The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 06, 1947, Image 6

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    The Omaha Guide
A Weekly Newspaper •
Published Every Saturday at 2^20 Grant Street, Omaha, Nobaaaka
Phone HArn.y 0800-0801
Bhtered as Second Class Matter March 15, 1927 at the Post Office
at Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.
) — k .
C. C. GALLOWAY —---—
MASON DEVEREAUX, JR. — — Gen. Manager - Acting Editor
All News Copy of Churches and all Organizations must be in our
office not later than 1:00 p. m. Monday for current issue. All
Advertising Copy, not later than Wednesday noon, preceding d
of issue, to insure publication.
one Year-—..— gig}
THREE MONTHS--- --- S1 50
ONE MONTH. .. .50c
ONE YEAR..- .. 54 50
National Advertising Representatives:
545 Fifth Avenue, New York Cit;. Phone Murray Hill 2-5452
Ray Peck, M inager
Time For Labor Statemanship
Writing oil early results of the Taft-Hartley labor lafw, David
Lawrence said: “Already major labor unions have pledged themsel
ves to settle their disputes with employer* djrectly and to resort as
little as possible to governmental boards—a development long hoped
for but not until now beginning to be realized.”
It may be that the new labor low Will encourage a return to- our
traditional system of collective bargaining—antTthat the trend will
be away from running to the government whenever labor and man
agement find themselves in disagreement. One of the worst phases
of labor, troubles in recent years has been the trend toward dictatori
al government intervention. If that were continued indefinitely,
some governmental bureau would inevitably become the czar of all
labor relations in thiscountry—to the detriment of managers, stock
fcoders and workers alike. (
On the other hand and, it is apparent that some large unions are
BtflTaeteniMhed to do everything possible to make the Taft-Hartley
bw< inoperative, to circumvent Co*9ress and the popular will. Should
these practives become widespread* at the expense of production and
employment in this country, there will unqustienably be an irrestible
public demand fer legisation of a much more stringent *haracter.
Labor statesmanship of the highest order is needed now.
!n A Nutcracker
“The retail industry has prospered,” says the American Retail
Federation. But, it continues, profits aie now falling—and in some
eases were 50 per cent lower during the first quarter of 1941 compar
ed with the 1946 figure.
Retailers' total operating cost arc continuing upward. Unit
costs, on the other hand, have been low. lliis ia because merchants,
for the first time in history, have been operating at close to physi
cal capacity. Margins have been trimmed, thus passing the fruits ol
high volume on to the consumers. I
At the present time, the retailer is in a nutcracker, caught be
tween high wholesale prices on the one hand and consumer demand
for lower prices on the other. Most stores, whether chain or independ
ent, have already put into effect all possible operating economies.
Their net profit margins are about as low as they can be and still
permit continued operation. Major price reductions, as a conse
quence, can come at the retail leVel only if they first come att the
wholesale level.
Manufacturers, retailers and consumers have identical interests.
Mass production and mass distribution are the backbone of tbe Ameri
can economy—and they are dependent upon prices which the con
sumers can pay. Steady employment and high wages for labor are
only possible if the people of America car^ absorb the enormous out
put of our farms and factories. When goods are priced beyond! the
reach of masses of people, the welfare of fne entire country is in
Manufacturers, farmers and labor must all do their part to pre
vent further price mcredses, and to effect price reductions whenevei
The competitive characteristic of the American retail distribution
system will result in most of these savings being passed on to the con
The Only Cure
Various cures have been suggested for the freight car shortage,
But, as Warren C. Kendall of the Association of American Railroad!
pointed out some time ago, “The only lasting cure is an increase in
the supply of freight cars. ’
Furthermore, these is no mystery as to why there is a short a<9
low. During the depression freight car purchasing was below normal
due to the lack of freight. The war followed close on the heels v
the depression,, and during it relatively few freight cars cojuld be
built due to niatcrial'shortages. Existing equipment was worn o*
rapidly by war’s demand on the transportation system. Since the
end of the war, there has been -an unprecedented peacetime demand
for railroad service. Thus, the present shortage is primarily the re
sult of tremendous demand imposed upon a war-depleted car supply
and continued shortage of materials.
The railroads have placed orders for many thousands of new
cats, and they are being put in service a$ rapidly as manufacturers
can make delivery. In the meantime, cars on hand are beisg distri
buter to the various sections of 'he country ory an equitable basis.
T)be charge fade a few months ago that the West was being
strangled for lack of freight cars was immediately exploded. Wesu
em carloadin&s have been keeping pace with all other regions, and
more freight is being handled by the western roads than ever before.
The railroads are making every piece oil rolling stock perform
peak service. The car problem will be gradually eased as new stock
is received.
“Real wages,”—indicating the goeds the worker caan buy with
his pay—increased 22 per cent between 1939 and May of 1947.
Average hourly earnings of factory workers in May, 1947, were 91.2
per cent higher than in 1939, while the cost of! living was only 56.7
per cent higher.
The life Insurance Association of America announces that group
group insurance and annuity polieies covering 46,950,000 workers
were in force in the U. S. dn January 1, representing| art increase of
9,750,00® or 26 percent over the preceding yeear. Premiums on
Acm policies is 1946 totaled $917 aulliaa, a rise of nearly $90 mi?
B«| 194S.
Can Racial Prejudice
Be Stamped Out?
One well known Negro author
went to the hbrary of his home
town to get a copy of the book
! which he written—but was refus
1' ed as Negroes are barred from
libraries in some cities; and yet
they pay taxes the same as any
white man.
The only alternative which re
mains is to remove the barriers.
Before Negroes can satisfy their
needs as human beings, “Jim
Crow” and “prejudice” must be
erased from the American scene.
The prejudice is very difficult to
overcome because it is so deeply
rooted and kept alive by large
land interests who wish to main,
tain a cheap laboor supply. Many
people do not understand the real
roots of prejudice, nor do they see
how their welfare is involved.
In short, prejudice Is not object
ive. It is a distorted way of think
ing. In fact it is a morons way
of thinking.
Nevertheless there is race pre
judice m Amrica and the world.
When a man’s need is gre£t, he
can find no good substitute, then
he may have to attach the ob
stacles directly. If we want to
get to the other side of the
stream, and none of the usual
means o' getting across are avail
able. .* i ch as a boat or a bridge,
we may have to swim.
The more pressing the need, the
more we think of overcoming the
restrrictions. When the need is in
surmountable barrier. Scientists
have shown us how to overcome
the force of gravity by planes,
reduce distances by radar. Some
day we will learn how to conquor
“incurable'’ diseases and other
natural ofrces which mar hap.
i piness: we will also eliminate pre
i judicee.
| Sometimes we fail to see the
' barrier can be changed. There
! was a French King who sat be
j side an open fire so hot that it
soon became intolerable. But since
Rings do not do menial things, he
could not get up and shift the
| chair himself. The servants bell
! was out of reach and so he chose
i to be roasted to death rather than
1 change a basic conviction.
That sounds silly, yet in our
ways, we frequently do similar
! things. If we challenge our con
victions, we may find that some
of our problems may disappear.
As we attsnmpt to improve race 1
delations, we do it on the oonvic. j
tion that race prejudice can be
eradicated and that discrimination
can be abolished. We think this
because our belief that nature of
man can be Improved. We know
that v* must not rely wholly cm
We must have faith in G^d, and
trust him W bring us ctat aU
right even when we cannot see
the end of the journey.
Knowledge is never ours until we
have acted on it. We believe what
we do, and are what we do.
If we say we believe in dem
ocracy, and deny it to the Ne
groes or any minority group—
we really do not believe in dem
If we say we believe that every
American should have equality of
opportunity to develop his mind (
and character and do not work to
that end, we do not believe what
we say.
The most unfortunate thing
about many so-called Christian
people is that they pronounce
their belief in God and straight,
way begin to act as if they did
not believe in him. Many of us
wil take few risks because we do
not trust God enough.. We are
afraid of the consequences of our
actoins. We want to know what
will happen in advance if we do
this or say that. We wonder if
our friends will forsake us, or
will we lose our job, will it keep
us from being popular.
And it is in this area of race
relations where these question
stand out most conspicuously and
our fears haunts us.
1%ie danger is that we shall not
act at all. Fear seizes us. And
the human mind can always
justify what we do, Or what we
fail to do because we are afraid.
It would really be surprising to
know how few people would lose
their jobs, prestige or popularity
by taking a courageous stand or
by acting on beliefs and convic.
tions that they know are right.
The greatest fears are frequent,
ly fears that never happen. The
true Christian will act on his be
liefs and trust God for results.
NEW YORK, — The thousands
of delegates to the American Le
gion's 29th Annual Covention in
New York City were urged today
by the National Association for
the Advancement of Colored
People to follow the example of
the Legion’s Pennsylvania state
convention which recently went on
record against discrimination in
the armed forces and which asked
the government to withhold fin
ancial aid to educational institu
tions which discriminate because
of race or creed. The NAACP’s
message to the convention vigor
ously urged that the Legion in ifs j
resolution on national defense in
clude a provision against segre
gation in the armed forces based
upon race or color.
In its statement to the Arheri.
can Lesion’s national commander
Paul Griffith, the NAACP stated,
"The record of Negro soldiers and
sailors in all wars, and particular
ly in the last conflict when many
of them fought alongside their
white comrades in the later phas
es of the battle of Germany
should be rewarded by the re
moval of the stigma and humili.
ation of separate enrollpient train
ing and service in the defense of
our country and its ideal of dem I
- }
W«rM*a First CXmmp
Flgg, ndie wen Ike ortsn
as bare knuckle champion ia
Mtircd in 1~ir»
Two butchers had shops next
door to each other and there was
great rivalry. One day the first
butcher put up a notice in his
window: "The King eats our saB
T he next day the second but
cher put up a notice in his win
dow: “God save the King.”
Head Cook: “Didn't I tell you
to notice when the soup boiled
Assistant: "I did. It was half
past ten.”
A “sponge,” after imbibing a
prodigious quantity of liquor, at
tempted to blow out a candle,
where-upon his alcohol-saturated
breath burst into flame. Shaken
by the experience, the man beg
ged his wife to bring him the fam
ily Bible, muttering, “I gotta
swear off.’’ Piecing his hand on
the Bible, he intoned: "Before
Heaven, I swear never again will
I blow on a lighted candle.”
When two men in business al
ways agree, one of them is ur.ces.
sary, says William Wrigley, -Tr.,
the chewing gun magnate.
An engineer was discovered by
his wife one night standing over
his baby’s crib. Silently she watch
ed him. As he stood looking down
at the sleeping infant, she saw in
his face a mixture of emotions—
rapture, doubt, admiration, des
pair, ecstasy, incredulity. Touch
ed and wondering alike at this un
usual parental attitude and the
j conflicting emotions, the wife,
! with eyes glistening, slipped her
arms around him.
"A penny for your thoughts,”
she said in a tremulous voice.
He blurted them out: "For the
life of me, I can't see how any
body can make a crib like that
for three forty-nine."
We never were able to find
granma’s glasses, but now she
just leaves them where she empt
ies them.
A thin man, resenting the pres
sure Of a fat man on a streetcar
seat, muttered, "They ought to
charge by weight.”
“If they did. sonny,” said the
fat man. “you’d have to walk.
They couldn’t afford to stop for
A college education for women
is futile. If they’re pretty it's un
necessary. If they’re not, it’s in
“Let me kiss the tears away,
Sweetheart,” he begged tenderly.
She fell into his arms, but the
tears flowed on.
"Gan nothing stop them?’’ he
asked breathlessly. "No.” she
murmured. “It’s hay fever, but go
on with the treatment.”
Primitive Origin
The universality" of man'^s love of
color was demonstrated early in
antiquity. Each region and sub-re
gion of the globe developed its own
dye sources. It is estimated tmt
nearty 1,000 differoit- plants, vines,
shrubs and trees ^Jpre, at one time
or another, employed for 'attract
ing dyes. However, imy a£tew of
the primitive ayes surwivea tOL an
cient and medieval tires. I
-- —- ,
l « Pbpartoj
*BJS w ’O *S *tKng3NnqO !■ q B3J :
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gMBiB loanlRQ ijsg
TBioUi piBbq sb »3bujttj
oqi re j} solJiui* H nV* ^'*11
UROOJ. Sj H *Urp BMij
9S«V »4f P«tPUBg ■ dl» WSd
- * I
Mrs. Mary McLeod Bethune has
isseud a call from the headquart
ers of the National Council of Ne
gro Women, 1318 Vermont ave„
Northwest, to all Council nfcm
bers scattered throughout the
United States, urging them o at.
tend the Triennial International
Council of Women in their first
post-war conference to be held et
the University of Pennsylvania
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania j
from September 5 through 12. .
The National Council of Women j
of the United Stater, affiliated,
with the International Council of |
Women, is a federation of all j
races, nations, creeeds and class
es organized to bring together
women's organizations from all
parts of the world for consulta
tion on action to be taken to pro
mote the welfare of mankind, of
the family and of the individual;
and to work for the removal of
all disabilities of women.
Mrs. Bethune points out that of
the ten votes alloted to orgaruza
otins representing the United
States, the National Council of
Negro Women hold one vote. She
is, therefore, urging a represent
ative number of Ngro women to
attend this important meeting, the
theme of which is "Power and
Responsibilities of Freedom.”
Individuals will be welcomed
who are not memebrs of the Na
tional Council of Negro Women,
but who are interested in the na.
national and international should
be immediately sent to Mrs. Dav.
enport Bryan, 501 Madison ave..
New York 22, New York.
NEW YORK—Girding for the
show-down battle against restric
tive covenants. National Associa
tion for the Advancement ef Col
ored People lawyers form all
points of the country are gather,
ing in New York on the week-end
of September 6 and 7, at NAACP
headquarters in the Wendell Wtl
lkie Building to iron out the lines
of argument in cases before the
Supreme Court this fall.
At the present time, two cases
are already on the Supreme Court
docket—McGhee vs. Sipes, aris
ing in Detroit, Michigan. and
Shelley vs. Kraemer, arising in
St. Louis, Mo. In both these cases
the highest court of the state has
taken the position that the re
strictive covenants against Ne
groes are valid and enforceable.
Two other cases are now headed,
for the Supreme Court but hav•->
' not yet been accepted by that ti
bunal for review. These are the
case of Trustees of the Monrr ■
Avenue Church vs. Perkins, fro”
Columbus.Ohio, and the case C
Hurd vs. Hodge, coming from the
District of Columbia.
The Supreme Counrt has never
j passed upon the merits of an in
| juntction by a state court up
holding enforcement of a restrict,
ive covenant. However, in 1926,
the Supreme Court dismissed an
appeal from .enforcement of a
covenant in the District of Col
umbia for lack of jurisdiction,
1 and in 1940, the Court reversed
| the case of Hansberry vs. Lee, a
1 rising in Chicago. Illinois, on tech
| nical grounds without discussing
the merits of restrictives coven
; ants. The last case involving re
| strictive covenant where a Sup.
reme Court review was sought
was Mays vs. Burgess, arising a.
gain from the District of Colum
bia, in 1945. where the Supreme
Court refused to review the case.
In the casese which have been
j prepared for presentation to the
Supreme Court since that time,
several new arguments have been
raised and much detailed atten
tion has been given in the briefs
to presentation of the sociological
and economical background of re
j strictive covenants and reliance
has been placed upon the oblisa
tions of the United States under
the United Nations Chater, both
of which present entirely new
bases for reversal of injunctions
enfreing covenants.
In the preparation of these
cases, NAAjCP lawyers will be
joined by lawyers frbm the three
large Jewish Committee, and Anti.
Defamation League, as well as by
attorneys for the C. I. O., Nation
al Lawyers Guild, National Bax
Association. and the American
Civil Liberties Union. Prominent
among the conferees will be Lo
ren Miller, of California, Charles
Houston. Andy Ransom, Ruth
eyand, Frank Donner and Lee
Pressman (C. I. O.) of Washing,
ton, D. C.; Byron Miller, Richard
E. Westbrooks, Loring B. Moore,
and William R. Ming, Jr., of Chi- j
cago; T. Gillis Nutter, of Charles- j
ton; Francis M. Dent and Willis ;
M. Graves, of Detroit; Spottswood
W. Robinson, 111. of Richmond;
Sol Rafkin (Anti-Defamation Lea
gue), Wm. Kincaid Newman, Will
Maslow (American Jewish Con
gress), Samuel Rosenwein, and
Newman Levy, of New York; and
Axthtxs D. Shores, of Blrmlogtun
Letter From* China
■ - —
IT COST |7,000 for my friend So
Tin Wong to. write me from Can
ton, China. He wanted to explain
that it now takes 5,000 Chinese
dollars to tor one meal for one
person. Mr?So philosophises that
tit isn’t how many dollars one
gets, it is what he can buy with
.these dollars that really counts.
IDo you wonder that Mr. So has
| decided to leave China, if he can,
jand go abroad?
Mr. So wants to leave his na
tive country, even though he
makes several thousand dollars a
day. Mr. So’s trouble is infla
tion. It is so bad that his wagds
will not permit him to live in
China and care for his family.
The value of the 'stamps that
brought me his air mail tetter,
amounting to $7,000, would make
the $5,000 meal worth only two
thirds of the value of the post
age. Certainly, Mr. So was not
discussing a very extravagant
' Your THIS CHANGE has
Dollars taken place since I was
in China in 1925 to
1936. Then one American dollar,
i jaccording to the rate of exchange
' [would buy only three or four
Chinese dollars. While we do not
have that kind of inflation in this
country, America is actually mov
ing slowly in that direction. It
[is said that the American dollai
will buy less, right hefe in Amer
fea, than at any time since Abra
[ham Lincoln whs president.
I Although American working
.■ww have the highest-wages that
tMfcy ever earned, they are com.
, pis [wing that they cannot* buy
much with .those dollars. From
1920 to 1940, wh<n American dol
lars had puvchasmg power, an
, !
American workman could boy an
automobile and could buy a home.
Today ho can probably bun
neither, yet he baa far morpdol
Jars than ho hid then. Inflatioo
does not. help working people. It
burdens then*
A Solid I WANTED to buyl*
EeoaatoJ new antomobile thia
year. But when I found
that it would take in the neigh
borhood of $2,000 to buy even an
average car, I decided to have
my old one overhauled and get
along with it. However, the over-;
hauling cost half as much as it
used to cost to buy a new auto
mobile. ' It's hard to tell, under
inflation, whether one is wise or
If we would like to increase in
flation and have more dollars in
our pockets but be able to buy
less with them, then ,we should
encourage a high federal budget,
high federal taxes, and still
higher wages. AH these things'
have an inflationary influence on|
our economy. If we want a_ solid1
economy, where dollars will buy'
more and we can actually live bet
ter, then we ifiust do these
(1) Work for lower taxes,
which would leave more in the
purchasing stream and would
stop discouraging investment in
new industries and new tools for.
workmen, (8) Oppose' the high
budget with extravagant federal
spending,«*and (3) Work ior
stable industrial relations. In
dustry, labor, agriculture, and all
other Mnentfn groaps should
understand these facts. With
shoulders to the wheels we must
work foe a stabilised America
that can lend stability to a con-'
fused would. _ __Jr
Bring Christ to the Nations
ST. LOUIS, MO—An appeal for
the Christian trailing of our na
tion’s youth was issued today by
the Rev. Henry Hartner, Pastor
of Bmmaus Lutheran Church, Den
ver, Colorado, and summer guest
speaker on Bringing Christ to the j
Nations, the International Luth
eran Hour.
Speaking over the Mutual
Broadcasting System and affiliat
ed stations, Pastor Hartner dc
| dared: ‘ At an early age a child
j may have developed a definite
personality which may remain
: through life: aggressive or co
wardly, selfish or kind. Public En
emy No. 1 for the year 1966 may
be sleeping in some crib today.
That little girl in some home may
\ be another Florence Nightingale
or a woman who wlaks the street
by night. Your son may be a man
of God or possessed of the devil.
It will do no good to throw up
your hands some day and say,
, Well, I guess my daughter turn,
ed out to be no good,’ or, 'It looks
like my son is headed for the peni
I tentiary. I will, therefore, have
J nothing more to do with him.’
Friends, you must remember that
they are your children, no matter j
what they turned out to be, and |
that much of the pattern of their j
training was provided by you j
when they were infants and their )
personalities were being develop
Pastor Hartner continued: “If
' you were to ask me today to give
you just one sentence to describe
the best mothrs on earth, I would
know of no better way to answer
than to refer to this sentence in
Mark 10. Mothers who bring their
children to Je*is for the gentle
I touch of His benediction always !
have been, and by long odds still *
are, the best mothers the world
knows. Those of us who are per
mitted to look back to mothers
who took us into their laps when
we were very smal and taught us,
How Sweet the Name of Jesus
Sounds,’ have every reason to
speak a special prayer of thanks
giving to God for giving us
mothers like that. And while the
Bible tells us that fathers are in
first line accountable to God for
bringing up their children in the
nurture and admonition of the
Lord, it is also true that in the
practical working out of this
training it is generally the mother
who must do most of this work of
teaching children prayers, reading
them Bible stories, and guiding
their little footsteps to toddle a
long the path which follows the
meek and lowly Christ."
The radio speaker concluded.
“You parents who are so deter
mined to give godd things to your
children, please do not get so In
terested in the many things of
this world, that you forget the
most important treasure of all.
God has a blessing which Is reser
ved for His children bf faith. He
wants them to inherit the kindora
not made with hands eternal ia
the heavens, and in order that
they may receive the crown of life
he wants you to bring them to
Christ for His benediction.”
Original Alloy
Prehistoric ornaments of plati
hum hammered over gold were
found in the graves of the priests
and kings of the ancient Indian in
habitants of Colombia. This waa
probably the original idea of com
bining the two rare metals to obtain,
the two-tone color effect for jewelry.
Alloy la Strong
The green color of emeralds La
due to small quantities of chromium
in the jewels. When this same
chromium is added to steel along
with nickel, the resultant alloy is a
hard, strong, wear-resistant metal,
nickel-chrome steel, often used in
gears and axles.
Industrial Uses
Milk is used in a wide variety of'
industrial pp duels such as plastics,
text les p; per coating, paint, glue.
Urns, pharmaceuticals, insulation,
fertilieer, insecticides, penicillin,,
plaster, dyes, animal feed, preserva-.
tives. explosives, electroplates
« - - - ' - - - -- - __