APOLLO RECORDS 'DOOD' IT! ^ MINOR FIRM MAJORS OVERNIGHT Gerry Colson Firm's Progress Linked With Its Stand In 1 Selecting Talent on Merit, Not "Name," Color or Creed; Has Constructive Program I Editor's Note: This is the first of two installments depicting the rise of Apollo Records I , _._By GERRY COLSON New York (IPS): "Phenomenal" is the word tor the overnight appearance ot Apollo Records to a major position in the music world. The story is told today because of its special significance to followers of real jazz and blues, to ; admirers of Lee Richardson, Wyonie "Mr. Blues" Harris, Ray Eberle, Hal Winters,v Luis Russell and the galaxy of other Apollo recording artists. Miraculously, side by side with Apollo, these singers and orchestra ' leaders, with song writers and businessmen, have come into prominence —almost overnight! It began in Harlem, in a small record shop called "The Rainbow." A few young men with vision saw the need for producing the kind of blues, Jazz, folk and pop music that Lt« Richardton Wynonie Harri* «. Hal Winter* John Kirby people wanted, but were not getting on records. With a small amount of capital and a great deal of musical know-how, these young men established Apollo. They brought out record "Hot" Lip* Page ' Din.h Weihington Willie Bryeet V . - Laurel Wehotl ings of depth and feeling, and their recordings were welcomed as if by a music-starved public. "Hot" Lips Page, Illinois Jacquet, Rabon Tarrant, Coleman Hawkins orchestra, John I m jam ■ -« ■ • _ - . _ , Kirby and orchestra, Dinah Washington, Babe Wallace, Willie Bryant, 1 Laurel Watson, Hall Winters, Teddy McRae and band, Mahalia Jackson ^ and the Bill Campbell orchestra—all were quick to turn to Apollo to record music .they loved, the way they felt it. Here was a chance to give the world music with expression, music with spontaneous and native feeling. I The public loved it. More records were demanded and, suddenly, before the major companies knew it, Apollo and its artists were on their way! Using sharp foresight, the Apollo originators joined forces with additional interests, sound and progressive. Then, fully equipped, the new Apollo team of talent, artistic direc tion and business acumen, went to work, producing! Their goal was to produce Music 'Americana. Their ambition was to build a company to champion in production and ideals, end their first victory came from the stand they took on the issue of tdlerance. *r~ fEditor's note: Inside story of how this young company made its sensational rise to a hading position in the recording industry will be continued In our next Issue.I P In turn, these business engineers secured experts for each sub division of their highly- specialized business of recorS-making. For promotion manager they appointed the popular and dynamic former road manager for Joe Louis, Irving Katz. In selecting an associate to work for Irv Katz, the new com pany broke all precedent—it did what no other company had done —from Decca to Columbia, Capitol or Victor. Apolla appointed Ted Yates, a member of the Negro press and foremost syndicate writer, to handle publicity. 'x _/ n*o*ywefgM Champion Jot '.ouu and Irvfng Kail It selected Verd Oeliveri s Made Small Fee Charge F*>r frhp sao Call ATlantic 9541 “FOXES OF HARROW” STIII A BEST-SELLER NEW YORK _ Frank Yerby's first novel, “Foxes of Harrow” was the best reprint seller for Spring, 1947. “The Foxes” was issued by the Dial Press. BIB* M WMOng The wearing of something blue at the wedding was ancient Israelite custom which suggested a blue rib bon for the bride—blue being the col or of purity, love and Sdelity. MARY’S CHICKEN HUT, 2722 N. CHICKEN DINNERS 30th St.. JA. 8948. Our Chicken Dinners are Something to Crow A bout. Robt. Jones, Propr. New & Used Furniture Complete L.me—Paint Hardware We Buy, Sell ana Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART 4611-13 North 24th— 24th * -J* —WEI x 2224— 'Everything > r The h . ’ LYCAN & RANKIN guaranty their furnace repairs, call A 5029 GIRL WANTED FOR TYPING. Omaha Guide Publishing Co. Come In Person between 8 and 10 a. m. and 3 and 5:00 p. to. ask for Mr. Devereaux. Robert Saxton, Attorney 705 Keeline Building Omaha, Nebraska IN THE DISTRICT COURT Of DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Bird Finance Corp., a oorporat ion. Plaintiff vs, Schandorf Hard] and Lenora B. Hardy. Defendants Execution Docket 35, Page 99 LEGAL NOTICE TO Schandorf Hardy and Len ora B. Hardy, also known as Le nore B. Hardy, if living, and if dead, to her heirs, administrators, assigns or devisees, defendants: You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 23rd day of July, 1947, the plaintiff filed an affidavit and motion for revivor I in the above ease, the object and i purpose of which are to obtain | revivor of the judgment of $362.79 I ar*i costs rendered against you ia the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Book 32, Page 119, on or about the 8th day of November, 1939, and transcripted ♦o this Court in this action on January 2, 1940, and upon wbid there is now due and unpaid th sun: cf $453,20 as of December ' 1944 together with interest at i per cent on $362. 79 from Decern ber 7, 1944, until paid, together with court costs of the County Court of Douglas County, Nebr aska, in the amount of $18.85 and together with court costs in the Disrict Court of Douglas County Nebraska, in the amount of 11.00 and accruing costs. You are further notified that oni the 23rd day of July, 1947, plain tiff obtained a conditional order of revivor of said judgment against you which provides that said judgment be revived against you unless you show sufficient cause or answer on or before the 27 day of August, 1947, why the same should not be revived. BIRD FINANCE CORP.. a Corporation, Plain tij BY Robert Saxton, Its Attorney Beg,. 7-26-47 End. 8-16-47 1 , We wish to Announce THE OPENING OF THE 6 & J Smoke Shop 2118 NORTH 24th Street Everything In the Une of CIGARS. CIQARETTE8, A SOFT DRINKS Jackson A Godbey, Props. Beauticians HAIR DRESSING BOOTHS For Rent or' Lease DOT’S BEAUTY SALON 2031 North 24th St. AT-0459 Look for Swansons Noodle Giblet Dinner Noodle Chicken Dinner New Low Prices At All Grocers Cooperative with President Truman's Program NOW OPEN Hurry Back Lunchroom Fhe Iluiry Back Lunchroom is at your service, featuring we11-seasoned home-cooked foods. One miinute service If e specialize in homemade Chili, Fresh Hamburger Chili Mac, Hot Dogs with Chili and Relish We in. ‘.te you to try our Be^f Stew, Southern Style, are ‘ ound the corner from 21th and Lake Street at )l.ake Street. Phone jAckson 9195 v p>ACK LUNCHROOM 9°2-k -t* JA 9195 reason and E. Washington, Props: Luis Russell Illinois iacquef H»SScg«l