The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 13, 1947, Image 5

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    ST. JONH' 8 A. M. C, BHUROH
22 4 Willis Av».
Rev E. B. ChHdre5*
Mason Dev^r^aux Jr, rapsrtor
' I
The Chariot was chosen as the
subject of our ministers Sunday
morning address Sept. 7, to his
spiritual filled congregation. He
used as text 16 chapter 24th verse
-of Mathews, and his thoughts for
the day was as follows: "there
is a corresponding amount of
sacrific by a man; if that man
expects to walk with God, it cost
a man something to stand by the
principles of rightousnesa against
all odds, and there is but one
security, and that security is in
Jesus Christ.
Visitors: Mr. Albert Black 2822
Srskine st, Omaha, Mr. Calven
«riffin 2914H Omaha, Miss Ruth
Ana ftardenshire 807 Wood sf,
Topeka, Kans, Mrs. 3. H. Vinable
and Son of St. Joseph, Mo, Mrs.
HPa Chaetew 286 Erskine Omaha
Mr. Tommie Chootaw 2208 N. 2fl
at. Omaha, Nebr, Mr. Charles Me- ,
Pherson 4835 Calumet ave, CM
oago III.
Let us pray for the sick throu
ghout the week whoever they
may be wherever they may be.
Auxiliaries of our chureh con
tributing recently to the Annual
conference are th# Senior Choir
and the Junior Stewardress Board.
All Clubs and auxiliaries having
yet made a financial contribution
to this fund take note. Help keep
the banner of St. John’s flying to
day by contributing today.
Individuals as well as churc’i
auxiliaries pay your conferense
assessment for it is needed in or.
der that our pastor and wife
might go down to the annual «nn.
ference fully equipped. Pay NOw!
We of St. Johns thank Mr’
E. B. Childress our pastors wife
for those brief echoes from +h •
Missionary Conference at Beth''1
A, M. E. on August 28 and 28.
We are proud of you Mrs. Cv
dress and the ladies that are
members of your society for brin '
ing hofee the banner for increase
membership. A banner which has
not been in St. John’s possession
for more than five years. Let us
keep this Banner ladies by con
tinuing to increase the member
ship this year. Keep up the splend
id work.
Mrs. Mary Speese and her dau
ghetr Miss Florence Speese 2712
Erskine st., were the hostesses to
the Minute Men and Auxiliary at
regular monthly meeting Sunday
afternoon Sept. 7. Tht president
Mr. A. R. Goodlett presided: he
urge? members and friends of St.
Johns to give your names to
members ef the club and auxili
aries for the Annual Birth-dated
The Watchmen will reherase at
the eburch on Friday Sept. 12, at
8 p. m.
The Every-Ready Clubs King
Solomon’s Wedding is set for Mon
’’ day Sept. 29, at the church.
Mrs. R. C. Price president oi
this auxiliaries and the members
desir* the 100 per cent support of
the St. John’s membership in this
worth while effort. Plan to attend
ed now the King Solomon Wed
•dgin Monday Sept. 29 at 8 p. m.
T?outh People don’t forget j the
following meetings: Sunday at
6 p. m. the Allen League, Wed
nesday at 8 p. m. the Jetfiior Choir
rehersal, and the Youth for Christ
Club on Saturday nights from
7:30 to 9:30 p. m.
Turn ■» your Aii-ftequest num
bers for the fourth an*d last All
* request Program of this Confer,
ence year Sunday Sept. 28.
Mothers send your children to
Sunday School every Sunday
morning at 9:80 a. m. Attend our
morning Services at 11 a. m. Our
evening services at 7:30 p. m.
Visitors and friends always wel
come at St. John’s th^ friendly
church at 22nd Willis ave. Come
and worship with us won’t you?
„ Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Mern
Serviees 11:00 a at..
Sernom September 7, “The Tr#t
Of Life ”
Th«lrila Newte Reporter
2200 N. 28th ave.,
R*v. E. P. RMfey. Pa®tor
2418 Parker 8tre«t C. W. F. F.
Rev. 8. K. Nicbote, Pastor
Cherokee, N. C.—The 1947 Cher,
okee indian fair to be held in
the heart of the Smoky Mount
ains will last from SeptemTW 23
to 28.
The Pair will feature instrue
mental and vocal mountain and
(Jterokee music, indian stickball,
> blowgun and archery contests, ih
dian dancing, exhibitions of Indi
an handicraft, fm-ming, industry
**d ntodern building.
ipta*.. ^
SOft & Corby ^Bj
H. H. Qcbaulard, Pastor Si
29th A MeMtur at.
C. P. Rainee,
Mrs, J»»nie E»gli*h, Report**
This, the first Sunday in Sept,
and almost the close of a confer
ence yeas, also the last Sunday
(or Communion befor0 going to
thg Annual Conference. We were
granted the unusual prlvlege of
kneeling around the alter and of.
fering a prayer to God for our
The theme chosen by Rev.
Raines Confidence In the Garee
of Gpd, in individuals word is all
that be can rightfully call his
own . 'Hie Writer of the Psalms
look upon himself as the carrier
for the sheep of God.
David was willing to risk his
life for the sheep left in hie care.
Jacob and Areh&m had confi
dence in the Grace of God. He
knows first how much we can
The second Sunday in Septem
ber is Appreciation Day for our
pastor, lat us all do our part in
making this a memorial day for
Let us always remember to pray
fior the shut-ins.
We appreciate having visitors
in our seiwice eaeh Sunday; al
ways feel at home.
Florid as’ Schools
Ready For Reopening
By Dr. Leonard F. HorSe
few days all of Florida’s Negro
schools and colleges will have!
opened for thw 1947-48 term. Open- j
ing this week are th« Walker !
Business College and Vocational |
School and the Richardson Busi-j
ness School, both in Jacksonville.1
Next week Florida A. and M. Col- j
lege at Tallahassee will open, as |
will Bethune-Cookman at Daytona
Beach, Florida Normal at Saint
Augustine, Fessenden Academy at
Ocala Hungerford at Maitland and
Edward Waters at Jacksonville.
Edward Water Announces the
Following Faculty, Rt. Rev. H. Y.
Tookes, B. D., D. D., S. T. D., 1
Chancellor, Presiding Bishop.
Amos J. White, A. B. A. 1£M 'LL.
D. , President
Ernest E. King, B. A. S., B. D., A.
M.. Dean of the Seminary.
Leonard F. Morse, A. B. Ed. B_ B.
B. D„ A. M„ D. D., LL. D Vice
Dean of Seminary.
Julius C. Caldwell , B. S., Princi
pal of thet High School.
June Duncan, B. A, A. M„
French, Spanish. Samuel H. Cooke
B. S., A. M„ Science. Amy H.
King, A. B., M. Litt., English.
Abram Henderson, Music. Grace
E. Gray, Mus, B., Music. Luella
G. White, B. S., Business. Cleo H.
Williams, A. B„ A. M„ Home
Economics. Doris Milledge, B. S.,
Home Economics. Marie B. May
noe, A. D„ Elementary Education.
Harriet Q. Myers, A. B„ English.
Arthur Brown, B S_, Head Coach.
Robert Morgan, B. S., Vocational
Training. Joseph L. Joiner, B. S.,
B. D_, New Testament History.
James I. King, A. B., B. D„ Old
Testament History* Ali H. Thorpe
B. S, Dean of Women. Alice M.
Skinner, A. B., L. S., Librarian.
Evelyn Hughes, A. D„ Junior High
School. Redman Berry, A. B., Jun
ior High School.
Many Counties Increasing School
Many Florida counties are in
creasing the length of their school
terms. Both Colored and white
teachers are receiving salary in
creases in Duval and other Florida
counties. Nearly all Florida coun
ties are conducting special teach
ers seminars for two weeks or
a month preceding the school
term or immediately following it.
Baby Clinic was sponsored at the
West Virginia State College
Health Center, Mrs. C. B. Hami
ton, R N, in charge for the De
partment of Health. Physical Edu
cation and Safety, De. C. C. Haw
kins. Director. This practical
community enterprise was pro.
| moted by the Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorority, Nu Chapter, under the
aid of the Kanawha County Health
Thg first clinic was held Febr
uary 6. 1947 and once monthly
thereafter. The largest enroll
ments vere in July and August
when 19 to 21 babies wers given
the benefit of clinical checking
and recommendations.
Bishop Wm. MlttcheU of 8t.
Louis, Mo, newly appointed Bis
hop of the Western Diocese t&e
Church of Christ (H) U. 8. A,
will speak at Christ T. Temple
Church of Christ (H) U. 8. A. 29
and Burdette «t, on Tuesday and
Wednesday nights, Sept. I#17.
Bishop Mittchell will accompany
Rev. C. L. Qarhee and family to
Los Angeles, Cal, where h« will
confer with Bishop C. P. Jones
Sr. Bishop of the Church of Chirst
(H) U. 3. A. before, completing
his tour of the Western Diocese.
The Rev. Carhee will assume the
duties of Pastor at Christ Temple
Church of Los Angeles, California,
The Road
to Health
By W. A. Davis, M. D.
MACON, Ga. — A young boy
came running into my office the
other day in a very frightened
state. His hand was bleeding and
he told me in an anxious voice
that he had been bitten by a “mad
I immediately washed out the
wound thoroughly with soap and
water and then bandaged it. Mean
while, I tried to calm and reassure
my young patient and get him to
tell me about the accident. I told
h imthat, even if the dog were
‘ mad’’ and he had caught rabies,
I could give him medical treat
ment and he would not die. I was
glad he had come to my office
so quickly.
He had been riding his bicycle
down the street and had accident,
aily bumped into the dog, runn.
ing over its paw. The dog chased
him along the sidewalk and bit
his hand when he waved his arm
to try to frighten the dog away.
He said with a touch of chagrin,
“This is the first time a dog ever
bit me. I Jike dogs.’’ Thep he look,
ed worried again and said, “But
I’m going to tell my father and
have him find that dog and shoot
him. Whw, suppose I do get rabies
He looked at me in fright.
I explained to him he would
not get rabies unless the dqg was
mad—and that all dogs that bite
are not mad. However, since a
mad dog hod been found in the j
neighborhood recently I though it]
best to take no chance. So I told
the boy I would give him certain
inoculations to protect him in case
the dog did have rabies.
The boy agreed to this and I
gave him an inoculation, telling
him to come back in a few days
for another one, as the inocula
tions are given in a series.
If a dog really does have rabies
and the inoculations are not start
ed immediately after the bite, the
germs will travel from the place
where the person is bitten to the
spinal cord and to the brain, lead
ing to death. This may take sever
al weeks. If the bite is on the bite
is on the face or neck, the germs
travel to the brain more quickly
than they do when the bite is
elsewhere on the body.
My young patient still wanted
his father to find the dog and
shoot it. I suggested that instead
of doing this he ask his father
to call the dog catcher. After all,
we wouldn’t want his father to
takg the chance of being bitten,
too,especially if it turned out that
the dog really was mad.
I told the boy the dog catcher
would shut the dog Up in a place
where he could not get out and
bite anyone else. Hg would keep
the dog under observation for two
weeks at least. If the dog dW have
rabies, he would die during that
As it turned out, the dog was
yhot mad find v^aa [released, I
could stop giving the inoculations
to my young patient who, how
ever, agreed with me that wfi did
t the best thing when we started
the inoculations, as we were
“playing safe’’.
Anyong who is bitten by any
dog should go to the doctor lm
meaditely. He should also tell the
city authorities about the dog s®
they can search for it and when
they find him keep him under ob
servation until they can deter.
mine whether the dog has rabies.
——■ 4
H you have knockabout ekaias la
the sunaoom or cm “sabbatical
leave" from lbs van—«r peach- and
fhxit aspearaaM is ul averyQdkg
yea, dasta, eeasider aaakiag staple
drwrin fcgifca. rtestreagfab
M mm tfcfcttg ar *Mdk to last
color*, sa they t.l* be tossed regu
larly ipto the washing machine.
Is Murder...
By flljmdfife Alicfe Rich
There are many people in this
country of good intentions, whq^e
hearts are in the right places
They honestly believe Jfriat the
United States means something
Sometime ago the American prte*
made a successful job in working
up rightious indignation againsl
the Batasm Death March, the hor
rors of the German prison camps
etc, but it looks like they very
much overlooked the same prhc
ticea right here under the Stars
ami Stripes, and the America*
government doesn’t seem to t*
abl« to do anything about it.
Borne years ago William Q
Summer wrote—"It would be 9
disgrace to us if amongst us men
should burn a rattlesnake or a
mad dog. Thte badness of the vie.
tlm Is not bad enough, but be
cause we are too good-It is
evident, however that the public
opinion is not educated up to this
Publio opinten on burnings and
lynchings is ot yet educated np
to the level where such barbari
ties are impossibble. The number
of ipictlms each year has decreas
ed, ttart the savagery with which
the smaller number of victims are
tortured by American mobs is
greater than that at the turn ,pf
th^ century. This may be attribift
ed paftly to the effort of the war
the lust for blood and cruelty. On
the other hand it is safe to as
sume that had not the war oc
cured, there would have been
some increase in torture of lynch
Lynching in the United States
was first directed- against the
whites not Negroes. As late as
1885, more whites than Negroes
were lynched—110 whites and S6
Negroes, in 1884, three times
times as many whites as Negroes
were lynched, or 160 whites and
51 Negroes. By 1890. seven times
as many Negroes as whites were
lynched during slavery. Masters
protected their property and lyn
chers were severely punished.
The lynch orgy which has been
the bane of American civilization
established a higher record in
1946 than in the previous five
years. The state of Georgia led
the roster with four lynchings to
its discredit, during July and Au.
gust 1946. The total nifcnber
amounted to six. The timely in
tervention of officers of the law
and interested persons snatched
away from the mob 22 intended
In the last 50 years there havte
been almost 4,000 lynchings in the
United States. Mast of the occur
ed in the South.
The need not be a sentiment,
alist to feel that such warping of
the minds of the children is by
far the worst aspect of lynching.
In a community where lynching
occurs there are thousands of
spectators—including women and
children, the effect upon the
young minds are almost appaWng
to be contemplated. In thg unoon
scious of these immature minds
are thus sown the seeds of lynch
ing .Primitive impulses to vegea
ance of violent character upon
those whom the possessors of such
minds do like are thus nourished
and form one step to further mob
According to the moral law
those who actively participate in
a lynching are guilty of sin, that
is those that concur in and con
sent to the lynching in any way
by, ‘ commanding, persuading, en.
couraging, or inciting the lynch,
ora to commit the crime. That is
sheriffs, poliesmen, or anyone,
who deliberately or thsough orim
inal neglect fall to protect the
lives of Negroes, must bare fall
responsibility yto JGod for mob
action against their charges.
The lynch mob degrades not
only itself and Its community, but
it also degrades all Americans.
Booker T. Washington wisely said
“You cannot hold the Negro in
the gutter unless thg white man
stays in the gutter to hold him
j Lynching is but one phase in
: the American pattern of race dis
! crimination, Just another aspect
i of a general policy of subjugating
the Negro, of denying him his
basic natural rights.
The European newspapers tell
of our lynchings on their front
pages. The lynchings have forced
the British newspapers to break
their' silence and voice openly
their disgust they feel toward our
lynchings. Britishers consider it
one of the greatest blotches on
American so-called democracy.
Every instance of lynchings or
mob violence gets hannerllned
front page play in the daily and
weekly newspapers in Europe.
"Is the United States a Civilized
Country?" asks the London Dai
ly paper. "Trial by fury remains
the unwritten lew of Anjmice's
Sooth." they wrote.
Continued Next We*k
V community CHEST
THE 63,000
N rA4su*
fe- ------- 1
*" l
Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison of
2124 Burdette st, are the proud
garenta of a bbouncing baby boy
weighing 8 lbs 8 oz; born August
23 at the hospital.
I Mr. and Mrs. Johp Harrison
named their son Edwaird William
for his unple Edward William
Bi-Cameral Congress i
Under its constitution. Chile has
a bt-cuanaral congress elected di
rectly by the people, as is Rie presi
dent. The latter has samewhat the
same power as the president of the
United States.
The annual “Y” Festival of
Sfwrta, an open house athletic
show, will be held at the Omaha
Central Y. M. C. A. from 6:30 to
0:30 p. m. on Sept. 24th.
This outstanding sports demon
stration night will feature such
popular activities as boxing, pad
dig tennis, hand ball, shuffleboard
badminton, squash mosquets, com
petitive swimming exhibition, and
volley ball,
Everyone is cordially invited to
come to the "Y” and spaad the
evening learning about the vari
ous sports while watching the
experts perform.
Wilson Trailer System
Oldest Exclusive Distributors of
Glider Trailers
In America
118 So. Saddle Crk. Rd.
——■'1 1 -———■i—■■^
office of Dr. Charles H. Wesley
announced today that the Vet
erans Training and Educational
Service of the Ohlo^ Department
ofEducation had re-certified and
approved the Wilberforce C<glege
of Education and Industrial Arts
as a college training institution
for veterans, 'nils approval whs
made as of March 1, 1945 and Is
interpreted to mean that all vet
erans education which has been,
conducted by the College of Edu- j
cation has been approved and will
be approved for future purposes, j
The fields of specialization which
have been granted their approval
are Arts and Sciences, Agricul
ture, Commerce and Business Ad
ministration, Education, Home
Economics, and Music. The noti
fication of approval was made by
J. T. Schaeffer, Director of Vet.
erans Training and Education
Service of thg State Department
of Education.
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