The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 06, 1947, Image 4

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Llias Lillie Eell Walker 715
Rose 3t Jackson, Miss., Executive
Secretary of the Y. W. C. A. spent1
tlie week of Augut 24 in Omaha
visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Carter
and Mr. and Mrs. A. Greer.
Mi.ja Walker had been attending
tlie Boule of her Sorority Sigma
Catnma Rho in St. Louis Mo. She
is Ba;leu3 of Tau Sigma Chapter
of Jackson. Miss. She has been
during Graduate work in Physical
Education and Health at th« .Uni
verse of Chicago and Cincinnati
the past two summers.
Mias Walker has had such love
ly time here in Omaha making
new acquaintance and meeting old
friends that she hated to leave
our city,
Miss Bertha Young and Mia?
Archie Mae Young of 2624 Bln
ney st„ daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Young left on Friday and Mon.
day morning for teaching bheir
Miss Bertha Young is a teacher
In the Detroit public schools.
Miss Archie Mae Young has
been teaching in the public school
system of Kansas City, Mo., the
past year. These two young ladies
are making a splendid record in
the beaching field in their res.
pective schools.
The week of August had the 24
found Dr and Mrs. A. Chailes
Hunter 1324-12 ave., So. Colum
bus. Miss., guest of the Mr. and
Mrs. C. L Carter 2215 Etirdette st.
Dr Hunter is a prominent phy
sician and A. M. E. Church work
er in Columbus.
Mrs. Hunter is a pianist of note
in Columbus, Miss., and she
graciously displayed her talent at
the St. John's AH Request a^i Sun.
day August 24.
While in Omaha Dr. and Mrs.
Hunter received many courtesies
Mis Florintine Goodiett. daugh
ter of Rev. and Mrs. F. S. Good,
lett left Sunday evening August
31, for her new post at Hampton
Institute in Hampton, Va„ where
she wil serve as secretary to the
From th hours of 6 to 8 p. m.
members of the Omega Club and
her Sorority Alphs Kappa Alpha
came in to wish hers success in
her new postion and pleasant trip
t» Hampton.
Secret of Pie Cutting
To cut pie easily sprinkle granu
lated sugar over the mermgte
— ■'cr—
Have You Seen
Our Annual
Report? 3
Nine years of beer industry
self-regulation are reviewed in
an annual report jast issued by
r the Nebraska Committee.
It is a report which reflects
substantial progress in raising
the standards of beer retailing
in this state, and you will find
• it interesting reading. A card
or letter will bring you a copy
by return mail.
| *
Brewing industry self-reguia
' tion is a program whiah sup
portfe and supplements public4
authority—both state and local
— in the enforcement of a
good* Nebraska liquor control
act as it affacts the sale of beer.
The report describes some of
the ways this is accomplished.
United States
Charles E. San si ail. State EMrecKx
710 First Nst'l But BU{., UacsU
Miss Emma Jones niece of Mrs.
George Firtzpatrick and Mrs.
Henry Smith from St. Louis has
j been spending the j»st ten day
visiting in Omaha.
Miss Jones is a student at the
Homer G. Phillips Nursing School
of St. Louis.
On Tuesday September the 2nd
her two lovely aunts gave her a
i party at Mrs. Firtzpatricks home
2509 Florence Bl\?d„ where she is
staying. At this lovely party Miss
j Jones was the perfect hostess see
ing that all her gues were enjoy,
ing themselves and generally hav
ing a good time.
Miss Jones plans to return to St.
Louis about September the 9th to
resume her studies at Homer G.
I Phillips Nursing School.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Snell 2621
Wirt st.. have as their houseguest
Mrs. Eedna Scales and daughter
of 625 Randolph st., Dayton, Ohio.
Mrs. Scales is the sister of Mr.
| Jess Snell. She and her daughter
are having a wonderful time en
| Joying the hospitality of the
i people of Omaha. They plan to
return to their home in Dayton
The Rev. W. C. Johnson, pastor
of Calvary Baptist Church, Cof
feyville, Kansas wil be Quest Pre
acher at Clair Methodist Church
this coming Sunday, Sept. 7 for
: both the Morning and Night Ser.
j vices.
The Rev. Johnson is enjbys a
very distinguished par to rate at
Calvary Church in Coffeyville,
Kans., the largest Negro church in
that section of Kansas.
The members and friends of
i The mem be bra and friends of
Oak- church are cordially invited
to hear Rev. Johnson as our guest
minister Sunday.
Mrs. W. C. Johnson is vary tal
ented and a great worker in the
field of missions and music. She
is the cousin of Mrs. C. C. Rey
nolds and they will be the hcsise
gtiest of Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Rfey
This Week
Chief of Police of Denver Colo,
said Gamlers must work or go
to jail. Omaha police chief needs
take nete.
U. S. Navy announced on Au.
sgut 29 sailor may telephone
from warship* when in one hund
red and fifty miles of the U. S.
Victor W. Nelison of San Fran,
cisco said in a divorce case he
had used 311 thousand dollars in
par mutual betting in 2 year*,
j His wife said he didn’t provide
r for her.
The National Safety Council re
ported that Omaha was the third
largest city with a perfect traffic
record for July of this year popu
lation of 250 thousand.
A man jArked a high priced
car near the South Omaha Bridge
and a large truck smashed into
it. He sold what was left of the
car; the next day, a dealer that
he had made arrangements to
purchase a new car 18 months
aso called him to tell him, his
| new car was here, but the man
I had no old car to turn-in.
t'airicK j. wnue oi ouv*
cago st.. recalls the opening of the
Douglas Street Bridge in Sept.
1888 a celebration that he will
1 long remember.
j From all Sports it is said Pal
; estine will be large enough to hold
! the number of Jews that ane ex.
I pected to go there.
I Fortune magazine report that
President Truman is gaining in
1 James Carew a 12-year-old
) base ball fan made a good catch.
When a 2 year-old baby fell from
a second story window in Boston
on August 28, he saved the day
by catching the baby.
A couple in Northern Mass., had
their family increased from 14 to
18 when twins arrived on August
28 in their 6 room home.
Read the Omaha Greater Guide
..For All the NEWS of OMAHA.
Mr. Lester Corbin and mother
spent an enjoyable vacation :r
Devner Colo., where they were
the guests of Mrs. Rosa Roya1
I While visiting in Denver Lester r
well-known Baritone of the city
of Omaha rendered several num
| bers at th^ beautiful Shorter Ban
j tist Church.
i They spent a few days in New
Land af Quakers
Africa id the land of quarters. One
quarter of Its atee ft ‘finest and
buShland, one quarter is-^geassjUmd,
one^uarter Is desert and the re
meMng quarter is cultivated. W«H<;
Uutik ancvolnru-dia fidtu&A&A*
T aylor-Steams United
;ln Exdusive Wedding
. _ ____ i
An exquisite wedding highlight
' ed Omaha social event on Friday
I Aug. 29. When baskets of whit
gladlols and palms decorated the
j Anderson’s home for the wedding
of their daughter Nellie Taylor
\ to Folly Starns son of Mr. and
Mrs. Stearns of Omaha. Sacred
vows were repeated at the bride’s
home 2010 N. 20th., by Rev. F.
Williams of Zion Baptist Church.
The bride given away by her
father was beautiful clad in a
gown of shimmerng white safin
fashioned with a portrait yoke of
Chantilly lace. The dress was de
signed on Victorian period ikies,
over hooped shirt with «r train
five feet long. Her veil of import
ed French illusion fell from a
teara of seed of pearts caugt at
the side with seeds of parts rospt
tes. She carried a white satin
Bible of imperial orchids with cas
cading streams of satin caught in
with the fern.
Her only ornament was a string
I of cultured pearls.
Mrs. Olive Vaugh of Omaha
served as Matron of honor, Mr
Floyd Cloud of Omaha acted as
A reception following the cere
mony was given at the brid“’s
Attending the bridal party
were Mrs. Nellie Talbert. Mrs.
Mable Glenn, Mr. George Hunt
from Chicago, Cecitia Speaes. Mr.
and Mrh. J. C. Eves, Mr. Albert
Tate, Miss Margie Hughes, Mrs.
F. Swan. Miss Margeret Williams,
i Little Miss I. Gilmore. Clara Len
I ard, Mr. and Mrs. John Phew,
Mr. and Mrs. M. LcGon, Miss Se
dell Wright, Mr. Bob Combs, Mr.
Ira Jackson, Mr. D. Graham. Miss
G. Coleman, and a host of friends.
Many gifts were given to the new.
ly weds.
LOS ANGELES, —Hotter than
the August heawave these days
is smiling, personable Joe Alex
ander, whoafe Capitol record of
| “Cling To Me Baby” has zoomed
| into the nation's best-seller list
ings within the past two weeks.
Alexander.a former member of
Floyd Ray’s band, was signed
yesterday to open at San Diego’s
famous Cin-A-Bar immediately
following his one-week appear,
ance at the Los Angeles Lincoln
Theater Sept. 4-10. He will be co
featured at the Lincoln with
Nellie (Real Gone) Lutcher and
Joe Lutcher’s sizzling combo.
It was Joe who recorded the
first “modem” version of “Heart
aches” last December. It was a
smash success. A former Louisi
anan, Alexander has lived in Cal;
fomia since 1940. Later this fall
he will hit the road for personal
appearances. “Cling To Me Baby”
apparently is proving to be an
other "Jelly, Jelly.” It was com
posed by Dave Cavanaugh, who
conducts the orchestra and vocal
group featured on Joe Alexand
er's Capitol etching. Capitol ex
ecutives this week declared the
disc might hit the half-million
mark by late September.- at the
rate it's nabbing juke nickels and
moving in record .shops from
coast to coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walker and
daughter just recently returned
from St. Paul. Minnesota, Denver
Colo, St. Louis, South Dakc ta
Wyoming where they spent a en
joyable time with relatives. Whri'o
in St. Paul they were guests of
j Mr, Walker’s sister Mrs. Ireta
I McKnigl*.
M# Georgia Brown of Omaha
has been vacating in Sunny Lob
Angeles. California. She hopes to
return to Omaha soon.
Mne. Vera E. Hopkirfe formerly
of Omaha enjoyed 20 nrttntha on
the West Coast. Mexico and Tex
as. 3he visited her sister Mrs. Ol
sen in Oklahoma returning to
Omaha 3 weeks ago. She was giv.
- en a lovely welcome by many
friends and Mrs. Hiydon 1926 N.
23 st. where she is stopping.
SaH Lake
Great Salt lake has a salt csn*
tent of about 2* per cent.
— i
A. C. M. Photo Service 1607
Cumings st. invites the pubilc to
to call at their place of business
when in need of any photo work.^
They are prepared to take care
of your photo needs. Quick and
efficient service to all.
H and H Grinding Service 821
N .16 st., there are many auto re
pair shops inthe city, but this is
one of the finest I have seen in
my travels. This shop is owned
and operated by three brothers
Who are well prepared to take
care of your car. They are always
looking forward to helping you
solve your car problems. They
have some of the best equip,
ment in the car fixing line so
| why not give them a try ?
S. and N. Super Market 5302
I So. 30th., is one of the most sani
tary grocery stores in the city
of Omaha. The proprietor is
always waiting and willing to
serve. The pricds are right, and
they are always striving to give
their customers their moneys
worth when purchasing groceries.
R. and S. Cleaners 5224 So. 10
st., a young man and his wife are
building a fine business giving
reasonable and fair prices to all.
: Since their establishment they
1 have made many friends. Court.e
ous service awaits you at their
shop. Give them a chance to
prove that yoUr patronage is wel
J. D. Hines the Taylor 2523 st.
! has been in the same location for
: many years. He has a large sup
! ply of new clothing for sale for
j the cold winter months ahead. If
; you are in need of clothing, why
i not come in and price his for
you are sure to get abargain.
Come in and look around.
Sugar Lane Candy Co. 2929 Q
st. are manufactures of fine
grade candies. They are experts
in the art of making good cand.
ies for the kiddies and grownups.
If you are in the business of re
retaining candy it pays to call
them for ycair candy supply.
Everything leaves their plant
guaranteed. .
Peers Service 4177 L. st., is one
of the busiest filling stations in
South Omaha. Get your gas from
Peers Service Station; they re
pair your car when it is need of
service. Service is their motto to
Brown’s Aquarium 1721 Ho.
ward st., Oomah^k Dealers in im
ported tropical fran, fancy select
ed cold fish, etc. You will always
find Mr. Brown in his place of
business ready to serve you. He
will place his prices next to the
best. Get your fish from Brown's
Swift and Co. 27 Q st., a r»od.
ern plant throughout. Swift is one
of the leading packing plants in
our city. The officials and em.
| <*fs always are making addition.
J al friends. The fristclass products
produced by Swift is noted throu.
ghout the country. Always buy
> Swifts products first
I -- —
Real Estate Loans. Low Interest
Rate. Promptly made. ANY
Mtge Co., 234-6 Brandeis Theater
, F. E. Watters Secretary
How women and girls
may get wanted relief
[from functional periodic pain
Cardui Is a liquid medicine
which many women say has
brought relief from the toamp
like agony and nervous strain
of functional periodic distress.
Here’s how it may help:
% m Thken like a toni*. tg
should stimulate appe
Ptite; aid digdetlon,»
thus help build resist
ance for the “time” to
Started 3 days before
“your time”, it should
heljs relieve pain due
to purely functional
periodic causes.
Cardui. If it helps,
you'll be gfyl yeu did.
Men wanted for warehouse work. Good
Pay. Time and a half for all work over 40
hours. * •
k JA 0159 l&th and Mujcyi^k.
The Waiters
R. R. Boys serving on wheels
a smile.
The Waiters Key Club extends
a welcome to all patrons at all
Balckstone Hotel waiters quick
stepping on up and go service to
all guest.
Waiters at the Hill Hotel im
plying on Service and goirfg
Fontenelle Hotel waiters giving
very fine service in very nice way.
Paxton Hotel Waiters at the
end of vacations and ready to go
great on service to guest.
Waiters at the Regis Hotel and
the White Horse Inn always in
the front in service.
All waiters should read the
menu and keep posted on al foods
requested by the guest.
XENIA. Ohio — Court records
in the Greene county common
pleas court today revealed that
a levy against the bank funds, de
posited in the name of Wilher
terce university, by the A. M. E.
church in the Xenia National
Bank and the Citizens National
Bank have been impounded, as
result of a filed by a Pennsylvan
ia trust company. The action was
J taken by the Harrisburg Trust
Company as exocutor of the will
j of Henry Howard' Summers, de
ceased Wi]berforce university
professor, to satisfy a claim of
$8469.75 against the AUE church
I board of trustees. It is understood
: that there is a $19 operating ac
count and $40,000 in the building
fnud account, for Payne theolog
ical seminary, that are being tied
I up by the court.
i —1
. Wijfr aw assist from “Young Guy," age 4/a, Mr*. Guy Reigler," Kew
'Carden Hill*, N. Y., paints the picket fence ini her backyard. Mrs.
Reigler is conscientious in raving used cooking fat that helps make
soap and electrical appliances as well as paint. —
Cfnmui --- — —
%MTtw rvvimj
of tiring it on oU
WllVf* •» •• ■" ^ (
• ing fat fa a»ath»(
. paOffcbk ImM*.' l»
? Mpa pfwWi ■pop,
i1*" 1
Government Surplus!
A cnce-in-a-lifetime purchase! Fine leather
Aviation helmets originally intended for the U.S.
Army Air Corps flyers. Made from the fineest
leathers with extra full chamois lining and cha
( mois lined, kapok filled ear pads. Adjustable
at back. Small, nndium and large. Ideal for
school and winter sports.
Boys’ Own Store .... Fourth Floor
It Pays to ADVERTISE in...
The Mid-City Community’s
Most Widely Read Weekly
Call us and have a live representative work out your
advertising problem NOW!
Continuous Advertising Brings Results
And Our Rates Are Reasonable
The Omaha Guide Pub. Co.
2420 Grant Street HAmey 0800 - 0801