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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1947)
Editor's Note:- Submit your problems for publication to ABBS’ WALLACE, in care of this nemspaper. Give your full naae, ad dress and birtbdate. For a 'private.reply* send Abbe'a staaped envelope and twenty—five cents for one of his new and lnsplrins •LESSONS FOR HAPPIER EIVING." Your letter will be treated eonfldentlally. Sand 25 cents in coin, stamps or money order. Address your latter to: The *‘RBE’ WALLACE Servloe, In oars of. N. J.—I am writing you again as you give me true advice and words of consolation. My old man started quarreling with me lately and Ido all I can to satisfy him. j He provides well, but he isn’t very sociable to my company who has been here a month. Tell me what to do to bring about a change in him? Ans: There're too many folks around—he doesn’t have the pri vacy he usually enjoys and it is upsetting him. Get rid of your guests as soon as you ean and your home life will be happy and normal again. M. R. M.—I met a nice fellow a few months ago. Here for the last couple of weeks he acts very fun ny. He makes dates and doesn’t show up. Will we be like we were or is this a cool brush off? What should I do? Ans: His indiffernce can only be taken one way—he’s losing interest. Begin datiing other fel lwos as you dont want to give him the consolation of knowing that it has grieved you any for him to change his mind. S. C. N.—Since I have been here I haven't been vry happy. I just worry about the least little thing Do you think I have any reason to worry like I am doing? Give me some advice. Ans: You are worrying tor no reason at all—you can combat this habit with activity. Get out more often with friends—go to LAKE SHOE SERVICE Note la The Time To Get Your Shoea Rebuilt! * Quality Material & Guaranteed Quality Work 2407 Lake Street ■ * SPECIAL ' GET ACQUAINTED OFFER— 3 Beautiful 5x7 LIFE LIKE PORTRAITS (in Folders) *2.50 PHOTOGRAPHIC GREETING CARDS From Your Negative $1.50 We Make Negative $2.00 _STUDIO OPEN— Evenings 7:30 - 9:30 Sundays 10 a. m.-3:30 p. m. TRIANGLE PHOTO SHOP 1608 N. 24th St. . ———■ I church regularly and participate in it’s activities. I would like to have you send for Happier Living Lesson No. 3, The Way To Hap I piness. price 25 cents. It will help clear your mind of doubt and in i duce new thoughts. 1 / L. C. B.—I worked for a lady five years ago down in Texas and like her fine. She wants me to come back there to work. I am planning to store my furniture and send my kids to my mother. Will it pay me to make this change ? Ans: No—the salary she has offered you will not compensate for the expense you will have to assume to make this change. You would have to earn much more than that to support your children, yourself and pay the storage fee on your furniture every month. Stay with your family—they need you You’re doing nicely .where you are. I P. S. C—I have a girl friend I would like to marry as I love her very much. But I know that she has other guys slipping around her place, yet she denies it, but I can see for myself that she does Would she stop this foolishness if we were to marry? Ans:—Not likely—if she cheats now, marriage won’t change her. Better give up the idea of marri age since she does not come up to your expectations. F. C. F.—I am a girl of 17, and have a boy friend in the army. I have a baby for him. I know that I love him very much but want to know if I should wait on him as he says he will marry me when he gets home? Ans: Of course you should wait. You two youngsters are (very much in love and should get married as soon as you can and providg a bome for your baby. He’ll only be away a few more months—live true to him. Land of Quarter* Africa Is the land of quarters. On* quarter of its area Is forest and bushland, one quarter is grass land, one quarter is desert and the 're maining quarter is cultivated, World Book i "// i We Are Once More LAUNDERING CURTAINS • SEND OR BRING THEM IN Edholtn & Sherman —LAUNDERERS & DRY CLEANERS 2401 North 24th St. Phone WE-6055 (■ .— (citT «a£ NATURAL HAIR ATTACHMENTS l OH A9AIN-0FF AGAIN fcfr Wt-to «■ octnv^I PAOB BOY $3.00 i r NATUtM BRAID $4 JQ [jfOU CAH HAVE YOQR HAIM ' PERFECTLY MA TCHE9 Late* Creation* Easily Attached Homan Hair— aitONON All Shades $5 JO, send no moose Mat sene sampu op too»imni OS STATE TMtOlOS {JESSIE EASE BEAUTY PROTECTS { 1 507 BFTH *«■ (Root 9051 «W TOP 17. K. T, By DR. H. W. SCHULTZ, Hvtrlttenitf Many mothers are wondering if It is advisable to take their babies along on vacation trips. Well, if you follow your baby’s usual sched ule, the trips will probably benefit1 him, as well as you and dad. If you’re planning a trip by auto, it's a wise idea to arrange-a bed for the baby right m the ear-ron' the back seat, or ... if you have a coupe a large pillow on the ledge will do nicely. Baby’s feedings are no problem at all ... in addition to milk which you can buy as you travel (If you use whole cow’s milk, be sure it is pasteurized and in a sanitary con tainer), take a good supply of pre pared baby foods with you. Before feeding time, just place a can of strajned meat or vegetable on th« foor at $our feet, apd the heat rom the motpr will warm it tq. just the.right temperature. ■ + Be sure to take along several varieties of baby’s strained canned food . . . infants eajoy a variation of food, too. That's one of the reasons why so many doctors are recommending meat in baby’s diet, earlier now than ever before. Meat introduces baby to an entirely dif ferent flavor—and a different con sistency, too. And ... of course, in addition, meat provides his diet with a food rich in ptateins, iron Bnd niacin—so necessary to hia proper growth and development. For older babies meat is available in diced form. These meats are so tasty even mother and dad may usp them for a quick lunch. 0 1 I Ask your doctor about the new specially prepared canned meats available for babies . . . prepared according to doctor’s specifioations, and approved by the American Medical association. The strained meats have been fed to even pre maturely l>orn babies, but of course, your own doctor will advise you iust when to include them ip ;our isby’s diet. Queen Elizabeth recently attend ed a garden party given by the j British Empire Nurses War Mem orial fund at St. James' palace, London. This fund was founded as a memorial to the nurses and midwives of the British empire and commonwealth who died in service during the last war. The fund maintains a nurses’ memor ial chapel in Westminister abbey, Lodon, and also provides for tra- j veiling scholarships for post-grad. 1 uate study for nurses and mid wives. Queen Elizabeth met many of the nurses and received dona tions to the fund. $103,164 towards a target of $1,000,000 has already been raised. The photo shows. Queen Eliza, beth talking to Nurse Ednar Pear man of Bermuda, at the garden party. I Bi-Cameral Congress Under its constitution, Chile haa a bi-cameral congress elected di rectly by the people, as is the presi dent. The latter has somewhat the same power as the president of the United States. Dine si wedding The wearing of something blue at the wedding was ancient Israelite custom which suggested a blue rib bon for the bride—blue being the col or of purity, love a^d "delity. Look and Learn By A. C. Gordon 1. What is the most used let. ter in the English language? 2. Which of the states border on the Pacific Ocean? 3. How many feet are there in a mile? 4. Why are the five most com mon American surnames ? 5. Why were the inhabitants of America called “Indians’? 6. Which of the Great Lakes is entirely within the United States? 7. What are the five vital or gans of he body? 8. What is the smallest state in area in the United States? 9. How fast do radio waves travel ? 10. What has been estimated as the minimum cost of produc ing a man of twenty-one? 11. What is the derivation of the word “alphabet"? 12. What is the most popular beverage in the world? 13. How many red and how many white stripes has the U. S. flag? 14. What is the most costly metal? 15. What is the meaning of “E Pluribus Unum”? 16. What animal can see in all l four directions at the same? 17. In common law, what is the age of a child capable of com mitting a crime? 18. Who has been the oldest President of the United States, and who the youngest? 19. What have been called the ‘Seven Deadly Sins” ? concerning the number thirteen originate ? Answers 1. The letter “e\ 2. California, Oregon, and Washington. 3. 5,280. 4. Smith, Johnson, Brown, Wil. liams, and Jones. 5. Because Columbus thought he had encircled the globe and discovered India. 6. Lake Michigan. 7. Heart, brain, lungs, stomach, and kidneys. 8. Rhode Islande. 9. 186,300 miles a second, or more than seven times around the world. 10. 2,500. 11. The first two letters of the Greek alphabet, alpha and beta. 12. Tea. 13. Seven red, six white. 14. Radium, costing approxi mately $70,000 a gram. 15. “One out of many.” 16.The giraffe, on account of its prominent eyes. 17. Seven years. 18. Oldest, William Henry Har rison. inaugurated at age of 68; youngest^ Theodore Roosevelt, age 43. 19. Pride, anger, lust, envy, greed, gluttony, and sloth. 20. From the fact that there were thirteen present at the lord’s ’ast supper. THEY’LL NEVER DIE StStotWj W BORN 79 YEARS AGO, f JOSEPH LAWRENCE JONES | WAS GRADUATED FROM GAINES » HIGH SCHOOL-FOR A SHORT TIME HE WAS A TEACHER AND LATER A CIVIL SERVICE WORKER FINALLY, IN 1902, WITH - IMAGINATION,COURAGE,AND A LITTLE CAPITAL, HE FOUND IED THE CENTRAL REGALIA CO- IN CINCINNATI- IO YEARS LATER HIS ORGANIZATION HAD DEVELOPED INTO THE WORLD'S LARGEST COLOR ED ESTABLISHMENT ENGAGED IN THE MANUFACTURE OF SECRET AND FRATERNAL ORDER BADGES, BUTTONS AND BANNERS.' MR- JONES' PLANT . * STEADILY employed FROM IO TO 30 PERSONS* ACCORDING TO SEASON.' L .. . | ^JONES manufacturer of CINCINNATI, 0 ' ■— "" - -- ■ ■■ i I ROSE Beauty Salon I I Now located at 2219 Maple Street -PHONE: JAckson 7610 Open from 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Each Week Day. Featuring AN INTRODUCTORY OFFERING,— A Series of Three Sc^lp Treatments Mrs. Rose Lucky Johnson formerly operated a Beauty Salon at 2408 Erskine Street OPERATORS: MRS. REBECCA EVAN8, MRS. EDNA MCDONALD, MRS. ROBE LUOtCY JOHNSON, Prop. ' Beauty At Home By Lynn Carter mud or clay pack that I can make at home? A. These are prescribed for only oily skin. They consist large ly of fuller's earth or kaolin, mix ed to a smooth paste with witch hazel. Use about two tablespoon fuls of he clay. Equal parts of witch hazel and peroxide can be used if bleaching is desired. Q. What is a good rinse for softening the hair? A. A vinegar rinse. Three ounces of vinegar to one and half pints of warm water is an excel lent rinse, too. for the oily hair. Q. How is rouge best applied to a round face? A. Blend the rouge high on the cheeks, close to the nose, close under the eyes. Fade it out at the edge of the cheeks. This keeps the color highlights in the center of the face and makes the face sem less ruond. Q. What are the best foods to eat in order to correct dry skin? A. Fresh milk, eggs, calves’ liver, yeast, lima beans kidney beans, peas, string beans, wild rice whole wheat and rye, and all young fresh fruits and vegetables. Q. How can one’s day-old make up be easily and quickly rejuve nated ? A. Pat lightly over the surface of the face with a piece of cotton dampened with skin freshener or astringent. This removes oil and grime. Q. What is a good exercise for reducing the abdomen? A. Lie flat on your back on the floor. Keeping the knees stiff, slowly raise one leg until it Is a bout four inches from the floor. Then lower it slowly and repeat with the other leg. Q. What is the proper lipstick technique ? A. Outline the lips first with a lipstick brush. Then, with a lipstick fill in the outline with up-and-down strokes. Now press the lips to gether lightly. Go over the lips again from comer to cor ner with lipstick. Then, press your lips on a folded tissue. Q. What causes large, “open” pores ? A. Usually, poor circulation. Use astringent lotions, applying with cotton pads by patting vigor, ously all over the face and throat.. Ice may be used, but always wrap this in cotton before applying to the skin. Q. How can I give the appear- I ance of greater length to my face which is rather small? A. Part your hair in the center or very high. Wear it short in brushed upsweep. Shade eyebrows in a narrow arch. Color the upper lashes and place shadow high on the cheeks to ward outer corner of eyes. Q .What can I do to remove callouses from my hands? A. Try using cuticle remover, such as is used for the manicure. Apply it to the callous and let it remain for several minutes Rinse off and rub dry with a rough towel. Repeat several times if necessary. Q. My elbows are exceedingly dark and ruogh. What can I do? A. Rub frequently with warm olive oil. They can be bleached by inserting each elbow into the pulp of half a lemon and learn them on the table while you read a book for half an hour. Handled Many Times Iron ore is handled five times from the time tt is removed from the earth until it emerges from the furnace as Kquid metal. Ouly Huguenot Church Only Huguenot church in Amer ica Is at Charleston, S. C. It Was founded in 1687. ATTORNEY LAUDED FOR SEGREGATED SCHOOL BAN NEW YORK — Congratulations on the adoption of a constitutional ban against segregated schools in the National Guard in New Jersey were sent August 20 to At torney Oliver Randolph, member of the constitutional convention, by the NAACP. The New Jersey constitutional ponvention voted 50-18 on Aug.JO to incorporate the section into the new Constitution, thus be coming the first state in the na tion to take this action. Mr. Randolph proposed the section. In a letter to Mr. Randolph, Roy Wilkins, assistant secretary of the NAACP, said: “On behalf ofthe National As sociation for the Advancement of Colored People and its many New , Jersey branches, I wish to thank you for your courageous service as the onlyy Negro delegate to the New Jersey constitutional convention which has led the coun try in adopting a ban on segreg ation in education and the militia. The progressive citizens of New Jersey can be proud of placing I their state in the role of leader | in civil rights after a Tong, hard battle against segregated schools f and segregated militia. The NAACP pledges that it will cont inue the fight in every other every other state until such un democratic practices are ended." Wilkins said the NAACP nation al office had cooperated with New Jersey leaders on a preliminary draft of th* section. Say you saw it advertised in The Omaha Guide NAACP MEDICAL PAMPHLET READY FOR DISTRIBUTION NEW YORK—It was arnoimc ed by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People today that ‘ Medical Care and the Plight of the Negro”, a pamphlet by Dr. Montague Cobb distinguished Washington, D. C„ medical authority, was available for distribution to interested groups and individuals. The pamphlet, which shall be sold at ten cents per copy, was was prepared and issued under the direction of the NAACP’s Na tional Medictal Committee of which Dr. Louis T. Wright is chairman. The pamphlet has al ready received wide attention In meddical and social welfare cir cles and Is an expanded version I of an article which appeared in m School Days Are Here Again jek&Y-.a . __ 'v %. FOR 7(X OOLH # ■ ■* - *«l, --- -' A Happy School Year... 194748 CALL... ATlantic 9229 * ... For Your Closest UNITED FOOD STORE "'0KSB0'(Ai WAS*25«* « ■# *o*H}95 ® maw* *»»»/*» Omaha Stationery Company - 307.308 South 17th StreeJ JAckson 0805 Omaha, Nebraska 9 I COMPLIMENT OF THE Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. 4809 South 20th Street - MArket 2153