The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 16, 1947, Image 7

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ik h
Editor's Not*:- Subnit your probleas for publication to ABBE'
WALLACE. In car* ot this noMpaper. Civ* your full naae. ad
dress and blrth'date. For a ’private .reply" send Abbe'a staaped
anvslope and twenty-five cents for on* of bis new and inspiring
■LESSONS FOR HAPPJER LIVING." Your letter will be treated
•onfldentlally. Send 25 cents in coin, staaps or aoney order.
Address your letter to: The t'RBE* WALLACE Servlee. in oar* ot.
C. G.—I have been married 31 ,
months and can’t make up my j
mind to stay with my wife. I
love her but seems like I can’t
stay there and be satisfied. I tell
her I am going to do better and
as soon as I leave her, I go right
back to the woman I used to go
with. I know I don’t love thl3
woman and I want to know what
to do to leave her alone?
Ans: Spend your evenings in
the presence of your wife *nd
the temptation to visit the other
■woman will not be so great.
Should your money run short, the
other woman would suddenly
lose all interest in you. You love
your wife—change your ways be
iore it is too late.
Z. C. B.—I am strongly con
sidering selling the old home
place as I am an only child and
Y am permanently located here
in the city in a home of my own. J
It requires too much of my time
going back and forth looking af- j
ter the property. Would it be
wise to sell?
Ans: There is no reason why
you should not dispose of the
property if you find it a burden
and worry. Put it up for sale.
It won't be difficult to find a
buyer as the property is very
desirable and in a good location.
N. O, L.—I am coming to you.
"hoping you can help me with my
girl friend. She is a nice girl in
•every respect but she likes to
drink and when she drinks, she
Tuns around with men. I want
you to let me know what to do
about her ?
Ans: Don't take her seriously
as long as she drinks and runs
around. She couldn’t be in love
■with you and behave in this man
3 Beautiful 5x7
(in Folders)
From Your Negative $1.50
We Make Negative $2.00
Evenings 7:30 - 9:30
Sundays 10 a. m.-3:30 p. m.
1608 N. 24th St. .
ner. Insist on her going on the
water wagon else you had better
look for a new girl friend on
which to center your interest.
F. I.—My husband and I have
been separated two months just
because his mother and I couldn’t
get along. His mother said
as long as she lived, he was go
ing to listen to what she said
and after she passed, I could
take over. What am I to do?
Ans: Get in touch with your
husband and have him come
where you are to live. You can
find happiness if you live in an
apartment away from his folks
but a divorce is inevitable if you
return to him there in his
mother’s home.
P. C.—I am having lots of mis
fortune here lately. A man is try
ing to buy the place where I’m
renting. He has a place of his j
own but dislikes us very much. |
Is there anything we can do to
keep him from getting it?
Ans: No. not unless you swing ^
a deal and buy the property your
self. You are only renting and
the owner has perfect right to
sell at any time and to any one
whom he choses.
B. N. C.—I correrponded with
a fellow from Chicago fro 18
months. He convinced me that
he was serious and asked that
I come there and we would get
married. I made all my arrange
ments to wed and arrived in Chi
cago the 15th of July. We were
to marry immediately. He put it
off. day by day for a week so I
packed my thinsrs and came
home. Did I do right?
Ans: Indeed you did. He did
not live up to his promises and
you were wise to break away as
you did and return home. Con
sider the engagement broken. It
worked out for the best as it j
would have been a big shock had
you proceeded with your plans
only to find out that he did not
love you.
Sav you Saw it adv®rtia®d in The
Omaha Guidfe
We Are Once More
Edholm & Sherman
2401 North 24th St. Phone WE-6055
m/)& Mtantta loo& <fwt foot/'
Oft AGAflt—OFf AQAttt tUk D«V-» mtti «■
$3.00 MAW
Latest Craarim
Easily Attached
Human HaIf—
CHIGNON All nglftt
$5-50 sate no maim
ja^arm AW. Boom aan — W IT. ilt, a^a> I
A Labor I rogram
Against Intolerance
Assistant Secretary of Labor
“The Commission holds to the
faith that if people are exposed
to the inner truth of life of a part
icular group, they will gradual
ly build up respect for and under
standing of it.”
The above quotation is taken
from the recent report of the dis
tinguisheb Commission on Free
dom of the Press headed by Rob
ert M. Hutchins, Chancellor, Uni
versity of Chicago. In the Com
mission report it applied of
i course, to be the publication, radio
and motion picture industries
with respect to faithful, factual,
and representative portrayals of
social and ethic groups. But even
out of context this particular
statement has pertinent applica
tion to the problems and respon
sibilities of the labor movement
in connection with religious and
racial tolerance.
We have spoken a lot of gen
j eralities about racial prejudices
| and religious intolerance in the
labor movement; some brave
words have been uttered; count
less resolutions have been passed;
here and there some progress has
been made. One cannot help but
wonder, however, how much, in
terms of the practical, work-a
-day world of the trade union
, members, it all means.
A Negro member of the UAW,
telling his story in the April 1947
issue of Ammunition, organ of
the educational department of
that union, thinks that workers,
when they go into the plant,
“bring their prejudices with
them.” But, he adds, “in our un
j ion they learn.” In his shop, he
, felt, the program of the fair prac
, tices committee was taking hold.
I “down in the ‘hearts of men and
Is thi3 a widespread or even
fairly frequent experience ? I
doubt it. The organized labor
I movement currently constitutes
about 16 per cent of the adult
population and it is reasonable
to assume that it carries within
it a replica of the pattern of
thinking which characterizes the
! population as a whole. If this is
true, then we do indeed bring our
prejudices with us not only into
our plants but into our stores, of
fices, school rooms, and other
places of work. And the resolu
1 tions, while they indicate the
I fundamental decency and pro
grasaivism of the labor moveii
ment cannot alone fulfill their ob
We must implement the resolu
tions with a painstaking and
workable program. We start with
one advantage: the character of
unions themselves. While union
members may be subject to the
many racial and religious pre
judices of the general adult popu
lation: they meet regularly, they
are banded together for a com
mon objective and purpose, they
too have the benefit of well-est
ablished means of communication.
Labor Reports
I suggest only the board out
lines of a program which is fexi
ble enough to be adaptable to lo
cal needs. I start with the pre
mise that no effort to combat
and eventually to eradicate racial
and religious prejudice in the
labor movement must be a part
of the general program for work
ers’ education. Workers’ educa
tion classes which present, objec
tively and accurately, interesting
lectures on the following general
subjects should be developed in
very locality:
1. The contributions of various
religious and racial groups to the
American community and to the
labor movement itself.
2. The origin and development
of the races of mankind.
3. The origin and development
of religions and religious groups.
4. A frank discussion of myths
and slanders connected with rac
ial and religious groups.
Such lectures could be followed
Now la The Time To Get
Your Shoea Rebuilt!
Quality Material & Guaranteed
Quality Work
2407 Lake Street
up with talks by religious and
racial leaders of the community
talks which would be built around
the economic and social problems
of the particular group. Granted
the reasonable success of such a
program, its scope could be ex
panded. The labor movement of
the community officially should
help initiate and participate in
similar programs for the locality
as a whole, through such organ
i ized groups as parent-teacher as
sociations and adult education
Looking at the articles in this
series in prevent issues of Labor
Reports, I find a common thread
of agreement: intolerance in gen
eral is a threat to labor; intoler
ance on the part of labor itself is
a movement toward self-destruc
tion. Labor must diminish the
discrepance between their resolu
tions and their actions against in
tolerance. The mighty organized
will of the free American trade
union movement, which ih the
past has been harnessed to count
less social and economic reforms,
must again take the lead.
As in the past, it will* be a
manifestation of the development
and growth of the movement—
true growth which comes from a
stirring of the roots. And that is
why, in discussing the fight a
gainst in tolerance. I stress local
activity so heavily.
Secretaries of
Evangelism Meet
in Albion, Mich.
I NASHVILL. Tenn., — The Na
i tional Meeting of the Annual C'on
j ference Secretaries of Evangel
I ism of the Methodist fhurch will
be held at Albion Cr’l°go, Albion.
Michigan, August 25-20, it has
been announced by Dr. Harry
Denman, executive secretary of
the Methodist General Board of
Evangelism, which sponsors the
Opening with a banquet at 6
p. m., Monday, August 25 over
which Bishop Charles C. Selec
man, resident bishop of the Dal
ias(Texas) Area and President of
the Board of Evangelism will pre
side, the 5-day meeting will fol
low a study program designed to
instruct the delegates in all
phases of evangelistic work. Em
phasis will be placed upon the
development of practical techni
ques in winning persons of all
ages for Christ. The program
pattern will include lectures and
discussion groups during the day
followed by addresses each even
ing. An early morning worship
service will open each daily ses
. sion.
Among the addresses at the
meeting will be one by Bishop
Arthur J. Moore, resident bishop
of the Atlanta (Georgia) Area,
on a program of Evangelism for
the next quadrennium; one by
Mr. Richard W. Campbell, out
standing onsurance man of At
toona, Pennsylvania, who gives
more than a tithe of his time to
Christian work; one by Mr. Tom
Spradling. St. Louis, Missouri,
layman, who will speak on per
sonal evangelism and who him
self has secured more than 100
persons for Christ in the church
last year.
A considerable part of the
meeting will be spent in discus
sion of ways to increase the ef
fectiveness of the service rend
ered by the Board and its publi
cations. Outstanding among the
publications is The Upper Room,
a booklet of daily devotions with
a circulation of 2,000,000, which
is printed in several foreign edi
tions and in a special Braille edi
tion for the blind. Other maga
zines published by the Board are:
Thg New Life Magazine, issued
weekly for the cultivation of
spiritual life; and Shepherds,
which goes monthly to every
Methodist pastor.
The Rev. C. C. Reynolds pastor
of Clair Methodist Church, Omaha
Nebr. is a delegate.
Seeret ot Pie Catting
To cat pie easily sprinkle granu
l^ad sugar over (be maria^ie
torrwd rrfe
ROSE Beauty Salon
! Now located at 2219 Maple Street
-PHONE: JAckson J610
Open from 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Each Week Day.
A Series of Three Scalp Treatments
Mrs. Rose Lucky Johnson formerly operated a Beenty
Salon at 2408 Erakine Street
mrs. edna McDonald,
I . I
| Electric Bath Towel?
^-ST. LOUIS, MO>—Paula McCance, 21-year-old model, drying her
iwnn suit with a new type bagless vacuum cleat, r which sucks on
Water and other liquids as well as dry dirt. ™
inventor of the device, H. J. McAllister of Wheaton, DL, says;
Now the housewife can launder her upholstered furniture nuns
*ne dry them m naif an fconr.**
•y DR. H. W. SCHULTZ, Nutritionist
(Swift Research laboratories)
When Vaby reaches the ages of
5 or 6 months, he’s apt to snow a
desire to feed hiniself. If your
baby reaches for his own spoon or
cup, it’s a wise'idea to encourage
him. Show him how to hold his
tiny spoon . . . help to grip his cup
—and then let him enjoy his inde
pendence. Of course, he’ll soon
iearn. 1
During the learning process, you
may want to feed baby at more
frequent intervals—to make sure
he gets the right amount of food.
Each one of the foods recommended
to you by your doctor plays an
important part in baby’s growth
and development, you know.
Milk has been called man’s most
complete food—but even milk does
not supply all the essential food
nutrients. Therefore, early in
baby's life—other foods must be
introduoed. For instance: Cod liver
oil for vitamin D . . . orange juice
for vitamin C. Solid foods—cereals,
strained vegetables and fruits
should J)e added as soem as your
baby qan handle them. Meat, too,
is an important addition to baby’s
diet, because it is so rich in pro
teins, niacin and iron. Then too,
meat has a different texture from
baby’s other foods . . . and by
feeding meat early in baby’s life,
you acquaint him with one of the
good foods he’ll be eating all his
Check with your doctor; he’ll
tell you when your baby is ready
for his strained meats, fruits and
NEW YORK — Turner Smith,
head of the U. S. Department of
Justice’s Civil Rights Section,'has
been urged to “restore civil rights
in Fort Lee and Cliffside, New
Jersey where for two successive
Sundays police and Palisades
Park guards have main tained a
Mississippi-tyle reign of terror.”
The request for federal inter
ventioin same Rowland Watts,
acting National Secretary of the
Workers Defense League when
the New Jersey attorney general
failed to act.
"On August 3 eleven members
of an interracial group were beat
en up and then arrested for mere
ly exercising their civil rights,”
Watts wrote Smith. "Seven were
arrested at the pool’s entrance
after being refused admittance.
The other four were arrested out
side the Park while picketing and
distributing leaflets protesting the
pool s ban on Negroes. Members
of the group not arrested were
also manhandled.
"Among the seven seized at the
pool’s entrance was our news ed
itor, James Peck, who was blood
ied up by a Park guard whil two
policemen were hauling him in
to police car. Inside the police
car, right in front of Peck, a
I policeman blackjacked Morris
Horowitz, who also arrested.’’
Watts recalled how, thg pre
vious Sunday, six members of the
group were manhandled and for
cibly deported to New York and
how Samuel Scott, a Negro, wa3
blackjacked. He also pointed out
that on both occasions Irving
Rosenthal, the pool’s owner and
Fred Stengel. Fort Lee police
chief, supervised operations.
Eye ours Worta
To tempt potential husbands j
many maidens in the Orient, espe
cially in Asia Minor, build up nice
dowries by weaving rugs. With
their earaiags they buy perforated
gold coins, which they waarv as
aecklaoes around their necks so
Mat a young village buck, at a
4«ca- can eyatete a Mil’s war*.
. I
THIS charming yellow dress is
“different” because of its un- '
usual shirred bodipe and short dol- j
man-type sleeves. There’s style news,
too, in the fine one-denier fabric '
made of Avisco rayon. It’s cool, j
(serviceable, and washable. If you
would like new, helpful dress-buying
tips, send a stamped, self-addressed
envelope to the women’s department
of this paper for the free leaflet,
"How to Judge Fit and Workman
ship in a Rayon Dress."
, j
Isn’t it amazing the amount of
real knowledge small children ac
cumulate and retain? The other
morning my two sons helped mete
prepare breakfast, and, when I
started making toast, I asked 8 ,
year-old John to put the rest of the
brefd away. Well, David — only
5 years old — frery importantly
took the loaf from John, carefully
re-closed the waxed paper wrap
ping, and then put the loaf into
the bread box. ***. |
As he did so, I was amused to
hear him explain to John that the i
waxed paper wrapping kept the i
bread fresh and moist . . . and ,
that it should always be carefully
re-closed after the loaf has been
opened. David told John that j
"Mike”—the man who delivers for •
the bakery—had told him all about :
it. Well, I've explained it to my
children dozens of times — but it |
took Mike — idol of every child in
the neighborhood — to turn the
trick! . .if V - i
Later, at breakfast when the
boys served our cereal, John
noticed the inner wrapping on the
cereal box-and I explained to him
that while waxed paper keeps
moist products moist (such as
bread) it also keeps dry products
dry (such as cereals). Therefore
the lining in the cereal box should
be just as carefully closed as the
bread wrapper. I went on to tell
the boys that food manufacturer*
and bakers do their utmost to in
sure freshness in foods — but, of
course they can’t guarantee fresh
ness to us after we open our pack*
ages, therefore it is extremely im«
portant that we properly re-cloa*
the wrapper. It is important, too,
that wh remember airtight re-clo
sure can only be made when the ]
package has been opened carefully
without being tom. • -* ***, *
i Well, when I had finished ex*
plaining, the boys concluded (a*
aH we housewives already know)
that waxed paper plays a very
important role in helping to pro
tect our foods and in saving
montfy, too.
Lh* safe Potato
One potato will supply IN oal»
ries or about one twenty-fifth of the
amount at calories recommended tor
the average adult far daily cob
sumption. rfowevar, tt is essential
that a balanced ra-tion b* utilized.
Here’s A Gala Dessert Cake That
Adds Glamour To Midsummer Dinner
FIOM the first strawberry to the
last peach, all summer long, fresh
fruits offer a tempting choice for
good . eating. Just as they are.
they’re delicious; but serve any of
them. to this novel, cake and you
have n really gala dessert.
...The cake Is made with cake flour,
so it’s sure to be fluffy and feather
-weight It’s easy to make, too. Just
one layer, made by the mix-easy
method, with only three mlnutee’
beating time. Yon can make it ia
the morning, ahead of the heat or
Just long enough before dinner to
give It a chance to cool.
All hinds of berries as well as
sliced peaches make a delicious top
ping for. thia .icake.. If you use
peaches,‘ slice v them' just before
dinner, sprinkle them with sugar,
jnnd put them in the refrigerator.
Two of these'cakes, topped- with
[two different fruits, make attrac
;tlve take-your-cholce refreshments
|for an informal summer party.
.Serve with iced or hot coffee.
,'Fruit Cream Topping
y Combine 1 cup crushed fresh ber
ries or sliced peaches with 3 to 4
tablespoons sugar; let stand 10 min
jutes. Fold into 1 cup cream, whipped.
Summer Dessert Cake*
1 cup sifted cake flour .
1 1/2 teaspoons double-acting baking)
powder , '
1/2 teaspoon salt
2/1 cup sugar
4 tablespoons shortening
•Milk (see below tor amount)
■* 1 egg, unbeaten
1/3 teaspoon vanilla
•With butter, margarine, or lard use!
H cup ,milk minus 1 tablespoon. With!
vegetable or any oth«A shortening use)
H cup milk.
Sift flour once; measure into gift?
er with baking powder, salt, an<f
sugar. Have shortening .at room1
temperature; mix or stJT just to1
soften. Sift in dry ingredients; add
2/3 of the milk and mix until all
flour is dampened. Then beat 2
utes. Add remaining milk, egg, and]
vanilla, and beat J minute longer.!
Turn into a deep 8-lnch layer pans
Pan should be lined on bottom with]
paper, Mien greased. Bake in mod*]
erate oven (375°F.) about 25 min-]
utes. Cool. Cover with Fruit Cream]
Topping and serve at once.
Note: Mix cake by hand or at~£|
low speed of electric mixer. Count
only actual beating strokes. Allow,
about 150 full strokes per minute.
Scrape bowl and beater or spoon
often while mixing.
At Last — Postwar {Electronic “Miracle”
Featuring revolutionary developments in pickup point, energy
converter, “miracle” tone-arm and record changer, this new Admiral
phonograph has just been revealed to the public at record low nrices.
And it also has a new system of FM that gives static-free trouble-fix;:
This brown and white checked
dress made of one-denier Advisco
rayon yarn is especially appro
priate for late summer days. The
dark check set off by dark ac
cessories is smart, and the fine
rayon fabric is extremely cool.
It’s washable, too.
Henry Rosenteld Dress.
Bi-Cameral Congress
Under Its constitution, Chile has
a bi-cameral congress elected di
rectly by the people, as is the presi
dent The latter has somewhat the
same power as the president et the
United States. ^
Peachy ideas like this cobblef
and peach swizzle stick are the'
special talent of Ruth .Conrad Nor*
bury, who modestly admits she,
knows 2,000 ways to serve peaches,
every one of them different. This
(tall, fruity cobbler is based on a ■
recipe which dates back to Colonial
days when the cobbler was a bever
age, rather than the pastry as wo
know it today, according to' Mrs.
Norbury, widely known food con
sultant for the canned peach in
dustry. She points out that the
flavor of the peaches combines
especially well with the delicate,
tangy taste of white table wine
like sauteme, and makes this an
ideal cooling refresher for hot
summer days. The swizzle stick is
made of sliced peaches with cher
ries, grapes or berries for color
Colonial Style Peach Cobbler A
IV2 tsps sugar J
jSliced canned peaches ___
,4 ounces Cresta Bianca Sauteroei
ICracked ice.
In a tall glass, dissolve sugar ini’:
sauteme. Add sliced peaches andl
fill glass with cracked ice. fitirf
well. Ornament with peach swizzla}
stick, and serve with straws.