The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, September 06, 1947, Image 3

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    NEW YORK — A concert tour
that will take her completely a
round th^ world ha<s been set into
motion here for Marian Ander
boo "who is already as widely
known abroad as she is at home.
The tour, which is scheduled to
tee off in Honolulu, will take her
into Melbourne, Australia. Enga
gements in Sidney and perhaps
another larse Australian city will
follow. While down under she will
tour New Zealand on a three
months’ concert sahedule altoget
When that schedule is complet
ed the famous contralto will move
in Europe, thg Middle East and
Palestine en route to America.
According to her personal man
ager other European cities have
atvanced requests for ner to make
an appearance which, if accepted
will give her a world's tour.
The Aostralian-New Zealand
concert tour has been set by the
J. C. Williamson Theatres throogh
its New York representative
Dorothy Steward. Mtss Anderson
will be accompanied on the trip
by her husband, ’<Razz’’ Fisher,
and her accompanist, Franz Rupp.
Alexis Gets Top Rote
In Christopher Blake
BTJREANK^Calif. — Two im
portant assignments jui* announ
ced by Jack L. Warner give Al
escis Smith the leading feminine
role in, and Peter Godfrey the dir.
ection of Warner Bros.’ forthcom
ing production of “Christopher
Blak'f, adapted for the screen
from Moss Hart’s Broadway hit
of the same title.
Ted Donaldson, brilliant boy
actor, already has been cast in
the title role. Plot of the story
revolves around a youth whose
parents are seeking a divorce.
About 236,000 white and color
ed farm families and other rural
< h i urt Jji—schools, churches,
and cross-roads stores—in 16
Southern States will get electric
service as a result of loans ap
pro\«ed by the Rural Electric ser
vice as a result of loans approved
by the Rural Electrification Ad
ministration during the last year,
the U. S. Department of Agricul
ture announced last week.
Altogether, the loans approved
will enable borrowers, most of
them locally owned ond operated
rural electric cooperatives, to
build over 135,000 miles of new
powwer lines and increase the
cappacity of some of the systems
already bulldt, making electric
service available to 396,000 rural
The loans approved amount to
^251^34^172; about 44 per-cent
of this sum goes to the Southern
States where over 1,600,000
farms are stilll without electric
service. For the country as a
whole, approximately 250,000 and
at least as many rural establish
wents were without electric ser.
rice as of January 1.
Hers A Husband
Beyond Belief
Story going the ruonds here has
it that Robert Taylor is the kind
of husband who knows just what
to say, and when to say it.
He attended the preview of
Warner Bros.’ “Cry Wolf,“ goes
the tale, and observed, with a
great deal of enthusiasm, that
super-kiss between hero Errol
Flynn and heroine Mrs. (Barbara
Stanwyck) Taylor.
Mrs. Taylor is said to have
viewed askance this abnormal
lack of jealousy until Robert ex
claimed. “But darling! Nobody in
the world can kiss like you!”
N EWYORK—The 9th Annual
Conference of NAACP Youth
Councils and College Chapters
will meet in Houston, Texas, Nov
emebr 5-8, it was announced to
day by the Association’s Youth
Secretary, Mrs. Ruby Hurley.
Members of the National Plan
ning and Advisory Committee will
meet in executive session on Nov
ember 4th in Houston, to com
plete their recommendations to
the conference. Robert H. Wilson
of Columbia, South Carolina is
committee cairman for this year.
Handle Legs Promptly
Timber cut during the growing
season requires prompt handling to
avoid deterioration from decay, in
sect attacks or sap plains, exten
sion forester report.
Gives A Lift
To give a lift to canned or cooked
dried fruit, sgueeze orange or
grapefruit juice over the top just be
fore serving. *
Farm Production
From the top third of the nation’s
farms comes 8« per cent of the tfetal
production; from the other two
thirds. 20 per cent
—---- - _ -
HEAVY GOING! _____^ By Mackenzie]
. ... _£_
... ifouil have to reduce %
if were going 1b get amj place
Josephine Baker*s frame
from Chicago Waiter
CHICAGO—Jo Baker’s tax-free
$4000 a week engagement at the
Latin Quarter here is declared in
October Ebony to mark the Paris
Nightclub Queen's triumphal re
turn to the city which once paid
her only $25 for the same act,
and where she also got her name
from a Negro waiter.
Miss Baker bad offers from
New York’s Cafe Society but they
balked at her $8000 a week salary
request, Ebony claims. Chicago's
Latin Quarter then stepped in
with tax-free deal at $4000 a week
a sum which tops even Lena
Hom’es current salary.
Miss Baker, whose recent
French provincial wedding was
turned into a municipal holiday by
the adoring villagers near her
Beynant chateau, is married to
white bandleader Jo Boullon. She
has no children, though married
four times, but cares for a war
waif she adopted.
Her first marriage was to a
Chicago Sunset Cafe waiter nam
ed Baker. She was in the chorus
at this club at the time and earn
j ed $25 weekly. Though she has
since been married to three weal
thy Frenchmen, Jb still clings to
the name of her first husband, the
Negro nightclub waiter from
He Was Dirty
From somwhere on the clean,
broad Pacific in his schooner, the
Santana, Humphrey Bogart wire
lesses that he’s jumping over,
board 12 times a day to get rid of
the dirt he accumulated as the un.
kempt desert rat in Warner Bros.'
forthcoming drama, “Treasure of
the Sierra Madre.”
“Smart Woman
Slated to Hit
Newsstands Oct. 15
CHICAGO—"Smart Woman”, a
new Circuit publication for col
ored women, is lated to hit the
nation’s newsstands Oct. 15, it
was announced here this week.
The change in title from “Home
Circuit” to “Smart Woman” was
made to indicate more clearly the
changed emphasis of the maga
zine, according to the publisher.
The new fashion monthly will
featuture styles as created by
America’s leading designers. As
far as is known, “Smart Woman”
will be the first nationally circu.
lated magazine for colored wo
men to be patterned along the
lines of Vogue, Glamour and
Photographs are 'oeing taken by
Gordon Rogers Parks, head of
documentary photography for the
Standard Oil company of New
York. The new design is being
created by Robert Williams of
Washington, D. C., who has ser
ved as poster artist for various
government, agencies, in addition
to being a free lance contributor
to national publications. Williams
received much professional en
couragement from E. Simms
Success Assured
Maxine Gates, 265-pound singe”
in “Elver the Beginning” at War
ner Bros., has been selected as
“the new personality with the
greatest chance to succeed in 1947
by the Strauss Music Apprecia
tion Club of Brooklyn, N. Y.
"CLING TO ME" CHANTER - Smiling Joe Alexander it the popular
west coast baritone whose singing of "Cling To Me, Baby" is cur
rently rounding up the buffaloes in the nation's jukes. Alexander, a
former LoUisianan, waxes exclusively for the red Capitol "Ameri
cana" label. Following a week ot the Lot Angeles Lincoln Theater
Sept. 4-10 in which he co-stars with Nellie Lutcher and Joe Lutcher's
band, Alexander will be featured at San Diego's swank Cin-A-Ber -
Club. Joe got his start ot o member of Floyd Ray's orchestra.
“The Negro landowner is the
bone and sinew ef the Negro
race,” declrared T. M. Campbell,
Federal Extension field agent, in
an address last week before 1,000
colored farmers at the Delta Ex
periment Station, Stoneville, Mis3.
“Too many of the children of
substantial farm owners are leav
! ing the farm and the good acres,”
Campbell said. “It is up to us,”
he continued, “to make the farm
home and farm life more attract
,r €»/*
The veterans field agent, who
has been with the U. S. Depart
ment of agriculture snee 1906,
pointed out that although Cblored
farmers have shown an increase
in ownership of about 12.U00
farms sneei 1940, they still have
301,000 JJewer farms than they
owned 25 years ago.
He stated that in 1920 colored
farmers owned 217,589 fanms in
the South, while whites in the re
gion owned 1,379,636 farms. As
of 1945, the whites had increased
their holdngs by 145,364 farms;
their total stood at 1.525,000. But
the colored owners had slipped
down to only 186,000, a loss of 31,
589 farms.
Campbell said that most of
these farms were lost because the
chldren of thelr owners have not
remained on the farm to carry on
when their parents pass on. He
aited poor living fond it ions as
the principal reason fo» their leav
to*. j
Cltnr From Italy
Crimson clover was in traduced
Into the United States Iron Italy la
I II 1 ■ ■ ■
Louis Armstrong's Combo at
Bern's on the West Coast has
Barney Bigard, Sid Catlitt, Jack
Teagarden and others in lineup
Louis Armstrong and his band ,
--“ —
are wowing them with the kind
of rythme that only he can play
he keeps packing them in each
and every night.
An opportunity to file applica
tions for a Civil Service (career)
appointment in the Federal Ser
vice was announced today by the
Secretary, Board of U. S. Civil
Sericve Examiners, Corps of En
gineers, 1709 Jaskson st., Omaha
2, Nebraska. Appointments will be
made to the positions of Real Es
tate Specialist in the following
options: 1. Real Estate Agent,
CAF-9, $4149.60 per annum; 2.
Utilization Analyst, CAF-9,
$4149.60 per annum; 3. Negotia
tor, CAF-8, $3773.40 per annum.
Employment possibilities from
these examinations exist ip the
local offices of the Division En
gineer, Missouri River Division,
Omaha. Nebraska, and the Dis
trict Engineer. Garrison Engineer
District, Fort Lincoln, Bismarck,
North Dakota.
Applications will be accepted
untli the close of business Sept.
10, 1947.
Applicants must be citizens of
or owe allegiance to the United
States. The age limits are 18 to 62,
except for veterans and persons
in the Federal Service who are
war service indefinite employees.
Applications may be secured
from the Secretary, Board of U. S.
Civil Service Examiners, at any
first—or second-class post office. |
--■' 1,1 »■ *1
Life Membership in th National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People was taken by
the Imperial Court, Daughters of
Isis, during the 46th Annual Con.
vention of the Imperial Council
of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic
Order of Nobles of the Mlstic
Shrine, in this city on August 21.
The $500 check was presented
during the Thursday morning ses
sion to Mrs. Daisy E. Lampkin.
veteran NAACP National Field
Secretary, who addressed the Ita
perial Court.
Time Savers
At least four hours'^ week can be 1
saved by an lroner in the average
family. A saving of sevesal hours
can be accomplished by the washer.
The total gain from the two amounts
to several weeks a year.
I Erskine Hawkins and his
famous recording orchestra will
appear at the Dreamland HrP
24th and Grant st., Saturday nite
Sept. 13, once mor® to thrill the
music lovers as well as those who |
love to dance. “So Hurry on down
Erskine Hawkins and "let the
■ood times roll".
Curtis Rushing
New Hit Musical
Michael Curtiz has ordered full
speed ahead on production plans
at Warners for "Forever and Al
ways,” a new musical which will
star Doris Day, the former name,
band singer who made a sensa.
tional debut in Curtie's recently
completed “Romance in High C.”
He hopes to start shooting in a.
bout six weeks.
Fishing and Hunting Area
Sun Valley. Idaho, borders on a
hunting and fishing area as large
as the entire state of Connecticut.
Classified Ads Set Results
FOREIGN JOBS Mm Women gov.
and private listings, hundreds skill
de classifications. 16-pages accur..
ate information 81.00, postpaid...
Satisfaction guaranteed FOREIGN
JOBS. INC-, Baltimore 1, Mary Id.
(401 North 1-Uh ft WE. <M>6t
GO WRONG: Kingsblood Royal
The Vixens. Color Blind, Black
Boy. Also Oscar Micheaux’s
desires the service of two alert,
energic, and conscious men or
women with cars that desire to
earn additional spending money
during your spare time.
Your work will consist of col
lection of Overdue accounts, re
newal of accounts, addition of
new subscribers' to our fast
growing circulation, commis
sion rases. See Mr. Devereaux
1 at the Omaha Guide.
«m — -■
nc*»y lamer*
Latest stariatics show thal the
United State* has more than 22 tele
phones for /very 100 inhabitant*,
compared U, 2.2 telephones per 100
Inhabitants In the world as a whole.
New York Leads
New York City has more tele,
phones than any city In tko world,
with a tshal of .2.218.000. This com
pares with 1.290,000 in all of Sbuth
pazTTpn aq uopaj paju«[eq e jetp
(■puassa rj p ‘janaMop -uopduins
-aoa ^u*p jo; pnpr aSajaAe aq]
Joj papuaumiooaa sapuiuj*;o Junouis
®»n jo q]JB-X]u^*] auo piuqs jo sap
i -OIM 001 jflddns ujr 0]«jod auo
ottpoa « no a An
NEW YORK—Lena Horne, who
is looked upon as one of Metro's
most glamorous stars, seems
headed in quite a different direc |
tion these days as she returns to
the stage, her first love.
A sensational success here,
headlinning the offering at the
biased Copacabana nitery in mid
Manhattan, the former darling of
cinamaland is being embraced
tightly by the nite club and leg
itimate stag world. Rated by after
dark critics as the greatest att
ist to come along since Florence
Mills stopped looking for a "Blue
Bird” and Ethel Waters turned
a “Stormy Weather” into a glow,
ing bright career, Horne is the
answer to many a nite club pray
\ ... i
Europe Maybe
As all this favor breaks about
its beige Btar, Metro says nothing
and is yet to include her name
on the list of scheduled fall flick,
ers. With , all quiet on the cinima
tic front Music Corporation of
America which handles the for
mer Cotton Club chorine, is Foing
ahead with a deal that may take
the sultry delineator to Europe
this fall.
At the moment it appears that
should thg deal jell Lena will play
upwarsds to four weeks of vaude
ville in London, make some re
Ptle of Cement
Grand Coulee dam contains
enough qsment to build three Great
Using Bat Skins
The skins of rats are used to
make pocketbooks and' tobacco
Pirst Book Matches
J(*r Walker, English pharmacist,
m-ade the first book matches in 1827^
Nite & Day
2042 North 21st St.
Deliveries Made—Small Fee
Charge for the sam^.
Call ATlantic 9a4i
cordings while there and follow
with a run in Paris where Jose
phine Baker, another ex.chorine,
became a nite club queen.
Unlike Josephine however, Lena
will arrive in Rurope a star in her
own right and is expected to fur
ther that designation. If negotia
tions are successful she will leave
here sometime in November.
30th St.. JA. 8946. Our Chlcka*
Dinners are Something to Crow A
bout Robt. Jonas, Prepr.
New & Vted Furniture
Compute Lme—Point Harttweee
We Buy, Sell and Trade
*611-13 North 84th— 84th * *b
-WEbx 8884
" Everything i r The h
their fiurnace repairs, call A(
Omaha Guide Publishing Co.
Come In Person between 8 and
10 a. m. and 3 and 5:00 p. rrx.
ask for Mr. Devereaux.
New and USED Books
109 N. 16th St. AT 8032
WANTED 12 live-wire newsboys
to sell the Greater Omaha Guide
weedends. Call at the Oaoahf
Guide 2420 Grant St., and aei
for Mr. Devereaux after scboo
on Thursday and Friday after
noon for full particulars. Hnrrn
for only 12 boys will be useo.
■all Lake '
Great Salt lake has a sail con
tent of abeut it per cent
Husbands! Wives!
Want new P.ep and Vn?
53uuMMMte of couple* are week, wombat. «*
baulted eotrly beceaee body leek* iron. Fbr
neiy vim, vitality, try Onim Tonic Table la
tooay. Contain iron Jjdu, too, may need for j»r -
oloo vitomirkBi. Be <Qli«hted—ormam-nAact'
At all drog § tares ererywbM*.. »a
•imabit. at WALUIIEEN ka4 (MOTH
We wish to Announce r
G&JSmokeShop .
2118 NORTH 24th Street
Everything In the Line ef
iJackson A God bey, Pr«pe.
Read The Greater OMAHA GUIDE
1 Beauticians I
, For Rent or Lease J
| 2031 North 24th St. AT-0459 f
{Look for |
| Noodle Gib let Dinner
| Noodle Chicken Dinner
| .— New Low Prices
At All Grocers ]
\ Coopers tive with President Truman's Program
1 Bowl iour Cares Away1
x 2410 Lake St. JA. 9303 I
OPEN FROM 5 to 1 Week Day*
■** * to 1 Sundays
■ manager.
Prvap* (liven Away each Saturday Night for Big hast
1 Scores of iho Week.