The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 09, 1947, Image 5
Improved I SUNDAY International 1 SCHOOL -:-LESSON -: By HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST. D. D. Of The bloody Bible Institute of Chicago Released by Western Newspaper Union . Lesson subjects and Scripture text* aa lected and copyrighted by Internationa. Council of Religious Education: uaad bl permission. GOD IN NATIONAL AFFAIRS LESSON TEXT—Amos 3:9-15. 2124. MEMORY SELECTION—Seek good and not avll. that ye may Uve.—Am# 8:14. Social Justice, though much ape ken about In racent times, haa bees the concern of right thinking men ever since sin entered the world and started man's Inhumanity toward man. In tha prophet Amos wo find the eloquent and plain-spoken voice of one crying out against such con ditions almost 800 years before Christ. ‘Riij lesson la one which Is of ut Rioit Importance, becauao in oux present-day struggle with social in justice we have come to assuma that it la primarily a political Of economic question. The book of Amos and all other •ertpture rightly gets at “the focus of infection." which la sin. Sin In the heart leads to sinful actions, and these inevitably involve others, and thus bring about social problems. L Gad la Grant and Jaet (w. 8-8). From the little village of Takes and out of the wilderness tn which he had been a herdsman same Amoe, the man of God. la hurl his prophecy of disaster upon tho heeds of the complacent people of Israel and to take up a lamentation over those in Israel living In luxury and prosperity. j It was trus that tha common peo ple were being ground under the heel of cruel oppression, but who cared about the poor as long as they could be squeezed for taxes to sup port the luxurious comforts and pleasures of the rich? A prosperity which does not reach the homes of the poor is not a real prosperity at all When in addition it encourages the “haves" to oppress the "have mots” it becomes a grave danger, a real cause for lamentation. Over against the social sin and sorrow of his day Amos placed the almighty and righteous God. The people were urged to seek him and his righteousness. Would they do it? The answer came quickly. II. Men Are Small and Wicked (vv. 10-13). Thank God that it is not true of all men. but those of Amos’ day (and many are like them in our day) turned away in hatred of the one who dared to rebuke their wick- i edness. Sin is always a horrible thing, but when men who have fallen into sin are responsive to correction and raady to repent and forsaka their Sin, there Is hope. The thing which made Isarel'a state so serious in the eight of God and of his prophet was that they had only hatred for those who were bold enough to reprove them or to live among them accord ing to God’s standards (w. 10, 13). "They who will endure no criti cism have slammed the door in the face of truth. When we get to the Elace where we cannot endure hav lg our faults pointed out, we ere on the way to moral collapse" (Douglass). HI. Men Should Hate Evil (w. 14. 15). God loves the sinner, even when he is in his sin. God wants to help him, and so pleads with him to ha(e the evil enough to forsake it, and love the good enough to turn to God in repentance. God's Word condemns sin, but it also presents a remedy. In Christ we have the perfect. Anal, and com plete answer to the sin question. Amos, speaking centuries before Christ, admonished Israel to repent and to turn away from the evil which they had cultivated with such assi duity, and to be equally zealous about doing good, in the hope that “it may be that the Lord God ol hosts will be gracious” (v. 15). How favored we are to be per mitted not only to urge people te turn from evil to good, but to offei them the One who Is the way, the truth, ai?d the life. Israel did not repent, but in folly depended on their religious cere monies to satisfy an offended God, The prophet therefore declares that IV. God Hates Hypocrisy (w. 21. B4). God had no pleasure In their re ligious observances and rites, be cause they were presented with un repentant hearts and by hands which were soiled by the oppression of-their fellow man. fork it well, God has no delight fa the attendance upon ehurch serv ices, beautiful though they may be; he does not listen to the sweet strains of sacred music, a or does he accept the rich ‘‘offerings'’ of those who live in unforsaken sin and who pay for magnificent church build ings and beautiful church services with money gotten by crooked deal ings and social injustice. God la righteous, and God’s Word always cuts right through the hy pocrisy of men. Let us heed the plea of Amos, that righteousness should tun through odr personal and na tional life ‘‘as a mighty stream,” and then we shall be ready both as Individuals and'as a people to wor ship him aright. CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD 2412 Parker Street C. W. F. F. Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor Rose M. Oliver, Reporter IMMANUEL COMMUNITY CHURCH 2320 N. 28th ave.. Rev. E. F. Ridley, Pastor ST. JOHN’S A. M. E. CHURCH 22nd and Willis Ave. Rev. E. B. Childress Mason Dtvereaux Jr. Reporter The women of St. John’s cele brated their day at St. John's on Sunday, August 3, 1947, bring- 1 ing to the congregation present j an enlightening and inspiring program. At the 11 a. m. service, Rev. C. M. Farmer delivered an im pressive spiritual-filled sermon entitled, ‘ Redeeming the Time”. Her inspirational thoughts for the j day were as follows: “Man | should say what is in the Bible, ' not what he thinks is in it. Man's time here on earth is short; therefore, he must make haste to redeem the time before it is too late.” The order of service was as follows: Processional by the chorus; Ritual by B. J. Childress; Opening Hymn No. 3 CM; Prayer by Mrs. T. H. Goodwin; Song by St John Chorus; Scrip ture by Hattie Adams; Decalo gue; Missionary, off; Vocal solo by Goldie Downing; Announce ments; Intercessional; Song by the Chorus and congregation; Sermon by Rev. Mrs, C. M. 'Far mer (Song. Chorus); Offering; Conference Claims; Remarks by the Pastor, Recessional by. the Chorus; and Benediction by Mrs. Farmer, Eevening Service 7:30 p. m.; Ritual by B. J. Childress; Opening Hymn No. 12 SM; Prayer by Elizabeth Cunning ham; Song by the Chorus; Scrip ture reading by Anna VanFoote; Decalogue; Missionary Offering; Selection by St. John’s Usherettes Announcements; Song by Chorus and congregation; Sermon by Rev. Mrs. Marion Jones; Invit ation by Mrs. Jones (Song, Chorus); Offering; Conference claims; Remarks by Mrs. R. C. Price, general chairman; Brief by the Pastor, and Benediction by Rev. Mrs. Jones. Visitors: Mrs. Cornelia Braden. Maryville. Mo.; Mr. Edmund Duke, Little Rock, Ark.; Mr. Samuel A. Farrell, 2415 Binney, city; Mrs. Ruth E. Gates, 3419 Clark ave., St. Louis, Mo.; Mrs. Patrica General, Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Toy Harriso, San Fran cisco, Calif.; Mrs. E. Harrison, San Francisco, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. H. Lister, 2404 North 7 st., Kensas City; Geraldine Martin, 2628 Decatur st.. City; Mrs. Mill icent Murray, 2611% Binney st., city; Mrs. Thelma Tucker, 2411 % North 22nd st., city; Mrs. R. T. Whiteside, 2023 Maple st., city The evening service was con ducted by Rev. * Mrs. Marion Jones, who delivered a very time ly and powerful message filled with the Holy Spirit. A lovely tea was held in the Church parlor between the hours of 6 to 7 and 9:30 to 10:30 p. m. The Watchmen will rehearse on Friday night, August 8, at the Church, On Friday, August 15 at the home of Bro. Richard Taylor, 2615 Binney st., the Watchmen will have an old-fashioned Lawn Social with plenty of good things to eat. Come out mem bers and friends of St. Johns and help these men in this Christian effort. The following delegates from our Church left on Sunday night, August 3, for the Quadrennial Conference in New Orleans: Miss Barbara Long , Miss Eve lyn Triggs, Mrs. B. J. Childress, wife of our pastor, and Mrs ■ Gladyes Erwin. We wish for them a very pleas ant and interesting trip and look forward to their bringing back to St. Johns a reat deal of in formation about this important A. M. E. Conference that will at tract noted Church people from all over the United States. Let us pray for the sick throughout the week whoever they maybe or wherever they maybe. Pay your Annual Conference Claims to Bro. W. Carter today. Mrs. B. C. Price, general chair man for Women’s Day takes the greatest of pleasure along with her excellent co-workers of thanking the numerous mem bers and friends of St. Johns for support in any way given them on Women’s Day, Sunday August 3. The Youth for Christ Group under the sponsorship of John Orduna desire that young people heed the call of the Sav ier and become a member now. This wid-awake organization meets each Saturday evening from 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. m. Come out and participate young people in this Christian program. Mothers, send your children to Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:30 a. m. attend our 11 a. m. services and our 7:30 p. m. services. Visitors and friends are wel come at St. Johns, the friendly church at 22nd and Willis ave. Come and worship with us, won’t you? CLEAVES TEMPLE C. M. E. CHURCH 25th 4. Decatur st. C. P. Raines, Minister Mrs. Jeanie Englisb, Reporter We were honored this morning to have the male chorus sing for us. We are proud to have such a fine group of men assemble themselves together to do good and help others to do good. Mrs. Effie Moore should be commend ed for the wonderful work she is doing in training them. They have only sang for us two times. We pray for them to continue their good work and that We will hear them many many more times. We heard an inspiring sermon by our presiding Elder, Rev. R. A. Simpson. His text: Lord, it's good to be Here. It is good to be here because we are in the presence of God this.morning. Jesus told Peter “Let s go up to the moun tain.” If we keep on climbing we will get joyy out of life. Jesus call ed a convention on the mountaifs The delegates were Peter, James, and John. Church, stay on God’s firing line; it may be a hard task, but it must remain. Robert Cecil Raines, son of our pastor and wife. Rev. and Mrs. C. P. Raines was christened by Rev. R. A. Simpson. Please support these: 4th Sun day—Forward Step Club, and 5th Sunday—Loyal Matrons Club. Let us pray for the shuta-ins. Visitors are always welcome in our serivce. • HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH 30th & Corby H. H. Schauland, Pastor Sunday School 10 A. M. Worship 11 A. M. HILL SIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 2760 Lake Street Rex. Chas. Tyler, Pastor Sunday School 9:30 a. m. Sunday Service 11 a. m. Come out and worship where a warm welcome awaits you and hear a good sermon, “Superior Righteousness.’’ Good music by the choir. Rev. Tyler will speak. Saturday morning 10:15-KOAD. Tune in and hear him. Thelma Newte, Rep’t. FRONTIERS CLUBS COLUMBUS, OHIO — Reports of activities of Frontiers Clubs throughout the country as giv en at their national convention in Atlantic City, July 25-27, show that these clubs are play ing vital roles in the develop ment of Negro business and pro fessional interests, as well as in efforts for general civic im provement and increased job op portunities for Negroes. Highlighting this convention of the only Negro service club in America, composed of busi ness and professional men, were a public meeting addressed by Lester B. Granger, Executive Secretary of the National Urban League; and the Convention Luncheon addressed by J. Finley Wilson, Grand Exalted Ruler of the Independent Benevolent Order of the Elks of the World. Both Granger and Wilson commended the club on it work on vital is sues facing the Negro group and the nation today and challenged its leadership to meet the need for more chapters of the club in other cities. Mr. Wilson said act ivities of Frontiers Clubs are ex amples of men banding together to “take what they have to make what they want.” Mr. Granger said the Frontiers Clubs have rendered valuable aid to Urban Leagues by their cooperation on the local and national level. In cluded in the public meeting which was held in the beautiful New Jersey Avenue School, was the presentation of a pin and certificate of honorary member ship to Eugene Kinckle Jones, pioneer social worker, and Gen eral Secretary of the National Ur ban League. Mayor Altman, in delivering his address to the visiting delegates, paid a high tribute to N. B. Al len, national presiden of the club for vision and leadership, and presented him with a beautiful leather-encased “key to Atlantic City.” As a climax to the convention, a special Frontiers service was held at the Shiloh Baptist Church with pastor Dr. C. L. Aiken, a member of the Atlantic City chapter of the club delivering the sermon. Colorful social affaires were featured throughout the three-day convention, and included beach TheRev. E. T. Bernthal, pastor of Epiphany Lutheran Church in Detroit, Michigan, and summer guest speaker on the Interna tional Lutheran Hour on Sunday August 3, 10, 17 and 24. BETTER LIGHTING IN THE MID CITY AREA It is time that the citizens of the Mid-City area give greater attention to the lighting in cer tain sections of the Mid-City area There is far too little light, ing in these sections. What light that is either too dim, ineffici ent, out of date, and of little service. Some of these areas where immediate attention should be given to better lighting facilities is from 16th and Lake St., to 30th and Lake st. Lighting is very poor on Charles, Decatur. Seward and Franklin and between 24 and 30. There is Just a few sections in the Mid-City area where better j light is badly needed. In the City Improvement Plan, a program of better lighting is provided for our city. It is hop ed that our City Commissioners and others that have charge of carrying out this program will see that the Mid-City, area is included. The best way to cut down petty thief, juvinile delinquency, crim inal attacks automeb’e accidents, and etc. is to have well-lighted city streets. Poor and inefficient lighting acts as a incentive to those who find nothing better to do than prey on living in areas where lighting facilities are in adquate. Committing robbery etc. against the citizens of the area. . Poor lighting denotes an alert and wide-awake citizens in a community. Good lighting means added attractiveness to an area or section of a city. Good light ing shows the pride of citizens in a community in their welfare and well-being. Good lighting acta as a direct incentive to new home buyers' encurages busi nessmen to move Into an area, increases the number of visitors to a city, and enhances the beauty of the area that it embrasses. Where modern lighting has been installed, it has more than paid for itself in that it has made law enforcement easier and brought about greater pride and interest of the citizens in the value of a well-lighted city area. Thg Mid-City area can enjoy the same benefits from good lighting as other areas of our city, if the citizens would demand to be heard. Let us citizens of the Mid-City make better lighting a must on our agenda. ALPHA OMEGA CLUB The Alpha Omega Social Club is still going strong with fun for all. Last Saturday the members and their friends spent an en joyable evening at Riverview dancing, etc., not to exclude the ice cold water melons which sup plied a refresher after the days heat of over 100 degrees. This evening, August 9 at 8:00 p. m. we are planning a weiner roast. All members and their friends are asked to meet at Lenora Pierce’s, 1818 North 26 st. at 7:80 p. m. Bring your 15 cents and swing along to Mandcn Park for an evening of fun the Alpha Omega way. parties, roller chair tour of the Boardwalk for the wives of the delegates, and a president’s recep tion and dance at the west-side All Wars Memorial building. Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim? Thousand* of couple* are weak, wom-ont, ex beusted solely because body lacks iron. Foe new vim. vitality, try Ostrex Tonic Tablet* today. Contain iron you. too, may need for pep; also vitamin Bi. Be delighted—or money back. At all drag stores everywhere.. Id Omaha, at WALGREEN and SMITH STORES. Roofing — Siding — Inflation ' Guttering OLD ESTABLISHED LINES Free Estimates F. H. A. TERMS T. C. Snow KE 6930 Wilberforce College of Education Challenges j Legality of 'Jim Crow Suit’ WILBERFORCE, OHIO —Com menting on the announced intentions of the AME church board, for Wilberforce university, to file a test suit against the College of Education and Indus- | trial Arts to determine “the right of the state of Ohio to use taxpayers money in the conduct ! of an experiment in Jim Crow education,’’ a leading member of \ the trustee board for the state controlled College of Education and Industrial Arts at Wilber- i force scouted the validity of j such a suit. “The College of Ed- J ucation and Industrial Arts”, | said the board member, “is op- 1 erated under the laws of the state of Ohio, which distinctly forbid racial segregation. This means that all persons, white and black, who qualify, can en roll in our college as well as serve as members of our faculty.” “Indeed,” continued the board member,” two white students were enrolled last year at Wilberforce.’ The fact that Wilberforce has practically an all-Negro enroll ment was explained as a result of social custom rather than racial restriction, by the trustee. “As a matter of fact,” declared he trustee, “the AME church itself, is a Jim-crow organiza tion and, in its charter establish ing Wilberforce university, re presents the school as an insti tution sololy for presons of Afri can descent." This makes it difficult, conclud ed the board member, “to un This makes it difficult conclud ed the board member, “to under, stand the action of the AME church in requesting the state of Ohio to turn over all state pro perty at Wilberforce university to the church for the AME’s to run ' and at the same time, plan to bring action against the state controlled college of education and industrial arts, when their won efforts would be a jim-crow school.’’ Four trips, in the past week, by delegations from the AME church brought the following statement from Ohio Governor Herbert who refused to intervene in the church state dispute. “I suggested,” the governor said, “that the attorney general could determine the legal status of the university. I am not presently inclined to enter the dispute regarding Dr. Wesley and the proposal of turning over the entire operation of the state college to thg church would neces. -- - sarily have to be determined by the legislature. I still have noly one objective and that is accredi tation of Wilberforce by the North Central association of sec- I ondary schools and colleges.” 1 Meanwhile, plans are proceed- i ing in the College of Education and Industrial arts for a record enrollment September as a large number of students, formerly en rolled in the College of Liberial Arts, have applied for admission to the state college. SHARP TEMPERATURE CHANGES BLAMED FOR MANY PERSONS DEATH CHICAGO, HI.—Sharp changes in temperature hastened the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dr. Wil. liam F. Petersen said Monday. The life of Galvin Coolidge also was shortened by a sudden cold spell, followed by hot weather, he said Dr. Peteraen, director of clini cal research at St. Luke’s Hospital said he believe* weather variabil ity has been responsible for the breakdown of many other persons. Immediate causes of Mr. Roose velt’s death probably were cor onary thrombosis followed by rup ture and hemorrhage, he said. But attacks of this type most often occur, he added, during periods of unusually high or low tempera tures, and particularly after cold spells. Dr. Petersen said he had traced the weather record at Hyde Park, | N. Y. where Mr. Roosevelt re portedly suffered a stroke March 25, 1945. He found that the mer cury had gone abvoe 80 in mid M°rch, dropped to freezing by M^rch 22, and then shot up again. l*Tr. Roosevelt was rushed to Warm Springs, Ga„ where he died on April 12. Dr. Petersen said Mr. Coolidge apparently was in good health when he died suddenly on January 5, 1933—but the temperature had dropped 60 degrees in one day, and then had shot up just as sharply. In adjusting to the violent shifts of temperature, the circulatory sysem is taxed to the limit and in. evitably breaks down, he said. He explained that cold air con tracts blood vessels, causing the blood pressure to rise. This re ults in an oxygen deficiency. With a temperature rise, how ever, blood vessels may • be en larged, he said, causing very low blood pressure. HEKK WE GO AGAIN! ™ ^ - By COLLIES Handled Many Timas Iron ora la handled five time* from the time It la removed from the earth until it emerges from the furnace as liquid metaL Only Bagnaet Chareh Only Huguenot church la Amar* lea la at Charleston, 8. C. It was founded In 1MT. Land af Quartern AMea to tha land ot quarteri. On* quarter <rf lta araa to foraat an* buAland. ona quarter la graaa land, ana quarter to daaart and tha m maiaing quarter la cultivated. World doolr ancvelonMtia rfUsInaa* AdtteuMural aaeda war* ftrat arid oacnmarclafl/ in tha United Staten tut A well-paid Job for ! you in the Arn If you recent high school grad uates can measure up to the high standards for enlistment, there’s a mighty good job waiting for you in the Regular Army. In addition to a Private’s starting pay of $75 a month, you get food, clothing, housing, med ical care, low-cost insurance and income tax exemption, all of which would cost a civilian more than $1500 annually. < You also get an exceptionally liberal retirement plan — half pay for life after 20 years’ ser vice, and on up to three-quarters pay after 30 years’ service. Adding it all up, you’ll be better off financially than a civilian making $3000 a year! And you’ll have sound technical training, travel, the satisfaction of doing a worth-while job and the companionship of a group of men besides! Get the full facts today at your nearest U. S. Army Recruiting Station. 1516 Douglas St. Let Us Fill Your Printing Needs... Placards - Stationery - Letterheads V,;'i , • • / Tickets - Leaflets - Programs Invitations - Circulars - Cards Serving Your Printing Needs Is a Pleasure The Omaha Guide Pub. Co. HArney 0800-0801 2420 Grant Street