HUCKLEBERRY FINN DOVffl % gROCM'S To aer mo* »W«Of . “SSff^V\. ', - •. x— iv . ■ I -C2raT« • . ' •/ * v/ i .. ‘ r.)j~ O '* >LATl«« crv fcLAO 06 ^ *"'■ ,: QV ". or. Tv*= rtrBrt.or.ic> „ r^rVtLZj'^ JIM STEELS By MELVIN TAP LEY ItTTLEIZHOOHAD QUIETLY SUPRED AM/FKMTHEOIHEK Aro>wHEN madam'd' ANDHERHENOWAN FREOON JIM ANDfU^ EOAM^ION^THEY vECE$UDDENLY‘?IDP ^DSVAVOlCECEiK u' | PON'T THINK I * |xARE FOR ANYTHING1 ' ^-\T23Sir' Sfext Door” 11 ■ " 1 ..r-r-T.-b.M. Jff TED SHEARER' ".k 1 .^ ! TAN TOPICS a- - _ _ . .• . ,_ ByCHARLES ^ALLEN^ ^ I Apartment OF sanitation * ; Mmi “.Why can’t I keep him..I found him.!!” “ , court «&rrAl \ f • i I IL picture fro mthe NAACP find ings. One of the first versions ap peared in a local paper where it was reported—"When Warden H. > G. Worthy of State Highway Camp No. 18 strode into a group of unruly Negro convicts at about 4:30 o’clock yesterday afternoon, Willie Bell a long-timer and re ported trouble maker lunged at J him. The warden shot Bell with his pistol and immediately half a ] dozen ottier armed prison guards opened fire on the convicts with shotguns and prstois. "A few seconds later the firing had ceased and five of the color, ed convicts lay dead, eight others | were wounded one dying during the night at the city hospital. Bell received only a minor wound in the leg. "Witnesses said at the first shot j by Warden Worthy, the prisoners broke in an directions, men scra-mbled under the nearby bunk | house. Another was killed under J the house and had to be dragged out, and the fifth managed to crawl under the house to a 10 foot wire fence on the other side. He was shot climbing the fence and fell dead on the outside. "The wounded lay where they fell, some under the bunk house building others sprawled in front of it. Fourteen of the group of 27 prisoners in the group were not hit by the bullets and crouch ed or lay still on the ground as guards rounded them up and herded them into the bunk house. I Y. M. C. A. NOTES These are boys who have tp go to Camp Strader this Week; for the Omaha period August 24th to sist. »■ Harold Watkins, James Smith, George Parker, Robert Parker Ralph Adams, Jr. and Jay Steele. The City Wide Tennis Tourna ment being sponored by the Near Norths ftle Branati Y. M. G. A. at Dewey Park gets under Friday July 25th, with most of the mat ches being played on Sunday July 28th. m&rry Tai*en -Detest statistics Ao* that the OnittSl States has more teas 23 tete phoaes ter Wery RjC inhabitants, oampared teZ2 telephones per 100 toUAbftante in tbe world as S artiste. Jtew York Leads Nhw. TO City, has asm tele phones tbto any oity to the we? kl, *ith s tonal *.2,218.000. This cojn pares with 1;2BD.Q00 in all * Sou& Anadrtc* “It Fay* To Look WdT MAYO’S BARBER SHOP Ladies and Children’s Work A Specialty 2422 Lake Street * The Chatter Box By Doris Ann McGill Say! Stop! Look! Listen!! Don’t knock anmore-Richard is kind. He just opened the door, so be very quiet while I sneak in, because my friends, I’m about to begin with the latest dirt of around and about that will simply knock you right out. The party jumped when the big four approached the birthday part for Harold Mathews and Bubble Station. My, did we all have a splendid time! The place was jammed —and I do mean just that—believe me? smile ‘Happy Birthday to you boys! and many more to come!! So there. Now that summer is here—(it rained all last week) all the Kats and chick3 are doing great—take for instant lovely Viviian Turner. She is really in the mood. Barbara P. is think ing about getting soon. They all say Frank C. is losing his old flame. Harold V. is just the man of the town. What has happened to Anna M-ie or is it j the weather? Little Mr. Fine. Joe Glass, is expected in part any Lime now. We are 1 >jk;n for Miss Nelly Taylor to say wedding vows soon to Tally Steams. —Everyone is wondering what if the mighty H. Matthews putting down. He was seen sporting in his car with C. Box up on Choco late ave. Sunday Strolling up to the ball field Monday, was Doris Wilkerson. ; who did I see with her!!! ooouu oh!—cheer up kid. that’s not all —Who did I see crazing around with Raymond C. Sunday, and why Ray were you so unsure of yourself!!! or were you!! No! As th® song goes, I wonder, I wonder who the fine brown fram was with Neta Bryant Sunday strolling down the ave. My Neta, he’s really gone for a sharp spray (pick up gals) sorry Neta. Rumors are flying that Buster Robbins is not going South for nothing. So I hear its a blue bird over cliffs of What Bells. Ring Rang Ring Ha!! Is it true that D. M. quit work or is she just on one of her long I vacations. You know. Kid you can't get rich that way. Can she? NO!!! I It leaked out that Billyy C. will be hitched soon. Good luck Kid. ; If you see Jack West walking around with stars in his eyes, you can cr’dt it to one thing—hislove : for P. Reed. —I get around—■— The Burdette st. Ball game jumpedMonday when the basses wer loaded and Suitcase struct out. Boo-boo-^oo that's it, and the game is over. Iguess you know who won. Of course, the Lions. Better luck next time. Texadoes’ I A. R. is carrying a torch for L. P. and she wonii let him light it. Wonder why? ^ Say Won what part do you play : in the romance of our ftiend. Pinky? And just wher does Blak , stand? We're wondering. Now that the Lothrop is get- j ting some fine pictures, we find 1 Baby Weleen Brown strolling to the show. Sunday evening. Please! Please! Will someone ! please tell Wallace Murrell that his hat is not becoming, but cute for a tacky number (not dragg ing but helpful hint) Spotted Willie Davis cruzing in the green (car) so I hear it’s his fathers. Kat Manley is going around with our good friend, Sonny T. Both look charming together. If you want to se something cut. but not taken, gase upon Kat Watts. She’s a real gdtae number. Compliments from So. Omaha Nadine Hancock and her friend, Weldon, are swell people. All good fellows meet at the balfield, don’t they Payton? Pauline B. and the two Beck sisters are seen quite a number of places together looking fine as us ual. Daniel Ware has refrained from playing since his old flame quit going around with him Wonder Why!!! Johnny Nettles is back for a- | Husbands! Wives! Want bw Pep and Wm? to CtafeL Toritfritetj «Sgsgsaa6gl^ggaB 9 Do .you want a roof .rmokmg treat? H to, (^Ajl buy ; ject is supplied for the mechanic’s , personal reference. i At the end of each service sess ion, the mechanic checks his pro. gress by means of a series of questions. Questionaires, when filled out, are returned to the factory for review and grading and become a permanent record at the factory, acting as a basis for future awards of certificates to the dealer and his mechanics. As soon as a dealer enrolls, eacti of his mechanics is given an en rollment Card and the dealer i3 supplied a large certificate stat ing that his mechanics are engag ed in a program dedicated to the advancement of technical autom otive service knowledge. After a> dealer has carried out the pres cribed schedule of training for twelve consecutive subjects, he is entitled to display a large certi ficate attesting to the fact that he employees in his service de parment have satisfactorily com pleted the first roup of sessions. READ THE OMAHA GUIUDE BUD’S 7 exaco Service • GAS and OIL “*Fe Appreciate Your Trade” 30th & Wirt Sts. AT_«7*n „-MAKr»= CHICKEN uitt • barbecued RIBS & SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN “OUR Chicken Dinners Are C_.1 • _ f -! Something to Crow About.** I TA WUi ROBERT JONES, PROPRIETOR JA. 8946-2722 North 30th St. •nmm unanniiuii'r i niiii tu | Neighborhood Furnace Co 2511 Charles Street -GUTTERING SPOUTING & RFP 4M< INSTALLATION OP OIL mjr 1 . ' ’ a/*° stOKERS I ESTIMATES FREE A 8 & TERMS ARRANGED A X 7518 am MwmMteuw . . . — BOWI Tour Cares Away~ —AT THE— “LAKE STREET’ BOWLING ALLEY 2410 Lake 9t. i* oana vr. - ' °REN FR°M 5 <" 1 Week Days ** * S to 1 Sundays priamM A R03,C°E XN'GHT, Manager. ^ Am*7 eaeh Saturday Night jar Bighoot . Sroros of the Week. ^ FR°M 5 to 1 Week Days ** “ S to 1 Sundays pr- r.m . R°3C0E KNIGHT, Manager G '4<*"y Saturday Night for High** I Srorms of the Wo*k.