonic. It
should stimulate appe
tite, aid digestion,•
thus help build resist
ance for the "time ’ to -»
2.Started 3 days before
"your time”, It should
help relieve pain duo
to purely functional
periodic causes.
Try Cardul. If It helps,
you’ll be glad you did.
NatitnJ Labot Sfrticl
There’s a streamlined train whizzing around the country
with a priceless load on board. To,300 cities during the next
twelve months, the Freedom Train will carry the record
of America’s heritage •— all the documents that mark the
growth of liberty in the United States.
Three carloads of America’s birthright make up the
Freedom Train — the Declaration of Independence, the
Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Jefferson’s Bill of Religious
Freedom, the Gettysburg Address, the Emancipation Proc
lamation — the written guarantees of the American way of
life. Here is your right to say what you please; to worship
as you see fit; to talk over your common problems with your
neighbors. Here is your right to trial by jury; to equal
protection under the law, whether you are rich or poor,
white or black, Catholic, Protestant or Jewish. Here, too,
is the foundation for labor’s rights — the safeguards that
| make it possible for workers to unite in strong unions and
i fight for decent working conditions.
I Here are all the rights and freedoms of democracy — but
documents alone can’t keep democracy in action. To do that
takes citizenship. It takes men and women who know their
heritage and will work to keep it; who join in community
activities, who vote in elections, who fight to keep their
rights and the rights of their neighbors from being attacked.
American workers have learned that eternal vigilance is
the price of their freedom. They will be more vigilant than
ever before. The Freedom Train highlights a year of re
dedication to American ideals and labor will lead the way.
Together, in strong unions, workers of every race and creed
will prove that alert and active Americans know how to
protect their heritage — in the shops, in the communities,
in Congress. The Freedom Train is o.; its way. freedom
is tverybody’s job.
[ Contractor
| See Bailey First
( OKF'I'C£—2209 NO. 22ND S i
—PMON E_ A T1154—
I Once ?v*ore
Edholm & Sherman
2* ^orth 24th St. Phone WE 6055
i ir rbi imr i i
' -3—in 11— w*m»*iBxxEsaGszac33smsss3Bm —BBBSMa——
“W* Appreciate Your Trade”
*4th 8 LAKE AT. 4248
Latest Creations
Easily Attached
Human Hair—
cmonon All Shades
Just send sample of you* hair
Pay Postmen full Amount on Dullvory
507 FIFTH AYE (Room 905) NEW TOM 17, N. Y, Dtf*. A