The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19??, July 12, 1947, Image 1

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. Jfhe Omaha Guide NEWS
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* ^ ★ OMAHA, NEBRASKA, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1947—No. 23 _oK^%V.ha.nN>hn&rrBd« i£t"of
Paul V. McNutt Calls For End of Discrimination
* __
Four Young Ladies Here
to Speak on National and
International Problems
Four young women have arriv
ed in Omaha as members of a
Peace Caravan of the American
Friends Service Committee. Train
ed at an Institute of International
Relations at Earham College.
Richmond, Indiana, they have
come to spend seven weeks inthis
community, helping to stimulate
public interest and education in
problems of international relations
and world peace. They are sponsor
ed by a local committee composed
of Miss Ruth M. Campbell, Execut
ive Director of the Omaha
Y. VV. C. A. Mrs. Robbie Davis,
Cousellor in the city schools, Mr.
Earl Cohover Executive Director
of the Conference of Christians
and Jews, Miss Geneva Burney
Director of Y-Teen at the North
side Y. W. C. A., Mrs. Alyce Wil
son social worker at Woodson
Center, Mrs. Maurice Pepper, of
the Jewish Center and Mrs. James
These students volunterr their
summers for this community ser
vice and are prepared to speak
and lead study and discussion
groups for civic clubs, church
yyoung people’s societies, farm
an labor groups and other com
munity organizations.
The topics on which they are
prepared to speak include the UN
and world government, U.S. for
eign policy, conscription and dis
armament, displaced persons race
relations and food and reconstruc
Members of the Caravan are:1
Joan Williams, Phila., Pa. North
western University and Boston
University; Cynthia Mallory, Hin
gham. Mass., Middlebury College;
Zerita Thrower, Baltimore, Md.
Coppin State Teachers College;
Jeanne Marie Lemal, Scotch Plain.
s, N. J. Ohio Wesleyan University.
They are living at the Northside
Y.W.C.A. and may be reached
there (telephone We 1539) or
through the chairman of the spon
soring committe, Miss Ruth Camp
bell. (telephone Ja. 2748).
Other Peace Caravaners are lo
cated this summed in California,
Texas, Iowa. Missouri, Indiana
Michigan, Ohio. Pennsylvania and
New York. Their work is part of
the year-round program of educat
carried on by the Peace Section of
the American Friends Service
Committee, with headquarters in
Philadelphia, Penna. The work in
this area is directed by George
Willoughby, 810 Loust st., Des
Monies 9, Iowa.
The American Friends Service ,
Committee represnts the Religious
Society of Friends (Quakers) in
national and international fields
fo social action. The Committees
was founded in 1917 to carry on
relief and post-war reconstruction
Europe. It has since been engaged
Continued on Page 4.
Gambling In Omaha
Now At a Standstill
Omaha’s gamblers apparently
can’t stand publicity, Morals
squad Officer Ted Janing said
Since Chief Robert Munch's or
der £o hold inmates as well as
keepers of disorderly houses,
week-ends business has fallen off,
he said. All persons seized in raids
are now held for 24 hours, finger
printed and photographed.
Last weekend, Officer Janing
said, seven gambling houses were
visited by Morals Sqquad officers.
All seven were locked and dark.
National Housing
Act Continued to
March 31* 1948
Goodnews has arrived for vet
erans and builders who build vet
erans homes, Holger Holm, State
Director of Federal Housing Ad
ministration, announce today. “'Ti
tle VI of the National Housing
Act has been extended to March
31, 1948,” Mr. Holm said.
This means that up to that time
at least, FHA will continue to ap
prove loans of as much as 90 per
cent of necessary current cost of
house and lot on new construction
of homes to be sold or rented to
veterans of World War 11.
Ths favorable financing of new
homes would have passed out June
30th had not Congress extended
the Act on the last day of June.
“The extension will encourage
and stimulate a lot more building 1
of single-family homes and larger
scale apartment houses during the
A short time ago Dr. E. C.'
Nance, President of the Univer
sity of Tampa, gave an address
about racial and religious prejud
ice in this country. Like all other
decent and intelligent people, he
considers prejudice loathsome—a
disease that can sicken any socie
ty to its roots. So—what do we do
about it? We stand together in
the defense of each other's rights
just as the responsible spokesmen
of the three great faiths have
told us to do.
Dr. Nance quotes Cardinal Gib
bons who, seaking 53 years ago
at the Parliament of Religion in
Chicago, declared, “Though we
differ in faith, thank God we
stand united on the platform of
charity and benevolence. Let us
do all we can in our day and gen.
eration in the cause of humanity.r
Coming to our own generation
he gives us the statement on in
terfaith action of Archbishop
Robert E. Lucy of San Antonio,
and six other Catholic bishops,
‘For the sake of God and human
ity let us continue and extend coll
aboration n those worthwhile
movements that are calculated to
hasten the day ofN enduring peace,
justice, charity and good will.”
Finally, there is a statement of
Archbishop Richard L. Cushing of
Boston, ‘We shall always have to
struggle will be easy if we love
one another; love our neighbor
and love fiim irrespective of race,
creed, or color.”
‘T have quoted at length from
Catholic authorities on the sub
jects of brotherhood, democracy,
and human rights," Dr. Nance said
“I could quote as many and as
eloquent statements from great
leaders of the Protestant and Jew.
ish faiths. There is a common
treasury of idealism on these sub
■ jects, shared alike by all the ma.
jor faiths in America and by
many fraternal orders, service
clubs, civic organizations, veter
ans groups, leaders in the fields
of education, government tnd in
Well said. Religion .like every
thing else constructive in Ameri.
can life,is on the side of inter
faith fr.nd inter_racial unity,
do you stand?
These young* ladies members of .
the American' Friend3 Service 1
Committee Peace Caravan that
vvill be in our city discussing var
ious subjects National and Inter
national in scope.
They are lefft to right: Jeanne
Marie Lemal, Joan Williams, Cyn-1
thia Mallory and Zerita Thrower.
These young ladies received their
training at Institute of Internal
ional Relation at E&rlham College
Richmond, Ind.
----, i
Mid-West Foods
Open For Business
' Mr. David Epstein is opening
the Mid-West Foods Store at 24th
and Serward st., specializing in
Bar-B-Q meats, ribs and chicken.
Mr. Epstein was in the poultry
business at 13th and Howard st.
He recently sold his place there
and purchased the building at 24th
and Seward where he is mow open
1 for business. He will dress chick
ens while you wait for dinners,
luncheons and picnice. Picnic bas
kets are prepared when given ad
vance notice any of these items,
while you are in his store.
President Truman called for
continued control over installment
buying,but from all indications
there isn’t any chance that such
control will be continued. There
has been much comment pro and
con as to the fifthteen months,
installment rule under regulation.
The House Banking Committee
approved a bill to the end the war
bom credit restictions and Chair-;
man Wolcott (Hep,, Mich.) told
reporters, “The controls are not
needed any more.’* Mr. Truman’s ]
viewpoint on regulation W is that
is that it will help to stave off in
Miss Aleasta Carey, former
Omaha, whn now resides in Los
Angles, Calif, with her parents
MrandMrs. J. C. Carey, is con
cluding a very delightful visit in
her home town and wishes to
thank her many friend for the
courtesies shown her on her brief
stay in Omaha.
Among the many affairs given
for Miss Carey were a dinner
party by the Sub- Deb Club, a
theater party with Misses Floren
tine Crawford, Elnora Jones and
Dstrelds Horton as hostesses, a
breakfast by Mrs. A. L. Hawkins,
and a luncheon by Miss Jacque
line Fisher. On her return to Calif
ornia, Miss Carey will carry greet
ings to many former Omahans
who now reside in Los Angeles
from their Omaha friends.
Mrs. Dora Milder of 2110 Grace
st. had as guest over the week-end
her niece Mrs. Jeam Stevenson
and her father Mr. Ed Washing
ton of Lincoln Nebr.
They reported having spent won
derful week-end in Omaha.
Salt Lake
Great Salt lake has a salt con*
tent of about 20 per cent.
Action to Be
Taken On
Leave Bonds
Leadership in the Republican
Party gave the gTeen light to
promrt action on legislation en
abling veterans to cash terminal
leave bonds totaling two and a
half billion dollars.
Conress will take up this matter
this week. The previous bill on'
cashing of terminal leave bonds I
required that the bonds "be held a
certain time before cash could be
received. Majority Leader Hal
leck (Rep., Tnd.) announced that
a bill ending the restriction of
the cashing of the bonds is being
pressed not only by many Con
gressman, hut by veterans; and It
will be supported by many Re
publican members of Congress a
mong with some Democrats.
_ I
Mr. James L. Mclntyyre and
his daughter, % Mrs. Myra Belle
Meeks, of Evergeen, Ala. are vis
iting here in the city. Mr. Mein-'
tyre is uncle of Mrs. Alice E.
Watkins, 2634 Corby St., and Mrs.!
Leatha Bradley, 2865 Corby st.
Many courtesies have "been ex
tended to Mr- McIntyre and his
daughter, Mrs. Meeks. They
thank their many friends and re
latives who helped to make their
stay a pleasant one.
Dr. Aaron McMillan
to Practice in Omaha
Dr. Aaron M. McMillan, medical
missionary and noted surgeon is
resuming the practice of medicine
here after eighteen years of work
in Angela, Portuguese West Afri
ca. During his residence ther he
established the one-hundred-thirty
beds. Willie F. Pierce Memorial
Hospital where in treating tens of
thousands of natives and Europ
eans, he became one of the fcnost
eminent surgeons in the -world.
Dr. McMillan first came to
Omaha in 1920 to visit his father,
the late Rev. Henry R. McMillan
then pastor of the Mt. Morish
Baptist Church.
After receiving his degree from
Meharry Medical College and serv
ing his intemeship he opened an
office in Omaha. In 1928 he was
elected to the state legislature;
leaving the following year to
work under the Board of Foreign
Missions of the Congregational
Church. o
The next eighteen months was
spent in Portugal where he studied
the language of the territory to
which he was being sent and ob
tained after a post-graduate med
ical course at the University of
Lisbon a Portuguese Medical
licence. He has also done post
graduate work in surgery at the
University of Paris.
The doctor and his family re
turned to the United States only
once during their extended service
in the eastern hemisDhere.
Dr. McMillan’s decision recalls
to us an article about his week in
the Reader’s Digest written by
Linton Wells after a visit to the
Mission in 1942. “Someday,’’ said
the doctor. “I would like to come
home and train other men and
women of my race for medical
medical missionary service.”
The office is located at present
at 2892 Miami st., pending the
establishment of a hospital and
clinic which is very much need
ed in Omaha
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Lane
Join The Omaha Guide’s
Printing Department Staff
Four Lawsuits Lost
By Hiram D. Dee
Kiram D, Dee, building contrac
tor, Monday lost four lawsuits in
District Judge William A. Day ]
ruled that Mr. Dee must pay four
debts within 20 days or face a
foreclosure sale of two lots which
he owns.
The debts, listed in the order
j in which Judge Day said they
: should be paid from proceeds of a
foreclosure sale:
1. To G. E.Shukert. president
of the Omaha Real Estate Board,
$1,047.50 for alleged non-pay
ment of a thousand-dollar pro
missory note.
2. To the Government, $2,699.08
in witholding taxes and^ social
security payments.
3. To the ^tate of Nebraska,
$964.55 in allegedly unpaid un
employment insurance payments.
4. To Attorney E. C. Finlay,
Mr. Shukert Started the lawsait
alleging he had a claim against
the property because Mr. Dee had
put it up as sBcurity for the "un
paid note. The three other cred
itors tooks up the cry alleging
they also had “claims against the
J. C. Blackburn Sal es
Representative Hume
Insulation Company
Mr. Blackburn has been a resi
*dent of Omaha for over thirty
years and has a wide experience
work. He has a reputation for hon
esty and integrity and is well liked
by all. We are pleased to know
that he is .an employee of the
Home Insulation Company; we
should contact him. It is gratify
ing to know that more and more
'of our experienced citizens are
being given a chance to display
their talant; and Home Insulation
Company should be commended
for their selection of Mr. Black
bum to represent their products, j
To show our appreciation to the
Home InsuMion Company, we
should call on them whenever we
are In any need for insulation or
repair work.
The Omaha Guide announces the
addition of Mr.andMrs. Edward L.
Lane, Linotype operators, to its
printing department. Both Mr.and
Mrs. Lane arewell-known through
jut the Middlewest and East in
the printing field having been
employed in some of the largest
shops in the country in Chicago,
Philadelphia, Kansas City, New
York and white daily papers.
Mr. Lane, has been' a printer
for about 15 years, his return t<*
the Omaha Guide is sort of a
home-coming, having received his
first shop training in the shop of ■
the Guide.
Mrs. Lane, who has been a
linotype operator for about seven
years and has worked most places
with her husband. Both were
born and reared in Omaha and at
tended the public schools and Uni
versity of Omaha.
The Omaha Guide is proud 'to an
, nounce the addition of these print
ers, and it is just another step in
an attempt to give to its reading
public a bigger and better Omaha
Mrs. Lane is the former Virginia
E. Johnson.
_____—- /
hanging from “criminal negli
gence” to mental underdevelop
ment” have been leveled at the
radio industry by Dr. Henry J.
Skornia, radio director of Indiana
University. He made a six-month
In a 50-page report,Dr. Skornia
listed major radio offenses:
Commercials—the one import
ant objection—must be improved
and shortened.
Radio should provide a flow of
new ideas. Because people tolorate
what they have doesn't mean they
wouldn’t be more enthusiastic
about something better.
Soap operas are not the only
thing on the air in the daytime.
But in remote areas reached only
by stations of these networks
which feature soap opera, they
are the only fare available.
Forums and talks are little ap
preciated. Perhaps more artistry
should go into them.
The tragedy of radio is the ab
horence, by those who need it
most, of what will do them the
most good,’’ Dr. Skornia said.
“The less educated the listener,
the less he wants to be educated.
"Radio says it is discharging its
responsibility. I say that, with the
comercial know-how they poss
ess, their approach to the pro
motion of some programs is gen
erally nothing less than mockery.
“I feel that radio has taught
people who had never heard of
it to like boogie woogie and that
it could do the same for other
types of program.”
The Lens and Shutter Club will
hold their Annual Outing on Sun
dayy, July 13, at Carter Lake.
Skipper L. R. Burge of the Sea
Scouts has given permission for
the use of the boat Conestoga for
picture purposes, and the Omaha
Boat Club is furnishing boats for
nautical minded guests. Coffee
and pop will be served by club
members, and friends are invited
to bring their cameras and lunch
es and spend the day. Banners
will designate the picnic spot, and
if the day is rainy, this outing
will be held the following Sunday.
Immediate Passage °f
Stratton Bill Urged by
Jewish Civic Leaders
Eleanor Starks will serve as
General Chairmen of the Allen
Chapel A. M. E. Youth Day Pro
gram that is to be Sunday July
13th. at the church. Story and pro
gram of the day on inside page.
_ - --
Federal Housing
Administration Has
Thirteenth Birthday
Federal Housing Administration,
Omaha office celebrated its 13th
birthday Friday, June 27th., by
closng its books on far the great
est volume of business received in
any single weew since the Nation
al Housing Act became law June
27, 1947, according to Hdlger Holm
State Director.
J The office received 159 applicat
, ions during the week for loans on
286 family units totaling $1,896,
870 in loan applications.
Applications were received for
loans on 251 family units of new
construction to be built for vetcsr
ans occupancy. Of this, seven ap
plications were for loans on large
scale apartments to contain a
total of 128 family units, the dollar*
volume of these seven loans to be
Mrs. A. L. Hawkins entertaain
ed at a lovely breakfast Wenes
day morning in honor of Miss Al
este Carey of Los Angeles, Calif.
Covers were laid for seven. Those ,
pr^pnt were the Misses Marie Wil J
ianis, Eleanor Brown, Lois Brown
Elnora Jones, Florentine Craw
ford, Estrelda Horton and the
guest of honor, Miss Carey. After
a delicious repast, the young ladies '
went to the theater.
Thursday. July 3, the first Am.
bassador to the Phillipine Repub
lic, Paul V. McNutt, called for the
end of international discriminat
ional prestige is our practice of
racial discrimination in some parts
of our land.”
Judge Lewis E. Levinthal of
Philadelphia, special adviser on
Jewish affirs urged immediate
passage by Congress of the Strat
ton Bill. The measure permits the
entrance into this country of 100
thousand displaced persons a year
for four years without regard to
quote restictions. The addresses of
the two men were given at the
teseimonial dinner to Frank Gold
man of Lowell, Massachusetts.
He is newly elected president of
the B'nai B rith.
Allen Chapel Holds
54th Anniversary
Sunday, July 6,1947 at 3:30 p.m.
the Allen Chapel A. M. E. Church
held Its 54th Anniversary. The
Pastor's Aid Board,, under the
direction of Mrs. Pearl Snell, pres
ident, presented the following pro
gram. Opning Son by the congre
gation; Call to Worship; Hymn—
•The Church’s One Foundation’*'
by the congregation; Prayer; Se
lection by the congregaiton; Scrip
ture Lesson; Selection by the Con
gregation; History of. Allen Cha
pel Church by Mrs. Beatrice Mos
ley; Selection by the congregat
ion; Intrduction of Speakers by
Rev. J. B. Brooks; Sermon by
Rev. E. B. Childress; Invitation;
Offering; Benediction.
Mr. George Newhouse Mitchell,
75 years, butler and caretaker
for the T. J. O'Brien’s 3510 Farn
am st„ died July 1 at a local hos
Mr. Mtcheil who !was affect
ionaly know by his family for over
I forty years, rendering faithful ser
[ vice and seeing two generations of
the T. J. O’Brien family into adult
Mr. Mitchell always had a smile
and pleasant word for everyone.
There are no known survivors.
The Rosary was recieted, Wednes
day evening at Thomas Mortuary
with funeral services Thursday
morning from St. Benedict’s Cath
olic Church with father Joseph R_
Moylan, S. J. officiating with bur
ial at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery,
Appearing before the Columbia
Pacific Network’s “Your Hope
Chest” microphone at KNX in Los
Angeles Sunday, Maudie Wils
and Bill Abbott tell theis love
a'-oiy to emcee Jimmy Wallington.
I Bill Abbott is a Los Angeles Coun
ty deputy sheriff, and Maudie
worked in the Los Angeles City
hall until her marriage.