YMCA Notes CYM FACILITIES AVAILABLE TO NEAR NORTHSIDE COMMUNITY The Near Northside Branch YMCA i-hat taken over the Omaha Urban Lea gue gymnasium facilities from Oct obet to March. To take care of the expense of renting this gymnasium a Small gym fee will be charged each ^ paitiS pant according to his age: up to 15 years of age 50 cent, 16-20 years $1.00 and all over 20 years $1.50. GRA Y CLUBS Gra-H Clubs in Long, Kellom, Howard Kennedy, will get under way this week and plan their fall and win ter programs. Urge your son to be r-unae a member of the club of his ■•(Stool. y’ ! NEBRASKA LAYMAN'S CONFERENCE The Annual Nebraska Laymen's Conference; wjj)| be held at Camp Sheldon Co’umLus Nebraska on Sun day October 5, 1947. Mr. H. B. Rogers and Mr. Harper Glezen, of the West Central Area Council will be on bard to lead discussions on YMCA Fin ancing and Community Chest Rela tionships; Our YMCA ,n Nebraska and Our Area and National Projects. The Near Northside Branch YMCA expects to have four delegates in at tendance at this conference. WAR MOTHERS MAKE < Contribution to “Y” The 'Ernest Evans War Mothers of which Mrs. Mrs. C. Crumbly is presi dent and Mrs. Minnie Dixon recording aecfetary presented the Branch with a lovely bookcase this week. The staff and the Committee of Management of the Branch wishes to thank this fine group of women for their lovely con tribution. IDEAL IMPROVEMENT CLUB The Ideal Improvement Club will hold their regular monthly meeting at' the Masonic Hall, 26tk and Blondo Streets at 8:00 p. m. oh Wednesday Ocotber 8, 1947. Matters of import ance to be discussed at this meeting not only concern the members but al! the community. You are urged to come and bring a friend with you. A. R. Goodlett, President Russell E. Reese, Recording Sec'v Lhw on a Potato On* potato will lupply 100 calo ttes or about one twenty-fifth of the amount of calories recommended for the average adult for daily con sumption. However. 11 is essential that r baiancod ration be utilized Beer Retailers Approve Self-Regulation i The great majority of beer retailers in Nebraska are them selves among the strongest champions of beer industry Self-Regulation. They know their own reputa tion and business future may suffer if a few fail to recog nize the responsibilities of a beer license. They endorse the work of the Nebraska Com mittee and the brewing in dustry in: t _ 1. Promoting among beer retailers a better under standing of clean and lawful practices. 2. Supporting legal author ities in elimination of undesirable elements ^ from the beer industry. The brewing industry, through the Nebraska Committee, has practiced Self-Regulation in the state for nearly ten years. It has the support of state and local governing bodies, the public generally, and all branches of the brewing in dustry. NEBRASKA COMMITTEE * United States Brewers Foundation sou" Charles £. Sandal!, State Directoi 7>o First Nat’l Bank Bldg., Lincola MCDONALD REPORTING — Mr. J. D. Hines at 2523 Q st„ oper ates a well-stocked clothing business suits, coats, etc., that will fit any size man at the most reasonable pric es in town anywhere, When you are looking for a bargain in clothing come see Hines first for his goods is priced to suit his customers. Macks Used Car Lot at 24th Deer, Park Blvd. has some of the best look ing ased cars in town. They sell at the most reseasonable prices too. They can supply with just about any make of car you 90 desire; just come in an give them a chance to serve you. Louis Albert 35th st. Levenworth st., operates one of the finest grocery stores in town. He is usually on hand to meet his many customers. He car ries the finest in groceries, eats etc; at the low prices you are looking for when shopping. Mrs. Maude Finney 3801 Levens worth st., a fine business women op erates her own drug store. She car ries the best in sodas, ice cream, drugs, etc, is served at all times. Mrs. Finney extendes a welcome to all to stop in and let her fill your drug needs. Robs Furniture 3805 Levensworth has some of the finest first class fur niture in town. Cne is surprised t.v find such a place hidden away on Levensworth st. yet it does exist and you will find a young fellow willing and ready to serve you if you care to come in when in the vinicity. You are welcome at all trines. Before the winter months set in get your window washing done now by a reliable window washing service There is nothing like clean sparkling windows during the holidays such as Thanksgiving etc. Don’t worry and fret over the dirty windows or work yourself to death just call in al2208 Cumings st. and let them do. the job for you. The Kenwood Bakery 4508 N. 30., has some of the best bake goods to sell in town. Their bagers are in a class by themselves due to the fine pastry that they put out for the many customers that come to this establish ment. Buy your bake goods and other goodies from the Kenwood Bakery. See Mr. Gretchel at 4519 N. 30 if their is anything you need in hard ware. He hasever ything you need in this line. His reputation for having everything in the hardware line is far and wide. See Gretchel for your hardware today. Mrs. Lockwood 4506 N. 36 st., op erates a fine 5 and 10 cents store. Seh keeps everything spic and span about the place, and she is always on hand to serve her many customers and friends that drop in for a chat. When you are out her way, drop in and see her nice line of goods. HOUSE GUEST FROM CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. Hopie M. Bronson 2514 Decature st., were the past week host and hostess to Mrs. Partee Pitts and son George from Los Angeles California. MVs. Bror*on and Mrs. Pitt were school chum in little Rock. While in the city Mrs. Pitts and her son were entertained by a Bingo and Theater party along with a tour about Omaha, South Omaha, Boys Town, and Council Bluffs. George at tended the Kansas City and Clown? baseball game and two out-of-town football games. The climax to their entertainment came Friday evening when open house was held in their honor at the home of the Bronson's. Guest were as follows: Dr. and Mrs. G. B. Lennox and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Gooden, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Herschal Monto mary, Mr. George Litmon, Mrs. John nie Jordan, Mrs. Helen Reed, Mrs. Goldie Williams, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mosley. Mrs. Pitts and her son return to California Saturday evening by way of the Los Angeles Limited. Knockabout Chairs If you have knockabout chairs in the sunroom or on “sabbatical leave" from the summer porch and |heix appearance is not everything you desire, consider making simple slipcovers for them. Use strong fab rics like ticking or oilcloth in fast colors, so they can be tossed regu- i larly into the washing machine. World’? Ftrsf Champ James Figg. who won the crown as bare knuckle champion in 1719. W AITRESS W ANTED Wanted woman Waitress steady position Top Wags paid and insurance Age — 18 to 25 Apply Miss Betty, Rome Hotel, 116th and Howard Sts. ^a—■——— ——— W ANTED A MAN OR WOMAN LRY COOK LUNCH AND DINNER \ Must be reliable and experienced. Best Wages. P. P. Apply to— ' MISS BETTY at the Rome Hotel, 16th and Howard* Streets STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGE M,E NT, CIRCULATION ETC., REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912, AS AMENDED BY THE ACTS OF MARCH 3, 1933, AND JULY 2, 1946 Of The Omha Guide published Weekly at Omaha, Nebraska, for October 1st, 1947. State of Nebraska, Co-unty of Douglas, Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county afore said, personally appeared Mason M. Devereaux, Jr., who, having* been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the Business Manager of the The Omaha Guide and that the following is, to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true state ment * of the ownership, management etc., of the aforesaid publication for triweekly newspaper, the circulation), (and if a daily, weekly, semiweekly or the date shown in the above caption, required by the act of August 24, 1912, as amended by the acts of March 3, 1933, and July 2, 1946 (section 537, Postal Laws and Regulations), print ed on the reverse of this form, to wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing edi tor, and business managers are: Publisher C. C. Galloway 2420 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebr. Editor (Acting) Mason M. Devereaux, Jr. 2420 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebr. Managing editor None. Business manager Mason M. De vereaux, Jr. 2420 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebr. 2- That the owner is: (If owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also im mediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding one percent or more of total amount of stock. If not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the individual owners must be giv en. If owned by a firm, company, or other unincorporated concern, its name and address, as «t:i as those of each individual member, must be given.) C. C. Galloway 2420 Grant Street, Omaha, Nebr. 3. Thai the known bondholders, ! mortgagees, and other security hold ers owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of bonds, mort-• | gages, or other securities are: (If there are none, so state.) Mr. Dudley H. Chapman 617 Sc. 17 St. Omaha, Nebr. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and security holders, if any, contain not c.ity nie list of stock, holders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also, in cases where the stockhold er or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting, is given; also that the said two paragraphs con tain statements embracing affiant’s full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security hold ers who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or cor poration has any interest direct or in direct in the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so stated him. 5. That the average number of cop ies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails or otherwise, to paid subscribers dur ing the twelve months' preceding the date shown above is 2,194 (This information is required from daily, weekly, sbmiweekly, and tri weekly newspapers only.) Mr. Mason M. Devereaux Jr., Gen. Mgr. (Bus. Mgr.) J Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1 day of October, 1947 Joseph, J. Belitz (SEAL) My commission expires Feh. 8, 1953 zsrvj at weuaiag , The wearing'of something blue at file wedding wa« ancient Israelite custom which suggested a blue rib bon for the bride—blue being the col or Of IHiritv ]ove ‘r-~ ~~-N lake shoe service ■Vote Is The Time To Get Your Shoes Rebuilt! Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work 2407 Lake Street l - .> Hew women and girls may get wanted relief frmm^unctional periodic pain e^rdui is a liquid medicine which many women sav has hreupht relief from the cramp— like aguy and nervous strain of fuMtional periodic distress. Here’s hew'it'may help: 1 . Taken like a tonie, it should stimulate appe „, *»te, old digestion,* thus help build reslst '* ante for the "time” to earns. f •.Started 3 days before “your time”, it should hepa relieve pai* due to purely, functional periodic causes. Try CaxduL If it helps, yeti'll be glad y®u did I I PROBLEMS HUMANITY k _ 4_ Editor'a Not*:- Subait your yrobloas for publication to ABBE' WALLACE, la ear* of this newspaper. Civ* your full naao, ad draas and blrthdata. For a "private reply" send Abbs * a ataapod aavelepo and tsaaty-flve oeata tor *»• ef Bis now and inspirlat ■LB9B0NS FOR HAPPIER LITXM,* Tour letter will be treated eeafldoatlally. Bead 25 wests la eeia, staape or aonoy order. Address year letter tas The VMS' WALL ACS Service, la ear* ef. L. M. C.—I am 19. considered very good looking and a fine dresser. My manfriend is past 50 but he is nice and sweet. He gives me anything 1 want but here of late he is insisting that we get married. I know I am too young for him. What do you think? Ans: Grandpop is too old for you. He pleases your vanity with his fine gifts but he isn't the man to make you a huband. He's wasting his money and you’re wasting your time. Refuse his presents and break away from him so that you ean encourage the single fellows ground your own age. D. C.—Three years ago I made a long train trip to visit my husband in camp Enruote I sat with a very entertain ing fellow whom I enjoyed immensely He showed me every consideration. Upon parting, he handed me a card and begged me to correspond. I didn’t write him but here of late I have been wondering if it isn’t; he that I sincerely love. 1 must confess my husband is wonderful to me. A ns: To be painfully frank, yon are acting very silly. The man hasn’t given you a second thought and he surely was never in love with you. Why make yourself mis erable by harboring dreams of this man? Turn this emotional excess your husband’s way and the results tvill be most gratifying. W. M.—I worked at a cafeteria for six years and last week I mad with the cook and quit. Now T realize that I made a mistake. Should I go back and talk to the bc6S? Ans: By all means do. Your work has been very satisfactory and ha will give you another chance if you contact him immediately. It’s good business to get along with your co workers regardless of how you may feel about them. R. C. M.—We have been married 10 years and here lately he hasn’t been coming in as early as he should. He says he stops off for a beer but I have my doubts. We have three kids and I don’t intend to let him get started putting anything over on me. Should I pack, take tny kids and leave? A ns: No. Looking after yourself and children would be quite big responsibility and you would find yourself in dire ciraumstances if you tried it. He isn’t guilty of any wrong doing you’re jumping at conclusions. Wipe that smerk °ff your face and be ore sociable and entertaining and he will want to come home to you. 1 recom mend that you send for Happier Living Lesson No. b, How to Hold Man, price 25 cents. It will help you S. M. S.—I am a veteran of War 11. My mother is my trouble. It seems that she wants me to stick at home. I wanted to go back in the army but she refuses to give her consent. I wanted to go to a trade school out of the state and she said that was too far away. She seems satisfied if I work and bring in a little pay check each week of about $20. 1 wpiild rathe*- ^ommit iuicide than tolerate this life. Tell me something, please. <— ~~ ~~ : “/f Pays To Look WeU” MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 Lake Street Ans: You’re a man now think : and act as one. It’s not unusual for a mother to want her son by her side but you are approaching 25 years of age and you must begin thinking for yourself as you won’t have her to think Jor you always. You definitely need to return to school and compidfo yopf school and complete your educa tion or go to trade school. Make your choice and carry out your dans. t. M. S.—I have been going with a nan recently to whom I am attracted ind he has' asked me to marry him. rlowever, I am educated, have high deals and cater to the people of my >wn class. He's fine and good but or some reason I can't seem to for tet that he comes from a poor, un educated family and I am afraid that t will cause trouble later. Am I right? Ans: Yes you should not take him as your mate unless you can ac cept him as your social equal. Amarriage can’t survive when one mate feels vastly superior to the other. You really do not love the man, feeling as you do about. It’s best to call it quits now. Secret of Pie Cutting To cut pie eerily grrinfctc rrami over the u.ir!::<;ue .s-u iJii.. —- ■ ■ - ■' —■ --.-i - -■ ■ ■ » 77 PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery Duffy Pharmacy -WE-0609— 24th & Lake St*. GROSS JEWELRY & LOAN CO. . PHONE JA 4635 formerly at— 24th and Erskine NEW LOCATION 516 North 16th We * Once More T ' BERING CURTAINS * YD 0/? BRING THEM IN Edholm & Sherman /DEREKS & DRY CLEANERS— 24t i x/orth 24th St. Phone WE 8055 THRIFTY LIQUOR STORE .• WINES, BEER, LIQUORS “We Appreciate Your Trade” *4th & LAKE AT. 4248 BLUES SINGER PEE WEE WILEY SIGNED BY WAXING CO. HOLLYWOOD — Supreme Record ing Company announced this week that it had signed Pee Wee Wiley. T-Bone Walker’s cousin as the first ! blues shouter to be put under a long term contract by the company. A big publicity build-up is being planned for the new singing find. Bobby Pittman, Supreme’s senti timental singing star whose first plat ter “Don’t Mentoin Love To Me” coupled with “Deep In a Dream’’ has ■ made him not only the nation’s fav orite but the disc jockeys’ as well, has two new deleases titled “If I Had You” and “I Had To Give You Up,” which will add immeasureable ly to his fast growing popularity. Population in Palestine Since 1940 Palestine’s Jewish pop ulation has jumped from 163,000 to 630.000, immigration and natural in creases being about equal These figures are about 1? times that of 1919. The Arab population is ap proximately 1.110.000. Real Estate Loans. Low Interest Rate. Promptly mad*. ANY LOCATION IN OMAHA. Realty Mtge Co, 234 6 Brandeis TVwater F. C. Watters Secretary \ Contractor .. j | See Bailey First ( SPECIALIZING IN PATCH WORK. PLASTERING ( #BRICKLAYING CHIMNEYS AND CONCRETEINGe { ( • retaining walls r } ( OFFICE—2209 NO. 22ND S. ( ( —PHONE—AT1154— J ^ A— * A A^ A ■N NEW TELEPHONE RATES WILL HELP MEET RISING COSTS A revision of telephone rates to meet greatly increased operating costs was approved by the Nebraska State Radway Commission in its order of September 30. New rates for local servi will be effective with bills datd November J. Changes in long distance rates will be efie« liw November J This is the first general adjustment in prices in more than twenty years. In the same period higher wage rates and huge advai ces in ma terial costs have made it increasingly difficult to keep business in a healthy financial condition. So there was no alternative to a re pricing if we were to make ends meet. 1 be rales now authorized are the lowestt practicable under present conditions and we hope they will be sufficient to establish the sound earn ings ' osition that will enable us to obtain from investors the large amounts of money required for much-needed plant additions^ . It is our aim to make a eompletelyy adequate service available at reasonable cost to all who want it, when wanted—in cities, on farms and ranches—a better service than ever before. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE CO. TOWARD A BETTER TELEPHONE SERVICE We’re working at top speed to provide mo^'e and better tele phone service to more people. Since the war we have spent $7,300, 000 in Nebraska principally to meed backed up demand. (>u.< con tinuing program now calls for new or enlarged buildings in many1 cities or towns. It will include installation of hundreds, of miles of 1 ong Distance Circuits, additional Switchboard Posltioi ► — dial switching equipment, cables, and other facilities in greater guan titics than ever before. • The dollars to pay for this expansion—some $20,090,000 in the next few years—come not from the money wej take in for tele phone service, but from the investments of thousands of people will ing to put their savings in a going business in ahealth/ condition. Take it TRAVEL BY TRAIN For ease... for convenience...for relaxation... for downright travel pleasure...go by train...by Union Pacific. You relax in air-conditioned comfort. Regardless of weather, good or bad, you know you’ll get to your destination. You’re not tied down...can roam around as &ou please...partake of tasty, carefully prepared meals in the diner. You arrive feeling com pletely refreshed. It’s a real vacation. $5 For information and reservations see your local £ Union Pacific Ticket Agent. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 4%otu/ of the c>//iea*H/Ut£M