The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, August 02, 1947, Image 5

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Of Th. Moody Biblo Znatltuto of Chloodo.
Roloaaod Mr Wooton Kowopopor Union.
.. 1 —
«n nations rwsa
IS: laalah 31:14.
kaowatb th* war W th* rt«ht*oua: but
th* war af th* «ns*my ahaU N»Wi
Faalm 1:4.
Nations as wall aa people coma to
crosaroada in their history, and tak
ing tha wrong road than mean* fu
ture disaster. Solomon had built up
great national prosperity, but at tha:
axpensa of haavy texts. Ha had for
gotten God, and was suceaedad by
a son who followed In bis footsteps.
Offered an opportunity to eaaa the
burden of the people (1 Kings 12:
14), Rehoboam In his folly mad# It
greater, and tha nation was divided.
The ten northern tribes, which were
henceforth to be known aa Israel,
followed Jeroboam, and the two
southern tribes under Rehoboam be
came the kindom of Judah.
Jeroboam started with God's fa
vor, and might have led hia people ,
light, but instead ha became the
king whose name stood for wicked
ness (see H Kings 15:18). The story
of that downfall is a sad picture of
unbelief and failure.
Through varied experience* and
under different kings, Israel had
gone down, down, dcrwn in Its his
tory of sin and departure from God.
I. Doomed by Sin (II Kings 17:
6-12, 22. 23).
The hour had struck when God’s
heavy hand of judgment had to fall
on them. Verse 6 relates their car
rying away into captivity to As
syria. and verses 7-9 tell us the
reason for that judgment.
Ingratitude for God's blessing
<v. 7) led to the worship of other
gods (v. 8). They knew God’s hatred
for the sin of idolatry, and his judg
ment upon those who walked in that
way. but they went right on.
• Note in verse 9 that these things
■were done "secretly.” “The same
tning is true today of many who
profess to be the people of God. The
line of demarcation between the
church and the world is not clearly
drawn. We do well to note carefully
the outcome of this course ox pro
cedure on Israel’s part (w. 6. 18). ,
The fact that Israel did these things
secretly did not hide them from th«
'eyes of Jehovah (Ps.. 138:1, z; Men.
4:13)*' (John W. Bradbury).
The statement in verse 23 Is •
■striking one. The prophetj had re
peatedly spoken of the Impending
destruction of the nation. Now the
.time had come that the Lord could
’no longer stand to look upon thelx
«ln, and in a sense put them "out of
his sight" That does not mean that
they had been forgotten or that God
was not watching over them in
mercy and love, but that he had to
Judge them for their sins, and for a
time bring them Into Judgment
leading to repentance.
There Is always a reassn for s
nation’s deterioration, and ^ith Is
rael there were many reasons. Out
standing among them Is the one foi
* which they were rebuked by Isaiah
In the verses of our lesson, namely,
n. Deceived by Drink (Is*. 28:
1-4). *
• The picture here it a graphic one.
The leaders of Israel (here called
Ephraim) lingered long over their
fcowls of wine, and in their drunken
stupor gloried in the fact that Sa
jnaria, their capital city, was so
situated at the head of a valley that
lit was not only beautiful but prac
tically safe from attack by the
me arunitaras spoite wun priae
of their nation and of Samaria its
"crown." The description was apt,
for it was beautifully situated on a
hill surrounded by a fertile terraced
i hillside. But their boasting was
vain, for after a bitter three years’
siege, -the city eventually fell to Sar
gon II of Assyria.
All this has a familiar sound. We
think of the nations that have gone
down to oblivion even while the peo
ple engaged in foolish levity, and in
ithe awful stupefying'and degrading
use of alcohol.
t Remember the fall of France In
-the recent World War when its
own leaders said that the defeat
could be largely attributed to the
tremendous increase in the use of
alcoholic liquor.
What about our own United
States? With an annual Liquor bill
of about eight billion dollars, sa
loons on almost every corner, liquor
flowing freely in hotels and restau
rants. bottles and cases of it being
brought tr^to. the home, booze the
common medium of not only social
but business relations, our insane
asylums so crowded with alcoholics
that the poor inmates have no real
care—but why go on? It is a picture
so appalling and so utterly distress
ing that every sensible person is
shocked by it.
Do we think that God can long
withhold his judgment upon a peo
ple blessed by all his many boun
ties. and yet using them for destruc
tion of body and soul? Can a people
continue to be strong which is de
termmed to undermine itself by the
use ol alcohol?
Meat Packing Industry
Hie start of commercial meat
packing in North America can be
traced to 1641 when a square-rigged
ship sailed from Boston harbor with
a cargo which a handful of New
England colonists hoped could be
sold to West Indies plantation own
ers. Capt John Pynchon, Spring
field, Mass., and a few farmer neigh
bors had consigned hogsheads of
beef and pork, packed In salt, to
England’s colonies. __„
ST. JOHN’8 A. M. E.
22nd and Willis Av*.
Rev. E. B. Childress
Masos Devereaux Jr. Reporter
“For in this we groan, earnest
ly desiring to be <3othed upon
with our house which is from
Heaven.” 2nd verse of Corinthian
5 chapter was the text of our
minister's inspiring message. “We
are ambassadores of Christ.” His
congregation was held cnthalled
by his remarkable thoughts of the
day. “Any right thinking person
should admire a man that is not
ashame to be what he is. A fol
lower of Jesus Christ, a man can’t
Jesus; and when a man comes in.
to the house of God, he should
come with the purpose of receiv
ing the ointment and the power
of God.
Convert: Martha Childs
Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. I, B. Col
ley, Lincoln, Nebr.; Miss Mabelle
Warren, Phila., Pa.; Mrs.*R. C.
Cottrell. Okla.City; Mrs. Emma
Campbell, New York- city; Mrs.
Sarah Miller, New York; Ruth
Edna Seales. Dayton. Ohio; Rob
ert Rodgers, 2621 Burdette st.;
Mrs. Wm. Latimore, Cleveland.
Ohio Miss June Baker, Grand Is
land, ,Nebr.; Mrs. JL Williams,
332 Bronson st., Medina, Ohio;
Mrs Lena Bates, Okla.City, Okla.;x
Mrs. J. B. Judkins, Shilah Bapt.
Church, Plainfield, N. 3 ; Mrs.
Rose Gordon, Wallace Chapel,
Summit, N. J.
Let us not torget the Annual
Womens Day at St. John’s on
Sunday. August 3, 1947.
Mrs. R. C. Price. General Chair
man and Airs. Pearl Gioson, Musi
cal Director, are looking forward
to a caracit, •urnout i. * support
from the membership of St. Johns
T-t Minute M-». and AU'C'iiary's
-eg Icr monthly meeting August
3. 947 has bvi :•« * ncd •ir,'l
P- . ay, August 17.
1 i.r P reside.’.t, Mr. A R. Good
ie't desires at a.- i-e"ibtrs
take note and govern themselves
The Watchmen will rehearce
on Friday, August 1st at S p. m.
All men are urged to attend.
Let us pray for the sick who
ever they may be and wherever
they maybe.
The Scnoir ( hoir ana its air
ictress, Mrs. Pearl Gibson, is to
be congratulated for the splendid
Program gi ven on Sunday even
ing. July 27. 1917.
Though it .vas quite warm, the
rendition of the number s were in '
i„> way damper. ?d by the heat. We
cf St. Johns ?an truly he proud
of the outs tar. iuig work of this
choir and its directress.
Let us pla.i early to attend the
Nebraska Anniu. Missionary Cor.
ferance August 11*1-29 at Bethel
A. M. E. Church.
Mothers, sen t your children to
Sunday school every Sunday
morning at 9:30 a. m. attend our
a. m. services and our 7 30
p. m. services. Visitors and
friends a.e always welcome at St.
John’s the friendly church at 22nd
and Willis ave. Come and Wor
ship with us, w m’t you ?
St. Johns Church Continued ..
Women’s Day, Sun. Aug. 3rd at
St. John’s
Sunday. August 3, 1947, is
Women's Day at St. John’s. The
women of the church under dir
ection of their G«»rera! Chairman,
Mrs R. C. Price, w>il have charge
of the day’s activities.
They have planned a very liv
ely and interesting Christian pro
gram for the day, consisting of
an all wo .1- i s chorus and two
interesting speakers of the day.
Rev. Mrs. C. M. Farmer will de
liver the 11 a. m. message to the
expected capacity congregation.
Rev. Mar* -1 Jones will bring
the message at the 7:30 . P- m.
services, casing for these ladies
of our church.
At 3.::t0 p. m. the women will
serve tea d .wnstairs in the church
The worn -1 of St. John's, Mrs
R. C. Pi to* , general chairman,
and Mrs Pearl Gibson, chorus
director, cordially invite members
and friends of St. John's to come
out on this f.u.tay.
, ~l
30th & Corby
H. H. Schauland. Pastor
Sunday School 10 A. M.
Worship 11 A. M.
Uni of Quarters
Africa is the land of quarters. One
quarter of its area is forest and
bushland, one'quarter is grass land,
one quarter is desert and the re
maining quarter is cultivated. World
ttnnlr ©nn\’clnn©dia HieflrtQ©*
Roofing — Siding — Inflation
• Guttering
• Free Estimates
T. C. Snow KE 6930
2412 Parker Stre*t C. W. F. F.
Rev. S. K. Nichols, Pastor
Rose M. Oliver, Reporter
We were glad to receive our
pastor safe, after attending the
Sunday School and Young People
Progressive Union Convention at
Louisville. Ky.
After leaving there,he came to
Indianapolis, Indiana, where he
conducted a week's Tent Meeting
for Rev. T. R Murff, where there
wasa great attendance each night
►from 1200 to 1500 people, several
came to the Lord and each day
from 2 to 5 came to be healed
and to receive consolation.
Hunddreds were helped.
Our pastor is expecting his three
children, Luk C. Nichols, Joseph
J. Nichols, and Dorothy Nichols
of Chicago. 111., to visit him is
August. Rev. Nichols, and Dorothy
Nichols of Chicago, 111., to visit
him in August.
Rev. stopped in Chicago and visit
ed his children and his nephew and
wife. Capt. and Mrs. Richard D.
Watson of Co. C. 366th Engr.
Rev. Thomas is expecting our
pastor in Toledo. Ohio to run a
ten night meeting, and he is plan
ning to visit bis niece, Mrs. Car
loyne Hams In New York the
last part of August.
2320 N. 28th ave..
Rev. E. F. Ridley. Pa*tor
The Pastor, Officers and mem
bers of Immanuel Community
Church wishes to herby thank al1
who so kindly assisted in helping
us make the Celebration of our
First Anniversary the huge suc
cess that it was along all lines.
Upon each of you we pray the
blessings of him who shall give
unto every man according as his
works shall be.
For Sun. Aug. 3rd. the activities
at the church will be as follows;
9:30 A. M. Sunday School.
11 A. M. Morning Worship. Holy
7:30 P. M. Evening Worship at
which time the Church is happy
to present as Guest Speaker of
the hour, the very civic minded,
race loving community worker,
alert Christian, and popular Mat
ron, Mrs. Robbie Turner, who is
Counselor at Tech High School,
Regional Director of the Alpha
Kappa Alpha Soroity and a
member of the Board of Directors
of Camp Fire Girls.
The public is invited.
We start on time and are out on
ing to President Truman's Com
mission on Higher Education,
tuition fees in the U. S. colleges
and universities have risen 28 per
l cent since 1939.
The Omega club will have a gay
outing on Saturday evening Au
ust2, 1947, at Rivwiew Park.
A weiner roast has been planned
and members are urged to bring
anything else good that they may
desire. Come out Kids and have
a good time with all your fellow
members and friends.
, The group is to meet at Mason
Devereaux Jr. 2427 Ohio st. on
Saturday August 2nd. at 7:15.
Put on your outing duds and
come along for glorous evening
of fun and frolic with the Omegas.
Say you Saw it advertised in The
Omaha Guide
22nd and Miami st.
Rev. C. C. Reynolds
Services at Clair for the past
two Sundays have been in charge
of Rev. G. H. Bundy who has ably
filled the pulpit. His sermons have
been inspiring, spiritual, informa
tive and well delivered. They have
given us much food for thought.
Mrs. Bundy has also graced our
services with her presence.
Rev. C. C. Reynolds will be back
In his pulpit Sunday, August 3,
and will be expecting to meet the
officers ahd members around the
Holy Communion table. All are
welcome to the Lord's Feast
Table. Organizations and com
mittees, please be ready to report
on your claims for the District
Conference which convenes in
Coffeyville, Kansas, August 5-10.
Dr. G. A. Green from our Gen
eral Board of Education at Nash
ville, Tenn. was guest at the Par
sonage all day Sunday. He made
remarks to the Church School and
in the regular services. He was
fortunate to have such a dis
tinguished person in our midst.
He was enroute to Lincoln, Nebr.
to the Rural Conference of the
Methodist Church.
Rev. Reynolds wishes to say to
the churches ministers, members
and triads who were so very sol.
icitious during the illness and
passing of his mother, Mrs. M. B.
Reynolds, that your many kind
nessess, contributions, telegrams,
cards and words of consolation
are gratefully received and will
never be forgotten. Your prayers
have been strengthening. May
God’s choicest blessings be upon
25th & Decatur st.
C. P. Rain-s, Minister
Mrs. Jeanie English, Reporter
Rev. Raines spoke to in f'-om
the Book of Daniel 1:S. “But Dan.
iel purposer in his —-t that he
would not defile himself with the
portion of the King’s meat, nor
with the wine which he drank;
thereafter he requested of the
prince of the eunuchs that he
might not defile himself.”
Theme: He would no bow. In us
ing the word Bow, our minister
means stoop or sell out. Ther
are people in the world who will
sell themselves, their pride and
you for the price of a dollar. We
are thankful that there are some
people in the world who are for
People seeked to find the faults
of Daniel, but they were unable
to find any that were unbecom
ing to a Christian. It is a good
thing to be in the habit of pray
ing. If wa pray and pray sincere
ly, God will hear and answer our
prayer. Don’t allow yourself to
stoop; hold on to God’s unchang
ing hand,
Mr. Burrell Dillard and Mrs.
Precious Smith were fellowshiped
into our Churdh this morning.
Mr. Dillard is from a Baptist
Church in Tulsa, Okla. Mrs.
Smith is from a Church in Okla.
City, Okla.
We were happy to have so many
visitors in our service. You are
visitors only once; we want you
to feel at home.
Mrs. Harris, one of the most
outstanding women of our church
was among our visitors this morn
ing. She is the editor of the
Missionary Messenger.
Rev . R. E. Reid of Bower3
Memorial in Kansas City was al
so among our visitors.
Let us pray for and visit the
Nothing Cook* I
kike ' !
*JW« Why
ST** Women
Prefer GAS
Omaha Progressive
Youth Meet at YW
On the night of July 25, the
Omaha Progressive Youth held its
second meetings at the Northside
YWCA with an attendance of ap
proximately 150.
The OPY is an organization com
posed of veterans, students, young
workers who regardless of race,
color, creed, national orgin or pol.
itical affilation have joined in an
organization which is independ
ent of political parties and dedi
cated to the following objectives:
world peace, nation free from dis
crimination, increased educational
opporturdties for all. lower costs
of living costs, and adequate
housing for all, especially vet
erans OPY educates and organizes
so that young people can take
leadership in solving their own
problems and by doing so prepare
themselves for the fullest respon
sibilities of democratic citizen
ship. Also the OPY works for
progressive legislation and for the
election of progressive candidates
for national, state and city govern
ment. We lobby legislators, op
erate schools of political action
techniques, organize rallies and
canvas door to door. We seek out
injustices to those in our own
community and work to bring
public attention and protest t||
OPY is now organized in more
than 18 states (Nebraska makes
19) thru out the country from
California to Mass., in cities and
on campuses. All chapters work
out their own special youth pro
At the meeting a broad of tem
porary officers were appointed.
Marcell Johnson was elected
chairman. Pearl Summers and
Evelyn Watson co-chairmans,
Gene Jacobs receraty, Betty Wil- (
bum treasure; also the following
committees are in temptory use; J
Research, Publicity, Action and ,
Personally speaking, I’m quite i
sure that many things in Omaha
will be changed because the OPY
is one local organization that has
a firm foundation which to stand
on. The time will come when we
shall have colored street-car
operators, bank tellers, city gov
ernment officials, etc.
High School and college stu
dents, graduates, and young
people are urged to attend the
next meeting which will be held
at the Northside YWCA, Friday
August 1st. time, 8:00 p. m. If you
have interest in the minority races
please make your attendance at
the next meeting of the OPY.
Say you »aw it advertised in The
Omaha Guide
Tennis Tournament Gets Off To
A Good Start
Five Matches played Sunday
morning at Dewey Park.
The first tennis tournament in
tht past 8 years got off to a good
start Sunday morning at Dewey
Park with five matches, four in
the singles bracket ahd one In
the doubles were played. Results.
Singles Roscoe Mitcheel defeated
Travis Dixon 6 and 3 6 and3.
Du ward Crooms defeated Ralph
Adams 6 and 0 6 and4. Harry
Rutledge defeated Earl Graves
6 to 1 9 to 1 Frank Wilkerson de
feated Earl Allen. 6 to 1 7 to 5
In the doubles match Frank Wilk.
erson probably wished that he had
teamed with Brother Lawerence
for Frank and Weldon Ross lost
to Lawerence and Nathaniel Fitz
6 to 2 and 6 to 1. The tumament
will continue until Aug. 10th.
A well-paid Job for
you in the Army 1
If you recent high school grad
uates can measure up to the high
standards for enlistment, there’s
a mighty good job waiting for
you in the Regular Army.
In addition to a Private’s
starting pay of $75 a month, you
get food, clothing, housing, med
ical care, low-cost insurance and
income tax exemption, all of
which would cost a civilian more
than $1500 annually.
You also get an exceptionally
liberal retirement plain — half
pay for life after 30 years’ ser
vice, and on up to three-quarters
pay after 30 years’ service.
Adding it all up, you’ll be
better off financially than a
civilian making $3000 a year!
And you’ll have sound technical
training, travel, the satisfaction
of doing a worth-while Job and
the companionship of a fine
group of men besides! Oet the
full facts today at your nearest
U. S. Army Recruiting Station.
hoover i
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