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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1947)
___ / " ' ' Ketr a. ~ 1 LOCAL AND NATIONAL Clawtfed A a* uv. i J CD*" ~~~ Phone- £y WORTH IT~ HArney0800 /JUSTICE/EQUALITY HEW TO THE UHE\ «to «eu it, advertise” .__ EQU/U. OPPORTUNITY _ _ PHONE HA.0800 ---- _:_Z420OTANTST__ M c,.„ P0., + n ir OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, AUGUST T6, 1947—No. 28 office. om«h». Krtr««fc>. under Act of THE URBAN LEAGUE LISTS BUILUING RENTAL RATES t e 4 _____I _“ Dr. Chas. Wesley Wins Court Decision _T___ __ __ Restraining Order Stopped By Ohio Court To Remain As Pre sident of Education and Industrial Arts WILBERFORCE, OHIO—Judge Frank L. Johnson of the Court of Common Pleas, Greene County, Ohio, dissolved a temporary re straining order, Tuesday, in so far as it “would prevent Dr. Wesley from acting as President of the College of Education and Industri al Arts, Wilberfoce, Ohio.” Thg court decision resulted from a petition by the Wilberfoce Uni versity board of trustees, Bishop Reverdy C. Ransom, Chairman, to restrain Dr. Wesley from acting as President of Wilberforce Uni versity, after the University Board of Trustees had summarily dismissed Dr. Wesley. The decision established Dr. Wesley’s right to continue as Pre sident of the College of Educa tion and Industrial Arts regard the decision as a distinct victory. The Attorney General of State of Ohio acted as defense counsel in the case. A demurrer presented by the Attorney Genral to the petition denied the allegations of the petition and in particular that Dr. Wesley was attempting to act as president of Wilberforce University, a church corporate institution. The University Board of Trus tees attempted to withdraw the the case. They requested that the case be 'dismissed without pre judice’’. The court overruled the motion to dismiss without pre judice. It was the opinion of the court that the matter should be adjudicated at this time for the best interest of all parties eon cemed. MRS. SARA WALKER NEWLY APPOINTED SUPERVISOR OF LINCOLN URBAN LEAGUE Mrs. Sara Walker ahs been ap pointed Group Work Supervisor at the Lincoln Urban League. Lin coln. Nebraska, and will begin work there September 1,. Mrs. Walker attened the University of Nebraska and has also taken work at Creighton University. She was formerly employed by the Department of Vocational Education. Omaha Public Schools. Mrs. Walker is a member of the ■St. John A. M. E. Church, one of its lay representatives of the Omaha Council of Churches, member of the Usher Board and Auxiliary of the Minute Men’s Club. She is also a member of the Eureka Art Club, the Priscilla NeedleCraft Club, the Silver Leaf Club Past president of the State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs and successfully served as chairman of the Scholarship de partment. Mrs. Walker resides at 2203 Charles st. GRADWELL SEARS ELECTED U. A. PRESIDENT: Gradwell L. Sears was elected President of United Artist Cor poration, at a meeting of the board of directors of the company, held yesterday (August5) at the United Artist home office. 729 7lh ave., New York. Sears suc ceeds as president of the Dela ware and all subsidiary corpora tions. Edward C. Raftery, who re signed after serving as president since 1941, and is now returning to private law practice. Listen to “ALL STAR WESTERN THEATRE STATION WOW. 6:30 P. M. EACH THURSDAY. “TUT. TUT, NOTHING BUT BUTTER-NUT BREAD I Jordan Choir to Return to ftew York City Area NEW YORK—Wings Ove'r Jor dan, the world’s greatest Negro chior, will soon be returning to the section where one of the most | interesting incidents of its amaz- i ing career occurred. The choir is now on the West Coast and will move into the Southwest in Sept ember. It was in Kennett, Mo. last year that Wings Over Jordan expected to sing an ordinary concert but got a surprise. When requested to do an afternoon concert in addi tion to the 01^ scheduled for the evening, Rev. Glynn T. Settle, dir ector of the organization, readily complied; such a request is not unsual. Shortly after three o’clock, a school bus arrived loaded with children. This was the beginning of a mass influx of children of all ages and descriptions. They hfept arriving until the large audi torium was filled to capacity. Wings Over Jordan sang a con cert to one of the most enthusias tic audiences of its long career. At the conclusion of the con cert, Rev. Settle found that a nother crowd of children had as sembled, completely blocking the street outside. Another concert was given to full house. It was discovered later that practically every child in the county had attended the concert performances through arrange ments made by the school board. Evidently, judging from the re action and results, the children were deeply impressed because it was again necessary to do two performances for the adults in the evening. Wedding Reception at W* August 17th/ The reception of Mr. and Mrs. Everett M. Lee will be held on Sunday afternoon from four to eight at the Northside Branch Y. W. C. A. I Mrs. E. Lee is the former Miss i Dorothy Lawson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lawson. She is a graduate of Tech High School and attended the University of! Omaha. j “This is true love, Judge— Cleveland woman, insisting on going to jail with her husband who tried to throw her off a bridge. Thousands Aid! Wilberforce in Jim Crow Fight Protest Setting Up of State Supported Jim Crow School WILBERFORCE, O. — Thou sands of graduates, friends and well-wishers of Wilberforce Uni versity as if in answer, have ple dged their support of the Afri can Methodist Episcopal Church, and the trustees and officials of the school in its fight to prevent a small group ef self-seeking poli ticians from setting up a State supported jim-crow school on its campus. This is the state of things as it became definitely plain that Dr. Charles H. Wesley, out-going president, appeared bent on wrecking the school before taking over his job at Morgan College at Baltimore next year, it is being charged by Wilberforce Univer sity authorities. From published announcements issued from offices operated by Dr. Wesley as President of the State maintained departments, use of the records of Wilberforce University has been made to cir. culate questionnaires to members of last year’s student body sug gesting enrollment in the newlv set up State supported college It was learned on good authority that prospective students are be ing misled into believing that only the State supported school will become accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. These ef forts to mislead students have gone so far as to make it appear that even those students desir ing to play football must enroll in the State supported school be cause the only athletic field is on the State side. FISH STORY Claude Rains reports, from his Pennsylvania farm, a week-end :n the Chester Country hospital with a chicken bone lodged in his throat. The specialist who remov ed the obstruction from the film star’s throat had it framed! WERE YOU RIGHT? Warner Oland, H. B. Warner, Paul Lukas. Ralph Lewis (as Hon. Austin Stoneman, father of Lil lian Gish) and Lionel Barrymore. Actor’s Strike Feared Over D. C. Race Issue NEW YORK, — Contract en gotiations between Actor’s Equity 1 and the League of New York Theatres were snarled a few days at present engaged in working on ago because Actor’s Equity in sisted that the League join its fight to end discriminations a gainst Negro patrons in the Na tional Theatre in Washington, D. C. The League and Equity are a new contract. The present one xpires i two months, and if no contract is signed, a strike of act ors will result. The dispute centers around the National Theatre. However, the League has offered to join Actors' Equity in a campaign of educa tion, and political pressure to re move the National theatre’s dis crimination rules. Actors’ Equity has rejected this offer and filed intention to strik^ with the necessary boards. NEW PRBAN LEAGUE SECY, PHONIX, ARIZONA Mr. Julian Westbrook McPher son, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Mc Pherson of 1712 N. 28 st., will assume his post in September as executive secretary of the Urban League at Phonix, Arizona. Mr. Julian McPherson, for the past wo years, has been serving as director of the recreation cen ter in Colorado Springs, Colodidi. Mr. McPherson, born and edu cated in the public schools of Omaha, graduated from the Uni. versity of Omaha sometime ago, receiving his Bachelors of Arts Degree in Sociology. Since he has been in Colorado, he has contin ued his studies and now has a Masters Degree in Sociology. Mr. Julian Westbrook McPher. son and his wife will leave will leave during the lattet part, of August for Phonix. Arizona. World’s First Champ James Figg. who won the crown as bare knuckle champion in 1779 retired undefeated in 1730 Full Round of Activities Ends Hampton s Six VF eek s Course HAMPTON INSTITUTE, Va — Nearly 800 articles, 550 of them made by students in Hampton In stitute summer classes for tea chers of industrial arts, were ex hibited here Monday, July28, in an annual all-day summer exhibit and demonstration of Fine and Industrial Arts. Luther Hinnant, a blind student from Washington D. C., played a leading role in the exhibit, says his Instructor, Jerome K. Leavitt, who also is Supervisor of Elementary Schools at Los Alamos, New Mexico. A nother student who contributed a large share of articles was Mrs. Hattie E. Coleman, in weaving. Among the exhibits included were those in clay, cement, char coal rendering, block printing, weaving, plastics, painting, and other media. The Industrial Arts Exhibit was one of several activities rounding out the last day of the six-week term of the Summer Session. A “State Departments Day pane! presented Dr. L. F. Palmer, of the Hampton staff, and three visiting experts from state departments of education, who discussed requirements for certi fication and state salaries. Tne visitors were Dr. J. L. Buck, Vir ginia; James E. Hillman, North Carolina; and Paul Huffington, Maryland. A fashion show presenting clo thes constructed and in some cases modeled by students in the Hampton Institute summer cloth ing clinic concluded the day’s i activities. Under the directeion of the instructors, Mrs. Ruth F. Ad ams, of Stephens College, And Miss Frankie West, of Atlanta. Ga.. the program displayed casual clothes, afternoon dresses, and evening dresses in up-to-date vari ety. Pedestrian Shortcuts Lead to Disasters Crossing mid-block, stepping from between parked cars, cross ing against traffic lights, general lack of observance in crossing streets, all have taken a severe toll of pedestrians, says Dwight Havens, President of the Nebr aska State Safety Council. “The records show that the pedestrian is paying a very dear price in trying to save the extra mom ents required to go to the regular cross walks and waiting until It is safe to proceed” “Many of us do observe the regulations part of the time,” says Mr. Havens, “but once in a while feel that time is so pressing that we can get away with a short cut. Act ually, reports show that 577 people last year found this to be a serious fallacy and of these, 45 paid the extreme penalty for trying to take a short cut. What ever the need seems to be for hurrying, it’s never so pressing that pedestrians should jeopardise their life. As pedestrians, Nebr askans are urged to cross at the cross walks, safely.” “SWEETS TO THE SWEET" Audiences who view Warner Bros. “Silver River’’ will see Steve Hannagan’s most recent gift to Ann Sheridan. With one of her costumes of the period of 1870, she will wear hand-wrought filigree gold ear rings and brooch, set with pearls, with which he surpirsed her re cently. The jewelry is estimated to be so old that it was an antique even in the latter part of the 19 century. The history of the pieces is not know. Hannagan found them ina tiny shop, the owner of which claimed to have had them in stock for some time and not to recall where he had purchased them. Announce New Director of Christian’ Jewish Conference Mrs. Sidney M. Smith, 5109 Charles st., Omaha, has been ap pointed Educational Director for the Omaha Office of the Ameri can Brotherhood, of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, it was announced by Earle Conover, Regional Director. The recent resignation of Miss Mary N. Austin, who has carried on the work for the past three years, under the title of Executive Secretary, creatd the vacancy which Mrs. Smith will now fill. Mrs. Smith’s duties will be to co ordinate the extensive educational plans of the National Conference with those °f the Omaha clubs and societies, schools and church es.* Miss Austin, long a resident of Omaha, and well known in all school circles as the former prin cipal of Miller Park School, is leaving the city September 1st to make California her new home. She will live with her sister, Mrs. Edith Ayers, Julian, California, which near San Diego. Said Mr. Conover: “The Ameri can Brotherhood movement in Omaha has been greatly helped by the splendid work of Miss Au stin. We regret her removal from both the work and the eity,but wish her God speed in her new life.. We are most happy Mrs. Smith has accepted our invitation to give us a helping hand, and we know that her many contacts in the city will be of much aid publicizing the importance of the work of the American Brother hood and in arranging valuable programs for groups.” Ex-fils to Get Jobs lu 17 Various Cities Congress Votes Half Million Dollars for Work Project WASHINGTON, D. C—Robert K. Salyers, director of the Vet erans Re-employment Right Divi sion of the Department of Labor announced a few days ago that ! field offices had been set up in seventeen cities to see to it that veterans get their legal re-em ployment rights. The offices were made possible under a 1500,000 appropriation made by Congress jjust before ad journing, President signed the bill last Wednesday. The offices will be in the follow ing cities; Atlanta, Boston, Chi cago, Dallas, Detroit, Harrisburg, Kansas City, Washington, Tren ton, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Montgomery, New York, Okla ( homa, Raleigh, Louisville, j The duties of carrying out the ' re-employment of veterans was recently transferred by Congress to the Labor Department. This law, which is a part of the Selec 1 tive Service Act, guarantees dis ' charged veterans, under certain | conditions, the right to their old | jobs for at least a year. "If you don’t want your ele | phant’s head smashed, come get him out of my tulip bed.”— i Lansing, Mich., housewife, call j ing circus headquarters. "Discrimination, in any form, must be rooted out of our bir«Ti<r and promotional practices" Carrol E. French, director. NAM Industrial Relations Department Discrimination Case Thrown Out of Court Suit Against Vets Swim Club Because Race Dissesrimation WARREN, OHIO—The suit a gainst the Vets Swim Club, which operates the municipal pool, for discriminating against James Cul ver and Effie Hayden because of their race, was thrown out of ! court Aug. 5 by Common Pleas j Judge George N. Graham. Mr. Culver and Miss Hayden, who incidentally are officials of the Warren Branch NAACP, had set up their case to attack the le gality of the lease executed be tween the city and the Vets Swim Club for operating the municipal pool. Judge Graham cited that com plainants Culver and Hyden had failed to state a cause for action. Dismissal came when counsel for the Vets Swim Club, centering on the legality of their operating municipally-owned property, cited an Ohio law which permitted them to do so and hereupon ask the case to be thrown out of court It was proven that the city de cided to lease the pool the year aftr 1947 operations showed a loss The discrimination of the plain tiffs never entered the case. Coun sel for plaintiffs was given 15 days to file an amended petition. Marshal Shepard Berates Bapti:ts COPENHAGEN, DEN. — Dr. Marshall Shepard, who is attend ing the Copenhagen Baptist Con gress as President of the Baptist Foreign Misions Board, cited that white United States delegates had refused to live in the same hotels as Negro delegate. Despite the over cordiality of the Danish people to the Negro delegates white Americans continued their prejudices with them from thr states, according to Dr. Sheppard In advance, the whites stipulated that they must not have the same hotel accomodations as the Negro es. ! Dr. Shepard is reported so in censed over the affair that on hi? return to the states, he, with Leo nard J. Carr, publisher of the Christian Review, will recommend that Negro Baptists who number over 4,000,000, withdraw their support from the Baptist Inter national if white members were unable to give a reasonable ex I planation as to their conduct ' there. Say yon *^w it adv*rtised in The Omaha Guide All Groups to Be Charged A Nominal Fee For Building to Aid in Property Upkeep Miss Doris Marie Grishau., the charming and talented daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Grisham, of Flora, Miss, is taking a Tea cher’s Training Course at the Gregg College of Commerce on Michigan Blvd. in Chicago this summer. Miss Grisham is a graduate of the Junior College at Piney Woods School where she is one of President Laurence C. Jones of ficial office force. She also attended Howard Uni versity jo Washington, D. C. Further Compromise Stays Our Progress Laders of the AME Church have humbly acknowledged that the re lationship heretofore existing be tween the State of Ohio and Wil brforce was unfortunate. Their only justification for its previous sufferance was the economic con. dition of the struggling Negro people. To continue this comprise in the light of the unwillingness of the present day Negro youth .to accept an inferior status is to stay progress towards full citi zenship in America. They declare, the church, its people and the officials of Wilber force are at one in the determine tion that, at long last, the future welfare of thg Negro youth in America must dictate the course to be followed and that cou’ve cannot possibly be predicated up on a further compromise of the Negro’s right to full and unfett ired citizenship. No person, or group of persons, he leadership demands, must cereafter be permitted to prosti tute the welfare of Negro youth for his or their selfish purpose. Upon this premise, The AME Church, the officials of Wilber, i force, and graduates and friends I if the institution throughout ' America base their demand that the Sate of Ohio withdraw from Wilberforce and leave the furth** conduct of this historic institution to the people by whom, and for whom it was founded. Sait I.ake Great Salt lake has a salt coa '<*nt of about 20 per cent. Move Is Necessary Because of Increasr ed Costs Building Effective September 1, groups using the facilities Of the Urban League Building will be required to pay a nominal rental fee. "The Board found it necessary to make this move, said Rabbi Mowshowitz, Board Chairman, because of the increase in the cost of upkeep of the League Building and the need for ad ditional income to meet growing expenses.” The Board Chairman said the maintenance and upkeep cost of the League Building a verage $3,000 yearly. For 1946 it amounted to $3,900. The new rental rates, which be come effective Septmber 1 are as follows; a charge of one dollar ($1.00. two dollars ($2.00) and three dollars ($3.00) for group meetings numbering less than ten | (10), to twenty (20) and over twenty (20) persons repcctively. A five dollar ($5.00) charge for free public gatherings and a ten dollar ($10j00) charge for pri vate and or public gathering where an admission fee is levied. Groups now using the League Building and who wish to con tinue using it the coming season are advised to register immediate ly with The Urbabn League Office Sponsors of Jim iCrow Frightened But,despite all this plotting and scheming, evidence of fear and trembling on the part of those seeking to set up the State sup. ported school is seen in releases j to the press, attributed to Dr. j Charles H. Wesley and Ray Hug. ! hes, trustee of the State Depart, ment at Wilberforce, that should Governor Herbert follow the sup. gestion to turn over State owned property and facilities at Wilber, force to the AME Church School the church could not thereafter maintain the school. This is be ing regarded throughout . the country as a direct insult to AME Church leaders nad its thousands of members and friends. Other evidence indicating fright of sponsors of the State supported college is the publication this week by an allegedly leading truste of the State side that the setting up of a State supported school at Wilberforce will not re. suit in a jjm-crow school in Ohio on the spurious assumption that such result is to be blamed on ex. isting social customs. It is sa'd thi attitude is looked upon as a racially traitorous attempt to maintain, for the benefit of a few jobs for a few, the compromising situation which has bedeviled Ne gro citizens in their every at tempt to secure equality in all phases of citizenship. Teachers of Deaf and Blind to Convene at Hampton Institute August 18 and 19 j HAMPTON INSTITUTE, VA. | Teachers of the deaf and the hard of hearing and teachers of the blind will convene at Hampton | Institute next Monday and Tues day, August 18 and 19, for the second biennial conference of the : National Societl of Special Edu | cation. Theme of the conference i "Meeting The Needs of the Han dicapped Child.” Highlighting the first general session Monday morning will be by Mrs I M Then* Principal 0» the Louisiana Schell for tpe pi?J((j and president of the fVicittv Mrs A.TT!0T1 *T hlcms of Mina — »v, -icrtiallv rccing will he >*v~ e' —"-l^vc Coville, Principal, Department for the Blind, Staunton, Virginia; Archie S. Lang. Brooklyn, N. Y.; Miss Rosetta Bolen, Louisiana School for the Blind; Mrs. Jessie Royer Greaves, Principal, Greaves School for the Blind. Paoli, Penna. and Dr. P. c. Potts- Assistant Director of the American for the Blind, New York. Discussing the problems of the deaf or of the hard of hearing Will be three Hampton Institute summer *raff members from Gal Hud^ Washington, D c the only college for the deaf and the hard of hearing.—namely Dr Po—ie V tw,. rn!rt>1Wh wiv 'r9ry LaRue, ™...,Whirhca<1 Suoerinten. "ol for the I Deaf- Hampton, Va; Mrs. William ' Whitehead, Principal of the same school; and Miss Oena Barnes, Louisiana State School for the’ Deaf. This has been the fifth summer that classes for teachers of the deaf have been held at Hampton Institute. The classes and their | instructors presented a demon stration—program in AU-Campus Assembly on Thursday, August 7, in which William King Jr., Hampl ton summer student and regular student at West Virginia Stae Col lege. presented “On Being Deaf", which was interpreted orally by Dr Powrio v Doctor, Mr. King is said to be the only deaf Negro coliee-e student In the United States.