The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 19, 1947, Image 1
,fr>V 1 ‘ 1 .oV** „ , _ LOCAL AND NATIONAL y*J The Omaha Guide NEWS Classified Ads Get Results ( . . Per Copy Phone- A Oc HSmav flfinn ___ _ AND WORTH IT 6y °UU /JUSTICE/EQUMJTY HEWTOTHEUNEX «To seu it, advertise *■— -- EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PHONE HA.0800 ^_ ____rau WANT ST______ * ^ *__OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1947 - No, 24_ MAN, WIFE SUCCUMB OF GUNSHOT WOUNDS RECEIVED House Gets Anti-Lynch Discharge Petition No. 9 Argument Leads to Gunplay And Finally Death For the Couple i In one of the most traigic inci dent in the Mid-City are over the fourth of July holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffin were shot by Mr. Saunders Wells 2516 Blondo street on Saturday July 6, at 24th. and Hamilton st. in front of a tavern. According to the information received from Mr. Wells better known as "britches” the shooting was the climax of a feul between him and the Griffins. They were all gathered in the Sam Flax Taveran drinki'ngwhen some way or another the argument that be gan early in the morning came to a head again. As it became more ] heated on this hot and day of hilarity charges and counter charges were hurled back and ] forth at a rapid pace. As the atmosphere became more charged and according to Mr. Wells when it look as though M. Griffin was going to do him (Mr. Wells) body harm. He (Mr. Wells) pulled out a gun and shot the pair. Mr. and Mrs. F, Griffin laid critically wounded in the hospital for several days, but they did not seem to respone to treatment j both dying frc m wounds from the j gun fired by Mr. Wells. Services for Mrs. Griffin and ! burial will be at Carbondale, 111. j Asister Mrs. Etta W. Jackson, | Garbondale came to make ar- | rangements for the body to be sent to Carbondals, Iill, Mr. Griffin funeral was held on Monday July 14th. from the Myer’s Funeral Chapel and body was interned at the Forest Lawn. Survers: two sisters, Mrs. Mar garet Moore of Omaha, and Mrs. Lucille of Seattle, Washington. See picture on Page Two THIS WEEK by H. W. Smith John H. Keest of Springfield, 111. took a stroll of 24 miles on his ?8 birthday on July 11. This has been his custom for the last ten years. Federal Judge J. W. Woorough was a witness in County Judge Troyer's Court on July 10 in a routine case. Opposing Attorneys, Edson Smith and Fred Hellener, did not cross examine him. Kansas City, Mo., Republican leaders entertained Gov. Dewey of N. Y. at a luncheon on July 10. Ex. Gov. Leeman of Kansas did not attend. Mssr. Edward J. Flanagan met with President Truman on Julyll. He reported on his trip to Japan and Korea. He went on request of General McArthur for Children’s Welfare. A N. Y. poultry dealer reported one of his hens laid a two .yolk egg when it was hatched out, it had four legs and two tails and walked very spryly around the poultry yard. . Have you noticed the Omaha Greater Guide? If not look at it. Four convicted murderers were electrocuted in 18 minutes in Sing Sing Prison on Thursday night, July 10. Walter Winchell will be off the air for four weeks. Jimmie Lunchford, the outstand ing orchestra leader is dead. State Supreme Court of Geor gia rendered a decision in favor of Negroes voting in Democratic Primary Elections. Governors Conference in session in Salt Lake City this week. Tuberculosis Gains 50 Per Cent in Reich No hospital facilities for 14,500 1 cases Tuberculosis, the No. 1 disease problem in Germany, has increas ed more than 50 per cent In the American zone in the last year. General Lucius D. Clay's month ly report said this Sunday. Close to 14,500 case of infectious tuberculosis are walking the streets because hospital facilities are unavailable, it said, and this ’must be regarded with grave concent." General Clay said the weekly average of new caases of pulmon ary tuberculosis increased from 923 per week in March to 1,259 in May. This is far in excess of the ] weekly average of 578 in May a year ago. The known cases of active tuber culosis of lung and larynx under medical supervision increased from 93.821 in July last year to 121,842 in April, 1947. Of these, the report said 35,539 were classed as open, infectious cases. Slightly more than 21 thousand beds are available for isolation 1 ; and treatment of tuberculosis patients in hospitals, the report continued, ! Syphilis also war reported at a rate more than 50 per cent above May, 1946. Otherwise, the incidence of all major communicable diseases in the American zone was lower in May than a year ago. Industrial production in the Un ited States zone continued upward during May. American zone prisons are fill ed to overflowing. Of the total of 27,089 inmates, more than 7,500 await trial. Robert Schumann wrote many of his best compoitions with a pen which he found on Bethoven’s. New Secretary Mr. Wardner G. Scott, State En-1 gineer, today announced the ap pointment of Mr.Edward P. Tink er. Jr. as Executive Secretary of the Nebraska Stafety Council as approved by Dwight Havens, presdent of the Council. Mr. Tinker has been employed with Fisher Body Division of General Motors Cooperations as a Statistician and prior to that time was employed in various sales, organizational, and promotional activities. A native of Nebraska, he was born in Lincoln where he complet ed his education and attended the University of Nebraska. His wife the former Virginia Van Waning, was also born and raised in Lin coln, He has two children, Bill age ten, and Mary Kay, age four. His duities with the Nebraska State Safety Council will be to as sume acive responsibility for the promotion of the State Traffic Safety Program as adopted by over six hundred delegates at Nebraska’s Traffic Safety Con ference held last fall. The Council plans to have available to cities and villages throughout the state the services of trained personnel to assist them in the development and stimulation of local safety programs. The Council will main tain offices in the State Capital. RADIO INSTITUTE TO OPEN The second annual Creighton University Radio Institute will start in the Creghton Auditorium at 1:15 p. m, July 17th. Delay of FEP Causes Serious Concern to Its Supporters _ __ i NEW YORK,—The long delay of a Senate sub-committee in sub i mitting a report on hearings on a i National Act Against Discrimi ntion in Employment, which were concluded on June 20th, wras caus ing serious concern to supporters of the measure it • was disclosed by the NAACP today. Roy Wilkins, NAACP assistant secretary, expressed the anxiety of the Association in a letter to Senator Forrest C. Donnell (R., Mo.), Chairman of the Subcom mittee. Mr. Wilkins stated. “The National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People is distrubed at the delay in the hear ings of S. 984. the National Act Against Discrimination. The hear ings on this measure, we under-1 stand, were concluded on June 20 and it was our impression that a report would be forthcoming from the Subcommittee to the full La bor and Public Welfare Committee and from that Committee to the Senate prior to the adjournment of Congress so that this measure would be on the calandar of the Senate when it reconvenes. “The 800 delegates to our recent annual conference in Washington. D. C., were firm in their request for the enactment of this type of 1 legislation and anxious for a speedy action upon it. “Since tliat time our members have noted the speed with which the Congress has re acted the tax reduction bill and the feeling is general that action on S. 9S4 should be accelerated. “I know that as Chairman of the Subcommittee you understand the keen interest of minority groups in this legislation and their desire that no step shall be delayed in getting it before the Senate.” AP ASKED TO CORRECT MISLEADING RELEASE NEW YORK,—Roy Wilkins, as. sistant secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People today notified the Associated Press of the As. sociation’s concern over the new3 agency’s failure to correct a new3 story carried by AP on June 16th. Kent Cooper, AP executive direc. tor, was asked to send out an ap. propriate news story to correct a misleading item which stemmed from the recent controversy over | Henry Wallace’s scheduled speech at the Watergate for Human Wei Academic Committee to Probe tiring of School Teachers St, John’s Church Holds Picnic at Elmwood Park Monday 14th St. John Junior choir under the direction of Mrs, j B. J. Childress forgot their music and song for awhile and had them selves jollyy good time at Kim Park. They packed their lunch baskets brimfull of good things to eat and set off to a gay holiday fun and play. The Rev. Childress pastor and husband of Mrs. Childress was their sitting on the side lines cheering the boys and girls on as they had fun playing softball etc. Guest of honor were the Peace Caravan Girls; Miss Williams, Miss Jean Lamont, Miss Cynthea Mallory, and Miss Zerita Thrower. A wonderful time was had by all and plenty of ice cream, punch., cookies, along with the baskets of food made the outing complete in every respect. COUNCIL OF CHURCH WOMEN’S BOARD MEMBERS PLAN MEETING On Tuesday, July 1, the Council of Colored Church Women’s Board Members met at the home of Mrs. J. Diamond, 2714 Grant st. The following program was outlined for meeting. July 23 at Pleasant Green Baptist Church at 10:30 a m. Theme: The Importance of Christian Living. Devotionals; Solo by Mrs. G. Brooks; Sermon by Rev. A. Washington; Offering; Remarks by President; Lunch. Afternoon: Devotionals by Mrs. Dallas; Solo by Mrs. Lula Bry ant; Discussion on Theme lead by Mrs. C. Dacus. Business president, Mrs, Cora Haynes in charge, after which the hostess served a very refresh ing repass, which was enjoyed by all. Hoping all churches will be presented at this meeting. Mrs. Cora Haynes, is president. Former Omahan Visits Friends Here Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Strowder, formerly of this city have return ed to their home in Washington, D. C. after a three-week vacation with the parents of Mr. Strowder, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walker, at 2210 N. 27 st. While here many social courtes ies were shown the couple. Among them were a lovely dinner in Council Bluffs at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Akers; Brunch given by Mrs. Thomas Hayes; din ner at Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Blaines, also at Mr. and Mrs.J.A, Bailey's a huge family picnic at Elmwood! Park. Mr. and Mrs. Wanasebe Fletch er entertained with a barbecue. Ten guests were prsnt. Mrs. Flet cher is the sister of Mrs. Strow der, who will be remembered as Miss Korea Clark, a former beau tician of this city, who now holds a government position in Wash ington. The couple left Sunday for a week’s visit in Chicago, before re turning to their home. fare on June 16th. Considerable attention was focused on the meeting when Congressman Alvin E. O’Konski (R., Wis.) led a fight to bar Mr. ^Wallace through a Federal Court injunction. The committee on tenure and acadenmic freedom said Wednes day it would ask the National Ed. ucation Association for power to investigate fully all dismissals of school teachers. Miss Helen T. Collins, New Ha ven, Conn, chairman of the com mittee s aid the decision was reached after the committee and set standards for academic free dom. These would allow teachers to present facts available on any subject and to express personal opinion so long as the students were encouraged io reach their own conclusions. Miss Collins said the Rankin Bill which would impose a fine of J 10 thousand dollars or jail term of 10 years upon conviction for Un-American activities might work a hardship on teachers. It holds it to be unlawful in any course of teaching to advocate, express of convey the impression of sympathy with or approval of communism. Earlier Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio told the association that “nothing in my opinion could be more dangerous than the direction of education from Washington.” The bill he sponsored for Federal aid for schools presented any di rection by the Federal Govern ment, he said Negro GI Gets Life Ass’ii Asks Clemency NEW YORK—The NAACP Le gal Department today submitted a petition for clemency to the Sec retary of War in behalf of Osie T. Brown, a Negro former Private with the 3777th Quartermaster Truck Company. Brown had been tried by a General Court Martial sitting at Reims, France, on July 12 1945 for alleged murder of a white serviceman. . The petition pointed out that, Brown should not have been con victed of murder. Rather the cir_ cumstances show that the crime should have been reduced to man. slaughter and the sentence made less severe than life imprisonment which was originally levied against him. Brown’s having been denied (admission to a service, men’s dance because he was a Ne’ gro, and having been struck on the chin by a white soldier without cause or provocation, probably created a state of temporary passion which prevented the pre. meditation necessary for the crime of murder, according to Franklin Williams, NAACP assistant spec- , ial counsel who submitted the petition. It was urged that the clemency board considering this case remit the remaining portion of Brown’s sentence to confinement and offer him an opportunity to reenlist in the service. ( represents legion post AT DOUGLAS COUNTY MEET The American Legion Auxiliary to Post No. 3 was represented by the president and the 1st. vice president Mrs. Pearl Brummell and Mrs. Greta Wade, at the Douglas County Convention held at the American Legion Auxiliary to Post No. 331 So. Omaha. CARD PLAYER CARRYING KNIFE HELD BY POLICE Police Sunday were holding a man '.arrested in a card game Saturday with an open knife in his pocket. Heads Delegation The Civil Rights Congress has announced a delegation to Wash ington on Friday, July 18, to press for enactment of Federal anti lynch legislation before the end of the present session. Pending leg islation has been introduced in the House by Representatives Douglas and Repersentative Case and in the Senate by Senator Warge and Senator Morse, The delegation will number at least 150 persons, representing CRC chapte»s in New York, De troit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Phil adelphia and other cities throug out the country. All other organi zations are urged to send addition al delegates. The one-day delegation will have its headquarters at Friendship House, 619 D st., S. E. Plans for action include visits to Congress men, Senators, Minority and Ma jority Leaders of both House and Senate, and the Chairman of the Judiciary Committees of both Houses. Dr. WIGGNS APOINTED TO FACLUTY OF MINNESOTA UNIVERSITY Dr. Forrest Oran Wiggins of Indianapolis said he has accept ed a permanent appointment as the first Negro ever to be named to the faculty of the University of Minnesota. Dr. Wiggins said he will be an instructor in philosophy. Congressman Chase Files Petition to Further the Consideration of Bill Long1 Time Omaha Resident Passes Mr. Henry Thomas 47 2874 Map le st„ a resident of Omaha depart ed from this world on Friday July 11th. He had been employed by the Swift Packing Co., for over 25 years; receiving his 25 year ser vice pin and commendation for faithful service to Swift and Co. a littleover two years ago. During his lifetime Mr. Thomas was a active member of the Zion Usher Board where he gave the same faithful service as he rendered at Swift & Co. Along with his mem bership in Zion Church, member of the Usher Board; he was a faithful member and supporter of various church auxiliars. Those left to mourn this great loss are as follows: Wife Mrs. Em ma Thomas, daughter Miss Rozell a Thomas, of Omaha, Sister Mrs. Georgia Banks of St. Joseph Mo., Mrs. Beatrice Weaver, of St. Joe. Mo., Brother Mr. Charlie Thomas Sr., of St. Joe., Mo., Cousin Mrs. Addie Floyd of New York City. Mr. Henry Thomas funaral was held on Tuesday July 15, 1947 at 4:30 p. m. from the Zion Baptist Church. His body was shipped to his home St. Jo., Mo. for burial. Teen-Agers Fun Night July 19 July Fun Nite for all teen-agers, sponsored by the Y. W. C. A., will be held Saturday evening, July 19 at the Fontenelle Park Pavillion from 6:30 to 10:30 p. m. The Y Teen Summer Fun Council has planned a fine program. Dancing in the pavillion will be preceded by a picnic which will be eaten on the porch. Everybody !s to bring his own unch. All, teen agers are invited to come and bring their friends. tar Reaching Benefits Seen In President 7 ruman’s Speech — New York,—There were indict ions that President Truman’s speech at the Lincoln Memorial Mass Meeting of the National As sociation. for the Advancement of Colored People on June 29th would produce far reaching effects of a benefical nature in domestic race relations as well as in some sections of international relations. The President's speech, which closed the 38th Annual Conference of the NAACP, was broadcast over the four major networks and by short wave to every section of the globe where American influ ence was being maintained. Ac cording to reliable observer., the foreign press devoted a good deal of editorial space to the Chief Executive’s discussion of civil rights. It was considered signifi cant that the short-wave trans mission of Mr. Truman’s speech was made through direct State Department request. Although the effect of the speech on foreign listeners was not underestimated, NAACP officials were concerned primarily with the more immedate results of a for thright official statement in areas of the nation where Negroes are constantly under pressure. The fact that many Southern news papers devoted part of their edi torial pages to the speech was con. sidered one of the more immediate benefits. One xample of Southern comment was an editorial in the Birmingham (Alabama) Herald in which it was stated, “President Truman was at his best when he addressed the NAACP in Washing ton Sunday. He spoke with reat sincerity and force on the subject of civil rights. He expounded a democratic doctrine which is alto gether admirable. His points were (1) that an evolving freedom means a broadening of democratic rights. (2) that in the fight against dis crimination and prejudice of fed eral government must take the lead without waiting for the growth of a will to action in the slowest state or the most back ward community, (3) that if we are to maintain a democratic front abroad, we must give “practical evidence that we have been able to put our own house in order.” “TUT, TUT, NOTHING BUT BUTTER-NUT BREAD WASHINGTON, D. C.,—Anger ed over the failure of the House Judiciary Committee to hold hear ings on his anti-lynch bill, H. R. 3488, Congressman Clifford P. Case, Republican of New Jersey this week filed a petition to dis charged the Committee from further consideration of the meas. use. Known as Dicharge Petition No. 9, it will require the signatur es of 218 Congressmen in order to by-pass the Judiciary Committee and bring the anti-lynch bill to the floor for vote. The NAACP-suported anti-lynch bill was introduced in Congress on May 15th while the infamous Greenville, South Carolina trial was giong on, and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, head ed by Congressman Earl C. Mich ener, Repubblican of Michigan. In spite of the outcome of the Green ville trialj, Michener steadfastly refused to seriously consider bills before his Committee to outlaw lynching. In a statement to the NAACP when he placed the Discharge Pet. ition on the Speaker’s desk,Con gressman Case said: “It is my earnest hope that a majority of the members of the House will promptly sign the petition so that at the earliest possible dae he anti, lynch bill will be brbought before the House for action.” Meanwhile, Senator Homer Fer guson, another Michigan Republi. can has succeeded in keeping the Wagner-Hart anti-lynch bill, S. 1351, bottled up in his sub-com mittee since May 27th when the measure was presented to the Sen ate. With the introduction of Dis. charge Petition No. 9, the NAACP opened its drive to get 218 con gressmen to sign to bring the anti-lynch bill up before Congress goes home for the summer the lat ter part of this month. All persons are saked by the NAACP to wire their congressmen to sign immed iately the anti-lynch discharge petition. Folio 16, newest Guild publicat_ ion, is now available free upon written request. It features col_ laborating opportunities with sellar tunesmiths and lyricists J. Fred Coots, Lou Alter, Doris Fish* er, Edgar DeLange and Sam H. Stept, who are some of the top songwriters of the day. I drew a cartoon for a man lit 1927, for which I charged $20, aa I had agreed. I was too young to know fte car toon was worth $50. So now I am going to. sue the man for $30. * Also I forgot to charge the mart for delivering the cartoon. That took me 25 minutes each way. I am going to sue the man for $1.50 for delivery time. Also I forgot to charge for the cardboard. That was 11 cents. I am' going to sue for that. If anybody ever underpaid you, nrt matter what your understanding was, nor how long ago, sue him! Let’s everybody sue everybody! It’s such a nice way to make easy money!