The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 26, 1947, Image 2

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Woody Herman, hi3 clarinet and his Orchestra beat out the rhythm
for Republic’s gay musical, “Kit Parade Of 1947,” which co-stars
Eddie Albert, Constance Moore and songstress Jean Ewards. Bill
Goodwin heads the supporting cast w'ith Roy Rogers, King cf the
Cowboys, and the Sons cf the Pioneers appearing as guest-stars.
When the war ended there were
8,000,000 people in Europe who
were displaced persons. They were
nationals of counties who had been
uprooted by the war. Since »J
Day more than 7,000,000 of these
have been rturned to their native
land mainly by the help of the
armies of the United Nations and
XJNRRA. Remaining, for the most
part in Germany and Austria are
some 850,000 people, who due to
a variety of causes were compell
ed to move from their home lands
and now cannot return to them
for fear of being persecuted or
executed. These unhappy ones
without a country, without a state
to protect them with no opportun
ity to live a normal life and daily
facing discouragement and dem
oralization—these people cry out
for our help—and they should get
Legislation is now being con
sidered to admit 400,000 of them
Into the United States over the
next four yearslOO.OOO each year.
Opponents of this proposal object
that the displaced persons are
communists. Nonsense. More than
700,000 of them are refugees from
the communist—dominated coun
tries of Poland, the Blatic States,
Yugoslavia—and Russia. They are
■ YEAR .* . $4*0
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1 YEAR (Oat ef Tew» « HH
Free Delivery
Duffy Pharmacy
24th ft Lake Sts.
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Terms Can Be Arranged
2511 North 22nd Street
^ — JA-3974 —
anti-communist. They fear to re
turn to their native lands, now
controlled by communists, lest
they should be imprisoned, forced
mto slave labor, or killed. 650,000
of them are Christians—Protest
ants, Catholics, and Orthodox.
Some 200,000 are Jewish.
Opponents of this measure
charge that to admit these refuge
es to America would endanger the
jobs of American citizens. In the
first place, more than 50 pc cent
of them are women and children
who are not competitors in the
labor market. In the second place,
all refugees coming to America
would be consumers which means
that they would add to the demand
for production. And more product
ion means more employment. In
the third place, as Mr. William
Green, President of the American
Federation of Labor, has said,
“The small number admitted each
year, many of whom will be
directed away from large cities,
cannot have any serious effect up
on our employment problem. On
the contrary, there are agricultur
al workevs, domestics, nurses
doctors and other skilled and un
skilled workers among the dis
placed, who will fill some of our
manpower shortages and who will
bring industrial and scientific
skills to the United States.” In
the fourth place every displaced
person admitted to the United
States must be sponsored by an
affidavit from an American in
dividual or organization guar
anteeing his suport.
How can we—a nation founded
by refugees and made strong by
refugees—close our doors to the
oppressed of this generation—par.
ticularly when we urge other nat
ions to open theirs?
Dr. PREP Palmers
•"*» «• Greeted.
“We Appreriate Your Trade” I
24th & LAKE AT. 4248 1
Teacher Turn Biology
Experiment Into
Profitable Enterprise
From $125 a month as a teacher
in the Pine Bluff, Ark., colored
high school to 68,000 a year as a
poultry farmer is th shift which
Henry W. Foster has made within
the last seven years.
It all si.ari.ed in 1940 when
Foster a through-going biology j
instzuctor and championship foot. 1
ball coach, decided to have his
class conduct an experiment in
the cross breeding of poultry as a •
means of increasing egg product- j
The class secured a small flock
of White Plymouth Rocks and J
Eiack Minorcras. By cross-breed- I
ing the birds, the students not'
only confirmed the validity of
their text books with respect to
to egg production, but they al3o
confirmed their teacher's long
time hunch that with good layers
money could be made out of eggs.
Netting a neat little sum for
the class from the sale of eggs
and cull layers, Foster decided to
make the poultry experiment a
permanent part of biology lab
oratory work. Becoming adept at
handling chickens, he soon join
ed up with the poultry instructor
'.t Arkansas State college, stiuat
d across town, and together they
expanded the project and made it
a paz t of the college’s poultry ex
perimental work.
The expanded project included
broilers, fryers and eggs. By the
time Foster really was becoming
interested in broiler production,
the War department began call
ing for chemists to man munition
plants. Taking leave from his
teaching post, he served as a
chemist in a nearby plant.
Ater the war, the budding poul
try farmer resigned from the
school system and went into polu
try on a full time basis. By the
end of 1945, he was feeding 250
baby chicks into his battery
brooder assembly line every
week, and was marketing from
his brooders about 225 dressed
eight-week old broilers. In addit
ion, he was selling nearly his an
nual figures, Foster’s records
show that he sold approximately
4,000 dozen eggs and 15,000 dress.
,ed broilers to local hotels and cafe
last year. When asked how much
he netted, he replid, “About $8,
000 something over $7,000 from
broilers after the cost of baby
chicks and feed is deducted and
the rest from eggs.”
Rapidly Foster's farm is be
coming a show-place for farmers
from miles around who are
brought there )by their County
: Extension agents so that they
! may see his farm. As a result of
thee visits the agents expect
more farmers, who have been de
pending entirly on cotton, to be
gin raising poultry as a sideline
cash crop.
Mr. Foster who is a home
management supervisor for the
farmers Home Administration,
also brings home her some of the i
farm people with whom she I
works so that they may study |
how to incorporate poultry rasi- j
ing into their farming program. I
Although Poultryman Foster is
carrying on a good sized operation
he does most or the work himself
except during the summer when
his two teen-age children a girl
">d a boy—are home boarding
school. However, by purchasing a
mechanical feather picker, he has
reduced considerably the time re
quired for dressing his broilers for
And Foster is learning poultry
Polka-Dot Favorite
POLKA DOTS are always good
for spring . . . and here’s a two
piece rayon crepe mix-match outfit
that will be a favorite. It’s smart,
serviceable, and e;asy to care for.
Wash by hand in lukewarm water
and mild soapsuds and rinse until
water is clear. Helpful tips on get
ting long wear from the clothes you
like are included in the free leaflet,
“How to Care For Rayon Fabrics.”
Get ycur copy by sending a stamp
ed, self-addressed envelope to the
woman’s department of this paper.
raising from the ground up, too.
He is finding out how to combat
most diseases to which chickens
are susceptible, how to develop
good breeds, and what feeds are
best for layrs and which combin
ations sre best for broilers. Bring
ing his classroom experiental ap
proach to poultry farming, he is
already trying out his own feed
formulas on a small part of his
When he has worked out a sat
isfactory feed formula, he plans
to enlarge his farm which now
contains only 1 acres. Also, he
plans to expand his poultry house
facilities and up his broiler pro
duction to 500 per week. The poul.
tryman believes that h can sell
locally all the broilers he can pro
duce. Within five years, he en
visions an annual income of $15,
000 from his poultry enterprise.
NAACP, through its Secretary of
Veterans’ Affaires, Jesse O. De
dmon, requested permission to
tetify before the House Com
mittee on Armed Services hold
ing hearings on Universal Mili
tary Training, and upon being
deied the right to be heard, the
following telegram was sent to
Representative W. G. Andrews,
“Information received by Nat
> ional Association for the Ad
I vancement of Colored People that
I House Committee on Armed Ser
1 vices of which yyou are Chairman
plans to close hearings on U. M. T
Bill without preuiitting our or
. ganization to appear before this
Committee and testify against
this most vital piece of legislation
and said request has not been
acknowledged by your office or
Committee. We strongly urge that
before your Committee stops
hearings on this piece of legis
lation that our organization be
permitted to testify."
TODAY 23.0 lbs. •'
Here’s why you are paid
for your used kitchen fats
12.2 Hbs.
Here’s why youWpSicf
for your used kitchen hits
^Then fresh peaches are in their
& glory, you’ll want to make this
* luscious Crisscross Peach Fie. The
combination of sugars and flavor
ings makes for unusual deliciousness.
Baked in a tender, flaky Spry pie
crust, you 11 say it s the best pie you
ever tasted.
Use this easy-to-follow tested
recipe for all your pastry and you’ll
never make it an,, other way. Liip
it today!
1 recipe Epry Piecrust */j teaspoon
S to 10 peaches, pared 2 tablespoons flour
and sliced 2 teaspoons lemon iuiee
X '•> cup granulated sugar Vs teaspoon almond extract
i/3 cup drown sugar 1 tabiespocn butter
Roll 12 of pi® dough and lino a 0-inch pie plate. Roll remaining dough and
cut in narrow strips 3<i-inch wide. Fill pie shell with sliced peaches. Mix
sugars, salt, flour, lemon juice and almond extract. Sprinkle over peaches.
Dot with butter. Place strips on top of pie filling, crisscrossing them to
make attractive open top. Moisten edge of pie; place strip of dough around
rim to hold strips in place. Pinch into fluted rim or press with tines of fork.
Bake in hot oven (425° F.) 50-60 minutes.
Spry Piecrust. MIX 2 cups sifted ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR and 1 tea
spoon SALT. MEASURE out ^cup SPRY.
Step 1 for Tenderness—cut in about % of the Spry with pastry blender
or two knives until as fine as meal.
Step 2 for Flahiness—cut in remaining Spry to size of large peas.
SPRINKLE 4 tablespoons cold WATER over different parts of mixture.
MIX thoroughly, with fork, until all particles cling together aud form a
ball of dough. _
"What Every Young Girl Should Sew...”
... is a new summer outfit, for hot weather descends on us so
rapidly that it’s the smart teen-ager who starts sewing today on the
clothes she’ll need for a sultry tomorrow! And even a beginner can
achieve easy-to-make, easy-on-the-budget outfits by taking advantage
of special aftetrschool and Saturday classes for teen-agers at Singer
Sewing Centers. -
Here are two summer styles that should be “musts” in your sum
mer clothes lme-up. One is a poncho blouse (left) that drapes v.o
give figure flattering lines but when you take it off, it’s nothing more
than a flat piece of fabric with a hole^in the center to put your head
through! Made from Simplicity Printed Pattern 1867, size small,
medium and large, it can be turned out in rayon, cotton or any fabric
of your choosing with wide eyelet embroidery trimming for peplum
and sleeves. Team it with skirt of matching fabric and you have a
complete dress. Or wear it with other members of your skirt collection.
The other summer suggestion is a dotted swiss easy-to-make
one-piecer (right) . . . good for almost any sapling figure. Made
from Simplicity Printed Pattern 1911, sizes 10-16, it will keep vou
cool and winsome-!-eking day and evening, too. Insertions of flat
eyelet embroider; .tnm give it eye-catching appeal. And you’ll find
rufflmgs, insertion and other sewing accessories right at your Sinner
Sewing Center. *
The Nebraska Gladiolus ‘"J
will put on its eihth Gla<
Sunday, July 27, at Bensc
pavillion with flowers on
ion from three states—Net
and Minnesota.
Doors will open at 12 noon,
shortly after the judges finish a
warding the trophy cups, medals
and countless to the public.
Show Chairman Clyde Luther, of
Council Bluffs, announced that
Carl Fischer, St. Charles Minn., '
noted producer of smoe of the fin- '
I est Glads in America, expects to
| enter the Omaha show. Mr. Fisher
produced “White Christmas,” a
seedling which will not be releas
ed to the public until 1948. Last
year he showed this new creation
at a number of shows and was
accorded highest honors. I
Mrs. C. B. Alger, of Omaha, is
president of the society. J
Lead ef Quarters
Airies Is the lang at quartan. Oaa
quarter of ita areals forest and
f"* qaartar iijau land.
Is desert and tb* ra
ts cuMtbtad. vsrid
I Choir in New York
Wings Over Jordan
NEW YORK—In its third an
'nual meeting. New York's Turner
Society voted today to present a
certificate of commendations to I
the Wings Over Jordan Choir for
their contribution to inter-racial
Is an address in which he stress,
ed the importance of a cultural
exchange between the races, J. K.
Reeder, president of the Society,
mentioned many of the instances
where the Wings Over Jordan
Choir contributed in this ^manner
Mr, Reeder stated:
In their presentation of tradit
ional Negro music to thousands of
troops, both white asd colored,
during a ten month overseas tour
for USO Camp Shows, the Wings
Over Jordan Choir, under the
direction of Rev. Glynn T. Settle,
was of is estimable value in the
development of a greater under
standing between the races.” Also
cited were th instancs where, as
in Shreveport, Louisiana, the
Wings Over Jordan Choir was in
Wedding Parties
Need Light, Dainty
Types of Food
If you’re serving at any of the
wedding parties, see that all serv
ice is of the finest. It’s time to
bring the silver out of the moth
balls, and to see that the best china
is washed gently to sparkle on the
wedding reception or breakfast
■ Weddings always pose an inter
esting refreshment problem because
We do not face them every day.
With shortages still very much evi
dent, the problem is bound to be
just a bit thick, especially if you
happen to be personally involved.
Then, too, if the wedding happens
to be a big affair with showers and
parties preced
ing the big event,
most of us ai'e
apt to run out of ,
ideas pretty
quickly. For this
reason I’ve
made up menu
suggestions for
different types of
wedding refreshments, including'
the bridal shower. Everything is on
the simple side, but if you choose,
you can make it quite an event by
garnishing the food attractively, as
Menu I.—Bridal Shower
Frosted Sandwich Loaf
Molded Salad Relishes
Raspberry Cream Parfait
Dainty Cookies Coffee
The dessert is an easy to fix num
ber provided you’re stocked with
fresh berries, ice cream and some
currant jelly.
Raspberry Cream Parfalt.
(Serves 6)
H cap currant Jelly If
1 cop raspberries '* 1
Vi cup whipping cream
Vanilla ice cream
Beat the Jelly with a fork, fold in
raspberries. Add whipped cream.
Fill parfait glasses with alternate
layers of the jelly mixture and ice
cream. Garnish with whole berries.
Menu II.—Spinster Luncheon
Consomme with Lemon Slices
Creamed Chicken with
Toasted Almonds
Orange Salad Thin Melba Toast
Individual Meringues with
Ice Cream
Mints Beverage j
How to do: Prepare consomme
ahead of time; heat when ready to
serve. For cas
serole, use large
pieces of white
meat, rich cream
sauce and top
with slivered,
toasted almonds.
The orange salad
may be molded;
it’s good with a
honey french dressing. Tint the
meringues pink and serve with ice
cream or whole, sugared berries.
Taste Teasers: For a summery
touch to a consomme noodle
soup, add 1 chopped hard-cooked
egg to each four servings.
Sprinkle croutons with grated,
nippy cheese and serve them with
soup or vegetable juice as a first
Two tablespoons of chopped
pickle relish adds zip to any mac
aroni or noodle and cheese dish.
Add the relish before baking.
Season steaks with a sauce
made by mixing chili sauce, grat
ed onion, Worcestershire sauce
and a bit of mustard together.
Pour over the steak Just before
it finishes broiling.
Halves of canned peaches filled
with cream cheese mixed with
chopped bits of ginger or slivered
almonds are delicious served on a
bed of greens.
Sprinkle grated cheese on to
mato juice before serving for a
nippy taste.
strumental in the rasing of funds
for projects sponsored by both the
the Negroes and white of the
community. Is addition to these
activities, the Wings Over Jordan
Choir has cooperated iwth church. I
es all over the country for the
purpose of presenting Snuday
concerts, in as effort to instill
racial tolerance in the nation's
young people during thoir format.
Menu III.—Wedding Breakfast.
Iced, diced fruit in Melon Shell
Creamed Sweetbreads or
Chicken with Mushrooms
Buttered Asparagus Ripe Olives
Tiny Muffins Endive Salad
Ice Cream Bride’s Cake
Beverage Mints
I’ve found an excellent recipe for
creamed chicken which is basic.
You may vary it as you see fit, add
ing pimiento and mushrooms or
even substituting sweetbreads, par
boiled, for part of the chicken.
Creamed Chicken.
(Serves 6) ,
1 4-pound chicken or fowl
8 small white onions
1 bay leaf
2 teaspoons salt
% teaspoon pepper
J4'cup chicken fat, butter
or substitute
% cup flour
1 cup chicken broth
1 Vi cups rich milk Nfc
Simmer chicken and onions in'
boiling water to cover. Add season-'
ings and cook until tender. Re-|
move chicken from broth and cool. |
Skim fat off broth and reserve;
strain broth, reserving onions and
broth. Cut chicken into pieces. Melt
chicken fat in top of double boil
er, blend in flour and stir in broth
and milk. Cook until thickened
while stirring.
Add onions and chicken. Heat and
season further if necessary. Serve
in toast cups or patty shells or large
silver casserole. t
Menu IV.—Daytime Reception. |
Assorted Sandwiches <
Chicken Mousse )
Shrimp in Tomato Aspic
Oysters or Crabmeat a la Newburg
in Patty Shells i
Frozen Fruit Salad with
Fresh Orange Segments and Berries
Bride’s Cake Bisque Tortold J
Decorated Mints Coffee
I "flow to do: Everything in this
menu is served cold except the hot
oysters or crab
meat dish and
the beverage.
Prepare these
cold things ahead
of time while you
set the table.
Leave the hot
dish until last. The bride’s cake
may be homemade or ordered de
pending upon the amount of work
involved. Many guests will prefer
taking the cake home, so it is neces
sary to serve a dessert like Bisque
Bisque Tortonl.
(Serves 15 to 18)
1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin
1 tablespoon cold water
1 cup sugar or light corn syrup >
54 cup cold water
54 teaspoon salt
6 egg yolks
54 cup crushed macaroons or
dry cake crumbs
54 cup chopped nut meats
94 ip chopped blanched
( '»ii vanilla
' *av> cream, whipped
- *'■ 1 gelatin in water 5 minutes.
-3ni'» water and salt until
up spins a thread (230 degrees).
Pour slowly over beaten egg yolks,
stirring constantly. Add sdftened
gelatin and stir until dissolved. Cool.
Fold in macaroons and nut meats.
Add whipped cream. Pour into crin
kled paper cups, place in freezer
tray and freeze.
Note: 1 cup chopped marachino
cherries may also be added for ex
tra flavor and color.
A molded loaf is a good way to
serve a main dish at the Shower and
Spinster Luncheon. Or, if you pre
fer, the jellied salad may be mold
ed in a loaf pan and served as il
lustrated. Parsley bordered sauce
is in the gravy boat^
Menu V.—Simple Reception.
Finger Sandwiches
Tiny Cakes Dainty Cookies
Bride’s Cake Coffee
How to do: Make sandwiches as
dainty as possible and wrap in
waxed paper to keep moist. Serve
everything as beautifully as possi
ble on white damask with silver
Released by Western Newspaper Union,
tive years.
Mr. Ben Zucker of the Isternat
ional Artists Corporation accepted
the commendation for the choir. In
his address, he outlined the future
plans of th Wings Over Jordas
Choir, which will include the con
tinuation of their coast-to-coast
Snday broadcast over CBS, and a
natioswide personal appearance