ST. JONH S A. M. E. CHURCH 22nd Willis Ave. * Rov, E. B. ChlUre** Mason Oev^r^au* Jr., reporter • J'esus Christ today is advooat ing a miiiian church. It is not mine to reason what God does, but mine 1° do and dare as God desire me, and there is to much stepping upon our fellowmen to. day by intelligent men in their race for wealth, power, and world ly goods.” Thoughts our minister s well-delivered inspiring measage "Eternal Trust", from the text of Psalms 121-2nd and 3rd verses Sunday morning August 91. The evening servi^ at 7:30 p. m. the Youth for Christ pre sented a very fine service. Their program was well-prepared and * presented, and they held the Christian banner of St. Jon’s in all its glory forth. John Orduna sponsor of the Youth for CUrist and president •of the Junior choir gave a splend. id sermon subject, "Wcg-klng for God.’’ Mickey J. Harris president and members of the Youth for Christ thank the members of St. John’s for the very fine support in at tendance and •o&ncially. To the Junior Choir its Dir ectress Mrs. E. B. Childress, and others that assisted on this pro. gram in preparation or partici pation the Youth for Christ show er roses at your feet. Accessions: Miss Mosslirte Green of Omaha, and Miss Roseline Penn of Atchison, Kans. A Convert: Miss Helen James. Visitors: Miss Emma Jones of St. Paul A. M. E. St. Louis, Mo., Mrs. Mattie Benjamin 651 Gar field ave. 1 st. A. M. E Church Kansas City. Mo., Mrs. E. Latting 1039 New Jersey First A. M. E. Church Kan. City, Mo., Mrs F. E. Birch 1617 N. 9 1 st., A. M. E. Church. Kansas City, Kans. Mrs. A D. Smith 1813 Dalton St Joseph. Mo.. Mrs. Laura S. Adams 615 Parallel Kansas wife of Rev. R. A Adams former pastor of St. John’s A. M. E. church of Omaha Rev. R* A. Adams past sometime ago in Kansas City where held the post of Presiding Elder, Mrs. B. B. Foster 2021 Montgall, Mo., Allen Chapel in Quindaro. Kans.. Mrs. Jonah Boyrin of Bethal A M. E. Church of Texas, Miss Ernustine Byan 1360’i East 21, at., Los Angeles, Calif., Miss Del ores Tarry of Lor Angeles, Calif-, Mr. and Mrs. Warren West St. Paul, A. M. E. Church San An tonis, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Mar cus Toney of Omaha, Ncbr., and Rev. Fouts of Topkea, Kans, was present at the evening service. Have you paid your Annual Conference Assessment? If you haven’t why not today. Let us all join in this movement an help to keep St. John’s banners flying at this end of the district $ by making ourselves a committee of one and seeing thak our pastor and wife will /be sufficiently equipped when they go down to the conference in October. W hen we pay our conference claims we 'mcrease our stock in the A. M. E. Church over the length and brea th of the nation and world. Let each one resolve to pay his and her conference claims today. Let us pray for the sick through out the week whoever they may be or wherever they may be. The King Solomon’s Wedding is set for September 29. Monday at 8 p m. If you haven’/ purch^e % your ticket as yet Hurry! It is with regret that we must bid farewell to our Sister, member and dear friend Mrs. £>ara waaaer wife of the deceased Glover C. WallW and her niece Vivian. Mrs. Walker is moving to Lin coin where she will be Group Work Supervisor at the Urban League, she is a distinct lost to St. John's church in Omaha, var ious clubs and auxiliaries, and the community at large, will miss her ardent and unselfish, untiring, and excellent work while in our church as a member and citizen • in the community will always be among our fondest memories. It will be difficult to fill the position left vacte by the leaving of Mrs. Walker, but we that are yet here ♦ must carry-on. To Mrs. Sara Walter St. John’s Officers. Pastor and Wife, assist ant Pastors, members and friends of St. John's salute you in reconi stion for the splendid service re needed to St. John’s in Omaha and we wish for the best in your venture. May your days be always full of swrshine. The Minute Men and Auxiliary will have a very important busi ness meeting at the home of Mias Florence Speaae 2712 Erskins ft. ob Sunday Sept. 7, at 4:30 p. m. According to th« president Mr. A. R. Goodlett there Is much work to be done all members are urged to be out at this important busi ness meeting. Mother send your children to Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:80 a. m. Attended our morning services at 11 ;a. m. Our Evening Services at 7:30 p.m. Visitor and friends are always welcome at St. John's thg friendly church at 22nd Willis ave. Come and worship with us wont you? CLAIR METHOCMJT CHURBVl 22nd and Miami St*. Rev. C. C. Reynold*, P*dor Mr*. Viola Buford, Reporter j Services wewre well attended I last Sunday. A number of visitors were present, several of our mem bers have returned from their id eations. The Pastor Rev. Reynolds delivered the Morning sermqp from the theme “Identification of A Christian.” Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glover, and Mrs. Minnie Edwards presented their babies for baptism. The Wo mans Society of Christian Service 1 had charge of the Evening Service 1 with a sermon from Rev. Street i_ er Mrs. Marie Brown and Mrs Vonceal Cropp of Burns Meth odist Church, Des Moines, Iowa worshipped with us Sunday morning, also Mrs. Marion Hay den of St. Marks Methpdist ! Church, Wichita. Kansas.' This coming Sunday is Holy Comumioin and we urge all our members and friends to be pre sent for this great spiritual, mem orial. The Rev. W C. Johnson. Pastor of Clavary Baptist Church Coffeyrille, Kansas will be our 1 Guest Preacher both Morning and Night. HILL SIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Mom Services 11:00 a m„ Semom September 7, ‘‘The Tree Of Life.” Thelma Newte Reporter CLEAVE6 TSJRPLE C, M. E. CHURCH 25th A Decatur #t. C. P. Raines, Minister Mrs. Jeanie Engli*h, Reporter IMMANUEL COMMUNITY CHURCH 2320 N. 28th ave.. Rev. E. F. Ridley, Pastor CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 2412 ParkeP 8tre*t C. W. F. F. Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor STEAMSHIP LINE SUED FOLLOWING ASSAULT NEW YORK — The Legal De partment of the National Associ ation for the Advancement of Col ored People announced that it ■ would take immediate action in behalf of a Negro messman who was brutally assaulted by a white crewmember aboard the Lucken bach Line's SS James Fenimore Cooper. NAACP attorney Louis R. Harold DeBlanc, in a $10,000 damage smit against the Lucken. bach Steamship Lines, charging that it acted wrongfully in icon tinuing in its employ a person holding dangerous views and of | intemperate and violent habits. DeBlanc was assaulted without provocation on Jun« 25th by able bodied seaman Gerald O. McfCen. zie. At the time of the assault De Blanc was lying in his bunk when McKenzie is alleged to have sud denly kicked DeBlanc in the mouth cansing serious fractures and teeth injuries. McKenzie’s at titude toward Negroes was ap parently well known. In addition te the damage suit, it was learned that charges are being filed with the IMted States Coast Guard requesting that Mc Kenzie's papers be revoked as a person unfit to sail within the narrow confines of a ship where persons of various races, colors and creeps are expected to live and work peaceably, side by side. The Marine Cooks and Stewards Union is also preparing charges against one of its members. Ar. mando De Los R%es, who appar ently anted in concert with Mc Kenzie in the assault. CARD OF THANKS For the many services, kindnesses and expressions of tym pathv during the illness and demise of Sgt. Isaac S. Bv’ty, we are cteply grateful. Mrs. MadSe Radty and soa. Robert Bailey a JMgrw... HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 3tth A Corbv H. H. Sohaufand. Pastor 26th Annual Meeting of Women's Missionary of A. M. E. Church Held_ The 26th Annual Convention of the Netjpska Conference Branch of the ^'omen’s Missionary Soc*. ety of the A. M. E. Church was held at %thel A. M; E. church, Omaha, Nebraska August 28-29. On Thursday morning the meet ing was call^i to order by the pre sident of the conference branch Mrs. Isobel T. Ridley, Presiding Elder Goolsby of the Omaha dis trict was the Master of Ceremon ies. The B^mon was delivered by the host pastor Rev. H. W. Bletson which was very timely. After which Holy Communion was ad ministered by the Presiding Elder Goolsby assisted by the visiting ministers. Fifty-six members and visitors from the Kansas and Nebraska districts were partakers of the Communion and the ser ! vices were lovely. The president Mrs. Ridley pre. ( sided at the morning session of j the convention and was at her best in her unassuming manner. Reports of the various societies were made by the delegates show ing increased finance of the var ious societies due to increase memberships. I The evening program was in charge of Mrs. Hattie Bfetson president of the Missionary So ciety of Bethel Church. A play entitled “Spirit of Missions ’, was presented by members of St. John Allen Chapel, and Bethel A. M. E. 1 Churches. The play portrayed the duty of missionary and it was well performed by the participat es. Mrs.Ridley was presented by Mrs. Chloe Green 2nd Vice Presi dent and Mrs. Ridley delivered a very inspiring messs(ffe. She was presented with a lovely corsage j of gandenias from the district. Friday morning session was called to order by the president and after the devotionals, the 2nd vice president. Mrs. Chloe Green preside. Echoes from the Quadrennial held at Orleans. La. were made by the delegates, visitors and ob servers that attended. The reports were all very fine and showed what fine work the women of the missionary depart, ment are doing and gave us vis ion of what more there is to do. Mrs. Ridley gave us valuable in. formation regarding missionary work which should inspire all women to take more interest in missionary work to help Evange lize the world. Mrs. Helen New ton, president of the Young Peop les Department made a splendid report on the activities of the Youth. A group of Young People from the Omaha took a part cm the programme. I There is a wonderful future for the Youth of today and it is the duty of tHe missionary depart ment to set up a programe to bring the Young People in the circles. The meeting this year was the best in a number of years. Mbs. A-nna R. Jones Publicity ; HARRISON TO HEAD BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AT WILBERFORCE COLLEGE , WILBERFORCE. Ohio —In an- [ nuoncing the expansion of the de partment of commerce into a div ision of business administration. President Wesley disclosed today that Lincoln Jay Harrison, for merly of the division of business 1 education at Southern university, I Baton Rouge, La., has been ap. 1 pointed as acting director of the j new division of business admin- j istration and professor of busi-! ness adminstration. Mr. Harrison, j one of the few Negroes holding a ‘ G. P. A., received the M. S. degree in accounting from the University of Illinois and the M. A. degree at Atlanta university in Busiiuass administration. A certified public accountant from the state of Louisiana. Har rison has had varied experience as a city editor with the New Orleans Sentinel, clerical work- ! er at the Tuskegee air field, and j teacher at Southern university. I Organizations of which he be | longs include the Alph Kappa Mu honorary society, American tea chers association. National Neg ro business league, and Kappa Al pha Pai fratenity. Fishing SariUEfanOng Aces Sun IdUjp, borders on a hunting and ‘Ashing arSa as largo as fce entire Jt&te «f ConaadJcut. STATE DEPARTMENT CAN'T INTERFERE IN AUSSIE JIM-CROW WASHINGTON* D. C —The De partment of State today, in ac knowledging receipt of a blister ing NAACP protest against the n*ich-advertised Australian jlm crow immigration policy, declared that the U. S. Sivemment "is not in a position to take such action as you usge.’’ The State Department’s declaration was is sued after the NAACP called at tendtion to a drive now being conduced by Australia^ officials in the I*»ited States in an effort to attract one million new settler s to that country. The NAACP criticized that portion of the wide ly distributed appeal which em phatically barred any prospect bers of the white race. On August 15feh, Roy Wilkins, NAACP assistant secretary, vig orously protested to the State De partment issuance and open dis tribution of a booklet prepared by the Australian News and In formation Bureau, in which it/ was stated, “The door to Austra lian is always open to white Bri tish subjects and- others of Euro pean descent/’ In another sec tion an invitation to settle in Australia was directed to ‘Unit ed States exserivcemen and wo men of white European race.'' The NAACP urged State Depart, ment action because, “One-tenth of America’s population and of her veterans are humiliated by this lily-white campaign.” It was also pointed out “that the camp, aign violates the spirit of the Un ited Nations Charter.” In reply to Roy Wilkins, Jdhn M. Patterson, Adding Chief of the State Department’s Division of Public Lsafcon, stated “I ha\e received your telegram of August 15, 1947 on behalf of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People urging that this Department investigate and halt discrimination by the Aus. tralian Government inits immi gratidh policy, particularly with respect to American veterans, “As you know, the control of immigration is the exclusive pre rogative of each severeign coun try. Sine* it is the policy of the United States not to interfere in the internal affairs of other sta tes, this Government is not in a position to take such action as you urge.” OWNERS OF JIM-CROW POOL, POLICE CHIEF S£/ED FOR $270,000 NEWARK. N. J.—Brutal enfor. cement of a ban on Negroes by Palisades Park swimming pool re sulted in a $270,009 damage suit being flled in federal court here against Jack and Irving Rosen, thal. the Park's owners and a gainst Fred Stengel. Fort pol ice chief. The suit was filed by Hiram Elfenbein and Meyer Pesin, at torneys of the Workers Defense Lea&ue on behalf of ten Negroes and whites who were manhandled by police and Park guards after being refused admission to the pool. The- case comes under the federal law. because the 10 are New York residents whose civil rights were denied in New Jersey. Com. plaints have also been filed, how ever, in the Bergen country court, charging violation of New Jersey’ civil rights law. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AT WILBERFORCE OPENS SEPT. 22 WILBERFORCE, Ohio — The university elementary school, under auspice* of the College of Education and Industrial Arts, at Wilberfoce university, will begin work for the 1947.48 school year, on Monday, September 29, at K:30 a. m., Miss A. O. H. Williamson, chairman of the department of elemenentary teacher education in the College of Education and Industrial Arts announced today. Roofing — Siding — Insulation Guttering OLD ESTABLISHED LINES Pw* Estimates F. N. A. TERMS T. C. Snow KB 6950 The Common Defense... tty Rev. William C. Mbrnan / I FREEDOM OF THE PR£S6 —OR LICENSE On August 14th thg New York Journal.American printed an art icle by Westbrook Peglar which purported to deal with racial hat red as a caiuSg of risunity. In it oopumed this sentnce, "Even the preaching and propagation of rac-1 ial hatred is not an.Arrterican. It is characteristic, a oonfirmed not orious fault of ours.” This is like saying that murder, lying, and theft are not un.Christian because they are faults in human nature. ' It is the fault itself which makes these acts contrary to the Chris tian religion and it is in the same sense Rat preaching racial hatred is a fault which makes it un ■ American. Mr. Pegler goes on to discuss the case of Douglas Chandler, the American broadcaster for the Nazis, who was convicted of trea son in a Federal Court on July 30th. H« makes much of the legal definition of treason and says, re ferring to Qiandler, that “it was no treason to live in Germany, to be friendly with the Nazis even to Hitler himself, to write pro I Nazis material and to broadcast for the Nazis right down to the hour when war became a legal fact.’’ This apprach is likely to be de ceptive. For a patriot’s devOtiom I to his country goes far beyond j any legal interpretation of the crime of treason. A patriotic American fe one who believes in and supports the principles and ideals ef this Reublic He is not now, nor was he during the war, an agent, official or unofficial, for Nazism. Oommunism, or Fas cism. The fact that our principle of freedom of expression allows ^ opponents of Americanism legal. | ly to a;ritate for some un-Ameri. can doctrine does not Wipe out j this distinction between the pat riotic and un-patriotic American. For the patriotic American uses | his guaranteed right of free speech on behalf of the improve ment and perfection of our free isntitutions. The un-American ex ponent of subvejfnve activities employs his guaranteed rights to tear down the very structure of the Union by which his rights are protected. Both may be acting le gally. But only ttie former is act ing patriotically. The American, Douglas Chand ler, for whom Mr. Pepler offers a defense, may have had a legal right to broadcast for the Nazis before the war. Considering the kind of totalitarian dictatorship I =- -- Nazism was and its avowed pur. po&g to subject us as well as all other nations to rts rule. Chand ler was, nevertheless, no true pat- j riotic American. But, after Gee-1 many declared war on us he was not only guilty of un-American-, ism, but of treason too. For he was. by every definition of the word treason, taihering' to our enemies and giving them aid and comfort. It was for this that he was found guilty and sentence to life imprisonment aad fined $10. 000. The Unite<3 States Constitution provide* that "no person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act." The Government had 48 witnesses against Chand ler, 17 of them Germans. The German witnesses testified that in addition to broadcasting from Germany, Chandler had attended ; Nazis propaganda conferences and even recommended ways to Nazis radio officials as to how to impg>ve tltyr broadcasts to the United States. Dr. Anton Wlnkel kemper, Hitler’s Director Gereral of the German Radio Corporation, testified that e%ch day Chandler, and^all other Nazis commentators, received instructions on the pro pdganda line to be broadcast and that “Germany used the radio as a weapon of psychological war. fare for the purposes of creating disunity and undermining moral so that Germany could attain her war objectives.” Against whom? Against us! All of which, as has been said, made Chandles’s act ions treasonable on the ground that he adhered to our enemies and gava them aid and comfort. He had a fair and open trial. His offense is (Hear and plainly stated. All the more is there rea son to wonder what Mr. Pegler j hAd in mind when he wrote, “It ■ was no treason then and it would be no treason now to preach and | extoll Nazis-Fasciam in the Un ted States.” Granted that Mr. Pegler has the right—as one who enjoys American civil liberties thanks to the patriots who defend ed them for him against the Nazis —to publish sentiments like that —is he using freedom of the press the way a patriotic American should—or is this license? ‘Ahoy’, Not 'Hello’ “Ahoy,” not "Hello.” wa* the\ex perimental greeting used when the first commercial telephone switch board and exchangel*vfs installed ^ New Haven, Conn., in 1878. It Rul eight lines and served 21 sub scribers. PtyolsiitB in Palestine Since 1M0 Palestine’s Jewish nop ulAUcin has jumped from 163.0OT to flSpIuOO, ifhmigr,ation and natural in creates being a£out equal These figures are about 12 times that of 1019. The Arab population is ap proximately 1.110.080. WDL OFFERS TO HELP FOREMEN CHALLENGE ^ TAFT.HARTLEY LAW NEW YROK — Asserting that te' provision of the Taft-Hartley law denying bargaining rights to foremmen "attempts to legalize the contention of the National As saociation of Manufacturers that foremen are a part of manage ment,” the Workers Defense Lea gue offered to file a brief In a case init^flted by the Fouemen’j Association of America to test the law's constitutionality. The League acted at the sug gestion of Emil Mazey, codirec tor of Region 1, United Auto Workers-CIO, who is a member of eth WDL national executive board In accepting the league's offer, Robert H. Kays, presidei% of the foremen’s union wrpte: "We sin cerely appreciate your kind offer and shall be pleased to let yon know—through our general coun sel, Walter M. Nelson—-what may be done to be of help to us.” ■ ■ % ■■Ml W«M»H ‘RMjwaar&^ef- something, blue at the* «*08 .ttsed la improve amplayees* bea Island evitsiilrract fatH&w. ‘ Jte dratesis k>„ aajidaot«*with aa im prowmani la safety, tew ahfentee itm Mines*. tasereaserptodtic koa dtadng boars af fatigue iow potets. arc reported whew^mtik is' being" servid between meals or add DON 'T LET Gray fair say'you'ne old" It's easy for gray, drab hair to give people the impressed that you're older than you really ore, but even if your hdir is turning ph»maturely gray, you can still attract new friends—win romance — by giving your hair rich, natural looking color and beauty with Larieuse. ****** • • ■ / look yean younger Color Your Hair This Easy Way i To give your hair I new, rich, nataral loo lang color (black, j brown, blood«)start using Goaielroy's Lariewse Hair Color- | Ins NOMf ... acts quickly—goes on evcniy, easily — won’t rub off or wash out—unaffeeted*by heat — permits permanents and stylish hairdos . .. known and used for over *50 years. Vour dealer will give your money back if you’re not 106% satisfied. Have an easy, professional application at your favorite brfaoty shop or buy Larikufe at* any cosmetic department or drugstore. oalaM. - ’ - ' ” - - w — H yaar Mat