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About The Omaha guide. (Omaha, Neb.) 1927-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1947)
IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DOUGLAS COUTY, NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF CHARLES C. CALLOWAY, ADMINSTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF LE ROY DOZIER. DECEASED, FOR A LICENSE TO SELL REAL ESTATE. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of the Hon. Jackson B. Chase, one of the judges of the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, made on the 23rd day of June, 1947, for the sale of the real estate herein after described, there will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot 5, Strickland’s Sub-Division, an Addition to the City of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded, all in Douglas County, Nebraska; Said sale to take place place on th(| 29th day of July, 1947 at the hour of ten o'clock A.M. at the east door of the Court House in Omaha’ Douglas County, Nebraska. Terms of sale as follows: Twenty per cent (20%) of amount bid on date of sale, bal lance when sale is confirmed. Daed this 23rd day of June, 1947. (signed) Charles C. Galloway Administrator of the Estate of LeRoy Dozier, Deceased CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sym' pathy and beautiful floral offer ings received from our many fri ends in Omaha and other cities in our recent bereavement at the loss of our beloved husband, brother and uncle, Mr. Charles A. Cleve land who departed this life Sunday June 15th. We especially thank Rev. C.C. Reynolds and members of Clair Chapel Cnurch, officers I and members of Iroquois Lodge No- 92 and Cherorkee Temple No. 223 and all woh endeavored to lighten our burden in our sad hour' Mrs. Bennetta Cleveland, wife. Mrs. Anna Benton, Mrs. Sarah Snowden, sisters. Mrs. Tina Smith, neice. Lighter Lovelier SKIN May Be Yourt Dr. FRED RiM SKIN WHIT I NEW 254 AT DRUOGXVTf 50< Caution—Van only at DOnctnJ MCDONALD REPORTING —-— MACDONALD REPORTING from Council Bluffs People Dept. Store, 312 West Broadway, carries a complete line of everything for the nome. It is one of the largest stores inCouncil Bluffs. You alwayy find a bargain inhis place. Everyone moving; always a cheerful crowd. When you leave his place, you go on your way smiling. City Hall. .—Mrs. Lucile Madden, clerk of Municipal Court. Council Bluffs, is a very nice young lady, who holds a very honorable and respectable position. When 1 walk ed in her place, I asked for the proprietor; and she says to me, “You are talking to her now” How surprise I was. Everything was efficiently handled. As I have often said, ‘ The boys and girls of today will be the women and men of tomorrow.” It seems that she is the lady of to day. Wonderful Sheely and Lane, 217-219 East Broadway, was established in 1893 andarestill doing business atthe same location. This speaks well for a firm, for they must be treating their traders right or they would have been out of busi ness long ago. We carry nothing but the best of granted and the best of workmanship. Guaranteed ROOFS REPAIRED RE-ROOFED ASPHALT £ ASBESTOS SHINGLES and ROOFING BUILT-UP ROOFS SIDINGS ROCK WOOL INSULATION call Central ROOFING Company 1459 So. 16th Street AT 0562 Res. Phone ATlantic 9035 MEET YOUR FRIENDS ENJOY A GOOD GAME OF BILLIARDS OR POCKET BILLIARDS AT R. UNDERWOOD Billiard Parlor - CIGARS - SOFT DRINKS - 1522 North 24th Street Omaha, Nebraska —Telephone—JA 9082— CHICAGO FURNITURE CO. •SPECIAL SALE • LINOLEUM, • STOVES, • ICE BOXES, • LAMPS. "WE SELL FOR LESS'’ JA 4411 1833-35 NORTH 24th ST. ASK YOUR MIRROR ABOUT Gray hair often comes on so gradually, you hardly notice it. But other people do, and if you’re missing out on fun, admiration and romance, ask your mirror. The answer may be gray hair. But you may take years off your looks by giving your hair rich, natural-looking color and beauty with Larieuse. look years younger Color Your Hair This Easy Way To give your hair new, rich, natural looking color(black, brown, blonde)start using Godefroy’s Larieuse Hair Color ing NOW .. . acts quickly—goes on evenly, easily — won't rub off or wash out—unaffected by heat — permits permanents and stylish hairdos . . • known and used for over 50 years.. Your dealer wil I give your money back if you’re not 10C% satisfied. Have an easy, professional application at your favorite beauty shop or buy Larieuse at any cosmetic department or drugstore. If your dealer does not have Larieuse, send $1.25 plus 25? Fed. tax direct to coDfsaovs HAIR COLORING GODEFROY MFG. CO.* 351C OLIVE ST.* ST. LOUIS 3, MO. u — Bond iven all work; monuments and markers any size you wish for any cemetary at popular pric es. At the above mentioned address you will find most cutious men ! you have ever met- It is a plea sure for them to show you what theyy carry in stock. Everyone is born to die; some of us regret very much to think of that day. but wewant our depart ed ones to feel, when they reach their destination, that we have discharged our duty. See Sheely and Lane; theyhelp you bear your burden. Allbee and Urling MotorCo.. 25 4th st., make a specialty of Lin coln and Mercury cars. They can also repair your car, and are al ways at your service. They .have many friends and customers and wish for many more. You will do yourself a favor by stopping in at their place and talking with them. You are always welcome. Thanks Council Bluffs Welding Co , 37. 4thst. This young man in theweld ing business is still going strong. He is a fine man to deal with. All work is guaranteed; many stais fied customers call on him. When you need any welding done, he is glad to see you at all times. Give him a trial and be convinced. I have never met a more gentle and manly officer in all of my life than the Chief of Police in Coun cil Bluffs. I asked to see the chief; and when I met him, I thought he was a hoy. He told me he is 38 years old. Everything seems to be moving along nicely in the City peacefullyyy and harmoniously. All are nice men to meet- America should be proud of such officials. Chief O. S. Murry 305 Morning Side ave. It si one of the finest up-to-date stores in Council Bluffs. Mr. Men, Women! Old at 40, 50,60! Get Pep Feel YearsYounger, Full of Vim Don't always htatee exhausted, worn-out riMHflown feeling on your age Thousands amaxed at what a little pepptae ecurraa Oetaea win do Contains toqic often oueflad a-r whea M ia weal;, eld ymt because hi tew. rbo also eapifcgianth of caldhim. phoepfcorue, vThfinxln Bi A m**dDe-aced doctor writes “1 took tt taj-ee* Raaults wsua fine Get 85c introdoHcry Oxuwx Tonic Tdble* today, onlv 29c why feel eld? Try OsXpbk to tel peppier, get new rim and feel years younger, tills very day. At all Drug Stores Everywhere— In Omaha, at Walgreen’s & Smith Stores See Bailey First SPECIALIZING IN PATCH WORK, PLASTERING • BRICKLAYING CHIMNEYS AND CONCRETE!NG® O RETAINING WALLS Q OFFICE—2209 NO. 22ND S'. —P H O N E—AT1154— TjfHnfrnftfnr""" mant work* to raliav* th* itching of many ****** natty wuaad pimplaa, ra*h*a, ‘‘»pot»” *«**ma mi ringworm. Original, ganuin* Palmar’* 8XIN SXXp CESS Ointment haafcaan protad for ovor 100 yoara. Try it on th* guaranty of * *ati*faction «r *«WT hack, IS* (Economy 75e *U* wuriiln* 4 ***** ** much). At all riona or from E.T. Brown* Dog (V. 127 Water 8k, Haw York City. Holm imuIm tompUxUm hoamtf *Mh iKOI SUCCESS Soap (•//mMf »n*c*r*0 Jfc y Txd£jri*A&-_ Smith is a wonderful man to talk to and to deal with. Go in and meet him. Good luck, Mr. Smith. Mr. Don Jackson, County At torney, is another nice young man and is well-qualified for the office he now holds. Mr. Jackson ifc now serving his second term. Everyone seems -to admire him as an offic ier; he is honest and energetic. Now friend, all the officials you chance to meet in Council Bluffs are very finepeople. Walter Sayers Oil Station, 421 East Broadway: Mr. Sayers is one of the finest young men you have ever met and has one of the lead ing oil stations in the city. His motto:: Fair dealing to all and a guaranteed service. He can repair your car for any trouble you may have- See him; you are welcome. Thanks for your past patronage. I shall always strive to please. While traveling around Council Bluffs, I met Judge John P. Tin ley, who has served in public life for 40 years or more. There is not any man in Council Bluffs that is admiredmore than Judge Tinley. He believes in the Father hood of God and the brotherhood of man. If it were not for his qualifications and insight on all matters, he would have been cast aside long, long ago. Judge Tinley is a wonderful man. The people are not using bad judgment when they continue such a man in of fice. We wish you all the good luck and happiness in your declin ing years. May you live much longer and accomplish many good things. City Hall. Council Bluffs. Omaha. The Hon. Wm. Raab, 1028 City Nat’l Bank. I don’t be lieve anyone living in the cityy of Omaha»has any more friends than Mr. Raab. I noticed him looking so spic and span. I was informed that he is a widower. Mr Raab is a fine lawyer and he is depend able. Whenever you are in trouble see him at 1028 City Nat’l Bank Omaha. He is my friend and he is your friend. Council Bluffs. I want to call your attention to the Rummage Store at 726 West Broadway. They carry everything complete for men, women, and children piece goods, hosiery, underwear— renwear-- in fact, everything found in first-class Dry Goods store. You will be surprise to have such bargain* offered you on such nice goods at live-and-let-live pric es, He also has boots and gloves. His store is packed from the floor to the roof; they scarcely have standing room. We invite the citizens of Council Bluffs and Omaha to stop in and give me a chance toshow you what we have in store for you —the best goods and the lowest prices in Council Bluffs. Thanks. The Honorable Phil Minner, Mayor of Council Bluffs. The first time I met him, he was in the clerk’s office; when I went back, he was Mayor. It seems that his next step will be Congressman. There are great possibilities for those who are energetic. Mayor Minner is quite an able man, and anyone can place all confidence in him and feel safe. Council Bluffs should be proud of him. Good luck Mr. John W. Stanfer, Clerk of District Court; reminds me of uor old reliable Robert Smith of Omaha. He is good-natured, loves everyone.and everyone loves him. If this country always elects men to office like those they have in Council Bluffs, .this world would omve more smoothly. A wonderful man is Council Bluffs’ Clerk of District Court. Sheriff Tyler of Council Bluffs ahs an office force that is always on the alert. They are nice man to meet, illed with efficiency; in fact all the people you meet in the court house make you welcome. They are a fine group of officers, who know their business. -----<-9-* Miss Dorothy Christersen. Re corder of Deeds, has been in the Court House for quite awhile. She has many friends. When I noticed her in her line of business, operat i ing her office os efficently and j smoothly. I wondered if it would j n't be bettdr to elct women for a while instead of men- She cer tainly knows her business, and the work she is engaged inis a credit to her and toCouncil Bluffs. Mr. Joe Smith, 416 Broadway. I walked into his store, and he told me he had occupied the same building for 45 years. Itold him he did not look to be over 50 years of age. Everyone laughed; and he says, “I am 83.’’ If you see him in action around his store, you would call him an 18 year old. f SUMMER I CHARMERS You no longer need to have unruly, aids. A crushable. straw-like hat for any occasion ... in any shape _ Or the new John Fredericks Junior Hat Band . , . hooking beneath your hair ... in assorted pastels, black, navy, red and white _ Turban Bar . . . Main Floor j the greatness of. By RUTH TAYLOR What makes America great? It is not the vastness of the country, nor the fruitfulness of its acres. It is not the hidden wealth of its manufacturing plants. It is not its deep harbors, nor its nav igable rivers, nor the great art eries of its highways. What makes America great is its latent power to turn all of those into production for the good of all the people from coast to coast. The greatness of America de pends upon you and me; upon each and every one of us, whether we live on a lonely farm or in the crowded city, whether we live on a tree shaded street in a quiet town, or under the shadow of great skyscrapers of a bustling metropolis. As Lyman Abbot once wrote: “A nation is made great, not by its fruitful acres, but by the men who cultivate them; not by its mines, but by the men who work in them; not by its railways, but by the men who biuld and run them. America was a great land when Columbus discovered it; Americans have made of it a great nation.” A country is not greater than | its citizens. We are a United States of America because the men of this country decided to put aside sectional and religious differences to work for the good of the country as a whole. If we want to change our nation, we have the power to do so, by chang ing the minds of the men and wo men who comprise the country. If we want to be prosperous, we ! can, fot new wealth can be built only by men: If we want security, we oan build it. If we want to eradicate all evil systems and handicaps, we can—for we creat ed them. America was made great by the men who built it. If it remains great, it will be doing of you and of me and of all our fellow Amer. icans working together as free men. It is up to us. And we can do it. Mrs. Minnie Wilson was recent ly to her sister, Mrs. F. E. Brown a member of the Trinity Church, Kansas City, Kans. While in the city of Omaha. Mrs. Brown has enjoyed a wonderful'vacation; and she wihes all of her Omaha friend s to know that she appreciates the many kind things said and did for her. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS MEET ENDS JULY 5th 8 RACES DAILY The Finest Mile Track Between Chicago and the Pacific Coast ADMISSION 75c Including State and Fed. Tax LADIES' DAYS TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS (EXCEPT HOLIDAYS) Ladies Admitted Upon Payment of 35c Tax and Service Charge No Children Admitted! « Classified Ads Get Resuits Spaulding Furniture Co. 3823 North 24th Street FOR SALE— Chest of Drawers, Sectional Book Cases. Matched End Tables, sev" eral kinds of Dinette and Dining room sets, Bedroom Suites and New Living Room Suites and etc. “Come In and See Us” For quick Sale, cheap, $2,300 Uptown Cafe. During best bus iness on Douglas st. Average profit of $650.00 per month, lowest over head and rent plus good lease, leaving for West coast soon. 205 S- 13th st. Phone Ja. 2184 • McBrady Products Orders Taken at 2506 Burdette St., Telephone JAckson 7284. -—Mr*. C. M. Elder. • AUTOS WANTED! SELL US YOUR CAR FOR CASH! • We will come to your home. Fred King Motors A.T-9463 2056 Famam Specially Priced for the Week Only TRAVELER PORTABLE RECORD PLAYER Was $32.95 — Now $27.79 Terms ' Allied Appliance Co. 205 South 18th Street \^r.w.1"^.. ..‘JirJ 1.....- .. BEDFORD PARK—One New Home tor immediate occu pancy. 2 more for May 1 st. Small down payment—F.H.A. and G. I. Loans. Phone Hiram D. Dee, JA. 7718, JA. 1620. MARRIAGE LICENSES INDEPENDENCE DAY Harlod Long, 2889 Ohio 23 Jennie M- Gay, 2022 Grace 21 Eddie H, Martin,Tex. 31 Jeanne M. Roussd&u, Tex. 23 Theodore Johnson, 2617 Blondo Kathrine A. Willis, 2617 Blondo IS Kenneth C. Sorensen, 2108 Clark Gloria A- Sherman, 2106 Clark 17 IN DIVORCE COURT Petitions Earl Johnson vs. Susie Lovie Carter vs. John H. Willis B. Perry vs. Beryl L. DECREES Alice Jones from Tom Florence W. Maupin Dewitt L. (annullment) IN TRAFFIC COURT William Buffkins, 2318 No. 27 av reckless driving, dismissed. Richard Brooks 2615 Parker, recking driving, dismissed Frank Pollack. 3332 Parker, reckless driving continued to August 22. Old? Get Pep, Vjm With IRON; plus supplements CALCIUM, VITAMIN Bi ■ ■ru lA/AMTU of 40. 50. 60. Don't be TUI LPIf old. weak, worn-out.ex IVI hausted. Take Ostrex. Contains tonic often needed after 40 — by bodies old Just because lack ing iron; plus calcium. Vitamin Bi Thousands now feel peppy, years younger. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets TODAY. Get generous "get acquainted” size Or SAVE REAL MONEY—ask druggist to show you the special, btg, money-saving "Economy” size. At all drug stores everywhere.. In Omaha, at WALGREEN and SMITH STORES. PAINT UP IN JULY AUGUST . ] WITH j AK-SAR-BEN PAINTS From The DEVEREAUX’S HARDWARE 8c NOTION STORE G. L. Devereaux Prop. 2416 LAKE St. JA 3326 Handlers of Harware-Glassware Doors-Window Glass • Do Yonr Painting Now | *__. Beauticians HAIR DRESSING r ’ US' For Rent or ’ — , DOT’S BEAUTY SALON , 2031 North 24th St. AT-0459 < Look for Swansons Noodle Giblet Dinner Noodle Chicken Dinner — New Low Prices | At All Grocers Cooperative with President Truman's Program MARY’S CHICKEN HUT, 2722 N. CHICKEN DINNERS 30th St., JA. 8946. Our Chicken Dinners are Something to Crow A bout. Robt. Jones, Propr. LAUNDRIES A CLEANERS EDHOLM A SHERMAN 3401 North 24th St WE. 0051 New & Used Furniture Complete Line—Paint Hardware We Buy, Sell and Trade IDEAL FURNITURE MART 8511-13 North 24th— 24th *“• 1 ~ke —WEb-^r 2224— , "Everything I t The H BUY A LOT in Bedford Park, beauty spot of our community. Call JA-7718. TWO SLEEPING ROOMS ....on car line. Fine for working couple or man. Call HA 7059. FOREIGN JOBS Men Women gov. and private listings, hundreds skill de classifications. 16-pages accur.. ate information $1.00, postpaid.... Satisfaction guaranteed.FOREIGN .JOBS, INC., Baltimore 1, Maryld. WANTED: Clean cut man or wo man for sales work. Strictly commission. Chance to make real money. Allied Appliance Co 205 South 18th St. Badly Needed 3 or 4 Room Apt or House FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. COUPLE AND ONE CHILD WE. 7005 by H. W. Smith The day we celebrate, July 4, is in the making and we should be very thankful that we are living in the land of freedom. We should take time out to celebrate in a commonsense way; and we do hope and pray that discriminat ion and race prejudice will be eliminated for all times and good will and fellowship will exist over the wide world. When July 4 was chosen for Independence Day, It was expected that all races, creeds and colors were equal; and by the help of the Almighty God, mis treating, lynching and false ac cusing of one group will be dis continued. We wish to Announce THE OPENING OF THE G & J Smoke Shop 2118 NORTH 24th Street Everything in the Line of CIGARS, CIGARETTES, & SOFT DRINKS Jackson & Godbey, Props. CLEO’s Nite & Day BARBn 2012 North 21st Su ALL KINDS OF DELICIOUS SANDWICHES •‘OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY” Deliveries Made—Small Fee Charge for the sam®. Call ATlantic 9541