miiiems HUMANITY Editor'* Koto:. Submit pour problem* for publication to ABSE' WALLACE, ia Aare or thla aeWppaper. Give pour full naao. ad droaa aad blrthdate. For a "private reply" oead Abbe'a atanpod “voiopo aad tfritp-flvi eeata for one of hie new aad inspiring "LISSOM! FOB MAPPICT LXYIMO." Tour letter vill bs treated ssafldeatlallp. lead S9 cents la spin, stamps sr aoaep order. Address pour letter to: The C»BE' WALLACE Serviee. la ears of. M. C. R.—Dear Sir, I have a wife who likes to go out all of the time and I don’t like for her to do so. I try to stop her but she said she would leave me if I didn’t let her go. I Now I love her and hate to give her up but should I let her go if she doesn’t do right? Arts: It’s a very unhappy state of affairs as it is so you might as well reach an understanding now as to postpone the agony. Unless she agrees to live a dignified life of a true wife, you can’t expect to get along at all together. E. W.—Should I break up house keeping or continue on as I am? There has been a rumor that the house might be sold. I Arts: Stay on as you are you would be miserable boarding or living cramped up In a room. Should the house be sold> ynu „>f// be gjven a • reasonable length of time to find \ another place to live. W. K.—I went with a boy 5 years. I 7 Months ago he left me and is now i living with a girl friend of mine. I see him twice a week and he says he still loves me. If so, why does he act like he does? A ns: He’s scared of his girl friend and does not intend to let her catch him talking with you. You’re wast ing your time with him as he is not going to break away from and is handing you a line. Get you a man friend and show him that you aren’t pining your life away because of him. M. A. G.—When a husband comes out plain and shows he does not want to take care of you or give you anything, don't you think it is time to go and make a place for yourself? I don't feel this is my home as I can't fix it up or have anything un less it is a fuss. Ans: Your husband is a little on the rrabby side here of late but not because he resents having to take care of you. He knows that money is tight and he wants to save instead of spd/iding everything 'fhat comes in. Get your heads together and map out a savings program, dhow him that you are wiUiing to cooperate and the tension will cease between you. F. A. J.—Is there any chance of me getting a good husband? Ans: Yes, without a doubt. Send for Happier Living lesson No. 4 How To Win A Man, price 25 cents. It offers some very helpful hints on win ning a husband. R. M. W.—I am 25 years old and am going with a sweet, little trick of 17. No matter what I do, he j seems to love me and he is jealous j of me too. He just don’t count the young girls and they all know he is after me. His mother doesn’t ljke me so what am I going to do^ Ans: Quit encouragiing the young lad, he’s hardly dry behind the ars. His mother doesn’t appreciate you robbing her cradle and that is why she is acting so indifferent. He's in fatuated but will get over it if you do not appear too interested. Devote more of your time to fellows your own age as the boy is too young to be getting serious with you or any one else. NEW DORMITORY FOR WOMEN AT EDWARD WATERS — JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — The John W. Martin Hall, new dormitory for women at Edward Waters College is being rapidly constructed to relieve the crowded conditions at the school. Although the college opened in the midst of the tropical hurrieane. the initial enrollment was one of the larg est in history. ■ BOYD GALLOWAY FATHER PASSES IN DALLAS TEXAS Mr. Boyd V. Galloway 2814 No. 28 1 st., father Mr. Elliot Galloway died suddenly at Dallas, Texas where he was a long-time resident. Mr. E. Galloway is the brother of Mr. C. C. Galloway publisher of the Omaha Guide. In Omaha Mr. E. Galloway leaves to mourn his death beside the above persons Mrs. Julia Galloway daughter in law. A brother Mr, N. Galloway of D:umright, Okla.. and a daughter Mrs. Azllee Walker of Dallas, Texas; he leaves also to mourn his lost four grand-children. BUILDING BOOMING AT WARNER BROS. BURBANK, Calif.—The necessity of matching “To the Victor” sequences filmed in France and Paris with “ci tings in the home lot. has launched Warner Bros, into its largest build ing ' boom since Pearl Harbor. An entire block (including both sid^s of the street t of the Place des Vosges, Paris, is under construction, as well as portions of such famous landmarks the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Surete and the Museum of Natural history. Skilled technicians also are duplicationg parts of several bomb ruined villages and sections of his toric Omaha Beach, in Normandy. The film, a post-war melodrama about misplaced persons, stars Vive ca Lindfors and Dennis Morgan. Store Hours Store Hours Open ' ~3T "• W" ~ 7' * Open ■££ Montgomery Ward *'"££ 16th At Howard Omaha WARD WEEK Radio Values! « Compare AIRLINE COMBINATION X COMPARE $180 MODELSI I On Tnirm: $8 a Month oftor Down Paymnni A sensationally low price for a period-style combination with automatic record-changer! New ' apartment-size cabinet crafted of fine mahogany veneers! Mel low-tone bass-boost and 3-posi tion tone control for radio! .12-record automatic changer! ^ y pfi£*£, * l' i. -i l REGULAR 23.95 "MODERN-DESIGN" PLASTIC AIRLINE • t --n ~~ — -I „ Worthwhile savings! You’ll like the dean-cut design and fine; true tone of j *■ this excellent radio! Smartly-styled in brown plastic with slide-rule dial! 4*65i • ’ Equitone speaker! 4 tiffins plus power rectifier! Airwave built-in loop antenna! $5 a MonfA -AS.-__i_i - ‘ The Common Defense... By Rev. William C. Kernan As Veterans See It Perhaps not much is remembered now about Donald Clark. But this at least is known about him. He fought in World War 11 and was 19 yean old when he died. He found himself one day on a blazing boat from which he rescued some of his shipmates. He was burned, but not as badly as his companions who were so help less that, unable to move, they had to lie at the bottom of the lifeboat. Donald put his charred hands to the oars and rowed for two hours. When he was picked up, still rowing, hie hands had to be cut away from the oars. The burned flesh was stuck to 1 them. The next day he died-19 years old. In time of war we help a man when he is dying—and don’t ask any questions about it—whether he is white or colored, a Protestant, a | Catholic, or a Jew. The heroism that I men are capable of comes out at I such times in the flames and devast ation of war. But peace !yieeds its hetroes too. And now. in this year 1947, peace needs them desperately and in great numbers. It isn’t required so gener ally as in war that we help the dying. It is required everywhere and every day that we help the living—and, ar in war, without asking any questioni about it—concerning a man’s race, or religion, or class. American veterans, who fought and won the war together, side by side, that veterans have shed their uniforms and are now fighting for the American way of life, for a de cent home in which to live, and a job which will enable them to live that life about which they dreamed when on the shores of Normandy or the mud and sand in the Pacific. We are going even further now and exerting our efforts to bring about a nation free from racial and re ligious prejudice through the unity of just such groups as the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Let’s all be Ameri cans, practice Americanism, and unite to crush subversive groups whenever they raise their ugly heads.” That is the way heroes of war see America at peace—the way for every American to se it. THE REV. W. C. JOHNSON OF COFFEYVILLE, KANSAS REV. W. C. JOHNNSON Will conduct a Revival Meeting at Clair Methodist Church, 22nd and Miami st., beginning Monday night, October 20. The Rev. Johnson is an outstanding, gospel, preacher. We extend a cor dial invitation to all Pastors, Minis ters, and Congregations to hear him, and to lend us your support, in help ing to save the unsaved, and to re claim those who strayed from the fold Prayer and praise service will begin each night at 7:30, and Rev. Johnson will preach each night at 8 o’clock. Plan to hear him and to attend the Revival each night. VISITING IN CALIFORNIA Mrs. Pauline Williams of 2215 Mi ami st., is visiting her mother in Los Angeles, California. She will return to Omaha about the end of this month. GUEST OF REV. AND MRS. A. WASHINGTON Mrs. Bamma Washington of Mobile, Ala., is visiting her son and daughter in-law, the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. A. Washington of 3011 Miami. Enroute to Omaha Mrs. Washington spent three weeks in Detroit, Mich. She will leave for Mobile next week. The Rev. Mr. Washington left the city this week for Kansas City where he will attend a convention of the Church of the Living God. PURELY OBJECTIVE Jane Wyman was an interested ob server when her hubby, Ronald Rea gan, stagged his big love scene with Shirley Temple for Warner Bros.’ forthcoming romantic drama, “That Hagen Girl.” “Just to get my first objective view of his technique,” Miss Wyman explained. Ideal Bog Size Moderately fat hogs, weighing be tween 190 and 240 pounds alive, pro duce hams, shoulders and sides of the meet desirable size for curing. Legal Notices IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Doc. 404 • No. 185 ORDER LUCILLE L. RYAN, Plaintiff, vs. EARLE L. RYAN, Defendant. This matter came on to be heard on this 24th day of September, 1947, upon the motion and affidavit of the plain tiff for leave to procure service of pro cess upon the defendant herein by publication, and it appearing to the ssa'afaction of the court from the af fidavit of the plaintiff, that the plain tiff does not know the address or resi dence af the defendant and has not been able to ascertain either, after reasonable and due inquiry and dili gent search continued for three months after the filing of the plaintiff’s peti tion. It is therefore ordered that notice of the pendency of this action shall be given to the defendant by publication i in a legal newspaper in Douglas County, Nebraska, for four successive weeks. BY The Court Judge James M. Fitzgerald District Judge IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Dec. 404 No. 185 AFFIDAVIT LUCILLE L. RYAN, Plaintiff, vs EARLE L. RYAN, Defendant. STATE OF NEBRASKA) ) si COUNTY OF DOUGLAS) Harold L. Hunt, being first duly sworn upon oath, deposes and says that he is the attorney for the plaintiff herein; that the plaintiff filed her petition on the 24th day of March 1947, against Earle L. Ryan the defendant herein, the object and prayer of which ia to secure an annullment of a mar riage from the defendant; affiant fur ther states that the plaintiff does not know the whereabouts, address or re- i sidence of the defendant and lias not been able to ascertain either, after rea- * sonable and due inquiry and diligent search, continued for more than three months after the filing of the plain tiffs petition. WHEREFORE plantiff prays for an order for service upon the defendant by publication. Subscribed and sworn to before we, a Notary Public, in and for Dou glas County, Nebraska, on this 24th day of September, 1947. Ralph R. Bremer Notary PuLblic ! 4t—Beg. 9-27-47 End. 10-18-47 | CLOUD HOPPER Mary Stuart is .the only screen act ress known in Hollywood who prac tices high altitude hitch-hiking. She thumbed an air ride from Tulsa in New York to go to an airline school for reservationists, was spotted by a talent scout and is now making her i cinema debut in “April Showers'’ at Warner Bros. or*.' u wedding The wearing*of something blue at the wedding was ancient Israelite custom which suggested a blue rib bon for the brifee—blue-being the col or of purity, love and ftdelity. i Classified ' Is Get Results FOREIGN JOBS Men Women gov. and private listings, hundreds sklll de classifications. 16-pages accur.. ate information $1.00, postpaid.... Satisfaction guaranteed.FOREIGN JOBS. INC., Baltimore 1, Mary Id. U MtniK.o * CLEAVERS EUUOLS A SHEUSliV *401 North 34th St «E. SOM PICK THESE AND YOU CANT GO WRONG: Kingsblood Royal The Vixens, Color Blind, Black Boy. Also Oscar Micheaux’s' books. BRUMBAUGH OF OMAHA New and USED Books 109 N. 16th St. AT 8032 WANTED: THE OMAHA GUIDE desires the service of two alert, energic, and conscious men or women with cars that desire to earn additional spending money ROOMS FOR employed couples or single persons cooking privelegea. 1116 N. 18 St. VACANT LOT 28th, Binney. WE 2341 TECH HAS ITS OWN FLAG For the first time in its history. Technical High School has its own flag to represent all sportsmen, debat ers, musicians, honor students, and every Techster. Mr. Palmquist head of the Activities Office, suggested the ideal about a I year ago. The idea began to look more like a reality when the Student Council backed the project. After it was decided that Tech was to have a flag, one of Tech’s own boys was given the job of designing it. Henry Snodgrass, one of Tech’s talented artists, proved his ability when he arranged the setool colors and emblem in a simple but beauti ful way. The top of the flag is maroon, the bottom white, and in the middle is placed the school emblem. These plans were rushed to the See E. E. Company of Omaha, where the flag was made. It was shown at last year’s memorial program, again at the re cent organ concert, then at a recent pep rally. The price for this flag was nearly one hundred dollars. MARY’S CHICKEN HUT. 2722 N. CHICKEN DINNERS 30th St, JA. 8S46. Our Chicken Dinners are Something to Crew A' bout Robt Jones, Propr. New & Used Furniture IDEAL FURNITURE MARI Mil'll North 94th— 94th • *V» —WEbstcr 9294— LYCAN A RANKIN guaranty their furnace repairs, call A 0029 Real Estate Loans F. E. WATTERS 234 Brandies Theater Tel. JA 3393 WANTED 12 live-wire newsboys to sell the Greater Omaha Guide weedenda. Call at the Omaht Guide 2420 Grant St., and ^asl for Mr. Devereaux after schoo on Thursday and Friday after noon for full particulars. Hurry for only 12 boys will be used. HOLLY WOODODDITY Trick photography department at Warner Bros. Studio is anticipating a prolonged howl from the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. Dream sequ ence now in preparation for “Chris opher Blake" will present the utterly preposterous sight of snow falling— and drifting—on Hollywood Boulevard! SUBSCRITTtCrf KATES: 1 MONTH. S,. S MONTHS. .. . SJ.M « MONTHS . 1 S4.M ooo I YEAH (Out ot Towi S4.S0 Roofing — Siding — ln»u!atien ' Guttering OLD ESTABLISHED LINES Free Estimates F. H. A. TERMS T. C. Snow KE 6930 _ Andrew’s Quick Service Cleaners DRY CLEANING — HAT WO(RK WELL DONE CASH—CARRY Pick-l'p — Delivery Every day One-Day Service or 2- Hour Service PRESSING DONE WHILE YOU WAIT 1827 NORTH 24