The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 09, 1947, Image 2
DOG TALES (Submitted by Miss Ruth Villa, Roselle Park. New Jerseyt* IVIaNY (ales are told about big brave dogs, who, judging from their pedigree and their seeming intelligence, would always perform heroic deeds as may be expected because of their ancestry and environment. well, 'nags was just a mongrel with questionable heritage sin<I his environment was any place where food was found and a friendly pat on the head was offered. Yet to this plain dog. I'm 'indebted for my life. Some friends and I spent our Xmas vacation skiing up in Man chester. Vermont. "Rags" was "temporarily boarding” at the lodge, for. because of the large skiing crowd, the kitchen w*as work ing overtime and there were often many choice bits of meat .left J over for "Rags”. My friends were good skiers. I. a novice at the sport, decided to go off and practice in solitude before endeavoring a public debut. It wasn't long before my skiing took me further from the lodge \ than I should have strayed. On one slope. I took the wrong turn ■nnd crashed into a steep incline. My ankle was in terrible pain, xind I couldn't move myself to crawl out of the hole Night came, stnd it grew verv cold. Snow began to fall and my calls for help Itrought no response. When nil seemed in vain, and I was certain I'd freeze to death —who should appear on the edge of the hole—but good old "Rags”! 1 was very excited to see him so far from the lodge, and I called him down to where I was. Removing my scarf I knotted it around \ his shaggy head and sent him back—hoping that someone would l set* the scarf and recognize it as mine. Sure enough—lie got to the lodge, attracted so much attention t l»y his barks, and peculiar' behavior, that everyone saw' him. and ■ny friends, who had gone off in the wrong directions to search for •ue. recognized the scarf and followed "Rags’*. He led them to where I was. and jumped around in glee when ' they lifted me from the' hole. As I was carried hack to the lodge, [ •’Rags" led the parade by marching proudly in front. fCive >our dog an extra pat for his constant loyalty. And feed him well with the nutritious dog food, unralioned. at your grocer s. Kellie will pay $5.00 for every Original true doff story ac «repte«| lor nublicalion. Send them to Grand Central Post Of ■fflee. Box 410. New York City Unaccepted manuscripts will i snot be returned. Alt manuscripts submitted will become Kellie's property. Do not send in stories that have been pub- KELLIE-* h*hed elsewhere. his mark Rouse Committee in Anti-Lunch Bill Dodge NEW YORK, — Roy Wilkins. ' NAACP assistant secretary, to day took issue with Congress man Earl C. Michener, (R.-Mich) Chairman of the House Com mittee on the Judiciary, who con tended that advocates of H. R. 3488, a Federal Anti-Lynch bill, should concentrate their efforts SCBSOCI-nt 1 KATES: I MONTH. 50c S MONTHS. $1.50 A MONTHS . $2.50 I TEAK .$4.00 o o o I VRAM (Out of Tom . $4.50 PRESCRIPTIONS Free Delivery Duffy Pharmacy -WE-0609— 24th & Lake Sts. atson’s School of Beau tv Cultu ENROLL NOWi Terms Can Be Arranged 2511 North 22nd Street — JA-3974 — on the Senate. The Michigan Re publican declared, “there is no doubt in my mind that if the bill in question were reported by this Committee to the House its passage would be assured. How ever there is considerable doubt as to whether or not the Senate would give it favorable action, since opposition there is more determined than in the House." Mr. Wilkins, in commenting on this Congressional “buck-pass ing" in a letter to Congressman Michener stated. “We note once again your position that the leg islation should first be taken up in the Senate “since the opposi tion there is much more deter mined than in the House.” Also your feeling that “the House of Representatives not be called up on to go through useless motions”. “This Association directs your attention to the action of the House in passing he anti-poll tax bill 290-112. This legislation was not out of committee in a matter of minutes and was called up under suspension of the rules and driven through by the House leadership despite the fact that everyone concerned as well a ware that the opposition to this legislation in the Senate is, to use your words, “much more de termined than in the House.” Knockabout Chairs If you have knockabout chairs In the sunroom or on “sabbatical leave” from the summer porch and Jheir mpearance is not everything you desire, consider making simple slipcovers for them. Use strong fab rics like ticking or oilcloth in fast colors, so they can b« ^ossed regu larly into the washing machine. THRIFTY LIQUOR STORE .• WINES, BEER, LIQUORS 1 — “We Appreciate Your Trade” Mlh & LAKE . AT. 4248 ARE YOU LETTING KILL ROMANCE? Gray, drab hair can make you look older— discourage invitations to have a good time be cause men think you're too old. Don't take a chance with your romance. Give your hair rich, natural looking color and beauty with Larieuse. Your friends will approve. look years younger €•!•?'Yavr How Thi* Easy Way To give your hair new, rich, natural lookingcolor (black, brown, blonde)start using Godefcoy’s Larieuse Hair Color ing NOW ... acts quickly—goes on evenly, easily — won trot) dff or wash out—unaffected by heat — pewits peamanents and stylish hairdos . .. Iiw and csed for over 50 years.^ Your if oil rr will give your money back if you’re not 100% satisfied. Have an easy, professional application at your favorite beauty shop or buy Larieuse at any incrtir department or drugstore. 1 Wins Craftsman Award TOP HONORS for Georgia in the 1947 model car design competition of the Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild were won by William G. Walker, Jr., of Columbus, who took the first place state senior division award of $100 for his sleek looking model car. Young Walker won a second place state award In the 1946 competition. An educational organization sponsored by General Motors, the Craftsman’s Guild en courages the development of crea tive ability, handiwork amt crafts manship among 'teen-age boys. Nebraska V/eteran Population 127,000 Recent surveys indicate an even tual World War 11 veteran popu - lation of 127,200 in Nebraska, it was revealed today by Ashley Westmoreland said, includes the veterans already discharged by the armed forces and the soldiers, sailors and marines still in service. The potential will increase until the official termination of the war which has no yet been declared, he added. The minimum potential veteran population of World War 11 for the nation is estimated at 16,000, 000. Westmoreland disclosed. By comparison. World War 1 produc ed 4,627,000 veterans; the Civil War. 1,849,000 Union Army vet erans and the Spanish-American War, 381,000, for a combined total of 6,857,000, which is considera bly less than one-half of the min imum estimated for World War 11 alone, he added. The estimated veteran popula tions for the other four states in VA’s Branch 8 area, with head ' quarters at Fort Snelling, Min nesota,are : Minnesota—296,000; Iowa, 252.800 Nebraska 127,200; North Dakota 63,200, and South Dakota 60,800. Clover From Italy Crimson clover was introduced into the United States from Italy la 1818. Oil Interests Continue Fight to: Tidelands The momentous decision of the Supreme Court, upholding Feder al ownership of the valuable oil lands off the coast of California, has not ended the rapacity of oil barons, seeking to exploit nature's resources, or private profit. A billion dollars may be invol ved. Justice Black who wrote the op inion said:— “The crucial question on the merits is not merely who owns the bare legal title to the lands under the marginal sea. The Un ited States here (asserts rights in two capacities transcending those of a mere property owner. In one capacity it asserts the right and responsibility to exercise what ever power and dominion are nec essary to protect this country a against dangers to the security and tranquility of its people inci dent to the fact that the United States is located immediately ad jacent to the ocean. The Govern ment also appears in its capacity as a member of the family of na tions. In that capacity it is res ponsible for conducting United States relations with other nations It asserts that proper exercise of these constitutional responsibili ties requires that it have power, unencumbered by state commit ments, always to determine what agreements will be made concern ing the control and use of the mar ginal see and the land under it.” Legislation nationalizing oil would settle the issue. Instead, oil interests will make another great effort to get legisla tion vesting wonership in the state of California, which has ranted many permits for prospect ing, and a good deal of oil has al ready been extracted from this area. Congressman Norris Paulson of California has started working for legislation surrendering the Fed eral Government’s interest in Tide j lands to the states. 1 Senator Sheridan Downey of ' California also Urged that Con gress enact legislation “to secure a quitclaim’’,—so states could leg alize private exploitation of this vanishing natural resource, which belongs to the people of America. Attorney General Tom C. Clark will seek legislation to set national policy on tide land oils, and is co operating with the Department of the Interior on regulations to per mit present holders of state leases to continue exploration and ex ploitation of oil in what is known as “the marginal sea area”,—with royalties payable to the Federal Government, instead of to Calif ornia. Federal officials are now studyi ing what part of the California sea area shall be set apart as nav al oil reserves, and what shall be left for private exploitation. Hail Governor Herbert's Action in Wilber force Crisis -4,s Statesmanlike COLUMBUS. O—Indicated will, inness of Governor Thomas J. Herbert to take steps to cause' all property and facilities owned by he State of Ohio at Wilberforce to be turned over to the University Board of Trustees on condition that no further appropriations be asked from the State was unani mously hailed as satesmanlike this week by citizens throughout Ohio. This is now being generally re garded as the real answer to the question as to what should be done relative to the operation of two separate colleges at Wilber force—one sponsored by the Sate of Ohio and one by the African Methodist Episcopal Church. De finite action by the University Board of Trustees and high chur ch. officials declaring their readi ness to assume full responsibility and place the entire resources of the AME Church as a guarantee of the future continued operation and maintenance of the University is being widely applauded. Conferring with Governor Her bert this week on possible favor able action was a delegation of citizens, representing the Ohio Citizens Committee, headed by Dr. Wallace M. Wright, Cincinnati Wm. Hodge, Chairman, Cleveland; Mrs. Ethel Prear, Dayton; Miss Cora Jordon White, Columbus; Mrs. R. E. Taylor. Secretary, Ne wark; Foster Rucker, Columbus; Mrs. Virginia Guy, Steubenville. C. M. Reid, Columbus; N. L. Mc Ghee, Cleveland; Dr. R. E. Taylor, Newark; Dr. D. O. Walker, Wil berforce; Mrs. May Cockrel, Cin cinnati; Frank R. Veal, Cincin nati; Granville Reid, Dayton; Mrs. Maude Ford, Toledo; Dr. A. S. King. Columbus; D. D. Irvin, War. ren; Dr. Charles Spivey, Cleveland T. W. Chryer, Sandusky; A. H. Sumpter, Toledo; Mrs. Dorence Travers, Alliance; L. G. Long, Dayton; Elmer Burns, Columbus; Evermont Robinson, Beltre; and others. It is freely predicted that act ion by Governor Herbert to ac complish this desired purpose will be regarded as one of the most significant and far-reaching move3 ever undertaken to encourage self reliance of citizens seeking deter minedly to raise their cultural and economic status. BLINDING HEADLIGHTS CAUSE MANY ACCIDENTS Last year in Nebraska, 570 highway accidents and 12 fatal ities were the result of blinding headlights. Dwight Havens, Pres ident of the Nebraska State Safe ty Council, points out that “most of these accidents could have been prevented had these drivers obser. ved the courtesy of the road and simply depressed the beam of their driving lights as they ap proached on-coming cars on the highways." Mr. Havens further reminds drivers that night driving will be even more hazardous this summer due to a great increase in the number of vacationing motorists. Captain Sanders of the Safety Patrol states that headlights which are dim and inadequate are equally as dangerous on the high way as the blazingly bright head light which is not properly foc used or the car which has only one headlight in operation. He urges drivers to make the proper adjustment, replacements, or re pair of their headlights and make certain they do not blind on-com ing motorists. The International Business Machines corporation of Endicott, N. Y., was host a short time ago to 38 representatives of 16 mem ber companies of the National Negro Insurance association, who attended an IBM customers' | school for improving general in surance office employes, over and above transportation, to take ad vance courses in handling their machines installations and services Katherine Shryer A ew Sec ’y of Missouri f AC Mias Katherine Shryver, former ly executive secretary of the Na tional Committee to Abolish the CATHERINE SHRYVER Poll Tax and public relations secretary of the National Council of Negro Women, has been ap pointed state director of the Missouri Progressive Citizens of America, PCA announced this week. Miss Shryver was born in Cof feyville, Kansas in 1907. After graduating Phi Beta Kappa from the Universary of Colorado in 1929 she took a walking tour of Ireland, returned to the United States to do editorial work for Scribners Magazine. In 1936 she wrote a book length report on the “History and Culture of the Southern Mountain People” for the Tennessee Valley Authority, ver did editorial work for Ran From 1938 to 1940 Miss Shry dom House where her first as signment was the “Collected Works of FDR.” During the war Miss Shryver did volunteer blood bank work in Washington, D. C. and pro moted interracial entertainment for soldiers. From 1944 to 1946, as Execut ive Secretary for the National Committee To Abolish the Poll Tax. she travelled throughout the country rallying support in the committee’s behalf. She also lobbied for anti-poll tax laws in Washington. In the summer ofl945she re ceived a medal from the Uni- ! versity of Colorado for “contri butions to American culture and fight against the vicious poll tax”. She served as public relations , secretary to the National Coun cil of Negro Women (first white member of the staff) from 1946 to February, 1947. MissShryver is a member of the Capital Club the NAACP, Washington, D. C. chapter executive board, and worked on publicity for the 1947 NAACP National Conven tion. “As a person vitally concern ed with the struggle of the Neg ro people to achieve there full rights as citizens in a Dem ocroacy I am grateful for this opportunity to work with PCA— a national organization dedicat ed to the program of Franklin D. Roosevelt and H,enry Wall ace. ’ Miss Shryver declared in accepting the post as PCA Dir ector in Missour. “It has long been my convic i;on that the burden of tb-° struggle against Fascism and full democracy rests on the shoulders of both Negroes and whites working together, and that perhaps the most import ant part of tha sruggle must be fought in the South. “PCA—dedicated to winning j FEPC. anti-poll tax laws, anti lynch bills, esual educational op I portunities through federal aid to educaation aMissouri and | other Valley Authorities like TVA ! the rights of labor and world peace—in an organization that ! can and is fighting effectively on the Federal, state and local levels.” j The Progressive Citizens of America, is composed of inde pent liberals and progressives or ganized now in some 400 com munity chapters and 23 state or ganizations. PCA works closely with the Southern Conference of j Humane Welfare, whose Presi , dent, Clark Foreman, is a PCA Vice-Chairman. _ j Offensive Candy Label Removed I l NEW YORK—The recent" pro test which the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Col ored People lodged with / the j manufacturers and distributors of a candy box enclosed in a racially offensive label and con tainer top was considered satis I factorily acknowledged when Madison S. Jones, Jr., NAACP administrative assistant, recieved assurances from the Blum Candy Company of San Francisco and New York’s Lord and Taylor Company, where the candy was sold, that the product in its pre sent label would be withdrawn from sale immediately. In replying to the Association’s protest, Dorothy Shaver, Lord and Taylor executive stated: ‘ Immediately upon receipt of your letter regarding “Blum’s Ii’l Darkies’ I requested the de partment to remove this mer chandise from sale. Your are right in stating that the policy of Lord & Taylor is one that strives to avoid being offensive to any American. “Quite naturally, we regret that we did not catch this uninten tional inference in this package before you called it to our at tention. “I was particularly pleased with the attitude of the Presi dent of the Blum Candy Com pany. I am sure you already have received his reaction. His letter, I thought, a very fine one. “Thank you again for calling our attention to this matter.’’ The Blum Candy Company im mediately acknowledged receipt of the NAACP’s protest with a letter from the company’s pres ident in which he stated: “We appreciate your letter of July eighth. In our thoughtlessness, we felt that little on our licorice package were lovable and cute, and assure you that no ridirule or insult was intended. Appar ently we erred,and we are quite willing to accept your reasoning in the matter—instructions have been issued to see that a change is made in the art work and la beling that you consider at odds with your principles. “We cannot afford to absorb this loss An packaging 'without an interval of adjustment, but as soon present stocks are reduced, the label to which you object will permanently disappear from the market.” Secret of Pie Cutting To cut pie easily sprinkle granu lated sugar over the meringue topped pie. One-Fifth of Food Used in America Wasted A year ago the Fish and Wild life Service estimated there are probably two rats for each per son in the United States and that each rat consumes about fifty pounds of food a year and wastes of destroys three times as much. The loss of foods chargeable to rate, amounts therefore, to about 56 billion pounds of 28 million tons a year. Efforts to get more funds for rat eradication failed. In September, 1943, the Food In formation Division of the U. S. Department of Agriculture report ed on food waste that studies of garbage collected in 247 cities showed it contained “an averagt of 300 pounds of food which is purchased by American house holders.” “Adding together (1) the waste from farm to retail store, and (2> the waste in the home, butexclud ing losses on the farm prior to harvest, total food losses or over all reduction in weight between amounts harvested and amounts actually consumed appear to be between 2C and 3C percent. The lower figure of 2C percent pro bably would represent a conser vative estimate of over-all losses in this country, even in 1943.” The People’s Lobby has submitt ed these facts to the President and saked him to appeal to the American people to end the food waste which means starvation for many millions in other countries, and to allot adequate funds for rat extermination. This would save a lot of taxes in enabling America to help the world, as we all really wish to. NAACP PETITIONED SENTENCE REDUCED WASHINGTON, D. C. — The NAACP has been informed by the War Department that as a result of consideration of a peti tion for clemency which was sub mitted on behalf of Calvin Baker, former serviceman tried by General Court-Martial sitting at Augsburg, Germany, on June 9, 1945, his sentence of confine ment has been reduced from 25 years to 18 years. Pvt. Baker was tried for alleged violations of the 92nd and 93rd Articles of War—rape and assault with intent to do bodily harm. STRINGER IS TYPICAL LABOR EXECUTIVE Typical of the dynamic, young leadership in today’s unions is civic-minded 36 year old Monroe MONROE T. STRINGER T. Stringer Jr., assistant Manager of the Construction and General Laborers’ Union, Local 689. of the American Federation of Labor. i Born in Shreveport, La., String er was graduated from New Or leans University and taught school in Morgan City, La., until he cast his lot with organized labor in 1938. He has been an officer since 1940. The labor leader who is mar ried to the former Oena Dupaty of Donaldsonville, La., is presi dent of the Steward Boord of Mt. Zion M. E. Church, J? .kaon ave. BROTHERHOOD SIGN3 AGREEMENT WITH DENVER RIO GRANDE RAILROAD NEW YORK, N. Y — Last week in the offices of the Denver Rio Grande Western Rrailroad in Den. ver, Colorado, negotiation of an agreement concerning wages and working conditions was completed by A. Philip Randolph, Interna tional President and M. P. Web ster, International Vice-President of the Brotherhood af Sleeping Car Porters, with the Manage ment of the Denver Rio Grande Western Railroad. The Brother hood, through constant negotia tion with the Management of the Raildroad was able to secure the restoration of half of the porters who were laid off with prospects of the other half being put back to work in the near future. An increase in pay of fifteen dollars a month was also won for the men, stated A. Philip Randolph. THEY’LL NEVER DIE g, ZU~ , 90 YEARS AGO 12 YEAR OLD OLAUDAH EQUIANA, , WHOSE NAME WAS LATER I CHANGED TO GUSTAVOS VASSA.WAS STOLEN FROM HIS ROYAL AFRICAN HOME Find sold into slavery/ / HE WAS TAKEN FIRST TO, VIRGINIA AND LATER TO , ENGLAND- THERE HE BE CAME A YOUNG SAILOR AT rr HE SOUGHT TO BE \ FREE. BUT WAS, INSTEAD, RE-, SOLD TO A QUAKER WHO LET HIM PURCHASE HIS / FREEDOM/ VASSA THEN TRAVELED EXTENSIVELY/ ' AT AO, AS AN AGENT FDR THE BRITISH GOVT-HE FOUGHT FIERCELY FOR THE FREEDOM OF ENSLAVED AFRICANS.THO HE LOST. THE NAME OF THIS MAN WILL LIVE FOREVER AS A SYMBOL OF FREEDOM.' - Gus5a?sa > VALIANT FCE > } British oppression/ Cowtiantaf U